Accidental Dragon Spell [Fury 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Accidental Dragon Spell [Fury 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 9

by Marcy Jacks

  Sebby shook his head. “I don’t understand.”

  Gold aimed to clarify that. “What I’m saying is, what if the mating spell was only there in the beginning? What if the rest, what I feel for you now, is real? That’s basically what a mating is. It pulls two people together, makes them love and care for each other, but something else comes into play with that. Something that can only be brought in by the people involved.”

  Gold inhaled a deep breath. “If I didn’t already fuck this up so badly, would you be willing to stay by my side? Spell or no spell, I want you. I want to keep you.”

  Sebby said nothing at first. Gold’s heart clenched at the sight of his mate struggling to hold back tears.

  Despite everything Gold had put his mate through, Sebby had never once looked as though he’d been about to cry.

  That Gold could push the man to tears was almost beyond belief.

  He held his breath, waiting for an answer.

  Sebby spoke in hushed words. “I…would very much like to stay your mate.”

  His words came out warbled, as though he could hardly bring himself to say these things out loud.

  Gold’s heart spread its little dragon wings and began to fly.

  “You will?”

  Sebby nodded.

  Gold was too much of a bastard to ask the man if he was sure or if he meant it. He was going to take this answer for what it was and be grateful for it.

  He grabbed Sebby by the back of the neck and pulled him forward again, crushing their mouths together, the lust from their mating heat picking up, even now.

  This time, thankfully, Sebby kissed him back.

  The touch of his tongue, frantic and wild against Gold’s as they tried to dominate each other, made his cock throb, hot and heavy.

  Fuck. He might have to tell Silver to go on without him. Gold was going to have to catch up with his brother later on because there was no way he could just leave his mate after this.

  He needed relief.

  Sebby broke the kiss, his breath ragged. “I’ll make it up to you. I’ll be a good mate. You won’t regret this.”

  Again, Gold felt his heart clenching painfully tight.

  Now that he was allowing himself to feel these things, to not simply bottle everything up, he found the rush of emotion and affection for his mate almost intoxicating.

  “Sweetheart, don’t you ever think of making anything up to me. I’ll make it up to you. That’s the way this works.”

  He was going to start by finding Sebby’s father and personally ripping out his fingernails, listening with glee as the man begged for forgiveness for what he’d done to his son.

  Sebby shook his head, but before he could get another word out, Gold crushed their mouths together again.

  He needed more. He needed so much more than this. The taste of his warm mouth and the heat of Sebby’s skin weren’t nearly enough.

  Gold moaned. “Baby, I need you.”

  Sebby nodded, and his hands fumbled with Gold’s belt and pants. He pulled awkwardly at them, trying desperately to undo them and free Gold’s cock.

  “Need you inside me,” he rasped out.

  Gold’s inner dragon sang.

  Silver had been right. The path to happiness really was found by letting it all go.

  Strange. Gold thought he would carry around his resentment forever. Now that it was gone, all he felt was utterly stupid for ever having had it at all.

  Stupid, but lighter, and then he groaned as Sebby’s freed his dick, pulling his cock out in his gentle hand.

  Finally, the confinement of his jeans was no longer going to torment him.

  “Baby,” Gold moaned then shivered as Sebby dropped to his knees on the bench.

  A better man would have told Sebby not to. Gold should be the one to worship Sebby like this, but he couldn’t bring himself to stop the man when that beautiful pink tongue darted out and licked along the column of Gold’s cock.

  From the root to the underside of the head to the tip in a long, leisurely lick, right before Sebby put his lips around the whole thing and began bobbing his head.

  “Oh, baby,” Gold moaned. His hands fell into Sebby’s hair. He gripped it tightly, but not too tight.

  He knew his strength, and warlock or not, Sebby was still human. He wouldn’t be able to handle too much as Gold began thrusting into his mouth, his hips canting along the bench.

  “Fuck, that’s good.”

  Gold reached his hand back, holding tightly to the back of the bench as he continued to fuck into Sebby’s mouth.

  His wicked, beautiful, saintly mouth.

  When Sebby pressed the tip of his tongue to the underside of Gold’s head, Gold nearly exploded.

  Then he laughed. “Sweetheart, I know I said I wanted to be inside you, and while this is great, fuck, this isn’t exactly what I meant.”

  It was a test of willpower just to say no and turn his back to a blowjob. Even now as Sebby hollowed his cheeks and allowed Gold to fuck into his mouth, he was beautiful.

  This was beautiful.

  Everything was beautiful.

  He had to stop thinking the word beautiful. He needed a larger vocabulary.

  He was going to come. Gold didn’t want to come, but at the same time, he did. Then he didn’t have a choice as the suction of Sebby’s mouth, the heat, became too much to bear.

  Sebby merely touched Gold’s testicles, gentle rolling the sensitive sac in his hand before Gold could take no more, coming hard inside his mate’s mouth.

  Feeling Sebby’s swallow, watching the man’s throat work and knowing what he was putting inside himself was almost too hot for Gold to handle.

  His prick was still hard because of course it was. Even after a fantastic orgasm like that, his stupid dick still wanted more.

  Wanted to feel the tight clench of Sebby’s asshole around him.

  That feeling of greed or needing more sensation, more touching, more everything, hit him even harder as Sebby finally pulled back. The man actually wiped away a drop of Gold’s cum from the side of his mouth.

  “Did you like that?” Sebby asked, his tone hopeful.

  Gold nodded. His brain was on fire. His phone rang in his pocket, probably Silver telling him to hurry the hell up.

  He ignored it.

  “I’m fine. Come here.”

  He pulled his mate up and back on the bench into his lap before his hand found Sebby’s cock through his pants.

  “I need to take care of this.”

  Sebby blushed. Fuck, why did this man have to be so damned cute? “You don’t have to.”

  Gold was already undoing his pants, pushing his hand into that hot space. “Yes, I really do.”

  Sebby’s cock jumped in Gold’s hand. A powerful reaction, his dick pulsating as though Gold hadn’t touched him in days.

  Sebby melted against Gold’s chest, his head falling back onto his shoulder. “God.”

  That exposed neck was too much to resist. Gold kissed it, licked it, then gently pressed his teeth to it.

  “Wait for me to come back,” he huffed, his hand still pumping. “Wait for me. I’ll come back for you. We’ll make this work.”

  Gold would make amends.

  Sebby nodded, his face still flushed and his eyes still closed as he fucked into Gold’s hand. “I…I will.”

  That was all Gold wanted to hear.

  He was forced to release Sebby’s cock in a desperate bid to push down the man’s pants, to expose him.

  Only then did Gold curse.

  He didn’t have anything to slick Sebby with.

  Sebby, it seemed, wasn’t going to take that lying down. The man actually put his fingers into his mouth, licking them, before bringing his hand back to his pucker.

  “That’s not enough.”

  Sebby shook his head. “Don’t care.”

  And when Gold watched those fingers push inside his body, he didn’t care either.

  “I need you,” Sebby moaned, thrusting his finger
s again and again, stretching himself, making himself ready.

  How could Gold say no to that?

  Gold pushed his fingers into his mouth, as well, then thought better of it and used some of the pre-cum forming at the head of his cock.

  It wasn’t much, but it was better than nothing.

  He pushed Sebby’s fingers out of the way.

  “I love watching you masturbate, but I’m doing this now.”

  Sebby nodded, his face still flushed, as though he couldn’t wait for more.

  And he moaned a soft, helpless noise when it was Gold’s fingers that penetrated him.

  Gold pushed deeper. He was pleased with how easily Sebby’s body accepted him, but with this minimalistic approach, he was going to have to work slowly.

  “I want to fuck you, hard and fast. In my lap, on your hands and knees, in every position I can stick you in, I want to fuck you,” Gold growled, still thrusting his fingers, still getting off on the way Sebby trembled in his lap, in the way he mewled with pleasure.

  He had to move softly. Gold reminded himself of that again and again.

  Slow and steady would win this race.

  Which was difficult considering how much Sebby urged him to hurry.

  “Gold, s-stop it. I…I want…I can’t…”

  “I know, baby.”

  He felt the same way, which was why he pulled his fingers free and gave Sebby what he really wanted.

  It was a touch more difficult to push his cockhead inside of that tight hole with what they’d used, which was, again, why he insisted on taking his time, but when the crown did pop through, Sebby and Gold both let out a collective moan.

  “That’s it,” Gold moaned.

  Sebby shook his head. “H-hurry up. I need it. I need it.”

  Gold slowly rocked his hips. Up and down into Sebby’s body, he allowed his prick to sink into him inch by sweet inch with every thrust.

  Sebby gripped Gold’s thighs tight enough that he was going to leave the territory with handprints.

  Gold almost couldn’t believe it, but the thought of being marked by his mate was such a turn-on, it brought his orgasm to the forefront once more.

  “I’m…I’m close,” Sebby moaned.

  “Me, too.”

  God, he was so close already. What did Sebby do to him? How was it that this man could have Gold wrapped around his little finger like this? Could a mating really be this powerful?

  It must be because then Gold came to his pleasure, hot, heavy, and fast. He spilled deep within his mate and reached around just in time to find Sebby’s cock, to grip it just enough to feel the warmth of Sebby’s orgasm coating Gold’s hand.

  And it was perfect.

  Even as they writhed in each other’s arms, riding out their pleasure, Gold could think of nothing else but how peaceful this was, how perfect it was that the first time he’d really allowed himself to make love to his mate would be right here.

  And then they came down off that high, and there was nothing else left for them but the silence.

  Gold wrapped his arms around Sebby’s middle. He kissed the man’s shoulder. They were both still mostly clothed. It was almost a shame. Gold wanted to get Sebby entirely naked and worship his body. He wanted to get to work on making amends right now. He didn’t want to leave.

  Even if it was for a good reason.

  “I have to go,” he said regretfully.

  He felt the stall in Sebby’s chest.

  “Just…even if you change your mind when you’re gone—”

  “I won’t.”

  “Promise me you’ll come back safe?”

  Gold was struck dumb by that. By the idea that his mate could still be worrying about him, that despite everything, Sebby worried for Gold.

  Gold smiled, feeling suddenly light. “Don’t worry. I’ll go off with the guys, we’ll kick ass, and I’ll be back in time to do this to you again tonight. I’ll make sure of it. Might even bring dinner. Light a few candles. You know, proper mating stuff.”

  He was happy when Sebby looked back at him and smiled.

  “All right. It’s a date.”

  “Good. So, before I left, I was thinking I could carve our names into the tree over there.”




  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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