The Book of Joe

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The Book of Joe Page 17

by Jeff Wilser


  BIDEN V. BORK (1987–88)

  “Judge Bork, I guarantee you this little mallet”—Senate hearings.

  “It’s time we hear the sound”—“Biden: Something About ’88 Keeps Beckoning,” New York Times, December 19, 1985.

  “I’m not going to run in 1988”—Witcover.

  “Although no one questions Biden’s ability”—“Biden Struggles with Tragedy in ’88 Decision,” Los Angeles Times, February 8, 1987.

  Reagan’s “No man in America”—“Consider Bork’s Merit, Not His Ideology, Reagan Asks,” Los Angeles Times, July 30, 1987.

  Kennedy’s epic anti-Bork quote—public record (accessed, December 19, 2012).

  “We will fight it all the way—until hell freezes over”—NAACP Executive Director Benjamin Hooks, quoted in “NAACP Hears More Voices Against Bork,” Chicago Tribune, July 7, 1987.

  George Will quote—Washington Post, July 2, 1987.

  Ted Kaufman quote—Senate oral histories.

  “Overwhelming prospect” he would oppose Bork—“Biden Plans to Oppose Bork,” Washington Post, July 9, 1987.

  “the biggest mistake of my political career”—Gitenstein, Matters of Principle (via Witcover).

  The seemingly going back-and-forth about whether he supports Bork—Witcover.

  Biden doing his homework—as he shares in Promises to Keep, and as corroborated by email exchange with Professor Laurence Tribe (June 28, 2017).

  “The Book of Bork” as name of compendium—Witcover.

  Griswold v. Connecticut analogy—National Lampoon’s National Vacation.

  Kaufman’s “We were doing very well”—Senate oral histories.

  Biden liking the Kinnock quote, deciding to use it—Promises to Keep.

  Summary of the debate, forgetting to credit—Cramer, What It Takes; Witcover; Promises to Keep.

  DEBATE FINALE: AN ECHO FROM ABROAD—New York Times, September 12, 1987.

  “Plagiarizing Joe”—“Eminently Qualified Bork Victim of Unfair Attack Attempting to Distort Record,” New York Times, September 15, 1987; Promises to Keep.

  “This controversy plays”—“Biden Was Accused of Plagiarism in Law School,” New York Times, September 17, 1987.

  Actual headaches—Cramer, What It Takes; Witcover; Promises to Keep.

  “I guarantee you this little mallet”—Bronner, Battle for Justice.

  “rush over to Bork’s water glass”—Ibid.

  “We must also pass judgment on whether”—Bork hearings public record.

  Back and forth on Biden v. Bork—from hearings public record, with insights on strategy from Promises to Keep.

  Role play and “mock hearing”—Tribe email, June 28, 2017.

  “higher IQ than you do”—archived C-SPAN video from 1988’s “Road to the White House,” accessed via,​watch?v=D1j0FS0Z6ho.

  “only one in my class”—Witcover.

  “Mr. Biden is a gentleman of high moral character”—Cramer, What It Takes.

  “Of all the things to attack you on,” “It was my fault”—Promises to Keep.

  “Hello, everybody”—Cramer, What It Takes; Promises to Keep.

  “You have to win this thing!”—Promises to Keep.

  Jimmy Carter—Promises to Keep.

  Fund-raising—Connaughton, The Payoff.

  Paul Ryan—“Joe Biden’s Alpha-male Display Leaves Paul Ryan Overwhelmed in VP Debate,” The Guardian, October 12, 2012.

  Donald Trump—“Biden Blasts Trump: ‘I Wish I Could Take Him Behind the Gym,”, October 21, 2016.

  Kaufman—Senate oral histories.

  “Unenumerated and unarticulated rights…,” follow-up dialogue—Senate hearing official records, also Witcover and Promises to Keep.

  “Anything else you want to say, Judge Bork?”—Senate hearings.

  Bottles of champagne, “There’s nothing here to celebrate”—Promises to Keep.

  “acquitted himself superbly”—Legal Times, December 1987 (via Witcover).

  “instructed all of us”— Gitenstein, Matters of Principle (citing New York Times column by Anthony Lewis).

  Biden’s (amazing!) chat with Reagan—Promises to Keep.

  “Joe Biden played a more consequential role”—Toobin, “Biden and the Supreme Court.”

  “I have no real doubt”—Tribe email, June 28, 2017.

  At gym thinking it was a muscle pull—Cramer, What It Takes; Promises to Keep.

  “think you’re too arrogant” exchange—as relayed by Ted Kaufman in Senate oral histories.

  Talking for hours…he blacked out—Cramer, What It Takes.

  Thoughts after he woke up—Promises to Keep.

  “a spa for Valentine’s Day”—Cramer, What It Takes.

  Drama of the hospital—big debt here to Cramer’s gripping account in What It Takes.

  “Doc, what are my chances?” and dialogue—story Biden has shared publicly, this dialogue from his 2013 speech at the White House National Conference on Mental Health, via June 5, 2013.

  “I’ve asked you all to come today”—Promises to Keep.

  “What a smart guy!”—Witcover.

  “Good news is that I can do anything I did before”—Margaret Carlson, “Biden Is Also Reborn,” Time, September 12, 1988.


  IT’S ON US (1988–94)

  “You’re a coward for raising a hand to a woman or child”—Biden, “20 Years of Change: Joe Biden on the Violence Against Women Act.”

  Montreal Massacre—“The Montreal Massacre: Canada’s Feminists Remember,” The Guardian, December 3, 2012.

  “victim’s race, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation”—The Supreme Court clerk was Lisa Heinzerling. She wrote an article that Ron Klain, a top Biden aide, gave to then-Senator Biden. “Ladies’ Man,” New Republic, September 23, 2008.

  He found appalling statistics—Promises to Keep.

  “He wanted to hear what women had to say about it”—Phone interview with Victoria Nourse, July 14, 2017.

  “The stupidity was infuriating”—Promises to Keep.

  “Damn it, when you get married”—Bronner, Battle for Justice.

  Goldfarb, “lack of control that is experienced”—“Ladies’ Man,” New Republic, September 23, 2008.

  “Well, Judge” and Thomas / Biden exchange—Senate records.

  Karate Kid “crane kick” analysis—my own demented mind.

  “You will be pleased to know”—Senate records.

  “Biden’s queries were sometimes”—Mayer and Abramson, Strange Justice (via Witcover).

  Specter’s recollections of Thomas denials—Arlen Specter, A Passion for Truth (via Witcover).

  “for this Senator, there is no question”—Terkel, “Joe Biden Is a Hero Among Women’s Rights Groups. But It Wasn’t Always That Way.”

  “I must start off with a presumption”—Senate records.

  Mikulski, “What disturbs me”—Terkel, “Joe Biden Is a Hero Among Women’s Rights Groups. But It Wasn’t Always That Way.”

  Strom Thurmond, Clarence Thomas, and Anita Hill quotes—Senate records; Hill, Speaking Truth to Power.

  “half the senators on Capitol Hill”—Mayer and Abramson, Strange Justice.

  Biden not admitting lie detector test—“Effect of Hill’s Taking of Lie Test Uncertain,” Los Angeles Times, October 14, 1991.

  “myth…that we somehow denied her”—Witcover.

  Biden’s letter inviting Angela Wright to testify—Terkel, “Joe Biden Is a Hero Among Women’s Rights Groups. But It Wasn’t Always That Way,” an overall excellent piece that gives good context.

  “I wanted a panel on sexual harassment”—Ibid.

  “I think he did two things that were a disservice to me”—2014 interview on HuffPost Live.

  “Then-Senator Biden felt that he had an obligation”—Dovere, “Biden’s ‘Anita’ Problem.

  “There is absolutely not one shred
of evidence to suggest that Professor Hill is fantasizing”—Senate records.

  “I am no longer an anonymous, private individual”—Hill, Speaking Truth to Power.

  In 1991, Patricia Ireland—Patricia Ireland phone interview, July 21, 2017.

  “The country changed”—Nourse phone interview, July 14, 2017.

  Violence Against Women: A Week in the Life of America—from the report, accessed via​wp-content/​uploads/​2015/​VAWA-Lghist-SenateJudiciary-10.92.pdf.

  “Everyone knew that it was personal for him”—Nourse phone interview, July 14, 2017.

  “the one person most responsible for passage of this bill”—“Biden Savors a Hard-fought Victory,” The News Journal from Wilmington, Delaware, August 26, 1994.

  “When I look at Biden and the Anita Hill hearings”—Ireland phone interview.


  SECOND CHANCES (1991–2008)

  “And I absolutely can say, with certainty”—Nicole Gaudiano interview of Biden, August 26, 2007 (via Witcover).

  “Mr. Walsh, I want”—Witcover.

  2 million miles on Amtrak—“Joe Biden Gets Bipartisan Tribute on the Senate Floor,” Los Angeles Times, February 1, 2017.

  “I’ve met with virtually every leader”—“8 Times Joe Biden Sounded Like a Presidential Candidate (Even Though He Isn’t One),”, September 8, 2015.

  Averell Harriman’s advice—Promises to Keep.

  He learned of mutilations, beatings—Ibid.

  “The West has dithered so pathetically”—Biden, “More U.N. Appeasement in Bosnia.”

  “Biden opposed Clinton on Bosnia”—Mike Haltzel phone interview, June 21, 2017.

  Milošević “war criminal” anecdote—story Biden has told on campaign trail and in debates.

  “When you look back”—“Biden Played Less Than Key Role in Bosnia Legislation,” Washington Post, October 7, 2008. (As you might guess from the title, the article also makes the point that Biden was far from the only reason the United States took action.)

  Joe the Name-Butcherer—Haltzel phone interview, June 21, 2017.

  NATO expansion—Ibid.

  “He would greet the vice president”—Arun Chaudhary phone interview, June 22, 2017.

  Alexander Hamilton quote—(Forgive me, I couldn’t resist.) Senate records.

  “If the president successfully prosecutes the war”—Witcover.

  “too much of a long shot”—“Sen. Biden not running for president,”, August 12, 2003.

  “I don’t think John Edwards knows what the heck he is talking about”—“A Biden Problem: Foot in Mouth,”, January 31, 2007.

  “I’d be a little surprised if he actually does run”; Obama’s on “everyone’s number-two list”—Witcover.

  Kaufman quotes—Senate oral histories.

  “The bottom line is that”—“Biden Stumbles in Interview,” Washington Post, October 25, 2007.

  “articulate and bright and clean”—“Biden Unbound, Lays into Clinton, Obama, Edwards,” New York Observer, February 5, 2007.

  Ezra Klein “Bye Bye Biden”—title of his blog post on The American Prospect, January 31, 2007.

  Trying to explain “clean” and “articulate”—The Daily Show, January 2007.

  “I didn’t take Senator Biden’s comments personally”—official statement from Obama, January 31, 2007.

  Iran/Pakistan debate—Technically the three candidates did not say “Iran,” “Iran,” “Iran,” back to back to back, of course; this is a touch of dramatization, but that’s basically the gist.

  “With a failing economy”—Former CIA station chief of Islamabad, Kevin Hulbert, “Falling Economy and Rising Nuke Arsenal Make Pakistan the Most Dangerous Country for World, Claims Former CIA Official,” The Indian Express, February 16, 2017.

  Kaufman quotes—Senate oral histories.

  “giving Iowa voters full paragraphs”—Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, December 29, 2007 (via Witcover).

  “nothing to be sad about tonight”—transcript of caucus speech,​biden/​biden010308spt.html.

  Shermanesque comments—Nicole Gaudiano interview of Biden, August 26, 2007 (via Witcover).

  “If you win,” “Be careful” back and forth—Lizza, “Biden’s Brief.”

  Obama’s “I am more concerned and interested”—Plouffe, The Audacity to Win.

  “Bill may be too big a complication”—Ibid.

  “We knew Biden could be somewhat long-winded”—Witcover.

  The “secret meeting” and quotes—Plouffe, The Audacity to Win.

  Obama and Biden tête-á-tête—“Biden’s Unified Theory of Biden,” Newsweek, October 3, 2008.

  “picking me for my judgment”—ABC’s The Week, December 21, 2008.

  “This baby just needs a little scrub down”—“Shirtless Biden Washes Trans Am in White House Driveway,” The Onion, May 5, 2009.

  Muscle cars—Phillips, “What I’d Do Differently: Vice President Joe Biden.”

  “My fondest memory”—D’Agostino, “Things My Father Taught Me.”

  “I know [Joe] as an incredible father”—Beau’s unforgettable speech at the 2008 Democratic National Convention.


  FROM GAFFES TO GLORY (2008–2016)

  “The number one issue facing the middle class [is] a three-letter word: Jobs. J-O-B-S”—“Oh, That Joe! (No. 29 in a Series)—Obama & Biden’s Three-Letter Word: J-O-B-S,”, October 15, 2008.

  “when the stock market crashed”—Biden to Katie Couric, September 23, 2008.

  “It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama”—to a roomful of donors, via, October 20, 2008,​TRANSCRIPTS/​0810/​20/​ldt.01.html.

  Clinton “might have been a better pick”—“The Caucus,” New York Times, September 10, 2008.

  “you cannot go to a 7-Eleven…unless you have a slight Indian accent”—Biden actually said this back in 2006. This is one of those quotes, like many, that sound far more damning out of context. The C-SPAN show Road to the White House showed a clip of Biden saying that he has strong support among Indian-Americans, partly because Delaware has a strong Indian-American community. The full quote: “I’ve had a great relationship. In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.” After the blowback, Biden’s office (via Margaret Aitken) clarified: “The point Senator Biden was making is that there has been a vibrant Indian-American community in Delaware for decades. It has primarily been made up of engineers, scientists and physicians, but more recently, middle-class families are moving into Delaware and purchasing family-run small businesses.”—Associated Press, July 7, 2006.

  “Stand up, Chuck!”—(Oof.) Accessed via,​watch?v=C2mzbuRgnI4.

  “a chill set in”—Heilemann and Halperin, Game Change.

  “At first, people would complain”—Arun Chaudhary phone interview, June 22, 2017.

  “He’s doing endless pushups”—Herbie Ziskend phone interview, June 19, 2017.

  “He just kept holding up vials of liquid”—Chaudhary phone interview, June 22, 2017.

  Beau and Hunter staying with Joe after debate prep, “Remember, remember home base”—as Biden shared after receiving the Medal of Freedom. The full quote: “You heard that the preparation for the two debates—vice presidential debates that I had—I only had two that Beau and Hunt would be the last people in the room. And Beau would say, look at me, Dad. Look at me. Remember, remember home base. Remember.” Accessed via​news/​politics/​2017/​01/​12/​read-full-remarks-from-biden-send-off/​j8zyBJsh63IehZaDQuaaFJ/​story.html.

  “My goal tonight was a simple one”—Saturday Night Live, October 5, 2008.

  Biden helping to persuade Clinton to accept role of secretary of state—Witcover.
  “I love you, darling” to Clinton—Osnos, “The Biden Agenda.”

  Maureen Dowd quote—“Oval Newlywed Game,” New York Times, February 14, 2009.

  “Biden felt insulted”—Bailey, “Joe Biden, White House Truth Teller.”

  “Are we winning today?”—Ziskend phone interview, June 19, 2017.

  Aaron Burr dig—Again, I couldn’t help it. (Old habits…)

  Choosing between the VP archetypes, considering Quayle an ideologue—hat tip to the indomitable Jules Witcover.

  Favorite VP as Dan Quayle because of swimming pool—“Joe Biden’s Favorite Veep? Dan Quayle,”, April 12, 2010.

  “Every single solitary appointment”—“Biden to Head New Middle-Class Task Force,”, December 21, 2008.

  Joe, you do Iraq—Osnos, “The Biden Agenda.”

  The plan for more settlements “undermines the trust,” late for dinner date—“Palestinians Complain to Biden About Settlement Plan,” Reuters, March 10, 2010.

  “Few American politicians would think it wise to invoke crucifixion”—“Netanyahu Sees Strike on Iran’s Nukes as Worth the Risk,”, March 26, 2012.

  “most succinct understanding”—Osnos, “The Biden Agenda.”

  “He has known Netanyahu”—Ziskend phone interview, June 19, 2017.

  “They’ll give me a line”—Osnos, “The Biden Agenda.”

  “This personal element”—Clemons, “The Biden Doctrine.”

  The legendary encounter with Putin—Osnos, “The Biden Agenda.”

  “In the midst of that debate”—Ibid.

  Biden grilling the Situation Room about Pakistan—Bailey, “Joe Biden, White House Truth Teller.”

  “Joe is very good about sometimes articulating”—“Speaking Freely, Biden Finds Influential Role,” New York Times, March 28, 2009.

  Support for gay marriage—Meet the Press, May 6, 2012.

  Biden and Memes:

  hid all the pens—@Barack_and_Joe,​Barack_and_Joe/​status/​821852063332204547

  knuckle sandwiches—​photos/​1190806-prankster-joe-biden

  defeating ISIS—@Barack_and_Joe,​Barack_and_Joe/​status/​797880493978984448


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