Snow and Seduction: A Steamy Reverse Harem Winter Collection

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Snow and Seduction: A Steamy Reverse Harem Winter Collection Page 42

by Amanda Rose

  I hid in the shadows and mourned my mother who was murdered on December 24th, 5007; her dead body left in the snow for a jogger to discover, before calling the police.

  I was five years old at the time, the murder still unsolved and sitting in a file with the rest of the unsolved cases. I vowed to revive her case, to strive towards putting the puzzle pieces together and find who took her away from me, but such promises didn’t stop the pain that clenched my heart every Christmas.

  Regardless of the love I received from Auntie, who helped raise me till I was old enough to live on my own, it didn’t replace the void in my soul – the emptiness and hurt I still felt not being able feel my mom’s warm touch one last time.

  Cece returned, walking to my side and presenting me with my white gloves. I normally wore the fingerless ones but with how hypersensitive my gift had been, I wasn’t going to take any chances.

  "Thanks, bestie." I smiled up at her.

  "Listen. I know you don't like celebrating the holidays – in honour of your mom – but you need to live a little, Scar. After holiday break, you're going back to work and who knows when you're going to get another week off." Her soft tone held both concern and sadness.

  I knew she didn't pity me. She was showing empathy. Every year she gave me this talk and I always made excuses. Maybe I should listen to her for once?

  "But...even if by chance I decide to enjoy the holidays, I have no one to go with. You're going away with your lover. So, I don't mind being at home. I'll just read a book or do another drawing or two for the Christmas Art Galleria event."

  I had already submitted my portion for the art event that occurred twice a year. Only a selected number of artists were chosen; usually around ten to twelve max.

  My art centered around human interaction; how life is viewed through the eyes of an object. I painted what I imagined a vase sitting in the corner of a dining hall viewed during dinner or what a phone viewed when its owner posed for a selfie. I liked to draw outside of the box, in viewpoints no one would think to imagine.

  I usually painted with oils or water paint, but art was limitless, and I followed my gut in choosing what materials I needed to create such masterpieces.

  This year, I was one of two people chosen to be given their own gallery section for their masterpieces. Which also meant, I had to walk on stage and say a little speech before receiving an award and cheque.

  The other person who would be presenting with me was Kai Akiyama; a well-known artist who apparently resided in Japan.

  He was known to travel a lot; his artwork showed such diversity and creativity, I wondered where he got his inspiration from. His work was as if he lived in a different world.

  We’d met thanks to our passion to create; Junho’s best friend Marcus introduced us during an art exhibition. I was excited to see him again this year, but I still worried about going alone.

  It would be nice to go to the event with a respectable date who appreciated art more than the appetizers and free wine.

  "Speaking of your event, a little birdy told me that Junho's available." Cece smirked at my wide-eyed expression. She had the tendency to read my thoughts, but I was an open book and couldn't hide my emotions very well. She continued.

  "Junho, Jaxson, AND Michael are all off this week. I think it would be a perfect time for you four to have some quality time with one another instead of working on solving cases and finding dead bodies."

  "We don't go out to find dead bodies. That was just a coincidence, and they're probably busy." I brushed off her attempt to set me up with my teammates.

  Now that I'd ditched the apprentice title, I had become a full-time private investigator with Paranormal INC, the top criminal investigation organization in the country.

  My team, which consisted of three, hunky, attractive men and I, had just finished a wild assignment and been granted two weeks off.

  The week of New Year was usually off limits for myself and Cece to travel and go crazy, so I had one week to myself.

  "You haven't even asked." She commented before a mischievous smile crept onto her smooth lips.

  She turned, walking out of the room without a word. I sat there, staring down the hall before my eyes grew wide. Where's my phone?

  I quickly scanned my vanity before the memory popped into my head – myself walking into her apartment and placing my keys and phone on her kitchen counter. FUCK!

  I pushed my chair back before rising to my feet; Moonlight jumped off my lap and scurried out of the room. I followed, making sure I wouldn’t slip – her slippery floor the culprit of one too many falls. Didn't want to fall on my ass this Christmas holiday.

  By the time I reached the kitchen, it was too late. My phone was already in the devil's hands as she leaned against the kitchen island; her thumb doing a final tap on my iPhone screen before she glanced up.


  "I don't know whether to kill you now or plan a slow, painful death for you." I whispered as I glared at her.

  "Oh please. You’re not the only one who knows how to hide a body, leaving no evidence behind. Plus, I can disappear in a flash just as I appear whenever you need me." She pointed out; her proud expression aggravated me.

  I hated the fact that she was right. I don't know how she did it, but when I needed her, POOF, she was there. A blessing or a curse? I hadn't determined which yet.

  "They aren't going to be –" I began but my phone started to sing.

  "Oh look, Jaxson's calling." Cece sang.

  I rushed over and grabbed my phone out of her hand before sliding the answer button.


  "Hey, baby." Jaxson White's sexy voice sent tingles down my spine.

  "I love how you've given me the baby title." I smiled at his greeting.

  "Well, we aren't at work and this is your private number, so I can call you whatever I want. Plus, I love reminding you that I have one-third rights to you." He joked.

  Jaxson White, was one of five partners at Paranormal INC.

  We’d randomly met a few days before I had my final, criminology exam - bumping into a crystal ball which eventually brought us together and I became an apprentice for their group - Team Seven.

  Himself, Michael Moore and Junho Suk had made a little joke about splitting me three ways, seeing as none of them would be able to win against the others in claiming me - or so they say.

  "One-third? I hadn't been informed that your apparent claim on me was split with two others." I continued our fun conversation; my hand played with my hair out of habit.

  "I was actually forced. Junho would probably blackmail me and Michael...ya, I'd lose all rights to you if I attempted to fight for full ownership. Therefore, we've settled with sharing."

  "Awww. You guys are acting like mature adults." I giggled at the thought of the three of them fussing over who gets to take me out on a date first.

  "Haha, very funny. Now, did you text me saying you’re free this week or was that Cece?"

  I laughed.

  Of course, he'd know the difference between my texts and Cece's attempts at getting us together. He continued.

  "By that response, I know it was Cece, but you are off this week, aren't you?" The amusement in his tone made my heart swell. It was nice to have a love interest who accepted your friend. Even if she was probably the devil.

  We’d been pretty slow this winter season, having no cases that needed our utmost attention, so Kendrick gave us the opportunity to have time off or work in the office and help with paperwork. Obviously, you can imagine which option sounded like the better deal.

  "Yes, I'm off but I don't want to bother any of you. Don't you have family gatherings and dinners to attend?" I pressed the question; my heart sank a little at the realization I'd be alone again this year.

  It also made me wish I'd taken Cece's previous offers the last couple of years to party and hang with her. Now, her boyfriend had her all to himself. Lucky him.

  I waited for his response, a few sec
onds went by before he answered.

  "Would you look at that? I just got a text stating Grandma White has suddenly fallen ill, and the family get-together has been canceled. I guess I'm free."

  I entered another round of giggles; my heart blossomed with both happiness and excitement.

  "If Grandma White finds out you’re telling lies about her, she's going to beat you with her cane." I reminded him.

  From what I've heard about the elderly woman, she was a force to be reckoned with. She didn't take anyone’s bullshit.

  "I agree with you there, but seriously babe, I'm free. Junho and Michael have also informed me of their sudden, open availability. We're all yours."

  I licked my lips; the idea of having the three of them in my bed made my body heat up as my sex throbbed –images of the many pleasurable things we would do to each other triggered my reaction.

  "Wait. Are you guys able to attend an event on December 23rd?"

  "You mean your Galleria Christmas Event; where you have your own section of art being displayed for the world to see? Yes baby, we won't be missing it. Michael and I have to meet the others later that night for an update on a case, but Junho will be staying the whole time. He's your date for the night."

  Besides from Junho and Michael, there were two more investigators on our team - Christian Ross and Ethan Roseblade. Both were working other jobs that kept them hella busy during the holiday season.

  "I have a date? Wow, you guys went all out on this "rights" thing. So, what did he blackmail you with, especially Michael? He'd never give up an opportunity like this."

  Michael was stubborn just like me. He was the quiet type, but don't let that aspect fool you. He'd be the first to start shit if he didn't get his way.

  "Remember the time we all went out drinking." He asked.

  "Yes, when we all got so drunk the other half of the team had to come take us out of the club, which we thankfully didn't get banned from." I answered, shaking my head at the memory.

  The drinking had been one thing. But the events that transpired that night in less than two hours were totally unexpected and adventurous on my part.

  "Do you remember the kiss?" He continued.

  "The passionate, sexy, made me want to masturbate right there, kiss between you and Michael. Yes. I miraculously remember that lovely interaction between you two. Talk about best friend bonding." I teased. I heard him huff but he continued.

  "Don't tell me you haven't gotten so drunk before that you kissed Cece." He accused.



  "It's happened. Continue."

  I couldn't admit to what I barely remembered, but I wouldn't brush away the possibility. I wouldn’t say anything more about the topic, just in case a certain devil overheard our conversation.

  "He has pictures." He whispered.

  "STOP IT! He does not! How did he get pictures when he was drunk?"

  "Don't know but he has a copy on his phone, five laptops, two computers, printed version in his safe and a copy on a floppy disk." He replied.

  "You did not just say he uses floppy disks. We're in year 5032. Those are ancient technology."

  "Nope. He has connections and apparently, one of them still uses the disks to store information worthy enough to ruin reputations and cause wars." Jaxson emphasized.

  "He wouldn't."

  "If we pissed him off by taking you to this Galleria that he worked his ass off to get us tickets for, he just might."

  "I thought Cece was diabolical but Junho has surpassed such ranks. I'm impressed." I nodded my head in approval.

  "Anyways, be prepared, Scar. We will be keeping you very busy starting tomorrow, so I suggest you get some beauty sleep. You'll need it for what we have planned." His flirtatious tone would give me palpitations if he continued talking that way

  "I'll be ready. Hope you three can keep up with me. I hear I have a high stamina level." I flirted back.

  "Goodnight Scarlet."

  "Goodnight Jaxson."

  I hung up the phone, smiling at the picture of us on my screen before looking up at Cece's smug expression. I rolled my eyes.

  "Yes, Yes. All hail Cece Rose, my queen and saviour for making my Christmas holiday less dreadful."

  "Hmm. I feel like there’s not enough love in that statement. Maybe I should pull up the picture of us kissing that time when –" She began in a sing-song voice before I cut her off after choking on my own saliva.

  "No. You. Didn't." She shrugged.

  "Maybe yes, maybe no. I could pull up the picture now if you like." She replied.

  "Oh, gracious Cece Alexandra Rose, my best friend in all the lands. I'm so thankful for your efforts to make my Christmas filled with plenty of happiness and cheer. How can I ever repay you?"

  I bowed my head, placing my hand on my chest for extra emphasis. My best friend laughed before shaking her head.

  "Have fun with Jaxson and the others. Myself and Vinzent will be attending your Galleria and leaving to the airport after. Let me know how it goes when I come back. Remember to pack for our trip because we leave three hours after I get back." She reminded, pointing a finger at me.

  "Yes, Mother. I'll remember to pack." I brushed off her motherly tone.

  Only Cece could blackmail me one minute and wish me well like a parent saying goodbye to their one and only child leaving for college, the next.”

  "Good. Now, how about a tub of ice cream before bed?"

  I grinned.

  "Yes, please."


  DECEMBER 21, 5032


  "It's my day off. Go away." I mumbled as I grabbed my pillow, snuggling against it – my body began to relax; my mind slowly drifted back to sleep.

  Today's sleeping position was on my stomach; the pillow cushioned my head as my legs spread out in an odd but comfortable position.

  I heard a deep chuckle before something moist pressed against my neck. I smiled at the touch. Silly dreams playing games with my imagination.

  "Scar, baby. You already slept in. I don't get much time with you, today."

  My dreams are getting revenge on me for all the sleepless nights, torturing me with Jaxson's sexy voice. What sin did I commit?

  “I hate you dreams.” I mumbled.

  "Scarlet. You're not dreaming. Wake up or I'll force you to wake up." The seductive voice threatened. I didn't reply, needing a moment to understand the mystery person's words.

  Something warm pressed against the side of my waist, before making a slow descent down my hips. I paid no mind, continuing my moment of bliss. It's probably Moonlight's tail.

  It wasn't until something slid against the thin fabric covering my pussy that my mind became alert. My body tensed, but I felt another moist kiss pressed against my neck.

  "Scar, relax."

  "Jaxson?" I whispered; my mind still fuzzy with sleep, but my body went into overdrive as his lingering finger pressed against my underwear and into my pussy till the fabric resisted any further movement.

  I moaned into the pillow. I was now wide awake and wanted those fingers to stop teasing and start moving.

  "Yes, baby. Good morning."

  I felt him press against the side of my body; his fingers pulled back before pushing inward again. I groaned, turning my head to face him – his alluring amber eyes watched me as he gave me a lazy smile.

  I pulled my right hand out from beneath my pillow, allowing my fingers to go through his short, black locks. I licked my lips before pulling against the back of his head - pressing my lips against his. Our kiss started slow, his fingers still pressed against my underwear, in and out till the material was soaked.

  The kiss built; his tongue slipped into my mouth intertwining with mine, while his fingers tugged and pushed my soaked panties to the side.

  His lips withdrew from mine.

  "Scar? You’ve got to get ready." He reminded. There was no conviction in his voice, only his own arousal coated the words. There was no way
I'd leave this bed till he solved my growing need – my pussy throbbed for a feel of those long fingers.

  "Not till you make me cum." I argued; my hips moved against his fingers in anticipation. He smiled at my eagerness and pulled my body over, so that I lay on my back.

  He didn't hesitate; his fingers slid beneath the thin fabric and into me. My body felt hot as he moved his fingers in and out at a faster pace – the tension built. His thumb played with my clit as he continued to finger my wet pussy. His lips covered mine as a moan escaped. He leaned forward onto his elbow, so he hovered halfway over me. His other hand, now free to find its way down the top of my silky night gown, cradled my breast in his palm, before he squeezed my hardened nipple between his fingers; it was a pleasurable pain, and I arched my back giving him more of me.

  His mouth left my lips to begin an assault on my shoulders – the playful action against my feverish skin sent tingles through my body.

  "Jax...faster." I begged; my voice urgent and heavy. My body arched back against his broad chest. He moved his fingers at a rapid pace, so quick I felt my juice coating my clit as his fingers pumped in and out of me.

  A loud moan escaped me. My hands grasped the sheet beneath me as I came hard; my pussy pulsed around his fingers. He pulled them free, giving me another kiss before taking a moment to relax on the other half of my queen size bed.

  I took a moment to appreciate his sexy appearance. His classy, clean, black hair was messy from my fingers, those addictive amber eyes gave me their full attention.

  He wore a white shirt, which was now wrinkled, his tie loose from the collar. I was tempted to unbutton it and reveal his bare chest – the memory of his ripped pecs and hairless skin made it hard for me to resist.

  I lost the battle; unable to stop my hands as they slid against his chest before pushing him firmly down onto the bed and I knelt above him. He returned my dominant demonstration with a pleased smile as I moved on top of him; his hands landed on my ass, squeezing my plump cheeks.

  He adored my ass, never failed to give it some attention during our previous love making. Today would be no different.


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