Finding Our Forever

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Finding Our Forever Page 11

by Lan LLP

  “Hey beautiful, cover that body up until I get back,” he yells from the second floor.

  Chapter 9

  Carson Bradley

  I choose a more casual suit for dinner—no tie. Going against my usual black and grey color scheme, I select a navy blazer, white collared shirt and a pair of complementary trousers. Lil sits at the same spot I left her in a crimson sweatshirt and with my old histology book, being so Lillian. How can I not be madly in love with this down-to-earth beauty? I’ve had several stylists fill her side of the closet with the latest and most expensive labels and this is what she decides to wear. She must’ve tucked that old rag in her big purse. It’s a good thing she accidentally left it at my place from her last visit or I would’ve probably had to send someone to St. Croix for it. She loves that thing.

  Guilt creeps up my shoulders and is inscribed all over my face. Damn me for not thinking when I forced her to come with me. I could’ve saved her the heartache of waiting for me as I spend the evening with another woman. Walking over to Lil, I persuade her body to sink into the smooth leather as I gently nestle my pelvis between her thighs.

  “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” I ask.

  “You smell heavenly and look incredibly sinful,” she whispers with an adorable grin. “I might have to rethink this. I’m not sure the woman you’re meeting tonight can resist you,” she tells me as she continues to inhale my scent.

  “You’ll be the only one on my mind,” I assure her. “I won’t keep you waiting long, baby,” I pledge before helping myself to her willing lips. Moments like this make our separation almost unbearable. I can spend hours of my life savoring kisses from her. But being the control freak that I am, I glance at my watch to see it’s almost 6:15 p.m. “I better get going. If you decide to do some touristy things, make sure Luke is always by your side. I don’t want you any more than two feet away from him at all times,” I demand in my over-protective tone. Paranoia doesn’t even come close to describing me when it comes to Lil’s safety. Her near-death accident has made me realize I can’t be without her. I’ll do everything I can to keep her as close to me as possible.

  “Yes, Mr. Bradley. I will follow all your instructions,” she teases before pulling me back to her for one last inhale. “Your scent is my addiction—my weakness,” she confesses.

  “Miss Ly, do you realize you’ve just crossed a professional line with your flirting?” I return her playfulness.

  “Well, Mr. Bradley, I guess we’re both guilty of crossing the naughty line.” She gives me a cheeky grin.

  “Naughtiness is a performance I expect you to excel in,” I tell her with sultry eyes. “I’ll have to give you a big promotion when I get back.”

  “I look forward to it,” she grins.


  Leaving Lily at the suite isn’t easy for me. Personally, I know I wouldn’t be able to remain as calm as her if I knew she was having dinner with another man. Jealousy isn’t a normal trait for me. After Emily passed away, I never cared enough for anyone to seek a profound relationship. I felt no attachments to the women I fucked, and Bianca was no exception. I knew she wasn’t completely faithful, but it never bothered me. It’s different with Lily. I’m utterly irrational and possessive with her. The idea of Lil being with anyone else but me steers my mind dangerously down a jealous path. Those awful nightmares of Richard fucking her tormented me for weeks. I was ready to kick his ass every time I woke up from seeing his hands all over her body.

  The chime of a bell tells me I’m now on the main level and I need to stow my jealousy in my back pocket. I step out of the elevator and march over to a lobby full of men in tuxedoes and women in matching blush-colored gowns holding floral bouquets in their hands. They appear to be heading into a wedding reception. Everyone is accounted for, except the guest of honor–and then she emerges from the main entrance. Breathtaking as a bride should be, she has the blissful glow of someone truly in love. Immediately, I picture Lily standing before me in a wedding gown, offering me the same endearing sentiment. I’ve never been in hurry to get hitched. In fact, the idea of it has been repulsive to me until just recently. And now, I’m as anxious as this lucky groom on my left to make Lil my wife. I might have to intervene if she doesn’t offer me a definite date soon.

  The vibration of my phone draws my pondering attention back to business mode. “Hello,” I answer.

  “Mr. Bradley, how was your flight?” Owen inquires.

  “Very comfortable. We might have to consider purchasing one for BPC,” I suggest.

  “Certainly, but it’ll probably be in the hangar like the previous year’s model,” Owen reminds me.

  “You’re probably right. I don’t need another jet,” I agree with him. “What’s the status on my missing guys?”

  “Alpha’s team has had no luck yet. Paul and David are either securely hidden or…dead,” Owen warily shares in a saddened tone.

  “I refuse to believe anyone is brave enough to cross me unless they’re stupid or suicidal. I’m positive something will turn up soon,” I assure him in an optimistic voice. I have a feeling those assholes will be sending out some kind of a demand for them. They wouldn’t go through all this trouble just to kill them. “Have you come up with a plan for Lily to attend her friend’s wedding?” I switch the topic abruptly because the more I think about my missing researchers, the angrier I get and want to handle it my way.

  A call to Mateo would be my last option. He’s one scary son of a bitch I wouldn’t want on the opposing team. However, Mateo is very reliable when it comes to extracting impossible information. I honestly don’t know how he does it or care to know because that’s his business.

  Mateo found me through an advertisement for BPC, which at that time was just a tiny speck in the pharmaceutical world. Late one evening he approached me with a gun in a vacant parking garage as I was leaving my lab. That bastard terrified the hell out of me. Just his frightening appearance was enough to make me run for security, but he had me exactly where he wanted—defenseless and alone. Mateo demanded I cure his mother with my new drug. I told him I didn’t have a drug that would work for his mother’s case. He wouldn’t take no for an answer and threatened me and my laboratory. Panicked, I told him about a cancer drug that Professor Steward and I were secretly developing. I informed him that it hadn’t been tested on humans, and I couldn’t be held responsible for her death as a result. He agreed. My drug bought his mother an extra five years and since that evening, he’s sworn his allegiance to me. I’ve only had to call on him once several years back, and he was able to resolve my issue then. This situation might be one that’ll require a second call to Mateo.

  “Yes, Ms. Nikki contacted me after Miss Ly mentioned the wedding to her. She’s working with the bride to plan a private ceremony. I’ll have our security team monitor the event so Miss Ly will be supervised at all times in addition to having Luke,” Owen reports.

  “Sounds good. I’ll call Nik and talk to her about it. We’ll be back in Boston by Thursday morning. I’ll see you then. Thanks again, Owen.”

  As soon as I tuck my phone away, a brawny man in a dark blue and black Tang suit advances toward me. “Good evening Mr. Bradley,” he politely addresses me. “Miss Longley is waiting for you. Please come with me.” I match the pace of his stride to approach a beautiful woman elegantly dressed in a wicked scarlet gown sitting at a bar. She has a clear martini glass in her right hand and an olive on a fancy skewer in the opposite. Her stunning features are familiar to me, especially her light brown eyes and dark silky hair, but I can’t seem to correlate to whom she reminds me of, at least not at the moment.

  “Good evening, Mr. Bradley,” she greets me by name before I even offer it to her. She must’ve done her homework like I did. This woman exudes confidence and doesn’t seem easily intimated by anyone, not even me. Her unsmiling eyes capture mine and don’t falter. I can sense she’s studying me—possibly trying to get a feel for my disposition.

ng for her left hand, I shake it and return her greeting. “Good evening, Miss Longley. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Likewise. My grandfather has asked me to extend our hospitality to you. I can show you the highlights of Hong Kong or we can just have drinks over dinner to get acquainted,” she boldly offers my choices and then takes a small sip of her martini, leaving a delicate imprint of her red lips on the glass rim.

  I’ve already been to Hong Kong several times and had seen everything I needed to see. Besides, I don’t have time to waste. Dinner will be a better option for me. I’ll be able to get back to Lily sooner, and at the same time, pry about the plant extract after a few drinks.

  “Dinner and drinks sound good to me,” I reply.

  Lillian Ly

  Luke isn’t a fun tourist companion at all. He’s flippin’ suspicious of everyone and thing. Granted, Hong Kong is densely populated with pedestrians, but he doesn’t have to attach himself to my hip the entire time. Carson allotted me two feet, but Luke is probably giving me two inches, if even that much. I plan on finding a laughing Buddha figurine for Carson as soon as Luke gives me my two feet. I know Carson will get a kick out of it since Belle shared my silly story with him. I also want to buy some souvenirs for my friends. It’s always fun to get a small surprise from people when they travel.

  We stumble upon a collection of antique shops in a less popular area of the city. I choose to enter a quaint jewelry store with a red tile pagoda rooftop. It seems charming to me. The scent of burning Chinese incense and tiger balm saturates the air. I have no choice but to inhale the fumes. It’s so strong that it’s almost offensive to my nose, causing me to cringe. Luke assesses the area and notes it’s completely vacant, so I’m finally free to roam around the store.

  An elderly couple approaches and welcomes us, “Hello, Miss. Can we help you find something?” They look like they’re in their late nineties but appear to be in immaculate health.

  “I love old trinkets and unique things, but I’m not looking for anything in particular,” I reply.

  They bring out a small vintage box with Chinese engraving on four sides. The woman lifts the lid open to show me a black opal stone. It has a clear window on one surface that reveals a smaller white opal stone with gold writings on each of the six sides.

  “My sweet child, this box has all the answers to your future,” she explains as she places it in my palm. “All you have to do is ask, and it’ll appear through the window.” I do my best to hold back my laugh because she sounded so serious. I know better than anyone that no one knows my future but God.

  The old man gazes at me with sincere eyes and dares me to pose a question. “Go ahead, child. Give it a try. The answers might surprise you.” His smile lifts his respected wrinkles to meet the lines of his cheery eyes.

  I indulge his request and ask, “Will I eventually become a doctor?” Immediately, the white stone flips to the Chinese writing, hanzi, for ‘yes’. He encourages me to ask another question.

  Why not?

  “How many babies will Carson and I have?” The Gemini twin symbol appears. Really? Twins for us? That would be a handful. I roll my eyes and smile in amusement.

  This is so entertaining that I wave Luke over to share the fun with him. “Luke, come here. You have to check this out!” I make him ask if Annarah is still alive. It says yes. A small smile sidles across his stern face, and I join in his silent celebration even though it’s all whimsical. Excited, I offer to buy it. The couple tells me it’s not for sale—not even all of Carson’s money can purchase it. I’m completely disheartened because I want to share this witty trinket with Carson. So before I return the stone back to the elderly couple, I ask one last question.

  Will Carson and I find our happy ending?

  An infinity symbol materializes before my eyes. I can’t help but have the same frivolous smile that Luke had on his face after seeing the perfect answer.


  Luke and I grab a quick bite to eat from a street vendor before returning to the hotel. On our way up in the elevator, I rave to Luke, “That was the best pan-fried noodles I’ve ever had.” He agrees with a slow savoring nod of his head—probably still reminiscing about his two servings. “Should we share it with Carson?” I playfully ask while shaking my head. He replies with a diminutive grin. Even though Luke isn’t the chattiest person I know, he’s really growing on me. I guess I’ll just have to do all the talking for us. This won’t be a problem for me because I can talk anyone’s ears off once I’m comfortable with them. Besides for the tattling he’s obligated to report to Carson, I honestly believe he has my back. I can see us becoming really tight.

  I ask Luke to drop me off at my deluxe suite since Carson is still out on his dinner date. The last text he sent me, Carson apologized for running late. I’m not a jealous person usually, but it’s hard not to be when I’m engaged to the most handsome man on this planet. The entire time that I was out sightseeing with Luke, I fought hard to push my insecurities aside. I kept imagining a beautiful Chinese woman, dressed to influence, flirting with Carson. I’m almost tempted to sneak out to spy on Carson, but I have no idea where to begin to find him.

  I understand I’m a subordinate, but a deluxe suite is still above a five-star rating in my book. The furnishings are all plush, and I have a brilliant view of the harbor as well. I take a grand tour of my room and about ten minutes later, I find myself completely bored out of my mind and antsy. What can I do to kill the passing time until Carson comes back? The night is still young, and I’m in a foreign city. Why should I stay cooped up in a hotel room moping? I’m tired of taking orders from Mr. Bossy Bradley and being responsible. I want to be wild—break a few rules for a change. Unzipping my suitcase and digging around it, I pull out a pair of stilettos and a black evening gown Carson suggested I pack. This goddess-style dress with a sheer lace cutout pattern screams sexy, and I want it on me.

  Before heading out, I apply a sensual coat of blood-red lipstick and black mascara. My dark mane is straightened, spilling smoothly down my bared shoulders. Tonight, I’m Lucy Ly, and I’m going to live it up. I can’t wait to brag to Belle about my first rebellious act. She’ll be so proud of me.

  Hmm…should I text Luke to let him know?

  A devilish curve creeps around each corner of my mouth to form a defiant smile. No, I decide on the whim. I’ll slip out quietly so he can’t follow me. Clutching my heels by the straps in my left hand, I head for the stairs instead of the elevator. Nervously, I lean my body over the railing to check my escape route. I’m really high and there are thousands of steps below me. How will I ever make it down there?

  Suck it up! You can do this!

  Hiking my dress up to my thighs to keep the lace away from my pointy heels, I conquer my first step. This will take me forever, maybe all night. I complain to myself. Whose brilliant idea was this anyways? After about ten flights of stairs, I stop counting. It was a horrible reminder of what my dreadful trip back to my room will be like. Keep going. You’re almost there. I repeat my mantra over and over again. Finally, I’m on the main level. Hunched over, huffing and puffing, I can barely catch my breath. I take a minute to settle down before sliding into my stilettos and straightening my dress to look more presentable. My fingers comb through my hair and it’s gathered over to one side. With one quick skim up and down the length of my body, I agree that I’m good to go. A cold drink sure sounds delightful right now, especially after that ten-minute workout I just did.

  Using a metal door as my shield, I poke my head around it to skim the area for Luke. The coast is clear. I did it! I’ve escaped his iron grip. I mentally pat myself on the back and wobble out to the lobby in my heels as I acclimate my feet to three extra inches of height. My goal is to blend into the crowd of guests without being noticed by anyone. I believe I’ve succeeded. No one is singling me out with their nosy eyes as far as I can tell.

  Service is impeccable at this grand luxury hotel. Well-dressed attendants ar
e stationed at every corner, so flagging someone down to point me to the bar is no challenge at all. I actually turn three male volunteers down. They offered to escort me there, but I insisted I could find my way. With my best effort to look sexy and not clumsy, I head to my target.

  Don’t fall. One foot in front of the other.

  Suddenly from all directions, eyes cast prying glances at me, but I ignore them. My dry palms turn clammy instantly. The last thing I need is to tangle my heels together and end up on my butt or face. It would be a humiliation that’ll torment me for years to come. Finally, I’m at my destination. I settle on top of the nearest bar stool. Why risk falling for a bar stool with a view? Holy laughing Buddha! What an achievement it is for me—no tripping accidents.

  The bartender, tall with sandy brown hair, nods his head at me. “What’s your poison, beautiful?” he asks with a pursed smile and a wink from his flirty brown eyes.

  “This beautiful lady will have a glass of pink moscato, and I will have your finest bourbon on the rocks,” a very familiar, smoldering voice answers for me from behind with his hand splayed at the small of my naked back. I’m caught. It’s Carson. But how did he find me so quickly? His eyes capture mine and then meander up and down my body, appreciating his sexy black dress on me.

  “What happened to no touching in public places?” I whisper as I absorb the scorching touch of his fingertips. Mmm…he’s sparking my dull nerve endings, replenishing it with his sensual energy.

  “What happened to following my orders, Miss Lucy?” he replies and then sits down beside me. “How will you earn a promotion if you can’t follow my rules?” he inquires with a crooked grin that shows off his irresistible dimple. I shrug my shoulders innocently.

  “I guess I won’t get my promotion tonight,” I reply with a pout and a sideway glance.


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