Madam President

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Madam President Page 24

by Cooper, Blayne

  "Hey." Dev scooted closer to her companion, though there was already almost no space between them. She forced herself not to flinch as she lifted her arm and wrapped it around Lauren's shoulder. It had only been out of her sling for a few days and she still had several weeks of physical therapy to go before it would be back to close to normal. "You didn't have to apologize. I've been worried about you."

  Lauren voice was full of self-loathing, and she pulled away from the comforting embrace. "But I just left you after you sat through that horrible video!"

  "That doesn't matter." Dev pulled her back.

  "It does matter, Devlyn!"

  "No, it doesn't. And if I'd known that's what was bothering you, I would have made that clear weeks ago."

  Lauren's watery gaze lifted to meet Dev's, and she found only genuine curiosity and concern shining in those pale blue eyes. There wasn't an ounce of anger. Or worse yet, the pity she feared she'd find. "I see you everyday and I still miss you."

  At the sweet words, Dev found herself gulping back tears. "I miss you too."

  "That day I was embarrassed and ashamed." Lauren paused and then added, "And tired and angry."


  Lauren nodded. "When you told me that you knew about Mama, it suddenly felt like you were spying on me. It was like all my family's dirty laundry was being paraded in front of you whether I wanted it to be or not."

  Dev winced at the truth of the words. She'd known Lauren was having trouble adjusting to life in a fish bowl. And her actions, though started with only the sincerest of intentions, hadn't helped much. "I... I... didn't mean for you to feel that way. I was worried about you. I only had David check into things so I could help." Dev's gaze dropped to her lap. "I didn't mean to pry. I just wanted to be able to help if you needed me, but..." I couldn't go with you when I wanted to. I couldn't be there when you really needed a friend.

  "I know." God, how can I explain this? "But it's so hard. Mama... my mother... I mean..." She let out a frustrated breath. "If I'd been thinking straight I would have assumed that you'd find out what happened." Lauren winced, seeing flashes of her younger self and slashed wrists and a pool of dark crimson blood spreading across the floor in her mind's eye. "It's so personal and ugly what she tried to do."

  "It's hard." Dev swallowed back the pain of her next admission. She'd never lied to Lauren and she wasn't about to start now. But this went beyond that. Her political mind wanted to say ‘off the record' but she believed deep down that Lauren wouldn't betray her trust and that that kind of lack of faith on her part would seal a future for herself without Lauren.

  Dev's face was deadly serious but her voice was still even and soft. "Some people just can't fight the urge. They want to escape. Lauren, I'm going to tell you something I've never told another living soul." She could feel the weight of Lauren's expectant stare, and slender fingers threaded themselves tightly between her own. Devlyn looked the smaller woman square in the eye. "When Sam was killed, I thought about it." Dark brows creased in thought. "I didn't know how to deal with the loss. I wouldn't, I couldn't find a place for the anger and pain and it started to overwhelm me. I couldn't breathe without it hurting. Every heartbeat was painful." The tears welling in Lauren's eyes nearly made her stop. But she didn't. "Somehow, after a long while, I found a way back. Through my children. But some people just can't fight."

  Lauren squeezed her eyes shut. She had trouble picturing the strong woman beside her giving up on anything. But then she remembered the video image of Dev testifying at Theodore Harris' sentencing hearing. Only one word came to mind. Broken. She was broken. But somehow, someone had fixed her. Or she'd fixed herself. "But I can't help mama," Lauren whispered in anguish. "I've tried! My whole life I've tried and nothing works. I'm not enough." Nothing is ever enough.

  Oh, Lauren. Don't do that to yourself. "Sweetheart, you've helped her even if you don't know it. By growing up into such an intelligent, generous woman. By being there for her when she needed you, and by trying your best. Sometimes people just can't help what they do or how they feel. If you want, we'll hire new doctors to see her. They can try to help her. Maybe there is a new technique or medicine or-"

  "She's got the best doctors I could find. My royalty checks are enough to see to that." Sweetheart? She let the word soak deep down inside her, balming spots made raw by worry and fear. She hasn't said something like that to me since she was in the hospital. "I appreciate your offer. But I don't think there's anything you can help us with." She squeezed Dev's hand. "Other than continuing to be my best friend."

  Lauren sniffed, then smiled when she heard Dev doing the same thing. They were quite a pair. "After I ran out of the hospital, I felt like I wasn't enough to help you either. All you were doing was being kind to me. But all I could think about was running away." Lauren reached up and wiped away a shimmering tear that was hanging suspended in the corner of Dev's eye, waiting to fall. "I'm so sorry about that," she whispered. "And especially sorry about being too embarrassed to apologize sooner." Say the rest! "Things between us have been awkward and I don't like it. I um..." A pause. "I want to hold your hand... a lot... and I can't do it if we won't sit by each other." She held her breath and waited, praying that Dev felt the same way.

  A brilliant smile edged its way onto Dev's lips and she instantly saw its echo on Lauren's. "So," the President shrugged a little, hoping to lighten the mood and barely able to keep herself from jumping up and down like a little kid. "Sit next to me. I don't bite." She expression turned playfully. "I'll even give you a hug if you need one. And my hands are always free to be held."

  Lauren nodded shyly. She lifted their linked hands. "We're half way there. But how about that hug?"

  "Okay." Dev used the arm lying loosely across Lauren's shoulder to pull her closer. "This is not a bug," she teased. "This is me hugging you. I don't want any confusion." She eased her arm around Lauren's shoulders and pulled her close. When Lauren was pressed tightly against her, both women let out long, shuddering breaths. Dev rested her cheek atop strands of fair, wavy hair. "I know we're not done talking about the privacy issue. But maybe we can take things a little bit at a time, you know?"

  Lauren murmured her agreement against Dev's collarbone. "I won't let things get so out of hand again. I promise." She sank into the embrace, not thinking about what it meant or where they were going. Just accepting the affection and comfort Devlyn was offering. And doing her best to return it in kind.

  "But you know what else?"


  "Nash still needs a girlfriend."

  Lauren began to shake with silent laughter.

  Then Devlyn felt the softest of touches graze the hollow of her throat. She went completely still and her eyes fluttered closed. Oh God, she's kissing me!

  Lauren pressed her lips against the soft skin again, marveling at the tiny tingles that chased their way up and down her spine, and the flood of warmth that flowed through her veins like a strong wine, heating her from within. The featherlight kisses were painfully intimate and it felt so good to finally be showing Dev how she felt, how deeply she cared for her, that Lauren had no intention of stopping yet. She leaned forward and barely brushed Dev's throat with her mouth, feeling the dark-haired woman's pulse pound wildly in response.

  The plane lurched again, sending Lauren a little sideways and interrupting the perfect moment. Dev drew in a breath to speak and the writer pulled back a little, tilting her head up and regarding Dev seriously. "No." Her voice was gentle but insistent.

  Lauren brought up both hands and gently cupped Dev's cheeks, enjoying the warm, smooth skin against her palms. She stared deeply into panicky eyes tinged with desire and affection. "Nothing is going to interrupt us again. Okay?" A tiny bit of insecurity popped through but was quickly quashed by Dev' response.

  The taller woman let out a shaky breath and nodded once, tilting her head and pressing her a cheek more firmly against Lauren's steady but delicate touch. She fell willingly into warm gray ey
es that were so full of honest friendship and devotion that Dev's chest constricted at the sight. "Okay," she croaked softly, honestly surprised she could speak considering her heart felt like it was going to burst the confines of her chest at any moment. She already felt lightheaded and they hadn't even really kissed yet. Please don't let me pass out now.

  Lauren smiled shyly and licked her lips to moisten them. With a tiny tug of her hands, she drew Dev's face to hers. "I've been wanting to kiss you for forever." Dev's warm exhale caressed her lips and she forgot the rest of what she was going to say.

  The President's eyes slid closed when as light as a feather, impossibly soft lips brushed against her own, then settled more firmly there. A moan escaped from deep in her throat and she threaded one hand in Lauren's hair, holding her gently in place as she returned the kiss. Lauren's mouth was soft; inquisitive lips were setting her on fire. The younger woman let her set the pace of their heartfelt exploration and Dev felt like her entire body had been placed on a slow burn.

  It lasted a long sweet moment, not stopping until tentative tongues had reached out and tasted what both had been wanting for so long. Finally, Lauren began to pull back, slightly breathless. But Dev surged forward and nipped at her bottom lip, tugging it into her mouth in a move that earned a gasp and then a low, sensual groan. But the high intensity of the moment quickly shifted when Dev began nipping and teasing with her teeth until both women were laughing.

  This time it was Dev who began to loosen the fingers she had threaded in Lauren's hair, but before she could pull completely away, Lauren exacted her revenge by surging forward and passionately kissing Devlyn into insensibility. Her initial fears had melted away and now she acted on pure instinct, letting the rightness of the moment sweep them both away and easily deepening the kiss. She swirled her tongue around Devlyn's until the taller woman began to whimper. Yes! Lauren’s mind cried. This is what she wanted. It was the desire and hunger that lurked behind every touch, every innocent glance and tender gesture. And now she was tasting it.

  Lauren felt her body responding, as much to the sounds she was evoking from Dev as the wonderful touch she was receiving. Her belly was beginning to clench as a combination of rampant hormones and adrenaline sang through her blood.

  When they finally parted, she drew in a deep breath, slightly dumbfounded and more than a little giddy. Lauren happily smiled and Dev's face immediately flushed a bright red. The younger woman laughed.

  "That was... um..." Dev searched for the right words with slightly wide eyes.

  "That was wonderful, Devlyn, and I wish we would have done it ages ago."

  Dev was nodding before Lauren could finish her sentence. She sighed with relief, still a little tongue-tied from the effects of the mind-blowing kiss.

  Lauren smiled again, finding Devlyn's bashfulness, mixed with pleasure and a good dose of nerves, utterly charming. "I think, considering that I'm the one who's never done that before... with a woman, that is, that I'm the one who is supposed to be scared witless." She reached up and with the very tip of her finger traced the delicious mouth that was already beckoning her back with its softness.

  Dev grinned then bit her lower lip. "You would think that, wouldn't you?"

  The pilot's voice came over the loud speaker, informing the plane's passengers that they were making their final descent into Port Columbus International airport and that they were advised to buckle their seat belts.

  Devlyn stood up and pulled Lauren up with her. Together they moved to two seats side-by-side that they could buckle into.

  "I think we've got some things to talk about on this trip, Lauren," Dev said seriously, but her twinkling eyes gave away her utter delight with the turn of events.

  Lauren couldn't stop from beaming as she happily settled into her seat. "I think this is going to be one hell of a vacation."

  * * *

  As they traveled toward Dev's family home. Lauren was struck by the familial feeling that pervaded the back of the limo. Emma and Amy sat across from her and Dev. Ash was sound asleep with her head in Emma's lap, Christopher was slowly nodding off in Amy's arms and Lauren looked down at the little boy in her own lap. She couldn't resist placing a tender kiss on Aaron's forehead as he slept in her arms. Even Gremlin seemed content to nap on the floor of the limo, only rolling over occasionally to offer a growl. He had taken to waiting for Dev to growl back. Which she always did.

  Dev reached into her pocket and took out a small bottle of pills. She dropped one into her palm and replaced the cap. Taking a bottle of water from the holder, she was about to take a drink when she caught the look that Emma was giving her. "What?"

  "Do you need that?"

  "It's ibuprofen, Emma. Nothing serious." She glanced sideways at Lauren and felt compelled to offer an explanation. Her gaze dropped to the bottle where she fiddled with lid. "Umm... This is not something that ever went public, but after Samantha was killed," she hesitated and then finished in a rush, "I had a small problem with sleeping pills." She chanced a look up at Lauren, whose eyes held no censure. "But I don't anymore."

  "I'm glad you don't anymore," the writer said softly, gently bumping Dev's good shoulder with her own. Lauren grinned when Dev dropping her free hand down, wrapping long fingers around smaller ones. Devlyn was so different from anyone else she'd ever met. She was always brutally honest about herself. Even though this was something that she'd managed to keep in the family, she knew that if someone asked Dev about it, she'd tell the truth.

  But Lauren had already promised herself that she wouldn't print a single word that would hurt Devlyn or her family. It didn't hurt that she really hadn't uncovered anything that could be truly damaging. She prayed she never would.

  The writer watched as Dev closed her eyes and rolled her shoulders carefully. Then the President's head sagged forward. Lauren's face showed her concern. "Tired?"

  "No. Praying."

  Twin eyebrows disappeared behind fair bangs. "Praying?"

  "Yeah. Praying that my dad doesn't let my mom cook for us."

  "Amen," Emma and Amy said at the same time. Over the years, both women had been subjected to the offerings of Janet Marlowe. The woman was sweet as could be. She loved her husband and Dev more than life itself and cooking was a hobby she'd enjoyed since childhood. Unfortunately, her skill level had also stayed the same as it was in childhood.

  Dr. Frank Marlowe, Dev's father, had always had a cook. Luckily for Dev, that didn't change once he got married. But her mother still felt the need to jump in and ‘help' the cook every once in a while. Especially when she had guests.

  "Oh, come on." Gray eyes rolled. "It can't be that bad." Lauren looked at each face. "No one is that bad a cook." Okay, I am. But at least I don't make other people eat it.

  "Well, let's just say I'd rather eat some more of that shrimp from my ill-fated date with Candace Delaney than be subjected to my mom's cooking. I love my Mom. Don't get me wrong but..."

  "Oh my God," both Emma and Jane finished simultaneously, shuddering with revulsion.

  Lauren laughed, causing Aaron to fuss a little. She immediately clamped her lips shut and cuddled him closer to her. Kids weren't nearly so scary when they were unconscious.

  Dev looked over at Lauren and grinned, lifting her pinkie and wiggling it at the writer.

  Lauren stuck out her tongue in reply but she knew Devlyn was right. Boy, am I wrapped by each and every member of the Marlowe family, or what?

  Two hours later and they were all standing in the entryway of the Marlowe family home. Lauren hung back with Emma and Amy, watching Frank and Janet welcome their daughter and grandchildren home. She desperately wanted to snap off a few photographs but she resisted the urge, not knowing how Mr. and Mrs. Marlowe would react. Lauren looked on uncomfortably as Janet Marlowe, who looked like a shorter, salt and pepper-haired version of Devlyn, wrapped her arms around her daughter and wept openly.

  Frank Marlowe stood back with one grandson in each arm, wearing an indulgent smile f
or his granddaughter who was wrapped around his waist. He was tall and slim, with a thick head of white hair, a neatly trimmed beard and mustache, and generous mouth.


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