"You organics are always so dramatic."
Phoenix turned around to see who the speaker was, but the only thing he saw were two red orbs shining through the darkness.
Phoenix and Plowstow took a few steps back and eyed the glowing red orbs that began to move from the furthest wall of the cell.
"Err...hello," said Phoenix.
"Erm...my name is Phoenix, this is Plowstow. We didn't think there was anyone else in this cell."
"Yes. I would see how you would think that, but I do say, a lot of things are far more different than they first seem," replied the voice.
It had a sing-song, camp quality to it that put Phoenix at ease. It still didn't help that he couldn't see the speaker. Only the red glow from what he expected were eyes.
"Well, we're new here and I think it'd be best if we all tried to get along. But to do that, we have to sort of see the person that we are talking to. Face-to-face communication is always a lot more friendly. Instead of face-to-eyes."
"Oh, where are my manners? I do apologise. The glowing-eyes thing is just for show, really. The Warden likes to put all the prisoners down here who he doesn't like over much. As you could tell by your walk down here, it isn't the most guarded area of the prison. Or clean. Or watched. So...accidents tend to happen around here a lot more frequently."
Phoenix heard movement as the red lights went out and a dim light appeared overhead.
Standing just shy of six feet was a robot. It was eggshell-white with golden fixtures and bolts for joints. The face was indeed humanoid, but there was no mistaking it for what it was.
"Argh, a bot!" said Plowstow, throwing his hands in the air.
"A what?" asked Phoenix.
"A robot. Surely even the mighty Earth has robots," said Plowstow.
"Yeah, we have robots, but not ones like this. I mean, it can talk and it's in prison," said Phoenix excitedly.
"Well, here goes our long and comfortable life in prison. We'll be dead in no time," Plowstow said with a shrug of his shoulders.
"I'm missing something here?" asked Phoenix, looking at the pair.
"First, good sirs, I am not a bot or robot. Those words are derogatory and crass. I am a sentient being."
Plowstow let out a snort and eye-roll before crossing his arms over his chest.
"As I was saying, I am a sentient being that is as alive as you or he. And my name is Freyan."
"My name is Phoenix and this is Plowstow. I am sure Plowstow apologises for any offence he may have caused."
Plowstow gave a sideways stare that suggested otherwise, then continued to stare into the distance.
"None taken. I am used to small-minded ignorance about my species. I do apologise about the scare tactics earlier; it is something that I have been having to use more and more," said Freyan.
"How come?" asked Phoenix.
Plowstow answered before Freyan could. "Because his species--known as the Bloodless--are nothing more than a bunch of know-it-all bots that tried to take over the known universe. It was only the Council's credits that stopped them. Now they work for the highest-paid family member. While others... Let's just say even the pirates are scared of them." Freyan hung his head slightly and took on a sombre tone. "As much as it pains me to say this, he is right. Many of my species see other species as less evolved. Less intelligent. So they have a certain air about them."
"Heads so far up their ass they can't see daylight, you mean," said Plowstow.
"Poetically put. Yes, most are only in it for the credits, while the other half still want to conquer. So this has given my race a bad name, as it were."
Phoenix said, "If you knew what some of my race had done to their own kind because of things like skin colour or where they were born, it would shock you. All races have their faults. Nobody should throw a blanket statement like that over a whole race. It's the individual that matters." He looked over at Plowstow.
"Thank you for saying that, Phoenix," said Freyan. "But your uneducated friend here is right. Like I said earlier, there is a reason why we are so out of the way. It's the Warden and Shanks's way of getting rid of unwanted prisoners. The attacks on my life have been many, and it is only because of my superior intellect and cunning that I have managed to survive here for so long. Former cellmates of mine have not been so lucky."
"See what I mean? 'Superior intellect'!" said Plowstow.
"Freyan, try and tone down the boastful comments just a tad," said Phoenix.
"Why? They are all accurate."
"Even so, that's not the best way to make friends."
"Hmm, that thought never occurred to me. Nor have I ever had friends," said Freyan.
"Maybe you should look into it. Anyway, that still doesn't explain why you're here. I know why we're here. Shanks doesn't like Plowstow's race, and I tend to rub people up the wrong way. I can't help it, I'm a people person." Phoenix smiled.
Freyan walked swiftly towards the bars and looked through them both ways. Satisfied that no one was in earshot, he beckoned the other two closer.
"Since my arrival here, I have noticed strange things taking place. Things that are out of the norm even for a prison such as this one. Because of this, I started doing a little digging to see what I could unearth. What I found was startling, to say the least. But before I could get any hard evidence, the Warden had me placed here. Said that because of my origins, I was at a high risk being stationed among the normal inmates. Utter nonsense--he did it because I was going to out him. He did it because I knew too much."
"Why didn't he just have you killed?" asked Phoenix.
"Because I am useful to him in other ways. I have a set of skills second to none in this cesspool. Really second to none in the universe, if I must say so myself," said Freyan, placing metal hand to chest.
"What did you find out?"
"I would love to tell you fine fellows. But I don't know who I can trust, I don't know if the Warden sent you here as spies. So what I know is staying with me for the time being. All I can tell you is this: be careful what they give you to eat. Always check with me first. I may not trust you, but I wouldn't want what I found out happening to my worse enemy," said Freyan, with a shake of the head.
"What if you aren't around when we're hungry? What if we can't find you? What if it's our only chance to eat that day?" said Plowstow.
"Then you don't eat. Hunger and starvation are better than what I have witnessed."
"But--" said Plowstow.
"Starvation would be more merciful."
Phoenix was surprised how quickly he got used to his surroundings. Hell, what was he thinking? He didn't want to get used to his surroundings. He needed to find a way out.
He didn't want to adapt to this way of life. If he had been caught and imprisoned for a crime that he had knowingly committed, then so be it. He would have taken the consequences like a man and dealt with them in his own way. But defending his date against a lecherous asshole who couldn't take no for an answer really wasn't worth putting a man away for.
Hell, if he had known then what he knew now, would he have done it again?
Who was he kidding? He would have driven the fork even deeper into Holger's hand and made sure that it stuck to the table. That was his pride talking, though. It had always gotten him in trouble. This time, he should have turned the other cheek, but he simply couldn't help himself. There had to be a snide comment back, or in more cases than most, a fist thrown someone's way.
What was the saying? Pride comes before the fall.
He couldn't see how one became accustomed to prison life. Time passed so slowly, he could feel the hairs on his body grow. There was nothing to do but dwell on one's thoughts, to revisit past memories. It tormented him. Like an itch he couldn't quite scratch, driving him crazy.
He wanted to taste the sweet flavour of freedom as soon as he could. He needed to get out of this hellhole. He needed to do it
for the twins. He told them he would come through, gave them his word. He made a promise he had to keep. If he didn't, they would die. And just when he was so close to snatching them from the jaws of death.
If they died, if he failed them, he would never want to meet the sweet kiss of death. Then he would have to explain to his parents how he'd screwed up. How he'd been left the responsibility of his younger siblings, but he couldn't pull through when they needed him the most.
He was Phoenix Jones, goddammit! Was he going to give up so easily? Was he going to just stop when the finish line was so close?
Phoenix got up from his bunk bed and looked over to Freyan. "I need to find someone. I wondered if you could help me?"
Freyan sat in the corner of the cell, motionless. Phoenix wondered if the Bloodless had heard him. Did robot cyber-people sleep? Was it like powering down a computer? Was it rude of him to think that? Was he being racist? Could you be racist to a Bloodless being?
"I am listening."
"Yeah, as I was saying, I need to find someone in this prison. I don't know what they look like, but it's a female by the name of Saoirse."
With something between a yell and a cough, Plowstow jumped down from his top bunk. Landing heavily on the floor, he looked at Phoenix with shock. Throwing his hands in the air, he shook his head at Phoenix.
"Why would you even mention that name in a place like this? Have you lost your senses, Earth man?" Plowstow said in a panic.
"Err, no. I was merely asking a question. What's the big deal anyway?"
"What's the big deal, he says. Well, I'll tell you! Saoirse, or the Demon Pirate Hunter as she is better known, is one of the most feared bounty hunters in all the known universe. Not only is her race one of the most well-trained, deadly killers there is, but she is one of the best. She is ruthless, heartless, cunning, and won't stop till she takes out her bounty.
"I have no idea how she got captured, but the rumour is it was only because she was heartbroken, that the Council finally got the drop on her. She is not to be taken lightly. She is not to be approached, unless she approaches you first. And pray that she isn't approaching you to collect a bounty. You want nothing to do with her; you do not want to get involved with her. Stay clear."
"That bad, huh?" asked Phoenix.
"That bad. Let me tell you a story. I'd been hired to do this job with a crew of guys a few moons back. Nothing fancy, nothing too high-risk. They were mostly mercenaries, ex-cons, and a few pirates mixed in for firepower. The job was simple enough. There was basically this small, up-and-coming family who were making a few waves among the Council. If their luck held out, then in a few years, it looked like they could make a move for one of the six positions. Rumour was the reason their tide and fortune had suddenly changed was they had invested in some land that started to grow the lavera plant."
"Lavera plant?"
"It was discovered some time ago," Freyan put in. "Has some remarkable properties indeed. Can be used to stop acute and chronic pain, as a muscle relaxant, and can cure most poisons and venoms. The scientific community have only scratched the surface on what it's truly capable of."
"Well, anyway," said Plowstow, giving Freyan a long, sideways look for interrupting his story. "The money they started to obtain from every crop quickly started to add up. We had someone working for us on the inside. Feeding us information. The family were spending like crazy. Buying jewels, trinkets, you name it." As he rubbed his hands together, a faraway look descended on Plowstow's face. "It was supposed to be easy. Break in under the cover of darkness, grab whatever we could, and move as if our deliverers were chasing us with a whip for stealing the last sweet at the table. Being a rising family, they shouldn't have had a army or even that many guards. They didn't. We broke in without a hitch. Easy as that." Plowstow snapped his fingers.
"But what we didn't expect was her. She was the only guard they had, and the only one needed. It happened so fast, I couldn't see what happened. There was so much blood. So much screaming. I was the only one to make it out of there alive. Do you know how lucky I am? Do you know how many people have escaped from the Demon Pirate Hunter? It's...it's--"
"That bad, huh?" asked Phoenix.
"You have no idea," replied Plowstow.
"She sounds like my type of girl," said Phoenix with a smile.
They all looked up as a bell went off above their heads.
"Looks like you'll get your chance to meet her sooner than I thought. It's dinnertime, and everyone comes out when meals are being served. Just remember what I said. Double check with me before you place anything in your mouths. Let's go,” said Freyan.
Phoenix shuffled forward as the queue for the cafeteria moved inch by inch. The dining hall stretched out far and high overhead. Dull, silver tables and chairs grouped prisoners who ate, joked, and laughed. The noise from the room was chaotic as friends chatted, enemies shouted, and people argued about the meals they were being served.
Phoenix felt a sensation between his shoulder blades that made him itch. He looked over his shoulder, careful not to draw too much attention to himself.
Deadpan eyes followed his every move. Seeing his attention turned their way, the watchers all lowered their heads as one. Turning casually back around, Phoenix drummed his fingers along his thighs.
"Well, well. Looks like I've gotten the attention of more than one person. In such a short time, too. I wonder what's made me so popular."
"Next," said the server.
Phoenix walked towards the food counter and stood in front of it. He looked down at an array of food he didn't recognise. Piles of what he assumed were vegetables seemed to be glowing. Different insects, alive and crawling, moved under transparent bowls. Eyeballs stared back at him, unblinking, red veins snaking through the corneas like those of a drug addict coming down from their last hit.
"Place your skin on this tab," said the server.
"Why?" asked Phoenix.
Letting out a sigh, the server shook his head. "First time?"
"Okay, as you can very well see by the number of different races in this fine facility, we can't cater to everyone's needs. Something that you eat may be poisonous to someone else, and vice versa. So the easiest way to decide who can eat what is to have this device scan their DNA sequence and serve them something that won't kill them."
"But what if I don't like what it comes up with?" asked Phoenix.
"Who cares! You either eat it or don't. I don't get paid enough at this shitty job to serve something suited to your delicate taste. Now place your skin on this tab or piss off. You're holding up the queue," replied the alien behind the counter.
"There is a little something called customer service. You might look into it, I don't know if it's reached these parts yet."
The uninterested stare Phoenix got back told him what he could do with his advice.
Phoenix did as he was told and placed his finger on the device, until it emitted a beep. Reading the screen, the chef threw a bowl of something brown into his hands.
"Enjoy," the alien said, waving him away.
Finding Plowstow and Freyan already sitting at a table, he made his way over.
"What did you get?" asked Freyan.
Phoenix showed him the bowl. Freyan stared at it intently for a few seconds before handing it back. "It's safe."
"More importantly, what is it?" asked Phoenix.
"No idea," said Freyan.
Phoenix gave him a look of disbelief, before placing a spoonful into his mouth. "Doesn't taste of anything much. Probably oats or some sort of gruel." As Phoenix ate his meal, he scanned the faces around him. "Freyan, is she here?"
"Yes, I am surprised you have not noticed her. She does stand out."
Looking around, Phoenix did see many female faces. He was surprised they allowed them to mix with the males. But he guessed the laws about same-sex prisoners were different here than back at Earth.
Nope... Nope... Nope... Ah!<
br />
Eating by herself was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen, human or otherwise. She had midnight-blue skin that could almost be mistaken for black. Flowing, jet-black hair came down past her shoulders. High cheekbones gave her a regal look, but it suited her. Gaze piercing, she lifted her eyes up from her meal every so often like a queen surveying her domain. Nose small. Petite.
"I think I'm in love," whispered Phoenix.
"Ah, so you have found her then."
"Where? Where?" Plowstow said looking around. "Oh no, it's her. She hasn't spotted me yet, has she? Stop looking her way. Stop looking."
Phoenix got up from his chair and made his way between the heaving bodies. Bowl clutched tightly to his chest, he stepped on feet and shouldered backs out of the way. As shouts and disgruntled cries rained down on his back, he didn't hear them because his focus was drawn to the table ahead of him.
Taking a seat opposite Saoirse, Phoenix placed his bowl down on the table and began to eat. He could feel her fiery gaze wanting to burn his soul, but he continued eating. Looking briefly her way, he gave her a cheerful smile and returned to his meal. Phoenix finally lifted his head from the bowl and leaned back, letting out a satisfied sigh. Wiping the corners of his mouth, he placed his hands behind his head.
"Hello." Phoenix smiled.
Saoirse stared back at him blankly, but didn't respond.
"My name is Phoenix. Phoenix Jones. And your name would be...?"
She raised an eyebrow, but still didn't respond.
"That would be the part where you say your name," said Phoenix with a wave of his hand.
She crossed her arms over her chest and simply stared. Nostrils flared, the bridge of her nose wrinkled, and her lips pulled back into a fine line.
"Look, as beautiful as you may think you are, that's not the reason I'm here. Trust me. I have something you may want. You see, I come from a far-off, mysterious planet called Earth, both deadly and beautiful. There, I encountered--"
Breakout: (Space Outlaw 1) Page 6