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Not Husband Material: Billionaire's Contract Series

Page 13

by Violet Paige

“I think you should sit for this,” I teased.

  Jeremy walked backward until he was on the couch. I positioned myself between his legs.

  “Take your shirt off,” he demanded. “Not the glasses.”

  I threaded it over my head and tossed it on the floor, before returning my lips to his cock.

  It was going to take a few tries to accommodate him. I was out of practice. The one time I had started this at Bella’s was when he came to with the great epiphany we should elope.

  I wanted to do this right. I wanted him to walk out of the door for work, knowing his wife had given him the best blow job of his life.

  I focused on my mission and inhaled his masterpiece, sliding my lips to the base.

  “Oh fuck,” he growled, grabbing the back of my head. “Shit. I’ve wanted to fuck your pretty mouth like this. I didn’t get to finish the other night, did I?”

  He bucked and I gagged quickly before moving my mouth up and down his shaft. I could do this. I could take his enormous cock. If this man could give me the kind of unbelievable head he did, I’d give him a blow job he’d never forget.

  “Oh your hot little mouth is fucking heaven.” He breathed heavy.

  I smiled between thrusts.

  “Now touch yourself,” he commanded.

  I shook my head. This was about him. I wanted him to come for me.

  “Touch that pretty pussy of yours, baby. Sink your fingers inside yourself and come hard.”

  My eyes widened. He had totally missed the point. This was all about him, but my hand traveled south. I started to writhe and moan as I touched myself. I was so tender and sore. I’d been having sex for three straight days. My body was in need of some down time.

  As I massaged and explored my own body my pace picked up.

  He groaned. “That’s it, baby. So much better. Fuck yourself.” And then I realized this made him focus on himself. It was his turn on. I kept the hidden delight a secret. The more I brought myself to the brink, the better the blowjob was for him. I purred on his cock, letting him enjoy the vibrations on his shaft.

  He grunted and thrust and I fingered myself faster until I felt the first burst of come in my mouth. He yanked my head so that he shot his release down my throat.

  “Fuck,” he growled.

  He released me just as my own orgasm peaked. I sat back, sliding my fingers in and out while Jeremy watched in awe.

  I cried out with the last wave and leaned against the couch for support.

  He kissed me on the temple. “Thank you.”

  He stood to get dressed. “Don’t ever question my sincerity when it comes to you in a pair of glasses.”

  I nodded, exhausted and happy. I pushed them against my nose.

  He laughed. “And they’re fucking cute.”

  “Have a good day at work, honey.”

  He grabbed his keys and wallet and pulled the door open. “I will. See you for the press conference at four.”

  The door closed behind him and I exhaled. Today was going to be hard as hell, but no matter what happened, we had started it by making each other happy. I had no doubt that experience would keep me on his mind until we saw each other again. And I had a feeling I needed ammunition like that where Sasha was concerned.



  In the elevator ride to the parking garage I had a few seconds of quiet. A moment to catch my breath after Evie had stolen it. I leaned into the wood paneling.

  She had surprised me. Shocked me. What she did back there wasn’t going to get her pregnant. I hadn’t touched her. She did it for entirely different reasons. Reasons I wasn’t prepared for. Damn it. We were crossing and blurring lines, and I didn’t think I wanted to stop it. I enjoyed them too much. I fucking loved getting messy with Evie.

  The doors retracted and I walked to my car. I wanted to drive to the office today and let Evie have the private car. Her reaction to the credit card reaffirmed my initial instincts about her. She wasn’t in this for the money. But after the blow job, I realized she was in this for more than the baby. Something else had started to drive her.

  The car purred to life and I spun out of the garage.

  After today, she wasn’t going to be my little secret any more. The rest of the world would know who Evie Rossi was, or Evie Hartwell. It would come as a shock to everyone. Evie’s family wasn’t handling it well. I wondered how the rest of Newton Hills would accept the news. They would either embrace us as the high school sweethearts we should have always been, or they’d vilify us as the town villains. It was a toss-up in that small town.

  I checked my watch as I parked at the office. Even with my Evie distraction, I was on time. I grinned, quickly jogging up the stairs.

  I pulled open the glass doors to the office complex and strolled inside, ready to make amends with Sasha and bring her into the fold. I needed her support on this.

  The conference room was ajar. I pushed the door open.

  I’d know that balding silhouette anywhere.


  He twirled in the seat. Sasha was next to him.

  “Good morning. Your associate and I were waiting for you to arrive.”

  “She’s my partner,” I corrected him.

  “Yes, of course.” He smiled at Sasha.

  “What brings you to New York? And so early?” I asked.

  “Your mother has hired me.”

  I shoved my hands in my pockets. “Can she do that? I thought you represented my father’s estate.”

  “I represent your parents. I have always worked for your family.”

  “Convenient for her.” I rocked back on my heels. “What can I do for you, Byron?”

  “I hear congratulations are in order for you and the new Mrs. Hartwell.”

  “Thank you.” I wasn’t going to take the bait. I wouldn’t play his game. He wanted a reaction from me, or possibly he was trying to get something from Sasha. I still didn’t know how he knew about the marriage.

  “Maybe you’d like to attend the press conference this afternoon, Byron. You can be my guest.”

  “Press conference?” It was the first time Sasha had spoken.

  I looked at her. It was one of the things I needed to discuss with her, but not under these circumstances. “Yes, I thought since we kept the wedding private, we could share some good news with the world.” I smiled. “We could all use some good news, don’t you think?”

  “I’d like to be there,” Byron stated.

  “I’ll give you the address. It’s in the lobby of my building.”

  “Looking forward to it.” He reached for his fedora, resting on the table.

  Sasha took a step to the side for him to pass. Her heels looked even higher this morning.

  “Byron,” I called as he ambled to the reception area.

  He turned. “Yes?”

  “You never did say why you stopped by. You’re a long way from Newton Hills.”

  He reached in his worn leather briefcase. It looked as if it could have been a gift he received when he first graduated law school. I would put money on it that the case was fifty years old.

  “For you.” He handed me a manila envelope. “Your mother has officially contested the will.”

  I shook my head. “She doesn’t need the money.” I gritted my teeth.

  “I’m not going to debate the merits of my client’s wishes. We’ll see you in arbitration. I’d like to think this will never make it to court.”

  “None of that will happen. I’m married. I’m in position to inherit the Hartwell Global fortune. And I will.”

  “Is there an heir I don’t know about?” he asked. “Did you and your wife pick up a baby while you were in Ashville?”

  I could hear Sasha’s gasp behind me.

  “There will be a baby. And that day will be the day I have everything. There’s nothing you can do about it, Byron. You knew my father’s wishes. You wrote the damn thing.”

  He placed the hat on his head. “I look forward t
o meeting your wife.”

  The elevator closed and his was gone.

  “A baby?” Sasha raged.

  I turned. “You don’t know the whole story.”

  She stormed into the conference room. I closed the door behind us. It was bad enough the receptionist may have overheard some of my family’s dirty laundry.

  Her pale eyes flared. “You are going to have a baby with someone you just married?” She put her fingertips to her forehead as if she had a sudden headache. “Tell me this is a nightmare. Tell me there is some other way you’re getting the money.”

  “It’s the only way.” I looked at her.

  “A baby? You’re going to have a baby with someone?”

  “I don’t know why you’re struggling with this.” I looked through the window. A few employees had gathered in front of the reception area. “It was the last despicable thing my father did. I imagine he thought he could tie me down. Make me embrace a conventional lifestyle. The mansion on the hill with a white picket fence, complete with a smiling wife who bakes cookies in heels and an apron while our baby watches from a high chair. Sounds like he tried to deliver a fantasy, but I know better. It was his last attempt to control me. To force me into a life I never wanted.” I huffed. “And he punished my mother in the process. He got us both, at least until Evie.”

  She pressed her palms into the glass of the conference table. “We have been partners for years. I can’t believe you would keep this from me. That you’d make a decision like this without me.”

  I exhaled. “It wasn’t like that. I didn’t go to the will reading with a plan. I didn’t know what was in the damn thing until he read it out loud. There was no strategy. I left the attorney’s office defeated. I thought I had lost it all. But I saw Evie again and it fell into place. She was the answer to my prayers.” I had to stop myself from saving how much she had saved me. How being with her in a short time had already changed everything.

  It shook me when I saw tears in Sasha’s eyes. “It could have fallen into place for us.”


  She put a hand up. “No. No. You don’t get to talk to me right now. You’re a dick, Jeremy. A completely selfish dick.”

  “Wait. Have you been… have you thought all this time… ” She was a business shark. I respected the hell out of her. I wasn’t going to pretend she wasn’t incredible in bed when we were together, but mother material? No. I’d never put that label on her. There was a side to Sasha that was dark and cold.

  “You should have considered what I could have offered to this deal.” Her eyes pierced me. “You should have realized what kind of force we could have been together.”


  “I didn’t not consider you. I didn’t consider anyone. I didn’t want to get married. You know me. You know that about me. It’s exactly why my dad put it in the will.”

  “But her? Someone without an ounce of business background? What can she possibly do for you? She has nothing to add to the portfolio. No connections. No money. What value is she?”

  Something primal broke free in my chest. Evie was mine. She was my wife. I valued her, and nothing else mattered once I realized that.

  “She’s going to give me a baby, Sasha. I married her because I wanted to marry her.”

  I slammed my fist on the table.

  Sasha stepped back. My admission had surprised both of us.

  I hung my head. “I need your support. I need to know you’re going to be on my side. This marriage has to be a success to inherit the money. We need Evie if we’re going to buy the team. And you know I need you too, Sasha. I always have. It’s not going to work without you.”

  “I don’t know,” she whispered.

  “The press conference is at four.” I looked at her, but she couldn’t meet my eyes. “I need your answer by then.”

  I walked out of the room.



  I wrung my hands together. I paced in front of the giant sets of windows. Was my dress too tight? Not tight enough? I plucked at the V-dip between my breasts. Was I showing too much cleavage? I groaned. I had put my faith in the girl at the boutique, and now I wished I could go back and buy something else. Cream silk seemed too innocent and pure for what Jer and I had been planning and doing.

  The door opened and I almost threw myself in his arms. He wore a scowl instead of a smile.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  He stood in front of the couch. The frown evaporated. “You look gorgeous.” He shifted my hair to one shoulder. “There. Just like that.”

  “I tried on a hundred different outfits. You’re sure this is ok?”

  “You look like a fitting newlywed. So sweet and virginal.” He waggled his eyebrows.

  “Something upset you. Want to talk about it before we head downstairs?” I prodded.

  He shook his head. “No. I have to change. The press is already in the lobby. The crowd is only going to get larger. I’ll be right back.”

  I waited while he dressed in the bedroom and returned a few minutes later, smelling incredibly delicious. I loved his cologne.

  He held my hand as we descended to the lobby in the elevator. Jeremy leaned toward me. “I’ve got you. Ok?”

  I nodded.

  “Just smile and keep that left hand out front.” He winked and the doors retracted.

  I wanted to hold my hand up to block the flashes from blinding me. It was overwhelming and scary. Jer squeezed my palm as we approached the podium. He wanted me to stand next to him. I was just to his left, so everyone could take pictures of the diamond he bought me.

  I didn’t know how he fielded the questions so easily. Years in front of sports reporters and TV cameras helped. They wanted to know if we took classes together in high school. They asked how long we dated before Jeremy proposed. Someone wanted an answer about how we would split our time between Newton Hills and New York.

  Jeremy seemed happy. He wasn’t as tense as when he first arrived home. There wasn’t a question he couldn’t answer.

  Until the last one.

  “Ok. I’ll take one more.” He grinned his million-dollar smile. “Jolene in the back. Haven’t seen you in a while. What do you have for me?”

  The reporter smiled. “Where are you taking Mrs. Hartwell on your honeymoon?”

  Jeremy froze. I looked at him. It was the first time I had seen him go pale. Every answer flowed off his tongue until now.

  I squeezed his hand three times, tugging him back to the room. There were fifty people waiting for his response.

  His eyes moved to mine. I shrugged. “Say something,” I whispered.

  “She likes things very hot.” He smiled, facing the crowd. My eyes bulged. That seemed awfully personal to announce to a room full of strangers. “We’re leaving in the morning for Tahiti.”

  I formed a huge O with my mouth, but Jeremy immediately kissed me, dipping me in his arms. He whispered, “Throw that rock around my neck.”

  I nodded, drinking in his lips and flashing my ring for the cameras.

  “Tahiti?” I whispered.

  “I panicked,” he admitted. “We can pack tonight. It will be fun, right?”

  “It will be perfect.” It was unexpected. My heart hammered under my ribs.

  We turned toward the reporters together. I knew the press conference was for show. It was part of his plan to throw the investigative attorneys off our scent, but I couldn’t help feel like we were a team. It was us against them.

  “Thanks for coming. We’re glad we could share the news with everyone.” He waved and shuffled me back toward the elevators. But before they closed, Jeremy held the button.

  There was a tall curvy blonde in front of us.


  I had only seen a picture of her on Jeremy’s phone. That picture didn’t begin to show how beautiful she was. I wanted to shrink in the corner of the elevator.

  “I wanted to meet your wife.”

  “Ride up?” he offered.<
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  She stepped inside the elevator with us. Suddenly the space was claustrophobic. Her designer suit was flawless. So was her hair and skin. I could smell her expensive French perfume.

  “I’ll introduce you,” Jeremy sputtered. “Evie this is Sasha, my business partner in everything. And Sasha, I’d like you to meet Evie.”

  I extended my hand toward her. She shook it quickly.

  “Nice to meet you.” I smiled.

  “And you.”

  The elevator emptied us on the top floor. “Would you like to come in for a drink?” Jeremy asked.

  “No.” She shook her head. “I came by to let you know I’m on board with the project.”

  He smiled slowly. “That’s good. Certainly, worth celebrating.” He nodded toward the door. “Join us. It would be good for you and Evie.”

  “Another time,” she argued. “It sounds like you’re taking off more time? Another surprise.”

  It was my turn to come to the rescue. I wrapped my arms around my husband. “Jer needs time off. He never takes vacation days. And I’ve wanted this honeymoon.” I looked up at him. “I’ve always wanted to go to Tahiti. He’s romantic, don’t you think?” There were a lot of things I didn’t believe were happening right now. I could add defending Jer as one of them.

  “I see.” Sasha looked at him. “He’s a lot of things, but I would never have used the word romantic.” She pressed her glossy red lips together. “I guess I can hold things down while you’re gone.”

  “Thanks, Sasha. Maybe you can try out a vacation when I get back.”

  “I don’t take vacations,” she stated.

  “Crazy things have been happening lately,” he chuckled, opening the door. “Good-bye then?”

  I had a feeling she wanted to say more. That there was something in her look, but she ducked into the elevator and was gone.

  “She’s intense.”

  He huffed. “You have no idea.”

  We walked inside.

  “Do you think it went ok?” I asked. “Is it what you wanted?”

  He nodded. “You were perfect. Gorgeous. Sexy. Everything.”


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