The Curve Ball

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The Curve Ball Page 16

by Emilia Beaumont

  The agent nodded and reached down to cut Cara’s ties before he helped her out of her chair. I took her hands and eased her to her feet.

  “Ms. Young, do you need any medical attention?”

  “N-no,” she answered shakily, looking over at me. I saw the bruise and my jaw clenched tightly, wishing I could kick the shit out of the two men who were now on the floor, both secured with their own restraints. “I’m fine. Apart from the fact I have no fucking idea what’s going on.”

  The agent lifted his eyebrows and walked away and I stole a look at her, giving her a solemn smile. “You did good. I’ll explain everything…”

  “You fucking better. But all I did was sit in that damn chair and hope to God my life wasn’t over,” she forced out with a shaky laugh. “Hell, you saved me.”

  “With some help,” I replied, looking around the room. There had to be at least ten or more FBI agents, a smattering of police officers, and a couple marshals milling about now, a few trying to get the guys off of the floor so that they could be taken away.

  “So, what now, Luke… or should I call you Marcus?”

  I swallowed. “Does it really matter?”


  I couldn’t hold back anymore. I pulled her into my arms and sought out her lips, silencing the inevitable questions and angry words that she was ready to throw my way. Kissing her was like coming home; going back in time when everything was good and right.

  “I… I…” she stuttered breathlessly as I released her from the kiss. I gave her a wicked smile, at least I hadn’t lost my touch.

  “There’s more where that came from.”

  “I think I need to sit down,” she said, a hand going up to her head.

  “Oh, okay.” I guided her to where the chair had fallen, righted it and eased her down. “I promise you you’ll be fine. I’m never going to let anything happen to you ever again.”

  She nodded. She was in shock. It would’ve been nice to think my kiss had done that, but I wasn’t that good.

  My phone vibrated again and I took it out of my pocket and pressed it to my ear all the while keeping a close eye on Cara. “Parsons.”

  “I take it they got there in time?” he asked, his voice rough in my ear.

  “Yes, sir,” I answered. “You were cutting it close though. I guess that business card came in handy for something after all; I thought you were full of shit.”

  “God, you’re still a cocky bastard, aren’t you?” he said with a sigh, causing me to grin. I had given Parsons a run for his money during the first few years of our relocation, attempting to dodge the marshal’s protection any chance I got. When I decided enough was enough and to leave and strike out on my own he had given me his card, forcing me to program it into my phone in case I ever got into any trouble. I had never been so relieved to find his number.

  “How’re my mom and dad?”

  “Your parents are safe. And I’ll be taking them to Denver next week for the trial.”

  “Thanks,” I said, glad that they were okay. “If you see or speak to them tell them I’ll be up there soon.”

  “Will be good to see you, son,” the agent said before clicking off. I pocketed my phone and reached for Cara’s hand, finding it trembling. “Come on, let’s get you out of here.”

  I helped her through the destroyed doorway and out of the warehouse, where we found at least six unmarked police vehicles littered around my truck. The FBI agent who had first checked in on us jogged up to me, giving me a reluctant smile. “Mr. Harris, Ms. Young, we need you to come down to headquarters and answer a few questions. It won’t take long. Just a formality.”

  “Yeah sure,” I said, looking at Cara. “Are you up for this?”

  She nodded, her eyes were wide with surprise and there was still a hint of fear as we were led over to one of the vehicles, climbing in the backseat before the doors were shut and we were on our way. “Luke?”

  I rubbed my thumb over the top of her hand, my insides churning. “Yeah?”

  “Y-you are going to explain this all to me right?” she asked, hesitancy in her voice.

  I sighed and nodded, giving her hand a squeeze. “Yeah. A promise is a promise. I’m going to explain everything to you.”

  She squeezed back and I smiled grimly, knowing that she wasn’t going to initially believe my story. Well maybe she wouldn’t have if everything hadn’t happened. I could tell her that I was the son of the fucking president of the United States and she might believe it given the kidnapping and subsequent rescue by god-knows-how-many services.

  The ride downtown didn’t take long and soon we were being led into a nondescript building near the water, where a few guys in more suits greeted us.

  “Mr. Harris,” the short one with blond hair said, holding out his hand. “I am Agent Welter; this is Agent Kaiser. We are going to debrief the both of you separately and it shouldn’t take too long as we have the guys in custody.”

  “Ms. Young,” Agent Kaiser said, giving Cara a gentle smile. “If you will come with me.”

  I looked over at her and gave her a wink, then pulled her into my arms again. I kissed her forehead hoping desperately she would talk to me after all this was over. “Go on,” I said. “We can trust these guys.”

  She nodded and straightened before following the agent down the hall. I had never felt more fucking proud of anyone as I did of her at that moment.

  “Mr. Harris, this way,” Agent Welter said, pointing to the opposite hall. I gave Cara’s retreating back one more look and then followed the agent.

  “You really need to stop calling me Mr. Harris.”



  “How did you meet Mr. Harris?”

  I bit my lip and stared down at the cup of coffee the agent had gotten for me, feeling the throb of my jaw with every movement. I couldn’t believe what had happened. The kidnapping, then waking up terrified thinking that it was going to be the day that I died. Then Luke’s arrival, the FBI, the police. And I was pretty sure that I saw the star-like shield that only the U.S. Marshals wore. It was all too surreal. Lucia was going to have a shit-fit whenever she found out.

  “If you mean Luke, um, we met at a bar,” I said, not wanting to tell him every single thing that happened on our first night.

  He nodded and jotted some notes, his notebook impossibly too small to be writing the pages of notes he had already. So far he had asked me about my background, forcing me to practically spill out my life’s story. The agent wasn’t rude by any means, but all I really wanted to do was go home and curl up in my bed, take some painkillers and possibly have a good cry.

  “And what do you know about Mr. Harris? I mean Luke,” he asked, his blue eyes looking at me. If I wasn’t already semi-committed to Luke, I would have thought agent Kaiser was pretty darn cute.

  “He’s a construction worker,” I replied, clearing my throat. “Oh and he coaches my son’s Little League team.”

  “Son?” Agent Kaiser frowned, looking down at his notes. “I don’t recall you having a son in my notes.”

  “I gave him up for adoption,” I said hastily, not wanting to get thrown in jail on a technicality like lying to the cops. “Long ago.”

  “I see,” the agent responded, folding his hands on the table. “So you don’t know anything about his past?”

  I shook my head slowly, my heart pounding in my chest. I was about to find out about Luke’s secret life, his secret past. I’d already been totally blown away with the turn of events, but maybe it was going to pay off and I was going to find out if Luke was in fact secretly married with a bajillion kids like Lucia had suggested. Or that maybe he was an undercover agent. It would make sense after all… Luke did have some connection to the FBI.

  “Mr. Harris is, sorry I mean was, under the witness protection program with the U.S. Marshals. While I am not able to tell you the particulars of why, I can assure you that jointly we have successfully suppressed the threat to him and you have nothing more
to fear, Ms. Young. You are free to go and live your life without the worry that someone is going to threaten your life.”

  Witness protection? I would have never, ever guessed that. It was like a movie, one of those criminal ones where the hero was really someone super-important.

  “But why? I don’t understand what did he do? Is he criminal? Or was he?”

  Agent Kaiser shook his head. “I’m afraid I’m not at liberty to say any more.”

  Now my senses were tingling. I had to know the rest of the story, but I imagined Agent Kaiser wasn’t going to give up any more of the goods—they were trained to keep secrets—so I would have to wait for Luke to tell me.

  “Tell me one thing. Is Marcus really his real name? Or is that fake, too?” I asked.

  The agent sighed then nodded, maybe he pitied me. “Marcus is his birth name, yes.”

  “Okay.” I tried his real name out in my mind. It didn’t seem to gel. I liked Luke better. It fit him.

  “Well that’s all we need from you, Ms. Young,” the agent was saying, giving me a smile as he stood. “If we need anything else, we have your information.”

  “I’m free to go?” I asked, standing as well.

  “Of course.” He nodded for good measure and showed me back to the lobby, where an anxious Luke was waiting. I took one look at him and wanted to burst into tears. Who the hell was he? Witness protection? Really? At least I knew one thing, he came running when he knew I was in danger.

  “Hey,” he said as I approached. “All set?”

  “Yeah,” I forced out. “I just want to go home. Take me home, Luke.”

  He nodded and together we walked down the stairs to the street and to his truck parked out front. “The agents brought it,” he said sheepishly as he opened the passenger side door. “Come on, I’ll make sure you get home safely.”

  I climbed in and fastened my seatbelt as he climbed in, doing the same. I wasn’t taking any other chances with my life. We were both silent throughout the short ride to my apartment, realizing as he pulled in that my car was still at the batting cage. “I’ll make sure to pick it up,” Luke said when I told him. “Don’t worry, Cara, I’ll make sure to take care of everything.”

  “Will you come up?” I blurted out, not wanting to be alone. That and I needed answers. But most of all, I wanted him with me. He nodded and we walked up the stairs together, handing him my keys so that he could unlock the door. My hands were still shaking. I stepped inside and took in a deep breath, so glad that I was home, back to the normalcy of my life. But it wasn’t going to be the same. No matter how much I wanted it to. Something like that doesn’t just go away… it stays with a person.

  I almost died…

  As soon as the door was shut I started to shake uncontrollably, the impact of what could have happened hitting me after I was safe and able to process it properly. Luke cursed and grabbed me, pulling me into the warmth of his arms as the tears started to flow.

  “Shh, it’s okay, you’re safe,” he crooned into my ear, his hands rubbing up and down my back. “I’m so damn sorry, Cara. This is all my fault. But you’re safe. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  Letting him envelop me, I leaned in closer against his shoulder and inhaled the scent of him in order to soothe my nerves. His arms around me made me feel safe, as if they were the barriers that kept the world away. We both nearly died, and if I had, I would have had so many regrets about us.

  Pulling back, I looked at the angry welts around his neck, where that guy had nearly choked him to death. I reached up and touched one of them, feeling him shudder at the simple touch. He was vulnerable right now, maybe even more so than I was. I wound my arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss, stopping right before our lips touched. “Make me forget.”

  “Ah, Cara,” he said roughly, emotion in his voice. “Maybe we shouldn’t. You’re in shock…”

  “Maybe we should, I’m not broken, Luke,” I interrupted softly. “Let’s just make this whole night go away.”

  The tightness around his shoulders disappeared as he gave in. He closed the gap with his lips and I felt the aching tenderness in his kiss. All of the hurt and confusion melted away as he held me, his lips coaxing and seeking out mine. I clung to his shoulders, feeling the muscles under my fingers and wanting to touch his skin.

  My hands were frantic as I dropped them down to his T-shirt, inching it upward until he had to break the kiss to pull it off the rest of the way. For a moment I just stared at him, memorizing every hard ripple and contour of his chest and abs, marveling at his defined form.

  “You had your fill?”

  The spell broken, I raised my head slowly to meet his eyes. An amused smile played on his lips. “No,” I said softly. “I want it all off.”

  “I will if you will,” he responded, a heated look in his eyes. I nodded and started to take off my clothes, my eyes on him as he removed the rest of his clothing as well. When we were both naked, we stood there, before each other, the heat between us near a fevered pitch. I swallowed as I looked at his need, seeing the throb of his cock as it stood out before his body. My mouth salivated at the sight, my lower half tingling in anticipation. I reached for him and he stepped back, shaking his head. “No. It’s my turn this time. I’m going to make it up to you.”

  A shiver escaped down my spine as his hands reached for my breasts, his warmth covering them at the same time. He molded them with excruciating precision, his thumbs brushing over my erect nipples softly. “Perfection,” he said.

  “Tell me what you’re going to do to me,” I swallowed, wanting to hear his voice as he touched me.

  His grin was quick. “After you beg, I’m going to lick your breast and take your nipple into my mouth.”

  “Then what?” I breathed.

  He pulled me close so I could feel the swollen end of his cock press hard into my belly. “Then I’m going to suck on you while I part your legs…”

  “Mmm, good,” I said with encouragement, not wanting him to stop.

  “My mouth and tongue will do dirty things to you, Cara. I’m going to make you sob my name. And that’s before you get any of this,” he said as he stroked down his shaft so that I could see.

  “Please… yes,” I said hoping he would start soon. I was swimming in a pool of desire for him, overflowing, in fact.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you.”

  “Please, Luke, make me yours,” I whimpered.

  His eyes flashed and he leaned down to replace one of his hands with his lips, gently sucking on my nipple with a slight tug. I gasped and delved my hands into his hair, holding him close and not wanting him to stop. He dropped to one knee as his lips left my nipple and trailed down my body, nipping at the skin on my stomach before coming ever so close to the area that ached for him. I looked down to find him watching me, desire evident on his face. “Let me get a good look at you, part your legs.”

  I quickly obeyed, shuffling my feet apart. His head bent down and I felt the warmth of his breath, the touch of his lips tasting me, seeking out the hard nub that was throbbing for his touch.

  When his tongue flicked against it, I felt my knees buckle, his hands on my hips the only thing holding me upright. This was really happening. I gave myself up to his touch, my hands tugging on his head not to make him move but to drive him closer as the pressure started to build up within.

  He tugged on my cheeks, his mouth sealed around my pussy doing magical things that made the whole world disappear. I lost it a few minutes later, calling his name, urging him to never stop as the force of the orgasm made my legs quake. I fell to my knees and he caught me and lowered me to the carpet, looming over me, a catlike smile on his face. “Told you.”

  I stretched, the afterglow settling in my body. “Okay, so you told me. But any amateur can do it once. The real question is can you make me do it again?”

  He growled and reached back, the telltale sound of a condom opening before he positioned himself between my legs, h
is eyes dark with passion. “Oh, I will make you do it over and over again.”

  I pulled him down for a kiss, the taste of me still on his lips. “I want you to.”

  He entered me swiftly, stealing my breath and burying himself deep inside until I was certain he was touching my core. My body stretched to accommodate him and I lifted my hips, getting another growl out of him. He reached for a nearby pillow from the couch and shoved it quickly under my lower back. “God I love that you’re fucking dripping wet for me,” he said, drawing back slightly before driving in again. “You’re driving me crazy.” He claimed my left leg and eased it upward then rested it on his shoulder.

  “That’s the point,” I panted lightly and adjusted my leg to hook around his neck. The next time he entered me I had to dig my hands into the fibers of the carpet. The new position felt like it made it possible for him to caress every inch of my pussy. “Oh god, that’s so good.”

  Willingly I raised my right leg and placed it on his other shoulder.

  He chuckled, loving the reaction he was getting, and began to move inside of me with renewed vigor. His capable hands were on my hips moving my whole body toward him as he thrust forward.

  “Harder,” I moaned and his grip tightened and his pace quickened.

  I squeezed my eyes shut. I felt like I was going to go cross-eyed and stay that way.

  “Yes, Luke. Fuck me… please… harder.”

  “Jesus Christ, Cara,” he said as he leaned forward over me, sinking in even deeper as my thigh muscles started to sing with the stretch. He wrapped his arms tightly around my thighs and let loose. His movements frenzied as he delved in and out, hitting every glorious spot as I cupped my breasts and squeezed.

  My second orgasm of the night exploded out of me only a moment later. And as my muscles contracted, my walls tightening around his cock, I squeezed even more. “Don’t stop,” I urged, knowing this wasn't the end.


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