The Curve Ball

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The Curve Ball Page 19

by Emilia Beaumont

  “A baby,” he repeated, a grin sliding on his lips. “God, just saying it out loud is scary… but I’m so happy, Cara. My parents, especially my mom, are going to be over the moon. I don’t know how you did it, but you’ve changed me…”

  “Nah, you, the real you, were in there all along.”

  “Either way, I needed you to make me see the light. I’m always going to need you. You’re mine and I’m never going to let you forget it.”



  Six Months Later

  “Oh my god. Are you super excited?”

  I pursed my lips as I looked out onto the field, my heart hammering in my chest. I wasn’t excited, I was terrified.

  Tonight was a culmination of a hard six months for Luke and I knew he was extremely nervous about the outcome. The baby shifted within my tummy and I put a calming hand on top. After the trial finally ended and the men responsible for sending Luke’s and his parents’ lives off into a spiral had been hauled off to prison, Luke had concentrated on his baseball career. He jump-started his training, doing everything possible to gain a spot on a team in Jupiter.

  Of course it had helped just a tiny bit that he was friends with the most popular athlete in Jupiter. Though I knew Luke wanted to do it himself, the doors had opened a bit faster when Jacob had gotten involved, and scouts, agents and many of others involved in baseball started to remember the young kid who was full of promise and who’d vanished from the world.

  He was back and they wanted him.

  Lucia and I sat in the stands, watching as the team jogged onto the field, with Luke on the pitching mound. There were all kinds of scouts for the affiliated team in the stands and if Luke played his cards right, he could be moving up into the next realm and closer to his dream of playing professional ball.

  I held my breath as he warmed up, admiring how he looked in his baseball uniform. He was pretty hot, those pants outlining a body I knew very well. I was so proud of him tonight, regardless of the outcome, knowing how hard he had worked to get here. The manager had already been impressed by his pitching and no matter what the other scouts thought, Luke already had a job on the minor-league circuit.

  “Here you are. God, you both sure know how to empty a man’s wallet.”

  I looked up to see Jacob standing in the aisle, his arms loaded with snacks and drinks. Since being pregnant, Lucia and I seemed to grow even closer together, spending our time complaining about our bloated bodies and cankles, pouring over baby books and generally being quite sickeningly happy that we were both pregnant. The men were forever groaning every time we all got together.

  “You are wonderful as always, babe,” Lucia quipped, her belly protruding out from the new jersey that she just had to have. I gave him a dazzling smile as well as he passed out the snacks. I looked at my little boy behind him and saw James decked out from head to toe with all kinds of memorabilia as well.

  “Looks like food wasn’t the only thing you bought,” I remarked as James plopped down in the seat next to me. “Did you talk him into this?”

  “I couldn’t not buy the kid something, he’s practically my nephew and the only boy I can spoil,” Jacob grumbled as he took his seat next to Lucia. “Don’t worry. I got Nora and the baby some things as well for when he or she pops out.”

  “You softie, you,” Lucia said, kissing his cheek. I gave Jacob a smile and turned to James. He was more interested in the field than the snacks or goodies he’d just received. I watched him watching Luke warm up with an intent look on his face, studying his every move.

  Not only had Luke and I found the cutest house with a pretty terrific view of the water, not far from James’ home, but we had also started having long weekends with him as well. His parents, Jessica and Travis, were wonderful people and I had started to get to know them both. James was in good hands for the rest of his life and I was so grateful that they were allowing me to be in my son’s life… and also allowing Luke to become a part of it, too.

  James was an unbelievable kid and he and Luke had grown closer together over the last few months. He was also really excited about being a big brother, though the sex of the baby was still unknown. We had chosen not to find out and it was freaking killing me.

  “Oh, here comes the first batter!” Lucia announced, pointing to the field. I turned to see Luke receiving the signs from his catcher, thinking that this was going to be the longest game ever. But every moment watching him make his dreams come true would be worth it.


  I looked over at the runner on third, mentally noting how far off base he was. I had pitched a stellar game, only giving up two runs and pitching all nine innings. I was going to feel the pull on my shoulder in the morning, but I refused to be taken out. I wanted to prove to not only the scouts there, but to myself, that I could still do it. Six months’ worth of agonizing training hadn’t been nearly enough time to prepare, but I had pushed myself hard and hoped I was about to be rewarded for the hard work.

  I looked to the stands and found Cara with James next to her. I was no longer doing this for just me, it was about them, too. I wanted to inspire that little boy and prove to him that no matter what, I could overcome anything. And Cara, well, I wanted to make her proud. She caught my eye and gave me a thumbs up.

  Straightening, I registered the sign from the catcher and took a deep breath. We were up one run in the bottom of the ninth and the batter at the plate had been one of the runs from earlier. I couldn’t let him get on base again.

  Winding up, I delivered the pitch, my specialty curve ball that dipped low so fast that it would have been almost impossible to see the arc of the ball from the batter’s perspective. He swung wildly and missed. The ball landed with a satisfying pop into the catcher’s glove.

  The game was over. We had won. I had done it.

  The players rushed the mound and congratulated me with a dogpile, excited that they had won the game, as well. I laughed, it was all I could do, and then received a handshake from the manager, with a wink that told me I had a position on this team even if the professional thing didn’t pan out.

  After all of the congratulations, I looked back over to the seats where all of my family and friends were sitting, including Darren and his new wife. Cara was clapping with tears streaming down her face. I knew the feeling. Often we talked about what would happen if I could do it and I couldn’t thank her enough for sticking by me, allowing me to pursue my dream while she worked her tail off to support us both. Well no longer. I was going to make it so if she didn’t want to work after the baby, then she’d have that choice. I owed her everything and that kid growing inside of her was everything to me.

  I waved them all down and then jogged over to the fence, waiting as Cara rushed to the barrier. “You did great!” she exclaimed, kissing me fully on the lips. “Luke, I can’t believe it.”

  “Me, neither,” I said, and felt the pull on my shoulder that was both exciting and scary at the same time. Maybe I’d been pushing it staying in as long as I had, and tomorrow I would be stiff, but this was all worth it. “I might not be able to lift my arm in the morning.”

  “Good game, Luke,” James said. I leaned over and ruffled his hair, the kid had definitely wormed his way into my heart, not that there had been much resistance. He was great. We had grown close over the last few months and I automatically considered him mine as well—he came with Cara, whether I liked it or not—though I never wanted to step on his adoptive dad’s toes, not ever. But they had been extremely gracious in allowing Cara and I to have time with him. “Thanks, kid. I hope you are ready for some practice tomorrow.”

  His groan made me grin and I touched Cara’s belly briefly, feeling a rewarding kick in response. “He knows we won.”

  “She knows you won,” Cara corrected me, her eyes shining with happiness. We fought over the sex of the kid all the time, but neither of us really wanted to know yet. The envelope was still sitting on our dresser, waiting for the day, if it e
ver came, for us to open it. “Go on, get cleaned up. We are going out for dinner with everyone. We have to celebrate.”

  “Damn, dinner, too? Didn’t you both just eat the entire concession stand?” Jacob grumbled. Lucia socked him in the shoulder with her fist, her expression playful but furious. “I am carrying your child Jacob Maddox! You will feed me when I say and where I say!”

  “You can’t fight with a pregnant woman,” Jacob said with a wink, grabbing her wrists and kissing her hard on the mouth. She pretended to protest, but we all knew that Lucia was rarely mad at Jacob. I shook my head at the two of them and looked at Cara, who had an amused smile on her face. “I’ll go get cleaned up and be back in a few okay?”

  “Okay,” she answered, blowing me a kiss. I gave her a wink and walked towards the dugout, feeling on top of the damn world.

  My parents were finally free of the witness protection program, still living in the house that had kept them away from the world for so long, though we were expecting them to visit in the next few months so that they could see the birth of their first grandchild. My mom had gotten through her chemo like the fighter she was and I was looking forward to their visit.

  Yep, I thought as I headed into the clubhouse, my life was more than I could ever imagine. There was just one thing missing.


  “Where are we going?”

  Luke gave me a grin and tugged harder on my hand, forcing me to follow him. I waddled after him, full from the big dinner that we’d just shared with all of our friends and family to celebrate Luke’s triumphant win. Throughout the whole meal he seemed nervous and on edge, and I was sure it was due to him worrying about the next steps now that he had pitched the game of his life.

  The next few days would be critical to finding out if he was going to move to the big leagues and I was proud of him no matter what the outcome was. But instead of going home to celebrate further, we’d dropped James off at his house and Luke had driven to the waterfront, wanting to walk a little bit to burn off some of the adrenaline he was still rocking. Me, I wanted to go to bed, but it was his night and the last thing I wanted to do was kill his high.

  “Come on,” he answered. “It’s not too far.”

  It was truthfully a gorgeous night to be outdoors, the moon high and full in the sky with thousands of stars littering the inky blackness. The water was awash with the lights from the city, not a sound to be had except the gentle lapping of the waves against the dock and shoreline.

  We walked along the waterfront until we found a bench, where he led me to sit. “What is up with you tonight?” I asked softly as I watched him. “Are you sure you are okay?”

  “No, I’m not,” he answered, pacing before me. I was starting to get dizzy watching him move back and forth, concern filling my veins.

  Had he already talked to the coaches and got an offer? Maybe somewhere across the country? Was that what this was all about?

  “Hey,” I said, reaching out to stop him mid-stride. “It will be fine, Luke. We will get through this together. If we need to move to another city, we’ll figure things out.”

  He looked at me and ran a hand through his hair roughly. “I’m sorry. It’s not like that.” Then he dropped to his knees before me, gathering my hands in his.

  “Cara, you are the love of my life. I never thought I would love anything more than I love baseball, but you, you have proved to me that this love—our love—runs so much deeper. I am so fucking excited that we are having a baby and that we’re going to be a family.”

  “Oh, Luke,” I sighed, feeling the tears well up in my eyes. Nowadays I cried at the drop of a hat, my eyes always watering about something. It had gotten so bad that James started carrying around tissues in his pocket because he knew I was going to cry every time we picked him up. “That is so sweet.”

  “It’s the truth,” he said, his voice hoarse. “I can’t live without you. You are my rock, my soulmate, the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with.”

  He dropped my hands and reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring box and opened it. Nestled inside was a beautiful diamond ring and I gasped, realizing what was happening.

  “I should have done this a long time ago,” he continued, giving me a half smile. “Will you marry me, Cara?”

  “Oh yes!” I said, throwing my arms around his neck, hugging him awkwardly because of my belly. “I love you so much. You had me worried for a moment.”

  “I love you,” he said, pressing his lips against my shoulder. “I’m so sorry it took me so long to do this.”

  He pulled back and with shaky hands, pulled the ring out of the box and slipped it on my finger. I looked at it in the light, the shock of what he had just done hitting me full force. This was commitment. I hadn’t expected this at all. I had been content with our lives together, the way things were, but not once had we spoke of marriage.

  “Are you sure?” I asked hesitantly, looking at him. “I mean I love you regardless of a piece of paper.”

  “I know,” he said simply. “But I want to give you my last name, if you’ll have it. I want to be the best damn husband I can be for you, Cara.”

  I stood and hugged him tightly, feeling the rush of tears once more. “God, you got me good. I thought something was seriously wrong.”

  “I was nervous,” he admitted with a chuckle, his breath on my cheek, warming my cooling skin. “Do you remember the significance of this place Cara?”

  I leaned back to look around, something triggering and finally registering in my very pregnant brain. “Our first date.”

  It had seemed so long ago that we were in that beginning stage of our relationship. We barely knew each other and the old me was constantly worried about the other half of him. Now I knew everything about him and still loved him just as much. He was truly my other half, the man I had been looking for all of this time. And now he was going to be my husband. Well, maybe after the baby came. I’d get to wear the perfect dress after all. Besides, Lucia would be pissed if she had to be a matron of honor right now in her state, too.

  “I nearly had you on this bench,” he answered, kissing my nose and reminding me of that hot night. “I really wanted to propose where we had our first kiss, but the men’s toilets at Friction didn’t seem very appropriate given the circumstances.”

  I laughed, thinking of the bar that had brought us together in the strangest of ways. “Aww, Ginny will be disappointed to hear that. We’ll have to let her know, though. But it wouldn’t have mattered where,” I said as he nuzzled my ear, the same stubborn streak of want still coursing through me even though I was heavily pregnant. “Because all that matters is you, my love.”

  “Keep talking like that and I might just have to take you right now,” Luke added, his tongue tracing the shell of my ear. I pulled back, giving him a disbelieving look.

  “Promises, promises…”

  Don’t miss the other books in the series:

  #1 The Play Book (Lucia & Jacob’s story)

  #3 The Love Game (Ginny & Damon’s story)

  About the Author

  Emilia Beaumont is a full-time writer, originally hailing from England, living in the South of Ireland with her husband and a house full of cats. Surrounded by peaceful emerald fields she always has a pen and notebook to hand ready for when the next saucy idea strikes. Emilia is also an avid comic-book reader and a wildlife advocate.

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  [email protected]

  Also by Emilia Beaumont

  For an up-to-date list please visit:

  Expecting Series:

  Expecting my Billionaire Stepbrother’s Baby

  Loving my Billionaire Stepbrother’s Baby

en Desires Series:

  Snake (a Stepbrother Romance)

  Vulture (a Stepbrother Romance)

  Shark (a Stepbrother Romance)

  Damaged Series:

  The Play Book (a Bad Boy Sports Romance)

  The Curve Ball (a Bad Boy Sports Romance)

  The Love Game (a Bad Boy Sports Romance)

  Stand Alones:

  Billionaire Stepbrother

  Kiss Me Again (a Second Chance Stepbrother Romance)

  Hitman’s Revenge (a Forbidden Bad Boy Romance)

  Dream Daddy (a Dark Daddy’s Best Friend Romance)

  Daddy Ever After (a Billionaire Romance)

  Royal Bastard (a Bad Boy Royal Romance)

  Bad Boy’s Wedding




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