Baby's Breath (Garden of Love 2)

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Baby's Breath (Garden of Love 2) Page 19

by Melanie Wilber

  “I feel bad now, but yesterday I needed some time, and I didn’t stop to think anyone would be worried. I was sure I’d made an idiot of myself on our date.”

  “Well, he obviously didn’t think so,” Natalie said. “That is a man in love, Josie. Don’t fight it.”

  “I’m not planning to,” she said. “Which reminds me, I think I need to have a little talk with Tommy.”

  When she finished her banana, Josie slipped into her son’s room unannounced and saw Tommy coloring a picture at his desk. Peeking over his shoulder, she saw his drawing of a dinosaur, the kind with the blades sticking out along its back. He was coloring the body bright green.

  “Hi, sweetheart,” she said, giving him a kiss on the top of his head. “What are you doing?”

  “Making a picture,” he said.

  “It is very good. Did you trace that or do it yourself?” she asked but already knew the answer.

  “I did it.”

  “Mrs. Foster is impressed with your art skills,” she said. “I saw many of the drawings you have made when I went to school for the parent-teacher conference.”

  “What does impressed mean?”

  “It means she thinks you do a nice job.”

  Tommy shrugged.

  “She said you are doing well in math and reading too. I am very proud of you.”

  Tommy didn’t reply but continued to color. Knowing they had a little time before they needed to leave for his game, she watched him finish before speaking again.

  “I want to talk to you about something, sweetie,” she said after he put his crayons away. “Come sit on the bed with me.”

  Tommy obeyed and bounced onto the mattress, jostling her with it. When he was settled, she began.

  “You know that Brandon and I have been spending some time together,” she said. “Is that okay with you?”

  “Is he coming to my game today?”

  “Yes, he is,” she said. “He is taking time off work to come, so be sure to thank him, okay?”

  “Where does he work?”

  “Well, he does a lot of his work in his apartment on his computer.”

  “The room where Lucy lives?”

  It took Josie a moment to remember Brandon’s turtle. “Yes,” she said.

  “Do you think he would let me play on his computer?”

  “I think you will have to ask Brandon that,” she said. “But don’t beg. If he says no, then that’s it, all right?”

  Tommy nodded and scampered off the bed. “Hold on, Tigger,” she said, pulling him back into his place. “I’m not finished.”

  Tommy laid down in exasperation, and Josie tickled his ribs.

  “Stop, Mama!” he giggled.

  She pulled him back up next to her. “Do you have anything you want to say about Brandon and me spending time together, about us becoming special friends? Anything you want to ask me?”

  Tommy shrugged.

  “Come on, what is it?” she prodded.

  “Are you going to get married?” he asked, sounding serious.

  “Well, I don’t know about that. It takes a long time to decide if you want to marry someone. Right now we are getting to know each other.”

  “Can we go to my game now?”

  “In a second, but first I want you to know that if you ever want to talk about this, if you’re ever worried or have a question, you can come to me. You are more important to me than anything or anyone else, and if something is bothering you, I want you to tell me.”

  Tommy appeared to understand but didn’t reply. She pulled him into a hug. Tommy clung for a moment before wiggling away and diving for his soccer ball on the floor.

  Josie, Brandon, and Natalie all went to the game. Patrick and Faith were not there this time. The sun shone throughout the afternoon, but being close to the end of October, the air remained cool. Josie enjoyed getting back home to the warmth of the apartment. Brandon treated them to pizza before she had to leave for work.

  “Do you want me to pick Tommy up for church in the morning?” Brandon asked on their way to the hospital.

  “Oh, I was going to talk to Natalie about that,” she said, letting her head fall against the headrest.

  “Were you going to ask her to take him?”

  “I was planning to ask if she was interested in going herself and if she was, then she could take him with her. Maybe I’ll call her later.”

  “Do you think she’ll want to?”

  “I don’t know. I’m hopeful, but I wouldn’t be too surprised if she said no.”

  “It may be better to wait until next week when you can go too. She might feel more comfortable with you there.”

  “But what if she’s gone by then? She could be leaving any day.”

  “You’ll have to trust God with that one.”

  Josie knew he was right.

  “Would you like me to take him tomorrow then?”

  “If you’re sure you don’t mind,” she said, but retracted her words before Brandon had a chance to give her that familiar look. “I’m sorry.”

  “Ah, progress,” he said, smiling and reaching out to stroke her cheek. “Perhaps there is hope for you yet, sweetheart.”

  Throughout the night, Brandon’s words and light touches came to mind often, and she caught herself daydreaming more than once. Gina noticed, and Josie decided to confide in her. Gina squealed with excitement.

  When Josie returned home in the morning she stayed awake long enough to get Tommy up and ready and on his way with Brandon. Her fears that Tommy would be apprehensive about going with him were squelched as soon as Brandon arrived at the door and Tommy, in his enthusiasm, nearly forgot to say good-bye to her.

  Thoughts of Brandon seeming too good to be true surfaced, but only for a moment. Natalie’s words, don’t fight it, rang out far louder.

  With Natalie sleeping in her bed, Josie settled herself on the couch so she wouldn’t disturb her. She fell asleep with ease and didn’t awaken until late afternoon. Squinting at the clock, she felt rested and knew why, seeing the time. Her quiet surroundings told her she must be alone, and she wondered where everyone was.

  Stretching like a lazy cat before rising from the cushions, she caught sight of a small piece of paper on the coffee table. She read the large pencil script and smiled.


  I went to Brandon’s to play.

  Come over when you wake up.

  Love, Tommy

  A note from Natalie had been left beside it, saying she had gone to take more pictures and would be back before dark. Deciding to take Brandon at his word that he wanted to spend time with Tommy, she didn’t rush to get ready, enjoying the warmth of her shower and taking time to have some yogurt before leaving. Knocking on Brandon’s door at four o’clock, she heard his voice call out, inviting her in, and she entered to see Tommy sitting with him in the middle of the living room floor. They were playing a card game.

  “Go fish!” Tommy said, and Brandon looked positively forlorn.

  “Come on, bud. You’re killing me here! You have to let me win at least once.”

  Tommy shook his head.

  Brandon tried to reach for his cards. “Let me see those,” he said. “I know you have to have at least one.”

  “No way, José!” Tommy said, clutching the cards in his hands and putting them behind his back.

  Brandon looked up at her. “This kid is ruthless.”

  “Tell me about it,” she said, kneeling down on the floor next to Tommy. “He is the Go Fish King, aren’t you?”

  Tommy nodded and fell into her outstretched arms. “I hope you haven’t been making him play this all afternoon.”

  “No,” Brandon said. “Show your mom what else we did today.”

  Tommy sprang to his feet, tossing his cards haphazardly on the carpet. “Look, Mommy,” he said, dashing to the couch and picking up three small balls of various colors. He began juggling all three, much to her amazement.

  “Wow, honey. That’s great!”r />
  “The kid’s a natural,” Brandon said. “I started him out with these scarves,” he said, holding up three colorful chiffon-like handkerchiefs. “He could do those in no time, so we moved on to the balls.”

  He continued to amaze them for several minutes before he started dropping more. Sensing his frustration, Josie started to step in and tell him that was enough for right now, but Brandon beat her to it.

  “You’re getting tired,” he said. “We can work on it another day.” Scooping up the balls, he threw them to the side and then did something that brought tears to Josie’s eyes. Pulling Tommy onto his lap, Brandon wrapped his arms around his small frame and held him tight. “Thanks for spending the day with me.”

  Tommy didn’t try to squirm away but waited until Brandon released him. Even then he stayed at his side and helped Brandon pick up the cards that had been strewn about.

  When they were finished, Tommy said he needed to use the bathroom and dashed into the hall. Josie watched Brandon put the cards, balls, and other items in a storage area of his entertainment center. When he turned back, he caught her staring at him.

  “What?” he said, his amazing smile emerging.

  “You know you’re wonderful.”

  “Am I?”

  “Yes,” she replied, closing the distance between them.

  “What do you plan to do about that?” he said intimately, bringing his face within a few inches of her own.

  Placing her hands behind his neck, she did what seemed like the most natural thing in the world, kissing him for several wonderful moments. Hearing the bathroom door open, she pulled back but didn’t attempt to put any great distance between them.

  “Thank you,” she whispered and turned to see Tommy dash into the room.

  “I’m hungry, Mommy,” he said, not appearing to take any notice of how close she and Brandon were sitting.

  “Well, I suppose we should go make dinner then,” she said, starting to rise from the floor. Tommy ran for the door, but Brandon’s grasp of her arm stopped her. She turned to meet his gaze.

  “Am I invited?” he asked.

  “If you help.”

  “Will I get another thank-you kiss?”

  Pretending to ponder his request, Josie averted her eyes before giving her answer. “That’s extra. You'll have to help with the dishes too.”

  He smiled and gave her a light tap on the nose. “That’s a bargain.”

  “Mommy!” Tommy called from the door. “Are you coming?”

  “Yes,” she said with Brandon helping her to her feet. Tommy opened the door ahead of them and disappeared into the hallway. Seizing the opportunity, Brandon pulled her back before they stepped through the doorway.

  “I collect in advance,” he said, wrapping his arms behind her waist and kissing her most tenderly. She melted into it and then gently pushed him away. “Half now,” she said, smiling at him and stepping into the hall. “And half later.”


  Josie’s nerves began to creep in after dinner. Brandon and Tommy were cleaning up from the meal consisting of spaghetti, corn, and salad when she slipped away to brush her teeth. Youth group would be starting in less than an hour, and she felt nervous about seeing Allison tonight. Since she hadn’t been at church that morning, it would be the first time she had seen her since her date with Brandon.

  She knew Brandon had told Allison that he only wanted to be friends, and he’d said that she seemed fine with it. Josie feared Allison had put up a good front, not wanting to show Brandon her true feelings.

  Josie knew she hadn’t done anything to steal Brandon away from her, but she couldn’t help but wonder what Allison thought. Josie didn’t want tonight or any time around her to be awkward but didn’t see how it could be otherwise. She liked Allison and loved working with her on their team. She hoped their friendship would not suffer.

  If Brandon sensed her anxiousness, he didn’t say so. They parted inside the door of the church, and Josie walked downstairs to take Tommy to his room. When she returned to the gym, Allison and several of the girls in their group were already there. Josie busied herself with setting up some chairs along the wall and taking out her attendance sheet. Allison greeted her with her usual smile but was involved in a conversation with two students, so she didn’t interrupt.

  Josie didn’t have a moment alone with her until snack time. She almost chickened out and walked to the tables to get herself something to drink, but at the last moment, seeing Allison taking a chair, she decided to join her. If I put this off any longer, it will only be harder. Knowing the girls would be returning soon, Josie took a deep breath and went ahead with it.

  “Can I talk to you about something?”

  “Sure,” Allison said, pulling her water-bottle from under her chair and taking a long drink.

  “I know Brandon told you about him asking me out, and I want to make sure there are no hard feelings or anything. I never--”

  Allison shook her head without hesitation, stopping Josie’s words. “None whatsoever,” she said, her huge smile emerging. “I think it’s wonderful!”

  Surprised at her enthusiastic response, Josie hesitated. “Really?”

  “Really, Josie. Brandon is a great guy, not to mention drop-dead gorgeous, but I never had special feelings for him. Honestly. Please don’t think I hold any resentment or bad feelings about this. You two have become good friends to me, and I wouldn’t want this to come between us.”

  Some of the girls in their group returned, and Josie didn’t want them to know what she and Allison were talking about. If they heard, she knew that would be all they would want to talk about during group prayer-time.

  Allison whispered in Josie’s ear. “Please, Josie, believe me. I think you and Brandon will be great together.”


  The sound of faint crying woke Josie. Opening her eyes, she squinted in the afternoon light and wiped away the blurriness to read the digital clock on her night stand. 2:30

  She heard nothing for several moments and wondered if she had imagined the sound. But then it came again. Tommy was at school.


  Throwing the blankets aside, Josie rose from the bed and reached for her navy robe. Snuggling into the warm fleece, she opened her door and stepped into the hallway. She found her sister sitting on the couch in the living room.

  She sat beside her and drew her close. “What’s wrong?”

  Natalie sniffed and brushed back tears with her fingertips. “I didn’t mean to wake you. I’m sorry.”

  Josie reached for the tissue box on the coffee table and handed her some. “What’s going on?”

  “I tried to call my editor at Travel Europe again.”

  Nearly three weeks had passed since Josie and Brandon’s first date. Natalie’s boss had called her a few days ago to tell her he finally had another assignment for her. She was planning to leave for Germany early next week but had been waiting to hear back concerning the exact itinerary and shooting list.

  “Oh, no. Did the assignment fall through?”

  Natalie burst into fresh tears. Josie rubbed her back to comfort her.

  “I’m sure something else will come along soon, Sis.”

  Natalie rose from the couch and walked to the kitchen. Josie watched her toss the tissues in the trash and get some water from the tap. Josie had never seen her confident little sister shaken like this before.

  “Natalie? Why are you so upset? He’ll have something else for you soon, won’t he?”

  “No. He won’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because he got fired!” she blurted. “You know where that leaves me? Nullepart!”


  “Nowhere! Back to square one! Officially unemployed!” Natalie’s hands flew up in frustration. Walking back to the couch, she plopped onto the cushion and put on her scolded-child face. “The first rule of freelance photography--Don’t quit your day-job. And that’s exactly what I did. Why do I alwa
ys have to reach for the moon? How could I have been so stupid?”

  “Okay. Calm down. I’m sure this isn’t as bad as it seems. Tell me exactly what happened. Who did you speak to, and what did they say?”

  Natalie let out a huge sigh and spoke in animated tones. “I called and asked to speak to Matt Herring. The receptionist told me he had been terminated yesterday and was not available. She couldn’t give me any explanation. I asked to speak to his assistant. He got fired also. I asked to speak to whoever was in charge of the art department currently. She put me through to someone I’d never heard of before and basically got the run-around. There’s no record of Matt assigning me to the article on Bavaria. The yahoo who’s supposedly in charge said no new assignments will be handed out until a new editor is selected.”

  “When will that be?”

  “He didn’t know. But it doesn’t matter. I’m out.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I’m not an employee of the magazine, Josie. I’m a freelance photographer. It’s all about who you know. Matt was my contact. Without him, I’m just a name that’s done a few assignments recently. Trust me. This is the end of the yellow brick road, but instead of reaching Oz, I hit a dead end.”

  Josie hoped her sister was overreacting, but on Saturday morning Natalie received a call from her former editor, and he confirmed her fears. He hadn’t completed the official paperwork naming her as the photographer on the Bavaria assignment before he was fired and therefore had no way of securing the job for her.

  He encouraged Natalie to keep calling the magazine office and perhaps the new editor would take notice of her talent. He hoped to find another job soon and definitely would contact her again when he did, but he had a feeling his name was going to be on the blacklist in the publishing world. He had been accused--falsely he claimed--of stealing equipment and company-owned transparencies. Natalie didn’t know him well enough to know if he was telling the truth, but she had a difficult time believing Matt was a liar and a thief.

  “Can’t you try submitting your work to other magazines?” Josie asked, trying her best to keep the remaining fire from being snuffed out of her sister’s sapphire eyes.


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