Asset Management

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Asset Management Page 8

by Annette Mori

  “Cheers. To a prosperous business relationship.” Viktor smirked.

  “Yes, thank you for agreeing to assist with my little problem.”

  “It is in everyone’s best interest to take care of your little problem. Although I have not been affected yet, I believe one of these women has been involved in a situation I’ve yet to deal with. I’ve waited far too long to eradicate this pest. I must avenge my dear friend Dimitri.”

  “Are you suggesting you know who these mysterious women are and who they work for?”

  “Byron, my dear friend, you will be a great asset to me. I need a connected banker to help launder money for us, but I also have an ulterior motive to help you. I have sources that tell me these two women were responsible for a deal gone bad two years ago. I also believe they are your ghosts. We have yet to figure out what organization they report to. The dark-haired one is a technology genius that the FBI heavily attempted to recruit. The other is a former FBI agent.”

  “If you know who they are, why haven’t you already taken care of them? Surely you know that it is only a matter of time before your business ventures are impacted,” Byron inquired.

  Viktor sighed. “Antonio told me you were an imbecile.”

  Byron stopped himself from reacting lest he fall prey to Viktor’s rash response to anyone challenging his authority. He patiently waited for Viktor to continue.

  “As you have learned, these women are ghosts. My moles were not able to flush out an address or any indication that they even still exist. They are technology experts and masters of disguise. I received a tip about their presence at the café we were heading to before that unfortunate instance with my car. I do not believe that was a coincidence. Unfortunately, we have to wait until they surface without their disguises. I have people under my employment keeping an eye out for them. When they resurface again we will play that American carnival game, Whack-A-Mole, and bam,” Viktor smashed his fist down on the table violently, “we intend to whack them just like the moles. Unfortunately, I do not have a picture of the third woman, but I believe she was with them in the café.”

  “They have to be connected to some larger organization. I know you mentioned that you didn’t know what organization they were connected to, but you must have heard something,” Byron said as he reached for his glass of brandy and took another sip.

  “My sources speak of an organization of women who are highly sought after for their expertise. I believe the President has even used their resources and I don’t like what I’ve heard about them. Their reach is getting much wider and I believe we may be their next target.”

  Byron’s eyes widened. “The President? Surely you are not referring to the President of the United States.”

  “Durak,” Viktor mumbled. “Yes, the President of the United States. Byron, you are a stupid man.”

  Byron bit his tongue. He needed this man and he wasn’t beneath groveling. “I don’t have a lot of time to resolve our problem. In the short term, I have a cash flow problem because Antonio has only given me a brief period to replenish his lost portfolio. I’m afraid I don’t have the resources to make up his losses. Not only do I need to stop these women, but I find myself in a tight spot with Antonio.”

  “I will lend you the money to pay Antonio, but I will expect you to support my business ventures without question. Loyalty is paramount and if I even hear one whisper that you’ve crossed me, you will not like my response.” Viktor smiled.

  To Byron the smile did not look friendly and he inwardly shivered knowing the nail in the coffin was set. Byron knew he had just made a deal with the devil.

  Chapter 11

  Char sat patiently in Taylor’s Bistro waiting for her date to arrive. She carefully placed the dozen roses on the table in front of her creating an inviting display.

  Earlier in the evening, she pondered why she went to the trouble of selecting, then discarding several different outfits before settling on a pair of low-rise jeans, fashionable boots, and a green tapered button-down shirt. She felt like an adolescent getting ready for her first date and finding her behavior, as it related to Toni, definitely out of character.

  Char looked up as the noise from a motorcycle caught her attention. She glanced out the window and spied Toni as she dismounted gracefully from the sleek Harley Davidson. The sight prompted Char to think, God, she is one sexy woman.

  Toni yanked off the black helmet and shook out her shiny, dark locks. She raised her hand unconsciously to her hair and finger-combed the tangled mess before striding confidently into the café. Her gaze locked on Char and she grinned, showing a row of perfect white teeth. The smile reached her eyes and Char hoped she was genuinely pleased to join her.

  “Hello, beautiful. Nice touch with the roses, but I’m not really a flowers type of gal. You are looking good enough to eat tonight so maybe we should skip dinner,” Toni purred as she slid into the chair across from Char.

  “Such a charmer. I need sustenance for what I have planned. Food first, then we can negotiate the rest of the evening’s details.”

  Toni chuckled. “Ah, the attorney in you comes out already.”

  “Hmm. You know my occupation, yet I know very little about you besides your first name. What is it you do besides full-time flirt?”

  “Full-time flirt, huh? I’d say more like part-time flirt and full-time technology expert. Kind of like you are a part-time stalker and full-time attorney or is it the other way around?”

  “Technology expert. Sounds fascinating. Tell me more. Also, a last name would be nice to know.”

  “Ah, last names are irrelevant. Besides, we could both be using aliases for all you or I know. It’s remarkably easy to change one’s name, you know.”

  “Fair enough. I really would like to know more about you. In a gesture of goodwill, I’ll even tell you my middle name. Of course, that’s because I use my first name with business associates and my middle name with friends and other close associates.”

  “Oh, close associates. I like the sound of that. How close?”

  “Very close.”

  “Okay, I’ll bite, what’s your middle name?”

  “Uh, uh, uh. I’ll only tell you that little tidbit, if you tell me something more about yourself.”

  “Deal. Okay, I’m a bit of an inventor of technology.”

  “Fascinating. Okay, Char is my middle name. What kind of technology have you invented? Would I recognize it? Are you famous?”

  Char had no idea why she decided to reveal her real name. She had an overwhelming urge for the woman to know something real about her and she wanted Toni to say her name in ecstasy, not a fake name. She craved Toni and hoped the evening would end with an intimate encounter.

  “Not hardly—famous, that is. Surveillance technology is my specialty. Your turn. What other delicious tidbit can you tell me about yourself?”

  “I hate being a corporate attorney and want to take a shower every time I meet with one of my rich clients. I’d rather be a full-time stalker. And now you.” Char couldn’t believe she blurted this out. I’d better watch myself with Toni. I seem to want to tell her more than I should.

  Toni smiled. “Corporate attorneys do get a bad rep, sometimes. I’d like to think you’re one of the good guys, but I must admit to having some preconceived notions.”

  Char lowered her voice and barely whispered, “I’m not the enemy, Toni. Let’s just leave it at that.”

  Toni’s eyebrow raised and she looked directly at Char with a narrowed gaze. She shook her head then smiled, but this time the smile did not reach her eyes.

  “I never said you were the enemy. Hey, I think this conversation just took a decidedly serious turn and I was rather enjoying our tit for tat. So…I do believe it’s my turn. Hmm, let me think. What tasty morsel shall I reveal now? Sophie and Kim, who you met the other day, are my two best friends who I went to college with. I would do just about anything for them and when I say anything, I mean anything. There is nothing off the table when
it comes to protecting them from harm.”

  “That is an admirable trait—loyalty. I have a younger sister that I would do the same for. She had an unfortunate accident so spends a lot of time in a wheelchair. We are hopeful that she will continue to progress and that maybe one day she will be able to walk more than a few steps. Her recovery has been slow and it breaks my heart to see her like that.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. I’m a lot younger than my siblings. By the time I came along both of my sisters were almost ready for college. I practically grew up as if I were an only child, and Kim and Sophie are the closest thing I’ll ever have to family so I understand your feelings about your sister. Shall we flag the waitress to order?”

  “Absolutely, I’m starving in more ways than one.”

  Toni waved at the waitress who promptly stepped up to the table.

  “Good evening, ladies. Are you ready to order? Would you like to hear about this evening’s specials?”

  “Not for me.” Toni looked at the woman across from her. “Char?”

  “No, thanks, I already know what I want.” Char glanced to Toni and grinned in a wolfish manner.

  “I’ll have the salmon with a side of house salad and your famous orange balsamic dressing.” Toni waved her hand at Char. “Char?”

  “The same for me and can you bring a bottle of whatever white wine is recommended with this dish.”

  “Perfect. I’ll bring a bottle of our unoaked chardonnay. Will that work?”

  “Perfect.” She looked at Toni. “Unless you would like something else, Toni?”

  “No, that sounds wonderful. I’m not much of a wine connoisseur, so whatever you order is fine with me.”

  The waitress sauntered away and Toni turned her gaze back to Char. “I do believe it’s your turn again.”

  “Oh, nice try. Remember, I just told you about my sister, so I do believe it’s your turn.”

  “I’d like to spend the night with you, but I don’t live close and I don’t want to take the time to take you to my place. How’s that for honesty.” Toni chuckled.

  “Nice—the direct approach. I like a woman who knows what she wants and is not afraid to go for it. Unfortunately, I don’t live close either. So, our choices are this nice little bed-and-breakfast a few blocks away or the Hilton located in the other direction.”

  The waitress approached the table with the bottle of wine and poured a small amount into Char’s glass. Char took a small sip and nodded. The waitress filled both Char and Toni’s glasses then placed the bottle in an ice bucket that another waitress brought to the table.

  Char lifted her glass and Toni touched her glass to Char’s.

  “To dangerous liaisons,” Char toasted.

  “May the danger add to the excitement. Cheers,” Toni added.

  “I don’t believe we’ve quite settled on a location for our dangerous liaison,” Char remarked.

  “I vote for the bed-and-breakfast. The hotel seems too sterile and casual for my taste.”

  “Really, I registered you as the casual type.” Char raised a well-shaped eyebrow.

  “Touché. Usually I am, but in this case…”

  The waitress placed the salads on the table. “Here you go, ladies. Enjoy. The house salad is one of my favorites.”

  “Saved by the bell, or more accurately, the waitress.” Char laughed.

  Toni took a bite of salad. “Mmm, delicious. The dressing is a perfect pairing with the wine.”

  “I thought you weren’t a wine connoisseur.”

  “I’m not, I just know what tastes good and this is heavenly.”

  Toni licked her lips and Char was transfixed by that small gesture. Out of the corner of her eye, Char noticed a man several tables away watching them closely.

  He looked down at what appeared to be an eight-by-ten photo then up again and seemed to focus intently on Toni. She watched as he brought up his phone, aimed it in their direction, and she thought she saw him press a button appearing to take their picture. Char didn’t like that one bit. The man was vaguely familiar to her and two seconds later, she remembered him as one of Viktor’s lackeys. Shit. It was time to put plan B into action.

  “I’m sorry, Toni, will you excuse me for a moment. I need to visit the ladies’ room.”

  Toni grinned mischievously. “Need some assistance.”

  “No, not this time. Rain check on that, I promise.”

  Char walked quickly to the bathroom and pulled out her phone pressing the buttons quickly. “Ronda, we have problems… I think a man I recognized as one of Viktor’s goons just took a picture. Yeah, I’m not sure if I’m compromised too. We now know they have Toni’s picture and I’m pretty sure he just made a connection. I’m going to have to step up the timeline. I know it’s not optimal. I wish I had more time to gain her trust, but I think they are going to need us as much as we need them now. I need you to help me get her to headquarters without being followed. Don’t use explosives again, it’s too soon. Thanks. I’ll owe you again.” Char chuckled at Ronda’s response.

  Char walked quickly to the table and joined Toni.

  “Oh, good. Dinner’s here. I’m anxious to finish the first part of our date and move into the next phase.”

  “And what is the next phase?”

  “You underneath me, naked, and screaming my name in ecstasy.”

  “Why not you under me, begging me to let you come?”

  “Oh, no worries, that’s act three of our play tonight. Hurry, eat up, we’ve got a long night ahead of us.”

  “Your wish is my command.” Toni picked up a forkful of salmon and placed the delicate morsel in her mouth as she moaned.

  Char kept track of Viktor’s man as she nearly shoveled the food down her throat. “I’ll want to finish our game of tit for tat as well.”

  “Oh, I don’t think there will be time for much talking, moaning maybe, but not talking unless it’s, oh God, yes, right there.”

  Char laughed. “Suddenly I feel the need to get our check.” Char waved to the waitress. “The dinner was wonderful, we’ll take our check now.”

  Toni grabbed for the check, but Char was too fast and managed to pluck it from the waitress before Toni had a chance to react.

  “I invited you, so I get to pay this time.”

  “Okay, I like the sound of this time. It means there will be another time.”

  “I certainly hope so,” Char responded.

  Char glanced at the check and slapped down cash to cover the bill along with a healthy tip of greater than twenty percent. She grabbed Toni’s hand and pulled her to her feet as she shoved her to the exit.

  As Char reached the front door of the bistro, she whispered in Toni’s ear. “You’re compromised and I think I may be too. You’re going to have to trust me.”

  Char led Toni firmly to her silver Tesla Roadster.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “Remember, I’m not the enemy, but that man in the café who was closely watching you is. Three, two, one, and here he comes. Come on. Please come with me, Toni. We value your life as much as you do and I’ve arranged for assistance. We need to hurry.”

  Toni yanked her arm free and looked over her shoulder. Her eyes became wide and Char noticed that her gaze focused on Viktor’s goon. “Shit. Okay, you win,” she hissed then quickly climbed into the passenger seat.


  Toni glanced at Char as she put the vehicle in gear and squealed off. Char’s concentration was unwavering as she handled the car like a pro and kept glancing in the rearview mirror.

  Toni turned around to see a black sedan pull up close behind the Tesla.

  “Come on Ronda, where the hell are you?” Char spit out.

  “Who’s Ronda?”

  “We can play twenty questions later. Right now I need you to pull that gun out of the glove compartment for me.”

  “What? I don’t know how to fire a weapon.”

  Char sighed. “I don’t expect you to use it, the
gun’s for me. It’s just a precaution. I have every confidence Ronda will be here shortly to take care of our little problem.”

  Toni opened the glove compartment, pulled out the gun, and placed it on her lap. “Who are you?”

  “Patience. I’m sorry. I had hoped to have more time to prepare you.” Char glanced at Toni and frowned.

  Toni thought Char was oddly familiar to her. When she heard her say, “I’m not the enemy. Let’s just leave it at that,” she thought back to the night of Natalie’s death. She wasn’t ready to confront Char at that time, but now that things had seemed to escalate, she had to know.

  Toni whispered, almost too low to hear, “It was you. You were there that night. Your sister is Dani.”

  Char looked at her and Toni saw the sadness in her eyes.

  “Yes. Can we just focus on getting out of our current predicament? There will be plenty of time to explain things to you.”

  “Just how many names do you have? Oksana, Heather, or Char, which one is it? Or is your real name something else entirely?” Toni questioned.

  “Char is my real name. Now, if you don’t mind, I think twenty questions can wait until we manage to lose our unwelcome tail.”

  Toni looked behind her and saw a speeding black Hummer gain on the sedan following them. In one moment of horrific realization, she watched as the Hummer pulled alongside the sedan and swerved into the car. The sedan fishtailed as the Hummer crashed again into the vehicle and caused it to roll down an embankment. Toni watched as Char nodded.

  “Nice job, Ronda. I hope you don’t need to expend more than one bullet. He’s not worth it.”

  Who were these people? Toni’s world did not include execution-style problem solving. Toni wondered what kind of trouble she’d gotten herself into. She was never opposed to moving around a few assets, but murder was not within her repertoire.

  “What exactly do you want with me? I don’t think I’m in the same business as you. I appreciate you trying to help me out, but I can take care of myself. I’m a big girl and I’ve been doing just fine for the past twenty-eight years,” Toni said bravely.


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