Protection By Her Deceptive Highlander (Iron 0f The Highlands Series Book 5)

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Protection By Her Deceptive Highlander (Iron 0f The Highlands Series Book 5) Page 17

by Emilia Ferguson

  “I know,” he murmured, though he held her close still, his body pressed to hers, his hands sunk in her hair. “I know…we mustn’t.”

  He drew back a little and looked into her eyes, and his hands were tender as he rested them on her shoulders. She felt her body melt against him as he tenderly kissed her again.

  “Brodgar,” she murmured, resting her own hands on his shoulders as she looked up into his eyes. She felt her joy cloud a little as she thought of the fact that they were still in grave danger. He was still fairly sure his uncle had deliberately set up an attack to thwart him, and the rivalry he was facing was still strong, and dangerous.

  “Come,” he said, standing back so that she could walk upstairs ahead of him. “We must talk.”

  She felt her heart thudding as he let her go ahead, then led her along an upper hallway where she’d never been, one with rich fabrics on the walls to keep the place warm, and torches burning cleanly in the sconces that they passed.

  “My office,” he said, standing back and holding up a curtain as she followed him inside. “I must admit I don’t use it as often as I should.”

  She followed him in and found herself in a tiny room, a vast desk taking up most of the space. There were thick hangings on the walls of colored velvet, and a fire burned in a low grating. The room was so small and so well-insulated that it was actually hot in there. She let her cloak fall from her shoulders as she sat down opposite him, and he settled down on a big, high-backed seat.

  “You know about the worries I have here,” he began. “My uncle…”

  “We must find proof of what he did,” Barra said at once.

  Brodgar raised a brow. The firelight shadowing his hollow cheeks gave his face a considering look as he nodded. “Yes,” he said. “I think that’s a fine plan. But…how?”

  Barra looked at the desk and gathered her thoughts. “Well…we could go through the woods and see if there is anything to discover. Footprints, maybe, tracks…I don’t know! Whatever we need to show that the soldiers who attacked you came from the castle itself.” She was thinking as she said it.

  Brodgar stared at her. Then, slowly, he smiled. “Dearest…” he whispered. “That’s quite brilliant.”

  She felt her face grow suddenly hot. Her hands were damp and she grinned. “Thank you.”

  They sat silently for a while, just looking at each other.

  “Barra,” he murmured, his throat tight.

  “Yes?” she asked. Her own heart was thudding fit to burst. She looked at his face, trying to fathom what he was thinking, but his expression was unreadable. He was looking across the room, clearly trying to frame his thoughts. She waited.

  “Barra…you know that these are dangerous times. And…and, well…things can happen to a man on the battlefield. Of course, you know…” he stopped, giving a harsh chuckle. “You just helped mending people.”

  “Brodgar…” she interrupted, feeling almost afraid. He raised a hand, interrupting her words a moment.

  “Barra, I don’t want to leave you alone in this world. I want you to be safe. More than anything, I want…well…I want you.” He finished, and this time he took her hand in his.

  “Brodgar…?” Barra stared at him, feeling unsure if she had understood him properly. He couldn’t mean it – couldn’t mean he wanted her. Not like that. Not like…

  “I know,” he interrupted, and he was looking into the fireplace, his face unreadable. “I ask too much of you. I am a difficult man, and this life is not an easy one – my position here at the castle is far from secure, and it’s dangerous, and I must be often away, but…”

  “Brodgar,” she interrupted, squeezing his hands. However, he shook his head, continuing regardless.

  “I am asking a great deal, but I must have an answer from you. I cannot risk dying without – well, without having made the most of every second with you. Barra – would you think to marry me?”

  Barra stared at him in shock. He – Brodgar, the nephew of a laird – was asking her, Barra Hume, for marriage? She couldn’t quite believe it! She stared at him and wasn’t sure if she wanted to laugh, in amazement, or cry because she was too full of joy for anything else.

  “Brodgar,” she said after a long moment. “I…Sorry,” she added, as a giggle and tears mixed in a small hiccough. “If you had told me that today would be the most remarkable day of my life, I could not have been prepared for this. Brodgar…I love you. I have loved you since we met. I…” she buried her face in her hands, overcome with wonder. “I want to be your wife.”

  Brodgar reached out and gently took her hands from her face where she had used them to cover her flood of tears. He took them to his own lips, touching her fingertips gently and tenderly with his mouth, making her want him.

  “Barra,” he said softly. “I am so happy.”

  She looked up into his face and felt tears run down her cheeks. She was laughing, too, and he started to laugh and gently wiped the tracks of tears from her skin with his fingers.

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  He smiled and stood and bent to press his lips to hers.

  “Now,” he whispered into her hair as she stood and held him against her, body flaring with longing, “I suppose we ought to get some rest. I will make plans for our wedding – I think we would both like it to be as soon as possible.”

  She nodded. “Yes, we would.”

  Wedding At The Castle

  Barra stood in front of the mirror in the big bedchamber of the castle. She looked at the person the mirror showed her, feeling quite unbelieving.

  It cannot be me.

  The young lady in the mirror had long, thick hair that hung loose down beyond her shoulders, surmounted by a fine veil. Her full-busted body was dressed in a linen dress so fine that the flared sleeves flowed gracefully. The dress itself was tight-fitting over bust and hips, but had a skirt that flared out below a kirtle of green thread. She looked tall, remote and elegant.

  Barra grinned at herself, and felt less solemn as she saw that big grin reflected. Her eyes shone.

  “Miss?” a maid said shyly. “Brought you this.”

  “Ami? Thank you!” Barra said, taking the posy of lavender and other herbs from the girl who had become her friend. She held it to her nose, then let her arm fall. She felt quite overcome.

  “Come on, Miss,” her friend said gently. “It’s time to go down…he’s waiting for you.”

  Barra felt her eyes fill with tears and looked up at the ceiling, not wanting her tears to spill onto her cheeks and ruin her appearance. She sniffed and then followed her friend down the stairs.

  At the bottom, she was met by Luke, who took her hand. “Barra!” he said, smiling. “You look…well, can’t describe. Come – I’ll walk you to the chapel. Brodgar’s there and nervous as anything.” He grinned.

  Barra felt her heart fill with warmth as Luke – who had been a fine friend – took her hand and led her down the downstairs corridor and out into the courtyard, where many of the soldiers and staff were waiting. She looked at her feet, feeling shy.

  “Not too far, now,” Luke said encouragingly. He led her along the courtyard and to the left, and through a door she’d never noticed before. Here, on the far side of the courtyard, away from where the men practiced sword craft, stood the chapel.

  The inside was very dark, but Barra didn’t really look around – she searched the dark space for the man she longed to see. There, at the front of the building, the light from the clerestory windows falling to touch his hair, was Brodgar.

  He turned as she entered, and she stopped for a second, unable to go any further as the love in his stare hit her like a physical presence. She thought she would never stop staring.

  His long hair was loose and the light touched it with red highlights. He was wearing green hose and a green tunic, over which he wore a long gray and green cape that fell in a smooth cascade from his wide shoulders to the floor. His lean face was filled with love, a tender smile lifting his
lips as he stared at her.

  He’s so handsome.

  She looked at her feet again as her cheeks heated up, but then they were at the altar, and the doors to the chapel were shutting out the noise of the courtyard as the priest came forward to conduct the ceremony.

  The words were in Latin, and Barra felt her attention wandering a little, her heart thudding at first nervously in her chest. She glanced sideways, but Brodgar looked perfectly at ease.

  When the priest halted and looked at him expectantly, Barra held her breath. She didn’t know what had happened, until Brodgar, eyes shining, turned to her and said a strange word.


  She frowned, then her cheeks went red as she realized it was a wedding vow. He was saying, I do.

  She waited until the priest had repeated the words to her, and then cleared her throat, repeating the word he had said.


  When she’d said it, the smile on Brodgar’s face almost melted her heart, and the final words of the ceremony were all but inaudible to her as Brodgar bent forward and lifted her veil.

  Tenderly, with a restrained passion that made her tremble, he pressed his lips to hers. She put her hands on his arms and he drew her close and she felt her body melt against his.

  Then, gently, he turned her to face the congregation and she felt her cheeks flush as they called out blessings on them.

  “Slainte! Slainte!”

  They were wishing them health and long life. She felt her heart fill with love and joy as they went together down the aisle and then out into the pale sunshine.

  She followed Brodgar down the path to the hall with her heart and head floating in a mist of wonderment. She was aware of the fine linen of her gown floating like silk around her legs – she had never worn anything this lovely.

  Breathless, she followed Brodgar into the great hall.

  As they climbed up onto the main dais, a shout arose from the men, and her cheeks went red.

  “Slainte! Blessings!”

  She looked at the ceiling, knowing she was going to cry.

  Brodgar smiled at her and her world was suddenly narrowed to the light in his eyes. She was aware only of him in that moment, and how much she wanted him.

  “Men! My thanks,” he said, turning to address the hall. “I am happier than I can tell you, and I welcome you to share my happiness! Feast! Enjoy.”

  Barra felt herself smile as the men and women of the castle whooped and yelled and then sat down noisily, the sound of music mingling with the sound of feet and talking and general festivities.

  Brodgar turned to her, eyes shining. They were side by side on the dais, flanked by Luke, Keith, Burnell and a few of Brodgar’s other soldiers. His uncle and his group of adherents were nowhere in the hall – they’d chosen this day because he was away leading a scouting party.

  “So,” Brodgar whispered. “Feasting should take an hour or so, and then I think we can go.”

  Barra felt her cheeks heat up as he said that. She smiled and reached for her own glass of ale, dizzied by the thought.

  “Yes,” she said.

  The feasting carried on for a fair time, and Barra felt her stomach start to get full, though she’d been able to sample only a little of all the delicacies on offer. The people in the hall had mostly left their seats, and a musician was playing a fiddle as everybody danced. She felt the music thrum through her own body, making her long to stand up.

  Not that I wish to be dancing.

  Her face heated with the thought. She glanced at Brodgar, and, as the attending laird, he stood.

  “Friends! I thank you!” he shouted over the loud clamor. “I am happy you could celebrate this day with me. But now, I think I am tired, and will retire to bed.”

  As the loud cheering started up, and somebody started to sing a scurrilous verse, Brodgar glanced apologetically at Barra.

  “If we sneak away now, we can escape the difficulties of being put to bed.”

  Barra let her breath out in a rush. The bedding ceremony was ribald and unpleasant – there was nothing bawdy about her love for Brodgar, and she wished to avoid that if they could. He evidently felt the same way, for, taking her hand, he led her swiftly out of the door and into the courtyard where, breathless, he drew her firmly against him.

  “That should throw them,” he grinned. “Shall we?”

  He took her hand and, laughing as if they were children escaping from some tiresome duty, they ran up the steps and to the vast bedchamber on the first floor.

  “There,” Brodgar murmured as he leaned against the door, shutting it. He smiled down at her as he gently pressed her body to his, hands on her upper arms. “We escaped.”

  Barra grinned, and tried to hide the fact that she was nervous. Her body was a seething bundle of sensations. She felt every touch as if it were hot coals pressed to her skin, so intense and overwhelming was it.

  He drew her close again and pressed his lips to hers, his fingers gently stroking through her hair and releasing it from the veil. Then, so gently, he stepped with her to the bed. Barra shut her eyes as he pushed her back onto the pallet.

  “Barra,” he murmured, sitting down beside her, his lips sampling hers. “I have wanted you for so long.”

  She couldn’t find words, for her entire body was consumed with feelings as he gently pressed his lips to hers, his hands buried in her hair, and then started to kiss her neck and shoulders. Her gown had a low neckline, and when his tongue reached the space between her breasts she gasped softly.

  “I will never do anything to harm you,” he whispered, working his fingers into the buttons that her friend had fastened for her down her back. “I want you to know that.”

  “I know,” she whispered back, but her eyes were closed, as he gently worked her linen gown down her body, tugging at it as it caught on her hips. It fell to the floor.

  “Barra,” he said.

  His voice was full of feeling. Barra risked opening her eyes, and saw that his eyes were devouring her. They went from her full bust – barely covered by the thin linen of her under-tunic – to her feet and up.

  She flushed, but strangely she felt no embarrassment or fear at how his eyes strayed everywhere. In fact, she felt heat flooding her body in the most unlikely places. He bent to untie the straps of her petticoat, and she gasped as his lips kissed down her.

  He found her breast, and his lips fastened on it, making heat rush down her body to her hips. She gasped and he lessened his intensity, but still his lips toyed with her nipple.

  She was finding it hard to lie still, his fingers fastened on her other breast, working it gently but insistently, and then he sat up and looked down at her.

  “Dearest,” he breathed. “I want never to hurt you. You will trust me? You will say, if I do harm?”

  She smiled and stroked his hair. “Dearest, I trust you,” she said. It was hard to speak, since her body felt as if it was in a fire of longing. However, he smiled and stood and hastily started to remove his clothing.

  She stared, letting her eyes fasten on his body as he took off his clothes. His chest was firm, smooth skin glowing in the flame light. His arm muscles were huge, even bigger than she remembered. His waist was slim, legs thick with power.

  “Brodgar,” she murmured, but then he was beside her, kneeling on the bed. She couldn’t help noticing that he was quite large down there, between his thighs, and she felt a frisson of nerves.

  “Dearest,” he murmured, and kissed her tenderly, pressing her lightly back against the pillows as his body rested gently on hers. She sighed as his knee moved between hers, and it was natural, somehow, to reach up and hold him close.

  His skin felt so good against her breasts, and she slid below him, his head nestling in her shoulder, lips clamped on her neck as, gently, he positioned himself and then slid into her.

  She gasped aloud, amazed by how wonderful it felt, how right. A brief pain followed, and he frowned as she winced, but then, almost as soon as it ar
rived, the pain was gone, replaced at once by a feeling of bliss.

  He moved out again, and then pushed in slowly. She sighed, eyes shut, as he filled her with all the slow tenderness she could bear. He moved exquisitely slowly, and she felt pleasure spread through every inch of her. She opened her eyes and caught an expression of wonder on his face that matched how she felt.

  He started moving faster, and she felt a sweet insistent feeling start to build up in the inside of her belly – a rising, clenching, growing, wonderful feeling that seemed to build until it was almost unbearable, almost painful, but so wonderful…so wonderful…

  She cried out, not knowing what was happening inside her, as, suddenly, the wonderful feeling reached a place of such immensity that it felt almost as if her whole body dissolved in light.

  He was still gasping, moving in and out, in and out…

  Suddenly, almost as she had, he cried aloud. She felt her heart fill and then he collapsed on her.

  They lay like that, twined together, until the morning.

  Barra felt the warmth touch her cheek before she was aware of anything else. She opened her eyes, and found morning sunshine pouring through the curtains. She rolled over, memories of the night flooding her body as she felt a warm body beside hers.

  “Good morning,” she said.

  Brodgar moved closer and tightly held her, kissing her hair. She knew she had never felt so wonderful.

  Solving Matters

  Brodgar sat in the small turret room where, two weeks ago, he had spoken to Barra. He felt content and rested. He tried to focus on the documents in front of him, but his mind was sleepy and filled with thoughts of Barra.

  “I wonder if she will come to bed early?”

  Grinning to himself, he forced his thoughts away from his bedchamber, and back to his duties at home. He might not be laird, but there were plenty of things that needed his attention. He dipped his pen in dark ink and tried not to think about where Barra was or what she might be doing.

  “I need to finish this.”

  Setting his part of the estate in order was something he had to do. He didn’t like the thought of it, but he wanted Barra to be protected, should anything happen to him. He finished with the document and reached for sealing wax, to affix his seal.


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