Ride the Tiger

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Ride the Tiger Page 15

by Lindsay McKenna

  There was such inherent strength to Dany, Gib mused, enjoying the discovery of waking up and having her sleeping at his side. Last night she’d been like a child in her spontaneity while they danced. Never had Gib felt stronger and better about himself than now. Dany made him feel powerful, made him feel as if he could do anything in the world and be successful at it no matter what life threw his way.

  A slight smile curved his mouth as he carefully turned onto his side, propping himself on one elbow to study Dany as she slept. The sheet was gathered in around her hip, revealing the smooth line of her waist and back. Her hair flashed an incredible cobalt blue and ebony in the dawn light as he moved some strands aside to get a better look at her serene, sleeping features. There was such vulnerability in Dany’s face, her cheek flushed pink, her lush lips parted in sleep. Her long, slender fingers curved against his shoulder. There was such trust revealed in the way she lay against him, her position unguarded.

  Shakily, Gib leaned over and pressed a kiss to Dany’s smooth cheek. He inhaled her sweet, womanly scent, a fragrance that drove him wild with need of her again. The threat of the war hung over them, over their tenuous time together. If Gib had learned one thing in his two tours of Vietnam, it was that there was no assurance that tomorrow would ever come. He’d learned to live each day as if it were his last, to savor every second and live and breathe every moment without apology. As he gently eased Dany onto her back to awaken her with his kisses, to share his love of her, Gib wanted to absorb her, this moment, into his heart—forever. This was one sunrise they would watch together. Once they got back to Da Nang, who knew what life might hold for them.

  Drowsily, Dany awoke in the velvet heat of Gib’s mouth upon her own. Never had she felt such fierce tenderness as he caressed the long, slender lines of her form with his calloused fingers. With a sigh as his lips drew back from hers, she lifted her lashes. If there was such a thing as dying with joy, she was experiencing it now in the gold, green and brown richness of his eyes. Gib’s gaze promised so much as he held her, a gentle captive.

  “I never knew mornings could be like this,” she whispered unsteadily.

  “I didn’t either,” he rasped thickly. Threading strands of her black hair through his fingers, he smiled. “I thought I knew what beauty was, but waking up this morning with you, well—” he sighed as Dany’s hand stroked his shoulder and trailed down the length of his arm “—I guess this is as close as I’m ever going to get to heaven.” As much as he resisted it, Gib knew time was slipping away from them. He leaned down and softly kissed her parted lips. “Want to take a shower with me? We’ve got to get moving if we’re going to take off for the base in time.”

  Dany’s eyes widened. “A shower?”

  “Sure. With me?” And then he noticed the surprise and shyness in her expression. “Never took a shower with a man before?” he teased her gently.

  Heat crept into her cheeks and Dany laughed. “No. Never!”

  “Want to try it?”

  Why not? Dany had thrown her fate to the winds last night, deciding to trade her future happiness for one night in Gib’s arms. To be able to show her love again, to continue this wonderful warmth would be her own version of heaven. “Yes…let’s try it.”

  Gib rose from the bed and pulled her into his arms. Her black hair rippled around her like a cape. He didn’t want to cease having contact with her—the moments were too precious. Leading her into the spacious, tiled bathroom, he turned on the faucets in the large glass-paneled shower. Within moments, steam began to form, and he drew her into the warm confines, shutting the glass door behind them.

  Dany watched as Gib took the bar of lilac-scented soap between his large, spare hands. These were hands that flew a combat aircraft, she thought. The same hands that had made such exquisite love to her last night. She looked up into his narrowed gaze, trembling with anticipation as he created a thick lather of bubbles in his hands.

  Dany’s hair turned into a shining ebony sheet that outlined every delicious curve of her small breasts and long torso as the water struck it. Gib put the bar of soap aside and placed his hands on either side of her long, elegant neck, sending a trail of bubbles across her shoulders and prominent collarbones and around the curve of her breasts. He watched her nipples darken and pucker, begging him to taste them. Dany’s gasp of pleasure was drowned in the noise of the cascading water, but he saw her eyes grow languid and her lips part.

  Moving his thumbs in a circular motion, he felt her nipples harden. Dany gasped and swayed unsteadily.

  “Easy,” he rasped, and allowed her to sink fully against him. The sensation was as startling as it was fiery: the instant her belly caressed his hardened body, Gib groaned. His soapy hands slid down her long, beautifully curved spine, sought and found her hips. He pressed her hard against him and felt her arms tighten automatically around his neck in reaction.

  Time melted in the heat of the shower, the stream of water curling and flowing like lovers’ hands between and around them. Gib leaned down to capture her ripe, parted lips. Like a thief knowing he would too soon be caught, he plundered her, sending his tongue deep into the confines of her sweet, liquid depths. Her moan met and vibrated against his, her fingers digging frantically into his shoulders, telling him what she wanted.

  Without disengaging from her hot, hungry mouth, Gib slowly lifted her up against him, memorizing each curve, valley and sensation as her slick skin slid against his. Gently, he drew her legs around his hips, supporting her weight entirely, then allowed her to slowly descend upon his hard, heated flesh. A softened cry of pleasure echoed from her as he lowered her farther. His groan mingled with her sigh as he sheathed deeply into her welcoming heat, wrapping around him like a tight glove.

  With each slow thrust of his hips, he felt Dany tremble. She was boneless against him, her breathing as ragged as his. A thousand sensations raced through him, the water flowing over them like molten silver. A river of heat swallowed Gib, the steam an embracing, caressing blanket, and Dany’s inner heat burned him with such fierce need that he couldn’t control himself as he wanted to for her sake.

  It didn’t matter. Gib felt Dany tense, her ragged cry matched and absorbed by his growl of satiation. Sunlight, darkness, steam, heat and water merged as he stood there with her in his arms. In that moment, Gib understood what oneness was really all about. It was more than physical union, more than emotions tangling in the golden beauty of love, it was a spiritual sensation, almost tangible in its strength and beauty.

  Gently Gib eased Dany upward, then allowed her feet to touch the wet tile floor. She clung to him, weak and as satiated as he was. Hell, he wasn’t too steady on his feet, either. Gib leaned against the tile wall and Dany rested against him as the water continued to flow across them, prolonging the intense sensations, the joy and euphoria. Gradually, Dany began to move.

  Wordlessly, she reached up and caressed Gib’s shadowed jaw. He needed to shave, but the delightful prickle of beard against her fingers and palm sent a wave of pleasure through her. “I never knew…” she began, and saw a smile crease his mouth.

  “I didn’t either. Not like this,” Gib agreed, his voice still filled with ebbing passion.

  Dany felt the warmth of his very male smile fill her like a rainbow of shimmering colors. Never had she felt more alive, more a woman, nor had she loved a man as she did him. She didn’t try to deny her heart any longer. No matter what happened, Dany knew she would always have these beautiful memories.

  “Come on,” Gib urged lazily, finding and picking up the bar of soap. “I think we need to hurry this shower along before we’re late for our flight.”

  Reality intruded. Dany swallowed her disappointment.

  Afterward, she left the shower to dress in the bedroom while Gib lathered his face and began the process of shaving in the bathroom.

  “I wish this didn’t have to end,” Dany said softly as she buttoned her blouse. She sat on the edge of the bed and watched Gib shave. Sunlight la
nced into the room, the radiance almost blinding.

  Gib washed the last of the shaving cream off his face, then blotted his skin dry with a cotton towel. He heard the pain in Dany’s voice and felt the same in his heart. Dressed in boxer shorts and white T-shirt, he walked over to where she sat. Sliding his hand beneath her chin, he smiled down into her drowsy eyes. This time they’d made love had been even more beautiful, more breathtaking than before.

  “Honey, all we can do is go forward. Yesterday’s lost to us. It’s in the memory vault of our hearts. Today, this hour, is all that counts.”

  The warm strength of Gib’s hand cupping her cheek sent a spasm of anguish through Dany. She closed her eyes and pressed her cheek against his hand. “You’re right,” she quavered, “but I wish—” And then she lifted her chin and shook her head. “There I go again, making silly wishes. Maman was right about me.”

  Sliding down beside her, Gib framed her face and placed a long, slow kiss on her pouty lips. Each time he touched Dany, each time he tasted her, was like the first time, each of his senses enriched with her in every way. Gently ending the kiss, he whispered against her lips, “None of your wishes are silly. Not with me. I want to hear all your wishes, Dany. I want to know your dreams.”

  With a sigh, she smiled and kissed him tenderly, wanting the moment to never end. “How you can be so gentle with me, and yet a man of war, I’ll never understand.” Holding his gaze, Dany touched his craggy features. “There’s so much about men I don’t understand.”

  With a chuckle, Gib accepted her feather-light exploration of his face. “Let’s not leave women out of that statement, shall we?”

  Laughing softly, Dany eased her arms around his broad, capable shoulders. “Women are not as complex as men make us out to be. We’re actually quite simple.”

  It was his turn to laugh. “There’s nothing simple about a woman, honey. Never will be. But what I like is exploring you and finding out something new each and every time we’re together.” And Gib gently drew Dany down on the bed, bringing her on top of him. The silk of her blouse felt cool and sensuous against him.

  Drowning in his gaze, Dany whispered, “Yes, I like that, too.”

  With a sigh, he folded her against him, her head resting on his shoulder. “Our time is going to be limited once we get back to Da Nang,” he warned her.

  “And you can’t come to the plantation.”

  “No. But maybe you can meet me in Da Nang and have dinner at one of those expensive French restaurants.”

  She smiled, closing her eyes. “Yes, I’d like that.”

  “What? The expensive part of the French food?”

  Giggling, Dany lifted her head. “I like the idea of having dinner with you, Major. All right?”

  His voice came out rough with passion. “I like the way you answer the questions, lady.”

  Dany wanted to ask, “Where are we going together, Gib? Or are we?” as she languished under the power of his wide, disarming smile and his reverent gaze. There were no easy answers for them. Not today, nor any future day. She frowned in thought. “I’m not sure about much anymore, Gib.”

  He saw the banked fear in her eyes. “About us?”


  Rising into a sitting position, he placed Dany beside him. The serene beauty of the room, the absence of war sounds outside, made Gib want to believe they were stateside. “No promises, Dany. Neither of us can afford to give them to each other, as much as we might like to. The war’s too fluid right now.” God, how he wanted to give her that promise.

  “I know,” she whispered, sadness in her voice.

  Gib caressed her cheek and slowly got to his feet. He walked over to his satchel and pulled out a clean flight uniform. They’d be going directly to Tan Son Nhut, so he didn’t have to get into his official military gear. As he pulled on the one-piece suit and zipped the crotch-to-throat closing, Gib watched Dany’s face, feeling guilty at the disconsolate look in her eyes. Maybe he shouldn’t have talked her into going to bed with him. Maybe he should have had more sense and been the coherent one in this situation. One look at her lovely mouth, and Gib knew both arguments were moot.

  Picking up his black leather flight boots, he walked over to where she sat on the bed. “We’re going to see each other as often as possible,” he promised her.

  Dany nodded and compressed her lips.

  “You don’t look like you believe me, Dany.”

  “I—well, I’ve seen GI and Vietnamese girl affairs for the last several years. They all end up the same, Gib.”

  “What we have, what we share, is more than that,” he vowed, touching her hair. She had to believe him. “I’m not walking out of your life.”

  “I want to trust you on that, Gib.”

  He stood there, understanding far too well her reasons. Grimly, he rasped, “I guess I’ll have to prove it to you, Dany.”

  She bowed her head and clasped her hands tightly together. “I’m afraid, Gib. Afraid for you, the dangers of the war. I’m afraid for myself, because I don’t want to lose you, and I know I will—”

  “Silly woman,” he chided as he cupped her chin and forced her to look into his eyes. “Dany, sometime you’re going to have to reach out and trust something—someone—other than yourself. I know that all your life you’ve had no one to depend on but yourself. In a relationship that focus has to change. If it doesn’t…” He scowled. “Nothing’s for sure, and no one knows that better than me, honey. But please, give us a chance. Don’t doom what we’ve had the courage to start before—”

  “Before you leave?” Her mouth was dry, and her heart ached. Dany winced inwardly as she saw the cruel reality of her words strike Gib.

  He tenderly touched her lips, noting that her lower lip trembled as she tried to hold back tears. “Honey, it’s dangerous to look into the future. We’re sitting on a powder keg called Vietnam. Let’s live each day as it comes.”

  “With no plans for the future? No plans at all?”

  Frustrated, Gib allowed his hand to drop from her pale cheek. Right now, he hated the war. He hated the volatile circumstances in their lives. “We’ve got to trust each other, one day at a time,” he said slowly.

  She stared up at him, wanting to sob, but fighting the reaction. She loved Gib. Did he love her as much? The question begged to be asked, but she was still too untrusting of their newfound intimacy. Instead she nodded silently.

  Gib sat down, his hands dangling between his thighs as Dany put on her skirt. A fear snagged through him. How much could he push their relationship? It was far too fragile yet, and Dany was going to have to learn to trust him all over again on a new level. Time, Gib cautioned himself. Give Dany time. But did they have it?


  “Gib,” Colonel Parsons said, “I’m ordering you and your squadron to Hue a week from now.”

  “Sir?” Gib’s stomach knotted. He’d been back from Saigon six days. Now this.

  Parsons nodded. “Yes. We’re starting a build-up north of Hue. The corps is putting in new firebases up in the DMZ,” he said, using the abbreviated term for the demilitarized zone. “I need your squadron not only to fly for defense purposes, but to be a supply line to those bases while they’re under construction.”

  Frantically, Gib cast around for someone other than himself to go. He’d just won the tiniest slice of Dany’s trust. The last thing he wanted to do was leave Marble Mountain for two months.

  “Sir, I’ve got an awful lot of irons in the fire here. Can’t you send one of the newer units?” he asked, thinking of the three squadrons that had recently shipped over.

  With a grunt, Parsons leaned back in his chair, his eyes narrowing. “Gib, that’s why you’re going—you’ve got the time in grade, the experience. Understand?”

  Swallowing his bitterness, Gib nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  “Be ready to move to Hue in five days, lock, stock and barrel.”

  Gib left headquarters in shock. What would Dany do when she fou
nd out he was leaving? It would play into her belief that every GI left the woman he’d bedded down—every last damn one of them. Ordinarily, Gib never cursed, but this time he cursed richly and out loud.

  When he got back to his tent, Gib tried to reach his sister Tess at Da Nang. To his relief, she answered her phone.


  “Gib! Where have you been? I’ve been a good girl the entire last week and have stayed in my tent in Da Nang, and you’re nowhere around!”

  He grimaced, his hand clenching the phone tightly. “Well, I was in Saigon for a couple a days—”

  “Saigon?” Tess laughed. “Does this have anything to do with the Dany Villard you told me about?”

  Gib was grateful Tess couldn’t see him blush. “Yeah, that was part of it. Listen, I need your help.”

  Becoming more serious, Tess said, “Sure. What’s wrong?”

  “Well, it’s what could go wrong. I’m just beginning to get Dany to really trust me, Tess. And damn it, my colonel is sending my squadron north to Hue for two rotten months. I know what Dany’s going to think—she’s going to think I’m like every other GI who’s ever had a woman in Vietnam.”

  “Oh,” Tess murmured. “Love ’em and leave ’em, right?”


  “What do you want me to do in your absence?”

  Gib loved Tess fiercely for her loyalty and perception. His baby sister was a rare human being. “I don’t know if this will work, but I want you to meet Dany. She needs a friend, anyway, the way things are going for her. The U.S. government wants her property for a heliport, and she’s refusing to sell. I took her down to Saigon to talk with the French embassy. They’re going to intervene on her behalf to try and save her land.” Rubbing his face, Gib rasped, “And on top of all of that, we made something of a commitment to each other. Damn, I don’t know if Dany’s going to keep her home or keep me.”


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