When Morning Comes

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When Morning Comes Page 13

by Harmony Evans

  “I think we should get back to work on the Witterman presentation.”

  Isaac groaned and leaned his forehead against hers. “You’re no fun.”

  “But I am efficient and efficiency—”

  “Is one spoke in the Paxton wheel of fortune, blah, blah, blah. I can’t believe you actually read the employee handbook!”

  “Way to kill a moment, huh?” Autumn mused, her eyes twinkling.

  Isaac laughed. “Don’t worry. If I have anything to say about it, there will be plenty more.”

  Autumn pulled away and smiled, but he could tell there was something still bothering her. He hoped that in time she would trust him enough to confide in him.

  “Why don’t you pull that chair around so we can both look at the monitor together?”

  Isaac glanced at the door, puzzled. Her drop into business mode was as unexpected as the stock market he played in all day. The trouble was, he knew how to win the market.

  He had no clue how to win her.

  “But I was going to order in dinner.”

  “There’s no need.” Autumn shook her head. “This won’t take long. I want you to get home to Devon and Deshauna as soon as possible.”

  Isaac shrugged, not bothering to remind her that his children were with friends for most of the evening.

  He pulled a chair around next to Autumn. Once he was settled in, she put the presentation in full-screen mode and began to walk him through it.

  “First, we’ll lay some groundwork to make Ms. Witterman comfortable with the organization by reviewing our long history of successful investing, et cetera.”

  With her right hand, she clicked on the mouse and kept talking, but the only thing Isaac noted was her fingers. They were long, manicured and completely bare. In spite of his fear of the altar, he imagined a ring on one of them. A nice big, ridiculously expensive rock, but not necessarily from him.

  Autumn had the kind of raw, earthy, back-to-Eve beauty that a man would have to be a fool to let get away.

  She had to have someone in her life.

  Suddenly, he felt an elbow in his rib cage.

  “Isaac. Are you listening?” Autumn demanded.

  His mind drew a blank on everything but her sexy little nose. It had a slight crook in it that he longed to trace with his finger.

  “Yeah, I’m down with that,” he finally muttered. Although he didn’t even know what he’d just agreed to do, he hoped it involved the tearing off of clothes.

  She gave him a quizzical look. “So you’ll review the accuracy of the corporate backgrounder, correct?”

  “Of course! I’m sorry,” he said with a grin. “I was just mesmerized by the beauty of the graphs.”

  Autumn gestured to the screen. “But I haven’t even gotten to the data portion of the presentation yet.”

  Isaac held up his hands. “Okay. You busted me. I was mesmerized by the beauty of you.”

  She stared at her lap and Isaac saw a crease of a smile.

  “We’re supposed to be working on the presentation, remember?”

  Isaac twisted in his chair and she looked up. “I haven’t forgotten.”

  He placed two fingers under her chin and gently lifted. “But this is more fun. Tell me something. Why did you agree to come to the art museum with me?”

  “That’s easy. Their collection is unparalleled and my tour guide was utterly charming.”

  “Even though I don’t know a thing about art?”

  Autumn nodded and they burst out laughing.

  “Wow, since you have so much confidence in me, I have some other things I’d like to show you.”

  Autumn cocked her head to one side. “Right now?”

  Isaac stood up and, with his foot, pushed his chair against the wall. He took her hand and quickly pulled her to her feet.

  “Yes, right now.”

  Without letting her hand go, he slid past her and sat down in her leather office chair.

  “Hey!” Autumn exclaimed in protest and leaned against the desk.

  He uttered a mock sigh of satisfaction. “This is much more comfortable than that old wooden thing.” He looked from side to side and frowned. “But there’s no place to put my arms.”

  Suddenly he pulled her into his lap, hardening instantly at the feel of her soft buttocks on his thighs.

  “There. That’s better. Sitting next to you was too tempting.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her even closer.

  She trembled and exclaimed, “But what about the Witterman presentation?”

  “It’s not going anyplace,” he soothed with a kiss on the tip of her nose. “But right now, you belong here. Where I can do this...”

  Gently, he tucked a few curls over her right ear and kissed her earlobe.

  “And this...” Isaac moved his lips along her jawline.

  “Autumn, I want us to be as close as we can get for now.”

  He molded his hands around her waist and slowly moved them up her back. “Because now is all we have.”

  Isaac nuzzled her neck and the sound of her moan tickled his lips. “I just want to feel you.”

  He quickly unbuttoned her silk blouse and eased it down over her shoulders. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered low. He stroked his fingers over the fabric of her bra, then traced his finger along her exposed skin.

  “How’d you know I wear briefs?”

  “Lucky guess?”

  Her voice caught in her throat as he began to massage her breasts.

  Isaac looked up and flashed her a devilish grin. “You wanna find out for real?”

  Autumn straddled him firmly and then reached back and unclasped her bra. “Does this answer your question?”

  As she slowly slid each strap from her shoulder, Isaac hitched in a breath. The fire in her eyes and the sound of her bra hitting the floor only magnified his desire.

  His eyes dipped down to her breasts, which seemed even larger and more luscious than he remembered them. Before he knew what he was doing, he reached out and cupped her heavy flesh in his hand, flicking one nipple gently until it stiffened at his touch.

  Isaac placed his hands underneath her skirt and lifted her bottom slightly to move her even closer. He wanted to feel the heat between her legs and he wanted her to feel him getting harder and hotter.

  Autumn sighed and her eyes slid shut. “More,” she uttered through parted lips. “Please, Isaac.”

  Isaac swiveled the chair around so her back was against the edge of the desk. He gripped her waist and his mouth watered in anticipation as she clutched his head and slowly guided him toward heaven.

  * * *

  Felicia locked her office and shouldered her purse, glad to finally be heading home. Most days she was counting the minutes till five o’clock. But she had two new hires with paperwork that needed to be processed and that took time.

  It wasn’t like she had anyone at home waiting for her, she thought bitterly. While she was very attractive, she refused to date because the only man she wanted was Isaac. Trouble was, he didn’t want her.

  And for that, he would pay.

  Since she was a little girl, her father had always taught her that she could have whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted it. Most of the time, she didn’t have to work for what she wanted.

  Sterling had given her this job, and even though she hated it, she stuck with it because it was easy and she got paid enough to buy everything her father wouldn’t outright give her.

  The only thing he couldn’t give her was Isaac. They had nothing in common except the pursuit of money, but from the moment she met him, she was obsessed. She almost went so far as to install a hidden camera in his office, but she was afraid Sterling would somehow find out. So she was forced to
keep her attraction to Isaac a secret, especially since at Paxton relationships between coworkers were strongly discouraged.

  Perhaps her desire for Isaac was because she was white and he was black. Or maybe it stemmed from the need to pursue something she knew deep down she’d always wanted but would never have. Like her father’s love.

  Unlike her, Isaac couldn’t be bought. He couldn’t even be seduced. She’d tried and failed miserably.

  But he could be fired.

  And when that day occurred, Isaac would finally realize that he needed her because she was the critical link to Sterling. He would come to her, on his knees, begging for his job back, and she would make damn sure that their first meeting would occur in her bedroom.

  Felicia walked down the hall to the elevator, idly thinking about calling a friend for dinner so she wouldn’t have to eat alone again.

  She checked her watch, squinting at the dial. It was after six o’clock and, on orders of her father, many of the overhead lights were automatically dimmed to save money on electricity. Sterling wanted less of Paxton’s profits in the hands of Con Edison and more in his pockets. Plus, going green and reducing Paxton’s corporate footprint was a smart business and public relations move.

  As she walked past the last hallway before the elevator, she noticed a small wedge of light in front of Autumn’s door and stopped in her tracks. According to the security tapes, Autumn had already developed a habit of leaving around four-thirty, which was totally ballsy considering the Paxton work day ended at five o’clock. That was another reason Felicia didn’t like her and she was happy to make note of Autumn’s leave time in her personnel file.

  Isaac normally left around five-thirty, although he used to stay much later. Still, it worked in her favor, as she regularly snooped around in his office and those of other employees. She had keys to every room and every office at Paxton. It always amazed her the types of things people would keep in their desks, naively assuming no one else would ever discover them, or use it against them.

  Felicia started down the corridor, for once grateful for the carpeting that her father had installed years prior. It was ugly but it sure came in handy for sneaking around.

  As she approached, she didn’t hear a sound but looked behind her once just to be sure she was alone. She stopped short of Autumn’s office door and took a deep breath before peeking through the little window.

  At the sight of Isaac’s lean muscular body folded over Autumn’s exposed skin, her eyes widened. When Autumn arched away from the ugly metal desk, Felicia clenched her fists into a ball.

  Isaac’s hand slowly caressed Autumn’s abdomen and Felicia felt her knees weaken. But like a tree with roots gnarled into the ground, she stood firm and watched the scene unfold as if she were in a trance.

  Not wanting to see, but not having the strength to tear her eyes away from the sight of Isaac’s bent head, she watched his large hands knead Autumn’s skin and his full mouth roam everywhere it could reach. Lips she had so desperately wanted on her own body were now hungrily seeking and sucking—someone else.

  In that moment, the lust she felt for Isaac was instantly replaced with a deep hatred that seeped through her veins like a sieve.

  Fingers raked Isaac’s bare back, and limbs Felicia wished she could snap in two hugged his trim waist, when through the thunder roaring in her ears and the jealousy burning in her heart, there suddenly came the muffled cries of a woman in love.

  Chapter 12

  Autumn tapped her foot on the marble floor of the apartment lobby. If Isaac didn’t hurry, they were going to be late for the meeting with Ms. Witterman.

  But in reality, punctuality was the least of her problems.

  The doorman winked at her as if he could read her thoughts and she pasted a nervous smile on her face. She didn’t know which was worse: keeping a secret or the desire to expose it to the world.

  Or at least to the man you loved.

  Autumn faced the mirrors that lined the walls and fiddled with the collar of her coat.

  Love. Was that what she felt for Isaac? Or was she simply playing a role that would result in heartbreak for both of them?

  Right now, all she was sure of was that she desired him more than she had any other man. Her need fueled her dreams and also stoked her fears.

  More than anything, Autumn didn’t want to hurt Isaac.

  Knowing that her every thought, touch and kiss was hinged on a lie was getting to be more than she could bear. She was getting in too deep and it was time to step back. Loving Isaac was bad for her, worse for him and potentially disastrous for the case.

  Being alone with him earlier in the week had made her come to her senses, and she knew she couldn’t be alone with him like that again.

  They’d almost made love that evening, right on the top of her desk, which was about as comfortable as that long-ago night when she’d camped in the desert and just as hot. The memory of his hands and tongue on her skin was so real that it made her blush, as if he were right there in front of her, covering the sounds of her climaxing with a kiss.

  And when she had begged Isaac to go on, he’d told her it wasn’t the right time and seemed content to pleasure her in his arms.

  As it turned out, Isaac was right. Time was definitely not on her side, and the more time she spent with him, the deeper she would fall. So she started to edge away, or tried to at least.

  For the rest of the week, Autumn insisted that they meet at a local coffee shop in the evenings to review the presentation, instead of in her office or apartment.

  Isaac protested at first, but eventually, they came to a silent understanding and settled into a routine where they were able to focus on the task at hand.

  They both knew the importance of this deal.

  If all went well today, Autumn would be able to present her findings to Sterling on Monday and that evening be on a plane to her next case.

  After extensive research, she had found no evidence of any wrongdoing on Isaac’s part, which was great, but it didn’t make leaving him any easier.

  At the sound of the elevator bell, Autumn checked her appearance in the mirror. She could hear Devon and Deshauna arguing even before the door opened. The two were still going at it when they walked out, with Isaac following close behind.

  “I told you not to go into my backpack,” Deshauna hollered.

  Devon shrugged. “I needed a pencil. How was I supposed to know you kept your diary in there?” He turned to Isaac. “Do you think she really kissed James?”

  Deshauna gasped in horror and dropped her backpack to the floor. “That’s my private business.” She lunged for her brother. “I’m gonna knock your—”

  “Whoa! Hold on,” Isaac commanded, stepping in between the two just in time. “Nobody’s kissing or knocking anything. We’ll talk about this tonight. Now you guys better get to school before you’re late.”

  Devon made a quick getaway while Deshauna picked up her bag, her brow still furrowed in anger.

  She started to head for the door but stopped when Isaac put his arm around her shoulder.

  “I’m sorry that happened. Boys are stupid sometimes. Trust me, I know.” He gave her a gentle hug. “Your secret is safe with me.”

  Deshauna smiled shyly. “Thanks, Dad.” She broke away from his embrace. “See you later.”

  When she was gone, Isaac turned on his heel and walked the short distance to where Autumn stood waiting.

  She smiled. “You really handled that well.”

  Isaac set down his briefcase and buttoned his coat. “Thanks. But I’ve still got a lot to learn about teenagers, sibling rivalry and first kisses.”

  “Well, at least you’ve got the kissing thing down pat,” Autumn blurted out, immediately regretting voicing her observations.

  “I do, huh?”
Isaac replied with a sexy smile. “Care to try again and make sure?”

  Autumn hitched in a breath as he wrapped one arm around her waist and pulled her to him. “I didn’t get a chance to run this morning and I need something to wake me up.”

  “But you run every morning. What happened?”

  He dropped his arm from around her waist. “I don’t recall telling you that. How did you know?”

  “I—uh,” she stammered as the doorman went outside to flag down a cab. She pointed at him. “He did.”

  At that was partly true.

  There was no point in mentioning the money she paid the man for that initial tidbit of information and for calling her every morning when Isaac left for his run, so that she could get out of the building before he came back. Now that Isaac knew she lived in the building, her money stayed in her wallet where it belonged.

  Isaac placed his hands on his hips and stared at the doorman. “Billy? So much for privacy. I think it’s time for a little talk.”

  Autumn reached for his arm as he started off. The case was almost complete. She didn’t need Billy blowing her cover and ruining everything.

  “No, it’s time for us to leave for the presentation. The man made a little mistake. Let it go.”

  Isaac looked toward the door and then back at her. “You’re right. He’s a good guy.”

  Billy strode in their direction. “Cab this morning, sir?”

  Isaac nodded and picked up his briefcase. Billy held the door and whistled for a taxi at the same time. Seconds later, one arrived and they got in. Their backs pressed against the seat as the taxi suddenly lurched away from the curb.

  Autumn shivered and rubbed her gloved hands together. “Another cold morning in New York,” she complained.

  “I can’t control the weather,” Isaac replied, as he put his left arm around her. “But I know something that will warm you up.”

  He reached around and caressed her cheek with the palm of his right hand, the semi-rough texture heightening every stroke upon her soft skin. She leaned into his embrace and lifted her chin.


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