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08 Trigger Snappy

Page 15

by Camilla Chafer

  Chapter Thirteen

  Solomon and I breezed past reception, our laminated visitor passes swinging from lanyards around our necks. Well, mine did anyway. Solomon's was neatly clipped to his belt. The receptionist who previously blocked my path barely gave me a second glance; she was too busy drooling over Solomon as he signed us in. It didn't bother me one bit, and I scarcely gave her a second thought when I accidentally stepped on her foot as she opened the door for us.

  "I don't know whom to speak to first," I said as looked around the floor. Everyone seemed busy. A lot of people were talking loudly on their phones and plenty more were hurrying around. Many had multiple computer screens on their desks, the monitors flickering with line-after-line of data. "The boss is chatty for a man who doesn't want to talk. I hope that's the company ethos."

  "You mentioned you spoke to him. When was this?"

  "Earlier today. Does no one keep you informed?"

  "I don't have eyes on the building," he said, not bothering to point out that I hadn't exactly mention any specifics earlier.

  "Where do you have your eyes?"

  Solomon looked down, his eyes resting considerably south of mine. That answered my question sufficiently.

  "Why isn't our office like this?" I asked, thinking about how quietly we all worked. Sure, there was joking and conversation, but mostly the office was used for silently running information through the various databases at our disposal, or sitting around the big table in the boardroom, discussing strategies for tricky cases. Almost as soon as I said it, I realized my error. My current office was in the backroom of a bar and there was no one to talk to. However, cocktails were readily available, and Solomon couldn't offer that.


  I flicked my hair and tried to look nonplussed. "Your."

  "We're all too busy to try and just look busy."

  I blinked. "You think they're all faking?"

  "No, I think they just work in a different way. Let's talk to everyone. Juliet was senior in the firm. They must all know her, or know of her."

  "Everyone?" I looked around and counted almost fifty people.

  "Everyone. Let's split up. It'll be quicker."

  I started with the person closest to me. Flashing my PI license, I got my pen and notepad ready for revelations that I hoped would soon be spilled. Most everyone who knew Juliet was nice about her, expressing genuine surprise at her suspension and arrest. They were similarly surprised about Jane O'Dowd's departure, though few could agree on the real story. A couple of workers were new and didn't know either Juliet or Jane. There were also a couple of mildly nasty comments from colleagues, but I figured that was predictable, given an office of this size; Juliet must have stolen someone's milk at least once.

  "You should really ask Penelope," said the young man standing in front of me. His suit was less expensive than Lancaster's, but still looked higher than what my salary could afford. The name plate on his desk read Tom Oliver and his desk had a window position.


  "Penelope in legal. She was good friends with Juliet, I think. I didn't like Juliet much."

  "How come?"

  "A couple of promotions came up at work a month ago. I emailed both of the account managers about them. Anyway, Juliet emailed me back, saying she wouldn't give someone like me the time of day, and I shouldn't waste my time applying."

  "Did you ask her what she meant?" I inquired, making a note of the strange email, which sounded fishy to me.

  "No. I was too taken aback. I don't even know what she meant by 'someone like me.' I guess I figured she didn't like gay guys," said Tom.

  "Did you consider complaining to someone else? Possibly her superior?"

  "I thought about it, but I got an interview for the other promotion; and the next week, I was offered the job. I didn't think anymore of it. Plus, Juliet congratulated me in person later, and told me I was the perfect choice."

  "Didn't you think that was weird after her email?"

  Tom nodded. "At the time, I thought she was being sarcastic. I just said thanks and figured I'd forget all about her email. Maybe she believed I was better suited for the job I got."

  "Do you have a copy?"

  "Of that email? Yeah, I do. I downloaded it at the time and stuck it in my PITA folder," he said, reaching into his desk drawers.


  "Pain in the ass."

  "Could you email that to me as well?" I asked him, handing over my business card in return for the copy.

  "I would if I could find it. I can scan and print it."

  "Perfect." With the print of the scathing email tucked in my bag, along with my notes, I found Penelope next. Her desk was ensconced in a shady spot, far away from the glossy, light-strewn offices the executives worked from. Her head was bent over a stack of typing, which she seemed engrossed in as I approached.


  "Just a... oh, Lexi. Hi! I didn't realize you were here. Let me just hit save... done!" She smiled up at me. "What are you doing here? Did something happen?"

  "No, all's fine. We're just conducting a few interviews."


  "My partner and I."

  "Well... great. What can I do to help? Do you need someone to take you around? I know pretty much everyone here."

  "That's kind of you, but I'm almost finished."

  "Would you like a coffee? We just restocked the kitchen, and if you're lucky, there will be some cookies left."

  "No, thanks. I was hoping to talk to you again for a few minutes."

  "Well, sure. Grab that chair. I'm almost due for my break. What can I help you with?"

  "I'm trying to get a sense of Juliet's working life. Most people seem surprised about her arrest."

  "We all were, at first. You know, I think we still half expect her to just walk back in. I suppose people are being nice because they have to be about a senior executive." Penelope clapped a hand across her mouth. "I can't believe I just said that. I feel awful."

  "Juliet is very senior."

  "Yes, she was only a year or two away from making VP."

  "I heard there was a promotion in her department available recently?"

  "Yes, but I don't think it's been filled yet."

  "Were there many applicants?"

  "I don't work for Juliet, and she never mentioned it, so I don't know," Penelope said quickly with a shrug. She turned to her stack of papers, shuffling them into a neater pile, apparently rapidly losing interest.

  With Penelope quickly shutting down, I changed tactics, hoping by focusing on Penelope, I could encourage her to be more talkative. "What do you do here?" I asked.

  "I'm a paralegal."

  "There's a legal department?" I looked around, and the nearest desks appeared vacant.

  "I wouldn't call it a department. There's just the company lawyer and me. I help out by looking over contracts for employees and sometimes other stuff too."

  "Sounds interesting."

  "It's easy more than interesting."

  "It must get hard to be a working mom."

  "It is. I don't have a lot of help; and it wasn't easy finding a job that I could fit around my son's school. The aftercare program isn't the best, and summer camp is so expensive."

  "Doesn’t his dad help?"

  "Sure, when he can, but he has a demanding job; so mostly, it's just me."

  "You don't have family to help out?"

  "No. Sorry, what does this have to do with Juliet?"

  "I was just curious. My friend, Lily, is going to be a mom soon, and I never really thought about what it was like to be a working mom."

  "Is your friend married?"

  "Yes, to my brother."

  "I hope he helps out. It's easier when two of you are working together than being a single parent."

  "I think they'll be okay. I never really thought much about school terms and vacations and childcare."

  "I'm not sure anyone really does until they have to. I was a stay-at-home mom
for a few years, and it was only when his dad and I split that I had to look for a job. I never thought I'd be in the workplace again. I wanted to be a homemaker and always be there for my son. Do you know who offers jobs to lawyers who take a five-year career break and need to leave at two-thirty every day? No one."

  "You're lucky to find a part-time job that allows you to do that."

  Penelope sniffed. "Yeah, lucky."

  "It must be nice to work with a friend."

  "Who? Oh, Juliet? Sure, it's nice to know someone."

  "And have lunch with," I added brightly, thinking back to my temping days when no one wanted to have lunch with me. Come to think of it, I didn't have anyone to lunch with now on a regular basis.

  "We didn't socialize much at work."

  "At least, you can discuss being moms together. That must help."

  "Juliet is not a mom."

  "I mean a step..."

  "Hardly the same thing," Penelope cut in.

  I sucked in a breath. This wasn't going well. "How did you get the job?"

  "Juliet recommended me for the position. I interviewed, and they offered it to me on the spot."

  "That's great!"

  "Well, I'm just so lucky to be overqualified and cheap," Penelope snipped. "So what did you want to ask me about Juliet?"

  "Could you show me where her office is?" I asked, deciding I'd exhausted my time with Penelope.

  "Oh, sure. Come this way." Penelope walked around the desk and motioned for me to follow. I did, admiring the cut of her business suit. The jacket was tailored well, accentuating her slim frame. The skirt was a knee-length pencil and she wore very high heels that made her calves look incredibly toned. She didn't wear any jewelry except for a pair of small gold studs. She looked very chic and more expensive than I would have thought someone on a paralegal's part-time salary could afford. I caught the scent of perfume, light and floral, as she walked past me. It smelled familiar.

  "That's a great suit," I told her.

  She smoothed a hand over the jacket, her mood lightening at the compliment I paid her. "Thank you. Don't buy cheap, I say. Buy once and buy good. I will admit, however, that I got it on sale."

  "I like that philosophy, and any sale is good."

  "You learn not to make mistakes as you get older. No more cheap clothes that fall apart for me. It's quality all the way. Dress for success. Can you tell I've been thinking a lot about this?"

  "Since it's working for you, I'll say your thinking is successful."

  Penelope smiled at the compliment and stopped outside a door. She tried the handle, but the door didn't budge. "This is, or was, Juliet's office. It's locked. I'm not sure whom to ask about a key, or getting access," she added, looking suddenly worried.

  I spied Solomon walking towards us, his face full of purpose. "Don't worry about that," I told her, "my colleague will smooth things out with the right people."

  "Do you need anymore help?" she asked.

  I didn't get a chance to answer as Solomon came to a stop next to us. Penelope gave him a fast appraisal before glancing towards me, clearing waiting for an introduction. "This is my colleague, Solomon," I told her as Solomon gave her a nod. "This is Penelope Cera. She's a good friend of Juliet's." This time, Solomon stuck out his hand and gave hers a gentle shake.

  "You work here?" he asked, skipping all pleasantries.

  "Yes, I'm a paralegal."

  "Do you work with Juliet?"

  "Not directly. Like I told Lexi, I work with the firm's lawyer, looking over contracts. Juliet didn't send many my way, but she called on me from time-to-time if she had any legal questions."

  "Good to know." Solomon produced a key and smiled. "Lexi and I need to take a look inside."

  "Oh sure, yes, of course," said Penelope, sidestepping out of the way. "Do you need any help? I can show you around if you like?"

  "No, thanks," said Solomon. "We can find our own way."

  "Oh, yes, I didn't mean the office. I meant the computer and the firm's internal systems. It takes a little getting used to."

  "Thanks for the offer, but we'll be fine." Solomon stuck the key in the door and the lock clicked open. He stepped inside.

  "Perhaps a coffee? I don't normally offer, but since you're here to help Juliet..."

  "We're fine," said Solomon, pushing the door open.

  "Thanks," I told her. "I really appreciate your help, but we'll take it from here."

  "Well, okay then, just shout if you need anything. Or dial 25 on the extension." Penelope gave us a little wave before turning to walk back the way she came. I shut the door, closing us into the office.

  "How was your interview?" I asked as Solomon looked around.

  "Didn't turn up much. People seem to like Juliet and are surprised by her recent nefarious activities. You?"

  "Same here. I met a guy who had a run-in with her. Tom Oliver."

  "What kind?"

  "He wanted a promotion, she turned him down in a particularly scathing way by email, then congratulated him in person when he was offered a different promotion. He seemed puzzled by her behavior, and so am I."

  "Any similarities to firing the assistant?"

  "I thought so. I got a copy of the email. Juliet, if it was really her, was mean."

  Solomon sat at the desk chair and fired up with the computer. "Let's assume it wasn't her."

  "What are you doing?"

  "Switching her computer on."

  "I can see that. I meant, why?"

  "So I can copy her hard-drive and have it analyzed back at the agency. I'm also going to comb her data and see if I can find some anomalies."

  I held a hand up and pulled a face. "Yes?" asked Solomon.

  I lowered my hand. "I already asked Lucas to be on the lookout for anything suspicious."

  "I know. He told me. He asked for the hard drive."

  "I feel redundant here. I don't know enough about computers to help. Or trading. Or finance."

  "True. We need to split up."

  I blanched, the blood drained from my face, and I swayed a little. Had Solomon become sick of waiting for my answer about moving in? It wasn't like I didn't think about it every few minutes. I just hadn't decided whether or not I was the one making all the compromises. And now, had I sealed my fate by confessing to diving beyond my depth? "We what?" I stuttered.

  "We should split up. I'll stay here and do the computer stuff. You go out and interview Juliet's friends."

  "Oh! Oh, yes."

  "They might know something about Juliet's weird behavior. There could be a reason for her acting so far out of character, or maybe she mentioned why she felt she needed to be such a hard-ass at work. See if she told them anything about money worries or struggling at the office. Maybe she had huge aspirations that she couldn't meet on her salary."

  "Got it. Anything that provides a possible motive."

  "Existence or absence of motive. Let's meet up in a couple hours."

  "How about at Juliet's house? Delgado is still doing the installation and I'd like to inspect it before we get it running. I want to check the audio and video feeds. It could be our best chance at finding the stalker; and once we have them, we might have someone tangible enough that Lucas can tie to the insider trading."

  "Sometimes you say the sexiest things."

  "I know," I said as I tossed my hair and sashayed from the office. At the door, I turned around and blew Solomon kiss, then beat a hasty retreat before I lost my cool.


  Juliet gave me a small list of names of people she considered close friends. As I pulled up in front of the first address, I was looking forward to what I would hear. Rose Phipps attended college with Juliet and was now settled in Montgomery too. As I approached the stoop, I could hear a small dog yapping and a baby crying, so I figured Rose would probably be just thrilled to have yet another intrusion.

  The harried woman who arrived at the door didn't look pleased to see me, although her eyebrows lifted when I produced my PI lic
ense and explained why I was there.

  "I can't imagine why Juliet sent you to interview me," she said, pulling off her apron and folding it over one arm. "We haven't spoken in a couple months."

  "Was there any reason why?"

  "Yeah, Juliet was pretty damn mean and told me to get lost. Well, not in so many words, but I got the gist. I was too boring for her now that I had a baby." Rose sniffed. A small dog edged past her, its nose wriggling as it got closer to me. I leaned down, extended my hand, and let him take a look-sniff. Apparently satisfied, the dog sat and looked up at his owner expectantly. I thought my expression probably matched the dog’s, but hoped I smelled better.

  "Did she say that to you?" I asked, thinking about Juliet's own pregnancy news.

  "She sent a text."

  "Do you still have it?"

  "No, I just got a new phone so I deleted all the texts from my previous phone. It wasn't the kind of text you’d want to keep for posterity."

  "Did you talk to Juliet about it?"

  "No, I figured enough was enough. She'd been acting a little strange for a few weeks before that anyway; and honestly, with the baby and Sparky, I have enough to deal with."

  "What do you mean by strange?"

  "Not showing up after we made plans, and then pretending she knew nothing about it, and acting like she had no idea what I was talking about. ‘Accidentally’ —" Rose raised two fingers to make air quotes " —sending a text that said my baby was ugly and had a weird-shaped head. Little, petty, mean girl stuff. I thought we left all that behind us in high school. Like I said, once she sent that spate of texts, I figured enough was enough. If Juliet wanted to act like that, I didn't want to be her friend any longer."

  "Didn't it seem out of character?"

  Rose shrugged. "I guess. I spoke to one of my other friends about it and she said Juliet acted the same with her, so we figured she just got tired of us for some reason."

  "Which friend was that?"

  "Penelope. Penelope Cera. You know what hurt the most?"

  "Go on."

  "Juliet was right. I have become boring, and Ethan does have a weird-shaped head, but a friend is supposed to build you up, you know, not knock you down."


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