Protected by the Badman (Russian Bratva Book 6)

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Protected by the Badman (Russian Bratva Book 6) Page 24

by Hayley Faiman

  “The jury is loving this shit,” Radcliff whispers in my ear.

  I nod slightly, my eyes never leaving Quinn’s. The prosecution tries to ask some bullshit questions, but they’ve pretty much given up at this point. They’ve lost, and they know it.

  The entire jury is somber and weepy from Quinn’s testimony. Even if they thought I killed Oswald Johnson, they now understand that it was in defense of my wife, and they would never convict me.

  The jurors are excused, and we empty the courtroom to wait for them to come back. I assume it’s going to be just Radcliff, his second chair, and me, but when we walk inside of the room where I’m to wait for the jurors to deliberate my fate, my wife’s smile greets me.

  I WATCH HIM ENTER the room, and I can’t hold back my smile. He looks good; a little pale, but so good. I don’t hesitate as I hurry over to him as fast as my high heels will take me, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and lifting my head so that I can press my lips to his.

  Ziven moans as one of his hands grabs hold of my ass, and the other fists in my hair to tilt my head to the side as he takes over the kiss.

  I whimper when his tongue slips into my mouth. It’s been so long since I’ve tasted him that I feel like I’m going to turn into a pile of mush at his feet.

  Someone clears their throat, and Ziven’s hands clench my ass and hair hard before he lets go of me. I’m panting, my lips surely swollen and my eyes hazy with lust as I stare at his mouth.

  “Soon, katyonak,” he murmurs just loud enough for me to hear.

  “Shall we sit?” Radcliff asks.

  We all sit down, and I sit as physically close to Ziven as possible. I sigh when he takes my hand in his. I look down at his fingers in mine, and trace the tattoos on the back of his hand while he and his people talk.

  Mika is in the corner of the room, and I hear his voice every now and then, as well. I can’t pay attention to any of them, though, not when Ziven is touching me—finally touching me.

  “You did good up there, katyonak. I was very proud of you,” Ziven whispers.

  I lift my head slightly and look up at him.

  “I was afraid you’d be mad,” I admit.

  “I probably would have forbidden you to do it, had I known,” he rumbles. My mouth drops open as I look at him with surprise. “But only because I wouldn’t have wanted you to be upset. Saying all of that publicly, it’s upsetting.”

  “I’m okay,” I lie.

  Well, it’s not a complete lie.

  I am okay. It was scary, and I didn’t want to relive it all, but I handled it. I don’t know how I’ll be tonight, when I lay down in bed alone. Will I have nightmares because I talked about it again? I don’t know.

  “So strong, Quinn. You’re so strong,” he praises as he squeezes my hand gently.

  Conversation amongst everybody dies down as a snack is brought in, and we all eat it quietly while we wait. Matthew says that if they don’t have a verdict today, then we’ll have to come back tomorrow, and every day after that until a verdict is agreed upon.

  “I’m scared,” I admit, looking over to Ziven.

  “Don’t I always protect you, katyonak?” he asks, arching his brow.

  “This isn’t up to you. This is up to a group of people to decide your fate,” I say, shaking my head slightly.

  “Do you think I’m going to allow anybody to send me away, keep me away from you for very long?” he asks.

  “You wouldn’t let it happen on purpose; but Ziven, you don’t have control over this.”

  “Neither do you, so don’t worry,” he shrugs.

  I hate how nonchalant he’s being. How he isn’t worried or thinking of what-if’s. Truthfully, there’s nothing that he can do at this point but wait. Irrationally, I want him to be as worried and stressed out as I am right now.

  “The verdict is in,” someone announces from the doorway.

  I didn’t even hear the door open, but there is a court employee and a police officer waiting to escort Ziven back to the courtroom.

  “I love you,” I whisper turning to him and cupping his cheeks with my hands.

  “And I love you, Quinn,” he rasps as he gently brushes his lips over mine.

  We don’t deepen our kiss. We don’t have time. Mika walks over to me and presses his hand to my lower back as he guides me away from my husband. I feel as though my heart is breaking with each step I take further away from him.

  “All will be okay, mishka,” he murmurs as we take our seats in the courtroom.

  “I hope so,” I whisper.

  I look down at my peridot wedding ring, a ring that Ziven chose for me because, as soon as he saw it, he said it matched my eyes. I can’t imagine not looking into his warm brown eyes while lying in bed for god only knows how long.

  I don’t want him to be taken away from me, not when I’ve just discovered how much I truly love him.

  My entire body trembles as I sit next to Mika and wait for the verdict to be read. This verdict will determine my entire future, and it’s in the hands of strangers.

  Mika pats my knee as a way to try and calm me, but it doesn’t work. I am uncalmable right now. I am a mess of epic proportions, and until this verdict is read, I won’t be able to even breathe, let alone calm down.

  “Will the defendant please rise,” the judge says as he hands a piece of paper back to the bailiff.

  I hold my breath, now paying full attention and sitting on the edge of my seat.

  “Has the jury reached a verdict?” the judge asks, turning to face the head juror.

  “We have, your Honor,” she says, her voice a bit shaky.

  “And how do you find the defendant?”

  “We, the jury, find the defendant, Ziven Dorosh, not guilty of the crime of murder in the first degree.”

  I suck in a breath as tears start to stream down my face.

  “Members of the jury, listen to your verdict as it stands recorded. You say you find the defendant, Ziven Dorosh, not guilty, and so say you all?” the judge asks.

  “Yes,” all of the jurors reply simultaneously.

  The judge dismisses the jurors and the courthouse starts to slowly rumble with murmurings of the people around us. Ziven and Matthew shake hands with a smile before the judge speaks again.

  “Mr. Ziven Dorosh, you have been found not guilty, and you, sir, are free to go,” he says before he slams down his gavel and stands, leaving his bench and disappearing through the door behind him.

  I stand on shaky legs and hurry through the little swinging door that has separated us during the trial. I launch myself into my husband’s arms. He wraps me up with a grunt and holds me while I sob into his neck.

  I refuse to let go of him as he discusses a few things with both Matthew and Mika. I’m like an octopus with my arms wrapped around him; and if we don’t leave soon, my legs will be wrapped around him as well. I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy in my entire life.

  My husband is free.


  “Shall we go home?” Ziven asks, whispering into my ear.

  “Please,” I say, tipping my head back to look at him.

  He grins, tells his attorney goodbye, and promises to come to his office tomorrow afternoon sometime. Then, with his arm wrapped around my waist, we hurry out of the courthouse, Mika trailing close behind, along with the rest of the higher ranking Bratva men that live here in Denver.

  There are news reporters everywhere when we finally step outside into the bright sunshine. Mika stays close to our backs, and Timofei appears at my side, along with a few other men closing in around us. With their hands up, they surround Ziven and me as we try to walk through the crowd and to the SUV that I know is parked just a few feet away.

  Reporters hurl questions at us, but it’s too loud, there are too many talking at once, and I’m too panicky from the sheer size of this crowd to even consider speaking to anyone.

  I breathe a sigh of relief when we finally reach the backdoor of the SUV, and I he
ar the automatic door lock signal that the doors are unlocked. Ziven opens the door for me, and I slip inside with him close behind. Mika climbs into the driver’s seat, and Timofei in the passenger side.

  “Congrats, boss,” Timofei chuckles as Mika eases onto the roadway. “How’s it feel to be free?”

  “Good,” Ziven grunts as he wraps his fingers around my knee and gives it a gentle squeeze.

  It doesn’t take us long to drive back to the condo, and my heart starts beating rapidly in my chest the closer we get.

  When we pull into the parking garage, it feels like it’s about to jump out of my chest completely. Ziven opens the door and slides out, holding his hand for me to help me out of the back seat. I practically make it to him in a single jump.

  Ziven grins as he wraps his hand around mine, and then he tugs me toward the elevators in a jog. When the elevator doors don’t open up immediately, he yanks me toward the stairwell.

  I can hear Mika and Timofei’s laughter behind us as Ziven practically runs, dragging me behind him and up the stairs.

  I can’t get Quinn to our condo fast enough.

  By the time we’re up the stairs and I’m shoving my key in the door, my cock is about to explode. It’s been much too long since I’ve been inside of her, and my dick is urgently seeking its home.

  Once I have the door open, I push her inside and follow her over the threshold, slamming it behind me before I lock it.

  “Ziven,” she whispers, making my dick fucking ache as she stands just a few feet away from me.

  “Take everything off,” I order.

  Quinn licks her lips before she nods. Then, much too slowly, she strips out of her sexy skirt and blouse. My eyes zero in on her bra, something that is barely containing her larger tits, and I lick my lips.

  Then my eyes skirt down to her panties, and I see that she’s wearing thigh-highs and garters. I make a noise in the back of my throat before I speak.

  “You can leave all that on,” I grunt.

  “I thought you might say that,” she grins.

  I close the short distance between us, and I run my fingertip over the swell of her breast, feeling the lace of her bra as well as the softness of her skin. I feel her tremble and watch as goosebumps break out along her flesh.

  “Do you need me?” I ask.

  “Yes. It’s been so long, Ziven,” she trembles.

  “It’s been a few weeks, katyonak,” I chuckle.

  It is nice to know she’s missed my body as much as I’ve missed hers. I continue to run my fingertips down the middle of her stomach, and over her hip before I slip them underneath the waistband of her panties. She pants as she widens her legs, and I gently brush my fingers over her center—her dripping wet center.

  “Ven,” she breathes as her hands fly to my jacket’s lapels, fisting the material in her small grip.

  I lean forward and press my lips to hers, slipping two fingers inside of her as I trace her lips with my tongue. She shivers, her legs shaking with each pump of my fingers inside of her warm, tight cunt.

  Her grip tightens in my jacket as I continue to bring her closer toward her climax. She’s so wet, she’s soaking my hand, but I aim to make her come so many times tonight that she can do nothing but pass out in exhaustion. Her first orgasm starts—now.

  “Come, Quinn, come all over me,” I whisper against her lips before my tongue fills her warm, waiting mouth.

  Quinn’s legs shake a little more as her hips thrust, roll, and jerk against my touch. Then she wrenches her lips from mine and lets out the sexiest noise I’ve ever heard before she slumps, her face nuzzling my neck, and her pussy pulsing around my fingers.

  “That good, katyonak?” I ask with a grin as I pet her hair, keeping my fingers buried inside of her, liking how she feels around me.

  “Mmm,” she hums against my neck.

  “How about we take this to the bedroom?”

  “Whatever you want, Ven,” she sighs.

  “Whatever I want?” I ask as my smile grows.

  “Yeah, whatever you want.”

  I slip my fingers from her pussy, removing them from inside of her panties, and take half a step back. She doesn’t follow, lifting her head from my neck and craning it back to look up at me.

  I use my wet fingers to trace her plump lips before I shove them inside of her mouth, forcing her to taste herself for me.

  “Whatever I want. That’s pretty broad,” I murmur as I watch her suck and lick my fingers of the evidence of her climax.

  “I’m yours,” she hums after I remove my fingers and watch as she closes her eyes.

  “Yeah, you are,” I grunt.

  I press my lips to hers. I trace her lips with my tongue to taste her cunt. Fuck, it’s just as sweet as it was the last time I tasted it, maybe even sweeter.

  “Go into the bedroom, take this sexy shit off, and I want you on your hands and knees in the middle of the bed. I want your gorgeous ass in the air, and your legs spread wide with your chest and head on the bed, waiting for me—panting for me.”

  “Okay,” she squeaks as I slap her ass.

  I watch as she turns and hurries to the bedroom, the fall of her blonde hair flying behind her. I don’t immediately follow her. Instead, I make my way to the windows and look outside. The snow is nothing but slush now, spring ready to bloom at any second. Before I know it, it will be summertime.

  I must be lost in my own thoughts to the point where I’ve stayed out of the bedroom past my intentions, because I feel two arms wrap around my middle, and only then do I come back to reality.

  I rest my palm on Quinn’s crossed hands. Without a word, she moves so that she’s in front of me, her back to the beauty of the city outside.

  Quinn falls to her knees, completely naked, and unzips my pants. I shrug my coat off behind me, then my shirt, letting them fall to the floor as she tugs down my slacks and boxers, freeing my semi-hard cock. She doesn’t speak as she wraps her hand around me, squeezing and pumping me a few times before she leans over and licks the tip of my dick.

  Sliding my hand into her hair, I grip it at the back of her head, pulling it tightly and forcing her back a bit. Her eyes focus on mine, albeit a bit glazed and hazy with lust, and I can’t help but smile.

  “I’m going to fuck your mouth, katyonak. Then I’m going to come down your throat,” I rumble.

  “Yes,” she hisses.

  “Open up wide.”

  I watch as she opens her mouth and silently waits for my cock. It’s the prettiest sight I think I have ever seen. Well, almost as pretty as my cock sliding in and out of her tight, little asshole—now that is a sight to see.

  I sink between her lips, feeling the way her warm throat hugs me the further down I sink. She’s warm, wet, and tight, just like her cunt and ass.

  My wife—all of her holes are so fucking perfect.

  I pull out, almost completely, before I slowly sink down inside of her again. I watch the way her eyes widen the further I go. She doesn’t know it, but by the time I’m coming down her throat, I’m going to be buried completely inside of her.

  I continue to fuck her mouth, sinking deeper down her throat each time, biting the inside of my cheek to keep from coming too soon. I watch as she struggles to breathe, her eyes welling up with tears.

  “Relax, katyonak,” I grind out through my clenched teeth.

  She hums around my cock as her response, the vibrating making me that much closer to coming inside of her before I want to.

  I draw out of her mouth one last time before shoving myself completely down her throat. She makes a gagging sound as tears fall from her eyes, but she doesn’t make a move, her teary gaze focused solely on me.

  I bite my bottom lip as I make a few short thrusts down her throat before I feel my body taking over, and they move from short to hurried and primal. I fuck her mouth, my eyes on hers, and unable to slow as I take her.

  I freeze completely, buried down her throat, and come with a roar as my fist tightens in
her hair. I don’t move, my legs shaking and my body completely worn out, but I’m where I want to be, inside of her, always inside of my Quinn.

  “Now let’s get you there again, hmm?” I hum as I gently pull my cock out of Quinn’s mouth. “Lie down.”


  “Yeah, katyonak. I want to eat your sweet pussy,” I grunt.

  “Ziven,” she gasps.

  I lift my hand and wipe her mouth off, then I lean forward and kiss her lips.

  “Fuck, you’re always so fucking beautiful, Quinn—but I swear, when my cock is anywhere inside of you, you turn into an out of this world goddess,” I whisper against her puffy lips.

  Quinn lies down and spreads her thighs without a single word. There’s nothing left to be said. My wife is downright beautiful, and now I’m going to do as I promised and make her come until she can’t do anything but sleep.

  I STRETCH AS MY eyes flutter open, and I roll over, expecting to see Ziven, but the bed is empty. I frown and listen for him in the house, but I don’t hear him anywhere.

  Rolling out of bed, I walk to the bathroom, take care of my business and then grab my floor length, black satin robe, sliding my arms through it and tying the waist as I go in search of my husband.

  Honestly, I don’t know how he’s awake at all. He made me come all night long.

  I slowly walk through the condo, listening for any sign of him, but I don’t hear anything. Not until I get closer to his office. The door is open, but his voice is low and husky, only a murmur, not growing much louder the closer I approach.

  “Yes, my men are still ready to go, as far as I know. We’ll be travelling two days before the blessed event,” Ziven mutters. I realize that he’s talking about Oksana’s wedding in just a week’s time.

  “Nyet, all is good, my friend. Okay. See you then,” He hangs up his phone and rubs his hand over his face before he turns in my direction.

  “Morning, katyonak,” he practically grunts, his voice deep and raspy.

  “I made apple cinnamon bread yesterday, since I was nervous, if you want some for breakfast,” I blurt out.


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