Home > Other > HAVE BABY, NEED BEAU > Page 6

by Rita Herron

  "You don't have to carry dirty dishes," Mimi said.

  "I don't mind. At least I can do something for you. Especially since I don't float your boat."

  Mimi put the cups in the sink, then turned to him, her hands on her hips. The movement drew her white blouse across her chest, accentuating every enticing curve and conjuring up images of her voluptuous body naked. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your male pride."

  "So you were just acting last night?"

  "No, well, yes. I mean, sure, you turned me on, but we were stranded and there was music and we were all alone."

  Great, he felt better now. "So if another man had been around, you wouldn't have spent the night with me?"

  "I didn't say that."

  "Yes, you did."

  "I did not. Stop putting words in my mouth."

  "I don't have to put words in your mouth. You seem to be doing fine on your own. In fact, you have quite the vocabulary."

  Mimi sighed and waved her hands. "We both agreed we'd forget last night ever happened, that it was a mistake and we wouldn't repeat it, didn't we?"


  "So what are you doing here and why are you getting so defensive?"

  He jammed his hands in the pockets of his "boring" suit, feeling edgy and out of sorts. He also had to think a minute to remember why he had come. Not to see her pretty face or hear that husky voice or touch her again.

  No. None of those reasons.

  "I came about work."

  A timer buzzed and Mimi grabbed a pot holder and opened the oven door. "Let me check this new recipe and you can tell me what you want."

  Her. On top of that stainless-steel counter, naked and hot and writhing beneath him. He paused, stunned at his thoughts.

  She pulled a muffin pan from the oven and placed it on the long worktable in the center of the big kitchen, oblivious to his fantasy. Pots and pans and mixing bowls filled the sink and counter. Cocoa and flour dotted the surface, and he heard the gritty sound of sugar grinding below his shoe. The mess didn't bother him as it normally would have because the delicious aroma of chocolate filled the air, reminding him of the hot fudge sundae she'd devoured at the Magnolia Manor and the way he'd licked the rich sauce from her lips.

  He swallowed a groan and dug his hands deeper into his pockets. The weather outside was cold, but in the warm kitchen with Mimi he was burning up.

  "Seth, are you going to explain why you're here?"

  He tried to focus. "I'm starting a support group for single parents, and I'd like you to cater it."

  Mimi began to frost a pan of brownies. "Is this a one-time deal?"

  "No, we'll probably meet once a week for a while. I'm thinking Thursday evenings."

  "How many people?"

  He pulled out his notepad and saw her eyes flicker over the pad. "What?"

  "I figured you carried one of those."

  Right. She thought he was predictable, boring. He wasn't—he was simply responsible. What was wrong with that? "It helps with the job."

  She nodded, looking unimpressed. "How many people?"

  "Probably around ten adults the first time. Later on, I'd like to do some mixed groups, kids and parents, but the first meeting should be strictly adults."

  "What do you want served? Hors d'oeuvres or just coffee and dessert?"

  "Just coffee and dessert. Nothing fancy."

  "Sounds doable. Why don't I bring something with strawberries and another dessert with chocolate."

  The same two kinds of desserts they'd eaten in bed together. What was she trying to do, torture him?


  "No, how about fruitcake?"


  He was thinking something with nuts since she was making him nutty. "I suppose not. I guess fruitcake is more of a Christmas dessert."

  "I can try coconut, but really, strawberries and chocolate are much more popular."


  She dropped a dollop of icing on her finger, lifted it and licked the thick frosting from the tip. His body surged with want, wicked fantasies bursting through his mind. Fantasies that Mimi Hartwell would not find boring at all.

  Her gaze locked with his, heat flashing between them in a hot spiral. He brought his finger up and wiped the chocolate sauce from her cheek, then sucked his finger, savoring the delicious texture and taste of the frosting. He desperately wanted to taste Mimi again. Just one more time.

  He had never felt desperate around a woman before. He didn't like the feeling.

  Mimi's breath seemed to catch. "Seth…"

  Hell, he didn't do desperate very well. "I know I don't float your boat," he said in a husky voice. He reached up to touch her. "And we're not right for each other."

  Mimi licked her lips. "Seth, we … we can't."

  He also knew she was right, but his heart had never pounded like this; his veins had never felt as if they had hot lust running through them with any other woman. Including Mimi's sister.

  Hannah—one of the reasons they shouldn't be together.

  All the other reasons collided in his head and he backed away, afraid if he didn't touch her, he'd shrivel up and become that boring, stodgy man she'd described. Even more afraid that if he did, he'd get burned. "I'll call about the meeting."

  Mimi nodded. "I'll plan a menu."

  He turned and left the kitchen, deter-mined to maintain his distance. Determined to stay focused on his goals, on his job, on making a success of himself and living up to his family's expectations. On being rational, not desperate.

  No matter how much it hurt him.

  * * *

  A week later, Mimi circled the hope chest, her head swimming with worry, the nausea in her stomach rising to her throat. She could not be pregnant. No way, no how.

  But Hannah's life had gone completely berserk when she'd received that heirloom ring, and inside her hope chest lay an antique baby rattle and a handmade baby quilt, and she had caught the bouquet, and she was late, and dear heavens…

  She was so nervous she was babbling in her thoughts.

  Mimi's hands shook as she reached for the home pregnancy test. She took a deep breath, opened the box and studied the directions. It might be a little early to take the test, but she had to do something. She was worrying herself into exhaustion. Seth had dropped by the coffee shop every day the past week, making her more nervous, asking about the menu for the support group and not asking about their relationship. Yet in a strange way he was asking—it was in his eyes. He was probably as desperate as she was to know they were safe from worry—he certainly hadn't been behaving in a friendly man-woman kind of way.

  Not that she wanted him to.

  Tears sprang to her eyes and she twisted the box in her hands. She was so emotional this week, too. All hormonal, which was a bad sign, too. Of course, it could be a good sign, a sign she was on the verge—why did women have to deal with all these hormones, anyway?

  She almost dropped the box and had to spread the paper on top of the hope chest to read it. With every nerve in her body on alert, she removed the vial and headed for the bathroom. In a few minutes she would have the answer. She'd read the test results and feel better.

  Then she could get on with her life, meet Hannah and Alison for lunch, and forget that she'd ever had any connection with Seth Broadhurst.

  * * *

  Seth struggled to maintain a professional expression as his parents sang the praises of the ER physician who'd replaced Hannah when she'd decided to go into family practice. Eleanor Bainbridge had graduated top in her class, completed a residency at Johns Hopkins, had published several research papers and came with an impeccable reputation. He cut into his glazed chicken and forced himself to listen as she described her future goals—impressive.

  "I'm delighted they've asked me to consider being head of ER. I've always wanted to settle in a small town."

  "Sugar Hill General is lucky to have you on their staff," Seth's father said. "I say we have a toast."

; Seth raised his glass dutifully and clinked his glass with everyone's, acknowledging the doctor's accomplishments with a sincere smile and giving his father a fake one. His parents were playing matchmaker. He had to admit Dr. Bainbridge was attractive. She had dark-blond hair, big brown eyes and a nice figure.

  But she was the most boring woman he'd ever met. Mimi would think he and Eleanor made the perfect couple.

  "Seth has been on staff at Sugar Hill General for five years now," his mother said none too subtly. "I'm sure he wouldn't mind showing you around town, Dr. Bainbridge."

  Seth shot her a warning look. She always thought she knew the type of woman best for him. Unfortunately none of them had ever floated his boat.

  He ran a hand over his jaw, irritated. One night with Mimi and now he was starting to think like her. And he couldn't get her out of his mind. Mimi stirring chocolate frosting. Mimi in that short skirt with those dynamite legs. Mimi smiling up at him when they'd danced. Mimi lying naked in his arms.

  Mimi, who didn't think he was all that attractive.

  He was pathetic. All he could do was sit and compare her with every other woman be met.

  Dr. Bainbridge pressed her hand over his. "I'd love to have you show me around, Seth—that is, if you don't mind."

  Seth nodded, his jaw tight. Then his stomach twisted when he spotted Mimi and her sisters enter the restaurant.

  * * *

  Thank God the pregnancy test had been negative, Mimi thought when she spotted Seth having lunch with another woman. Not only having lunch but holding hands.

  And in front of his parents. Someone they would approve of, no doubt.

  Apparently he'd moved past his little fling with her and hadn't been too worried about the possibility of consequences from their night—not if he was already cozying up with someone else. Of course, his new girlfriend was probably a doctor like Hannah. Her stomach convulsed. Dear God, the woman even resembled Hannah. Maybe he still did have feelings for her sister.

  "Oh, my gosh, there's Seth." Alison caught Mimi by the hand and gave her an odd look, then lowered her voice so Hannah wouldn't hear. "You want to go somewhere else?"

  Mimi stopped in the entrance while Hannah spoke to the maitre d'. "No, it's no big deal. We live in a small town. We're bound to run into each other all the time."

  "Who's that woman with him?" Alison asked.

  "She's the new head of ER." Hannah had returned, motioning that their table was ready. "I met her when they were conducting interviews."

  Seth noticed them and waved. Mimi felt like flipping that hand backward and watching it slap him in the face.

  She had no idea why. She and Seth were finished. Totally over. Especially now that she had the results of the pregnancy test.

  "His parents still hate me," Hannah said. Mimi saw the look his father and mother shot them and realized that part of their animosity was also directed toward her because of the picture in the newspaper. More guilt assaulted her. Of course, Hannah didn't know about the photograph.

  "I'm glad I left the hospital." Hannah took a seat, oblivious to Mimi's discomfort. "It was just too weird."

  As it would be if Hannah knew that Mimi had spent the night with Seth. Mimi trusted Alison and her father not to tell Hannah, but what about Seth's parents?

  "His parents won't even speak to me," Hannah said.

  Whew. Mimi breathed a sigh of relief. Thank goodness. Otherwise they might mention her.

  "I wouldn't worry about Seth's folks," Alison said. "You did the right thing, Hannah. Seth knows that, too."

  "Mrs. Broadhurst is such a society lady, and I embarrassed their son in public," Hannah said softly. "I guess you can't blame them for being upset."

  Mimi shivered, her head suddenly feeling light as she settled at the table. Unfortunately, although their table was on the opposite side of the room, she still had a clear view of Seth and his parents. What would the Broadhursts think if she turned up pregnant?

  "That new doctor certainly is pretty," Mimi said, praying Hannah didn't hear the strain in her voice.

  "Yes, she is." Hannah picked up her menu and scanned the entrées. "Maybe something will work out for her and Seth. I'm so happy with Jake I really want Seth to find the same kind of happiness."

  "They look perfect for each other." Mimi wrinkled her nose as the waiter walked by with a steaming platter of clams. The strong odor sent her stomach into somersaults.

  "Let's forget about Seth," Alison suggested. "We want to hear all about your honeymoon."

  "And I want to hear about your date with that Ob-gyn," Hannah said to Alison. Hannah winked at Mimi. "I set her up with the guy that joined our practice last week."

  "Sounds good to me," Mimi said. "I say we forget the whole Broadhurst family and focus on you two."

  * * *

  Thirty minutes later though, Mimi hadn't been able to forget Seth. The mere sight of the food sitting on the table made her queasy, the task of swallowing the chicken she'd ordered impossible. Hannah had been chattering away about Jake and their wonderful honeymoon, but Mimi had barely been listening—she needed to focus all her effort on controlling the urge to throw up.

  "Why don't we split a hot fudge cake?" Alison suggested.

  The bright lights of the restaurant swirled in front of Mimi's eyes, black spots dancing. "I … excuse me." She jumped up, trotted to the bathroom, bumping into a waiter in her haste. He stumbled and lost his balance. The pot of coffee on his tray slid and landed in a fern by the mirrored wall. Mimi saw her pale reflection in the mirror, along with the curious stares of the diners. But she didn't dare stop to apologize for fear of embarrassing herself even more by losing her lunch in the plant.

  Minutes later she sat hunched on the plush carpet of the ladies' room, her head between her knees, the room spinning, her mind a jumbled mess.

  Hannah lay a cool, wet paper towel on the back of her neck. "Mimi, are you all right?"

  Alison knelt beside her. "Sis, what's wrong?"

  She squeezed her eyes shut in misery. "I don't know. Food poisoning, maybe."

  "How long have you felt this way?" Hannah pressed her hand on Mimi's forehead.

  "A few days." Mimi opened one eye and saw Alison's mouth form a worried O.

  "Have you been running a fever?" Hannah asked.




  "Just nausea?"

  "And a little dizziness."

  "Let's take you in for some tests. Maybe it's a weird strain of flu or something."

  Mimi blinked back tears. "It has to be."

  Hannah frowned and helped her stand. "You don't think you could possibly be pregnant, do you?"

  Mimi and Alison exchanged worried looks.

  "I … I don't think so. I did a test earlier, though."

  Hannah sucked in a sharp breath. "And?"

  "It was negative."

  Hannah smiled. "That's good. Although those home tests aren't always reliable."

  "They're not?"

  Hannah shook her head. "No, honey. Sometimes if it's early, the tests can be wrong. And some of them are more sensitive than others."

  Mimi gulped, clutching the wall for support.

  Hannah patted her shoulder. "Don't worry. Ali and I are here."

  "Yeah, we'll take care of you," Alison said softly.

  Mimi felt even more miserable. She wanted to impress Hannah for a change, not be the little sister she had to rescue.

  Oblivious to her turmoil, Hannah took charge in her big-sister way. "We'll take you to the clinic and run a blood test. Then we'll know for sure."

  Alison squeezed her hand and Mimi bit down on her lip to stem the tears. "I can't be pregnant."

  "Don't worry, sis," Hannah said. "We do the tests routinely. If you do have something treatable, I have to know before I can prescribe medication."

  Mimi nodded. "All right, but I can't go out there like this."

  "Don't be embarrassed." Alison curved an arm around Mimi
's waist for support. "Everyone gets sick, sis."

  Mimi pulled away and brushed her hair from her face. "I'm feeling better now. Let me walk out on my own, okay?"

  Hannah and Alison smiled in understanding. Mimi jutted her chin in the air, determined not to let Seth and his new lady friend see her as a weakling.

  * * *

  Chapter 8

  « ^ »

  Seth's heart pounded in his chest as he left the restaurant. He had no idea if he'd been rude or had even said goodbye to his parents or the new ER doctor, but he'd mumbled an excuse and dashed from the table as soon as he'd seen the Hartwell sisters exit. Something was wrong with Mimi; her normally rosy cheeks were pale, and her vibrant eyes looked listless. His parents had glared at him, but he couldn't sit and feign interest in Dr. Bainbridge's long-winded description of her fossil collection when the woman who might be carrying his child was ill.

  Odd how protective and afraid he felt for a woman he'd only spent one night with and a child that might not even exist.

  He felt like a damn stalker as he wove in and out of traffic, lingering in the distance just far enough that Hannah, who was driving, wouldn't spot him. Several minutes later, when she braked in front of the Sugar Hill Family Clinic, his heart stopped. He parked across the street from the small building and slid down in his seat so he wouldn't be visible and watched Mimi climb out, wobbling as she walked up the steps. Alison and Hannah followed on each side like bodyguards, a reminder of the close relationship the three sisters shared. And how awkward it would be if his night with Mimi caused a rift between them.

  Guilt and worry pressed against his lungs. Seth lay his head back and debated what to do. His first instinct, barbaric as it seemed, was to charge into the clinic and demand to know Mimi's condition.

  He fought off the urge. His appearance would only make things worse. If she had something simple like the flu or a sinus infection or simply had bad cramps the way some women did, he'd look like a fool and would raise suspicions that would be hard to explain. Mimi wanted their night together to be kept a secret. And so did he.


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