Broken Bonds: The London Crime Syndicate - A Dark British Mafia Romance

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Broken Bonds: The London Crime Syndicate - A Dark British Mafia Romance Page 12

by Brit Vosper

  I followed him into the house and went to fetch a glass from the kitchen while he headed into the living room. He stood in the centre eyeing over the dated walls when I came back in.

  “Love what you’ve done with the place… precisely fuck all.”

  I picked up the bottle of scotch from the old, wooden coffee table and shrugged my shoulders. “What do you want me to do? Fill it with lace doilies and scatter cushions?”

  He smiled and shook his head as I handed over his glass. He took a seat in the armchair near the window as I sat and refilled my own. He sipped the scotch then screwed his face and coughed like he’d drunk a mouth full of vinegar.

  “What is this shit you’re drinking? Are you trying to fucking poison me?”

  I rolled my eyes at his foul mood. “Are you gonna bitch the whole fucking time you’re here?”

  He downed the glass, coughed again and held it out for a refill. “Probably. It was a long fucking drive.”

  I handed him the bottle. “So, who is this guy?”

  He poured his own drink while talking. “Lawrence Caldwell. He’s an associate of the Kendal brothers. A real hard-nosed bastard, doesn’t take no shit. You’ll like him.”

  “He sounds delightful.” I raised my glass in mock salute and took a sip.

  “He’s had girls in the past, but they were all from the Russians, I believe. I called him after the fiasco with William. Turns out he’s after another, and would rather have British stock this time around. He’s got the cash, so he’s willing to pay a premium for the right girl.”

  “Lucky for us, the Russians prefer quantity over quality.”

  He nodded in agreement. “If the blonde isn’t right though. He’ll commission a find.”

  “That should keep me busy.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “And out of trouble?”

  I gave him a fake smile. Knowing full well he was hinting at my behaviour with Olivia. “More than likely.”

  The buzzer for the gate intercom rang on my phone. I checked the screen then glared at Marcus. “You gave him the address, but not the gate code?”

  He shrugged. “Can’t give him everything.”

  I answered and buzzed him in.

  We both walked out to see a silver McLaren come through the trees. Its low, sleek body made short work of the long drive. Pulling up to the left of ours, Lawrence killed the engine and climbed out. Everything about him matched his ride. High powered, tailored, good looking, and moved with control. With his dark, slicked hair and expensive suit, he’d fit better in the boardrooms of Canary Wharf more than he would dealing with hardened criminals in the underbelly of London.

  It made me wonder why he’d need to buy a girl at all. He didn’t look like the type.

  Marcus greeted him while I hung back, preferring to give an aloof first impression. They approached, and Lawrence offered his hand with a charming smile that didn’t reach his icy blue eyes. “Lawrence Caldwell. Pleased to meet you, Aaron.” His voice was deep, and his words perfectly enunciated.

  I took his hand and nodded. “Likewise.”

  Marcus was right. For first impressions, I liked him. He gave off the air of a man who knew what he was doing. The type who stayed in control no matter the situation. Unlike most of the degenerates Marcus brought my way.

  I gestured towards house. “Shall we?”

  They both nodded and followed me in. Marcus chatted to him about some guy called Ivan, while I went into the kitchen to fetch another glass, and the decent scotch. It didn’t go unnoticed.

  Marcus looked up at me with offence wide in his eyes. “I see. You serve me the shit, but bring out the good stuff when someone else arrives.”

  I smiled as I poured the new glass. “He’s civilised company. You’re a philistine that drinks too much.”

  He turned to Lawrence and shook his head. “You know who your mates are.”

  Then looked up at me and gestured for the bottle with his fingers. Sighing, I handed it over, and gave the glass to Lawrence.

  He nodded his appreciation and took a sip, before placing it on the table, and setting straight to business. “Tell me about the girl.” His sharp, piercing gaze locked on to mine, and refused to move. “How old?”

  “Twenty-one, she’ll be twenty-two next April,” I replied.



  “Does she have a passport?”

  I shook my head. “No”

  Marcus chimed in. “We can sort that. Any documentation you need.”

  He nodded at Marcus in acknowledgement before turning his no-nonsense gaze back my way. “What’s her personality type?”

  “Meek and submissive, but extremely nervous. She wouldn’t do well under an abusive hand.”

  He raised his eyebrows and nodded in confirmation. “That’s why you don’t want her to go, yet.”

  “Exactly. She’ll need months of firm guidance, and someone she can trust before she’s confident in her role. Then, she’ll be a great acquisition. As dedicated and loyal as you’d ever find.”

  He held his palms open and cocked his head to the side. “What if I could give her the training she needs?”

  “I’d say all the best to you and remind you there are no returns. It’s your choice.”

  He nodded. “That’s reasonable enough.”

  Marcus put his empty glass on the table and rubbed his hands together. “Shall we go see her?”

  I narrowed my eyes at him, knowing what his game was. “I’ll bring her up.”

  He gave me a cocky grin. “We can go down. Wouldn’t want to risk her running again, would we?”

  Lawrence looked between us, well aware of the shift in tension. “She ran?”

  I held my glare at Marcus and sighed before turning back to Lawrence. “Long story, bad situation. She’ll be fine.”

  Marcus strolled through us and headed out the door towards the kitchen, holding the frame as he grinned back at me. “It’s not too much effort on our part, is it?”

  My jaw clicked as I gritted my teeth. “I guess not.”

  Gesturing with my hand for Lawrence to follow, I pulled the keys from my pocket and headed into the kitchen. Marcus stood waiting, his arms crossed, and a satisfied look plastered over his smug face. I’d never wanted to punch him so much.

  Unlocking the doors, I held the inner one open for them to walk through. Olivia’s chain rattled, she would’ve heard the extra footsteps. I was glad I’d tied her back up. I turned the corner and joined them in front of Lucy’s cell. She was in her usual kneel position. Her long, blonde hair quivered over her face.

  Marcus stepped forward and gestured to the bars. “This is her.”

  She must’ve recognised his voice as she tensed and her whole body shook.

  “Stand,” I commanded.

  She did as she was told, raising her head and clearing the hair from her sweet, porcelain face. But there was no smile to greet me today. Her petrified stare was fixed on the two men at my side.

  “Lucy, this is Lawrence, and you must remember Marcus.” I heard Olivia rustle in her cell at the mention of Marcus’ name.

  Lucy’s eyes flicked to mine, then straight back to the men. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Lawrence is here to look at you. Do exactly as he says.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She glanced at me again, and switched her focus to Lawrence. Her terrified eyes scanning him like she was trying to work out how much threat he posed.

  I unlocked the bars and gestured for Lawrence to enter. Lucy watched every movement and studied every detail as he walked in.

  “Hello, Lucy. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He held out his hand, and she flinched back. Her eyes shot to mine.

  I nodded, trying to give her some reassurance. Turning his palm upwards, Lawrence kept it held out until she relaxed and shook it.

  “Hello, Lawrence. It’s a pleasure to meet you, too.” Lucy’s quiet voice faltered with nerves as she spoke.

  He softened his body language, an
d his tone. Giving her the charming smile that worked on me moments earlier. “I know you’re scared, but I can assure you, I’m not here to hurt you. I just want to see what you’re like.”

  She nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

  “You can call me Law. All my friends do.”

  “Yes, Law.”

  Marcus stepped back and turned towards Olivia’s cell; I knew he would. I was sure Lawrence was a convenient excuse to get in front of Olivia. Now, I was stuck with the choice of staying to watch over Lucy, or keeping a watch over Marcus.

  Lawrence knew what he was doing, I figured I could trust him. The same couldn’t be said for Marcus. As I stepped back, Lucy’s panicked eyes darted to mine.

  I held my hand up. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

  Marcus was approaching the bars as I walked over. He shook his head as he stared at her. A gentle smile rose on his face. “You look just like your mother.” He sighed, glanced at me then back at her. “I can see why he likes you.”

  He couldn’t leave it alone.

  Olivia stood as far as she could get to the bars. Her arms crossed and a scowl so vicious on her face it could rival Marcus’ trademark.

  She glanced up at me as I came into view, but her hatred was targeted only for him. “Marcus, I presume.”

  He nodded. “You presume correctly. How are you finding the accommodations?”

  She jutted her chin. “I’ve stayed in better.”

  “How about Aaron? Is he treating you well?”

  Her eyes narrowed as they met mine, and she chewed her lip in frustration. “He’s an arsehole.”

  Marcus gave me a cocky half-grin, but I could see irritation behind it. “I think she likes you, too.”

  I folded my arms and glared at him. “What are you doing, Marcus?”

  He shrugged. “Assessing the situation.”

  “What’s to assess?”

  His face straightened, and he stared at me with a dead expression. “Plenty.”

  “What do you want from me, Marcus?” Olivia called back his attention.

  Taking a step towards her cell, he held her stare and shook his head. “From you, darling, I want absolutely nothing.” He laughed and gestured a hand towards me. “He might want something from you, but I don’t.”

  Olivia’s nose creased in confusion. “Then what the fuck am I doing here?”

  “I want you away from Gian. It’s him I’m after.”

  She huffed. “Do you think you can use me to get to him?”

  Marcus smiled. “Something like that.”

  Olivia’s hard scowl reappeared as she hissed. “Good luck with that one.”

  He chuckled, unfazed by her assumptions. “Thanks. Now I have you though, luck shouldn’t feature in to it.” He dropped his stare, walked forward to the cage and held onto the bars. “I just need you to sit pretty for a while.”

  Olivia smirked. “Did you think taking me would lure Gian into whatever little trap you’ve set?”

  Marcus’ smile faded, and he kissed his teeth. “Maybe.”

  Olivia gave him a condescending laugh. “I think you’ve underestimated my father.”

  Marcus straightened and folded his arms. “Really? I think I know him pretty well.”

  She laughed again and shook her head. “You’re not the first one to try something like this. It didn’t end well for that guy.”

  He shifted his weight onto his heels as he studied her. The soft smile edging his lips once more. “How did it end?”

  “I told you, not well. Let’s just say this scenario could end in multiple ways, but none of them will include you killing my father. I can guarantee you that.”

  He leant forward and pressed his face into the bars. “I think you’ve underestimated me.”

  She huffed and smiled. “You mean, I’ve massively underestimated your naivety. I’ll agree to that, Marcus. Taking me will have done nothing, but piss him off. He won’t suddenly forget all his ruthless tactics because I’m missing. He won’t run around the city searching for his poor, helpless daughter.” She laughed. “I don’t mean that much to him.” She folded her arms and gave him a wicked smile. “Are you so stupid to think you could out-smart Gian by using me as bait? My father will be three steps ahead of whatever plan you’ve concocted, and he’ll make sure he brings you to your knees in the worst way possible.”

  He chewed his lip as he stared at her. The frustration clear in his clenching jaw. Marcus may be my friend and business partner, but I couldn’t help cheering Olivia on. The way she handled him was better than I’ve seen from far more intimidating people. He wasn’t too happy when he turned and saw me smiling. His narrowed eyes told me I’d hear about that later.

  He called up to Lucy’s cell. “Lawrence, what do you think of this one?”

  I swallowed and pulled my arms in tighter. The bars to Lucy’s cell closed and his footsteps approached from behind. He stood next to Marcus and eyed Olivia over. I didn’t like him so much now.

  “She’s attractive,” Lawrence said as his eyes fixed on hers.

  Marcus smiled. “Feisty, too. Aren’t you, sweetheart?”

  “Go fuck yourselves.”

  Marcus elbowed him in the side, but kept his eyes on my reactions. “Depends what you want? I might be able to give you a good price on this one.”

  “She’s not for sale.” I spoke before I could stop myself. All three of them stared at me.

  Marcus cocked his head to the side. “Isn’t she now?”

  I stood my ground. “No, she’s not.”

  “Why not?”

  There was no other reason than I didn’t want her to go to anyone else. Marcus had already figured that out.

  Lawrence looked between us and broke the tension. “That’s fine. I prefer submissive types. This one appears to be more trouble than she’s worth.”

  Marcus laughed. “You don’t know the half of it.” He turned towards Lawrence and walked him up to the other cells. “So, how about the blonde?”

  “Marcus,” Olivia called.

  He stopped, dropped his head and turned to face her. “Yes, dear?”

  “Where’s Darryl’s boy?”

  His eyebrows raised before furrowing. “Gone.”

  She glared at him with a seething hatred. “Gone where?” Her sharp voice tinged with anger.

  He smiled. “Just gone.”

  This one had lost me. I flicked my hands at Marcus. “Who the fuck’s Darryl, and why would you know his son?”

  Marcus shook his head. “No one and I don’t.” He turned back to Lawrence and led him up to Lucy’s cell.

  The colour had drained from Olivia’s face. The fight and anger that consumed her seconds earlier had vanished. Now, she looked ashen and overcome with grief. My heart pulled towards her. “Are you okay?”

  She glanced up at me with sorrowful eyes and nodded. Then turned to walk to the back of her cell. She slumped against the wall and slid to the ground. I longed to comfort her. Do something, anything to make her feel better. But I knew I couldn’t whilst Marcus was here. I left her alone, locked the doors and went to join them upstairs.

  Marcus perched on the arm of the chair. “Where do you want delivery to?”

  Lawrence stood by the window tapping into his phone. He glanced at him. “I’d prefer to pick her up from here, if that’s possible?”

  Marcus looked over at me. “Aaron?”

  I raised my hands. “Fine with me. Saves me the hassle.”

  Marcus turned back to Lawrence. “As soon as we’ve confirmed the payment, I’ll contact you to arrange a time.”

  “No problem.” Lawrence slipped his phone into his pocket, looked up and smiled at Marcus. “It should be within the next twenty-four hours.” Then reached out his hand. “Good to finally do business.”

  Marcus stood and shook it. “May it be the start of much more.”

  Lawrence came over, offered his hand and gave me a knowing smile. “Good to meet you, Aaron. Best of luck with your girl.”

>   I smiled. “You too. Something tells me you’ll have a lot less trouble than I will.”

  He laughed. “I know I will. See you in a day or so. I’ll let myself out.” He passed me and headed for the front door.

  Marcus waited till he’d left before reaching for the scotch. I expected him to fly at me as soon as Lawrence left, so this was either a good sign, or a really bad fucking omen.

  He poured himself a glass, sat back and glared at me. “It’s finally happened.”

  “What? You got put in your place?”

  He huffed and took a drink. “No. You’ve fallen for a girl.”

  I rolled my eyes and sighed. “I’ve fallen for nothing.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “It had to happen one day. You wouldn’t be immune from it forever. Even with your fucked up upbringing and your sadistic streak. You’re still human, still a man. After it happened to me, I wished I’d had someone to do what I’ll do for you now.”

  “I haven’t… nothing’s changed.”

  He sat forward in the chair. “Give me a break, Aaron. She’s not for sale, is she? Who the fuck are you talking to? I’ve known you for thirteen years, never once have I seen you act like this.”

  I leant against the doorframe and held his stare. There wasn’t an argument or a reason I could give to defend myself, he was right. He may not be educated, but he was a perceptive motherfucker.

  “You’ve gone soft, and I can’t have that endangering the business.”

  I scoffed. “Hold on. Soft is a bit much, don’t you think?”

  “Do you want me to list the instances?”

  I avoided his eyes and glanced out of the window to the fields beyond. “Not particularly.”

  “You were supposed to stay away from her.” Anger tinged the growl in his voice.

  “I have,” I said too defensively as I turned back to him. Then inspected my nails. “Mostly.”

  “I can’t allow it, Aaron. This can’t continue.”

  Looking back up, I studied the anger written over his hard, unforgiving face. “I’ll stay away from her. From now on.”

  Marcus laughed and shook his head. “No, you won’t.”

  “You don’t trust me?”


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