Snow and Seduction: A Steamy Reverse Harem Winter Collection

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Snow and Seduction: A Steamy Reverse Harem Winter Collection Page 61

by Amanda Rose

  Magnus circles his thumb around the top of my hand, sending comforting warm chills up my arm and straight into my heart. It's instantly relaxing. The elevator dings before I'm ready for it too. Once the door opens, I guide him to my front door, still holding his. Lyric is going to have a field day with this. As we approach, I can hear shouting coming from my apartment. Magnus and I both run to the door, and Magnus throws it open before I even get there. Lyric is pacing the living room, crying and yelling at her phone in her hand, Lucy is trying comfort her.

  "What is going on here?" I demand. My mom doesn't need all this stress. They should know better than this! I take a deep breath in preparation for the verbal lashing I'm about to give them, when they both start in on me at once! I take a step back, right into Magnus' chest. He puts his arm around me, protectively and then whistles sharply, causing us all to stop and look at him.

  "How about we all take a breath and calm down? I also think this lovely woman has something to say." I look up and notice my mom standing in the dining room, looking so frail in her old pink robe.

  "Mom!" I shout and run to her. Lyric is right there too, and we help her to the couch, but she pushes us aside before we can get her to sit down. She looks so sick and emaciated in that ghastly pink robe, but she still has the same presence about her that demands respect and obedience. Everyone looks to her and waits for her to speak.

  "What is going on in here?" She asks. Lyric speaks up.

  "Cadence said she was going on a date and that she would be back early in the morning. I made her promise to text me throughout the night so that I would know she's okay. I've been calling and texting all night, but never heard back. When it hit six o'clock this morning, I couldn't wait anymore and called Lucy. She called Simon. They didn't know where she was either, just that she had gone out on a date and wasn't returning their calls." Tears quietly slide down her cheeks. My heart sinks to the floor. I forgot that I told her I would check in. I got so caught up in everything at the house, I forgot. I'm not used to having my phone on, or checking it, using it just for emergencies so I don't use up my minutes. My mom looks to me and raises an eyebrow, silently asking me if this is true. I just nod.

  "Explain." She says. I take a deep breath, and Magnus once again puts his arm around me, pulling me to his side. He's like a giant teddy bear that keeps showing up to comfort me. "Start with who this young man is." She glances to Magnus.

  "Magnus Michelangelo Montgomery." He says. What kind of ridiculous name is that? I bite my lip, so I don’t smile. Now is not the time to laugh. It looks like he's about to lift his hand and walk toward her, but she just gives him the look. That stern mom look, you know the one.

  "I didn't ask you who you were, I asked my daughter, who can speak for herself." My mom scolds him. In that moment, she no longer looks like the frail sick woman she's become, and instead looks like the strong woman that raised us the last sixteen years on her own. Magnus looks like he isn't quite sure what to say to that. Wisely, he doesn't do anything but look down at me and wait for me to speak.

  "Momma, this is Magnus. My boyfriend." I say. I'm not entirely sure why I said boyfriend, but it's out now. I hear Lucy gasp in surprise. I expect Magnus to cringe, or deny it, but he just squeezes my hand reassuringly. She nods for me to continue going.

  "It was Magnus that I had a date with last night." I lie. "Things were going so well, and I was having so much fun, that I forgot to check my phone. I turned it off when I arrived to save minutes and forgot about it. I'm so sorry I caused you all so much worry, especially you, Lyric. It was inexcusable, but please know how sorry I am." I say. Lyric wipes tears from eyes and just nods. My mom is currently staring down Magnus. I can't bring myself to look over at Simon or Lucy yet.

  "How long have you known my daughter?" She asks him.

  "A few days. I've grown to care a great deal for your daughter, and I'd be a fool not ask her to be my girlfriend." God, he sounds so damn charming. He almost puts Will to shame. The thought of Will makes a bubble of panic rise up into my chest. Also, why did I have to say Magnus was my boyfriend? It's going to make not seeing them ever again harder to explain.

  "Good enough. You hurt her, I will kill you. If I'm already dead, I'll come back and kill you. Understood?" She asks. She had to pick up all my pieces from my last break up.

  "You have my word." He says.

  "Alright, it's settled. Now someone please help me down on the couch. It feels nice to be out of my room and with company. Lucy, fill me in on the club and what that crazy knuckle head Vince is up to.” It's then that I remember the two of them are in the room with us. Magnus leaves my side and walks over to my mom, gently helping her down onto the couch, then lifting her legs so the stretch across the couch. He places a pillow under her feet and fluffs it. I'm impressed. So is my mom by the look she sends me.

  "I'm going to run out and pick up some breakfast for us." Magnus says. "Unless you want lunch…it's noon already." Shit, is it really?

  "Anything is fine, thank you." My mom says as Lucy sits on the floor next her. Simon and Lyric walk into the dining room to grab chairs. I walk Magnus out to the hallway, so we can talk.

  "Magnus, thank you." I manage to say. It comes out as a whisper.

  "I meant what I said about you." He says, lifting my chin up so I'm looking at him. Butterflies fill my chest. Then he leans down and kisses my lips. It's a gentle, firm kiss. It's comforting, like he is. I could spend a lifetime with kisses like that. I kiss him back, and it changes slightly, becoming more urgent and heated. I'm about to slide my tongue between his lips when he pulls away and stands up. I miss his touch instantly.

  "I know that you're upset about what happened with Kill. He can be a complete asshole most of the time. Please don't hold that against me, or against the rest of us." He says. I am so fucked. "I'm going to get food for us all, and I'll be back. Then if you want, maybe you can come back to the house with me, and I can explain a little bit more about us. I can't go into much detail, but maybe I can shine some light on our unique dynamic."

  "I think I would like that." I say, and give him a small smile. He smiles back, then he does the most adorable thing I've ever seen a grown man do. He blows me a kiss. I swoon and fight the urge to melt into a gooey love-sick pile on the floor. Then he turns and walks to the elevator, leaving me to watch his sexy ass as he leaves. All I can think about is how amazing it would be to squeeze that ass as he plows into me. Great now, I'm turned on again. I take a deep breath and get a hold of myself before I go back inside. Once I feel up to facing everyone again, I open the door and go in. Lucy is sitting in a dining room chair next to mom on the couch, while they discuss the club and the some of the new routines. My mom was a dancer in another life, and loves getting to reminisce. I should do that with her more often. Lyric is sitting on the couch with mom's feet in her lap, rubbing them and listening to Lucy talk. The three most important girls in my life. Just as I’m about to join them, Lucy’s phone rings.

  “Hey, Si!” She answers. “Yeah, she’s fine! Here, talk to her.” Lucy hands me the phone. Placing it to my ear, I walk to my room for some privacy.

  "What are you thinking, Cadence Amelia King?"

  "What are you talking about?" I ask, completely exhausted.

  "You were out with them, weren’t you?” He shouts into the phone. I don’t say anything, and he continues, “These men are dangerous and the people they associate with are even more dangerous! Maya, is missing, because of them -” I can’t take anymore, and interrupt him.

  “Si, I don’t know what has gotten into you, but I think you’re overreacting here. I am a big girl, who can look out for herself. Yes, I went to go hang out with them. Yes, I know about Maya. I don’t think she was running from them. Now, I may not know what the situation is yet, but my gut is telling me they are looking for her with good intentions. I promise to be careful, but if you don’t mind, I’m exhausted, and I would like to hang out with my mom while she’s feeling good.”

nbsp; “Fine! I've got to go." He says, and abruptly hangs up. I roll my eyes, and walk back out of my room to give Lucy her phone back.

  “What was that about it?” She asks.

  “Just Simon being an ass.” I reply.

  "Well, he better knock it off! We've got work tonight, and I don't want to deal with the two of you fighting the whole shift.”

  "Oh shit, I forgot about work tonight!" I groan.

  "How do you forget? You work almost every night, Cay." She whines, but it's more of a playful whine. "You also never call out. I'm sure I can cover for you, or get someone to come in if you want some time with your new sexy boy toy." My eyes widen, and I glance at my mom on the couch. She shrugs.

  "Well, he is sexy." She says, and my mouth falls open. Lyric starts giggling, and Lucy fist bumps my mom. The hell? "Now if you don't mind, I would like to go back to bed and rest before your new 'Big Hunk Bar' comes back with food." The candy bar reference is too much, and all the stress and tension I've been feeling for the last few days comes out in the form loud giggles.

  "Uh, mom, I think you broke her." Lyric says, and then I lose it even more.

  "Come on, Momma. Let's get you bed." I say and help her up. Once I have her settled in bed, propped up on her pillows, she motions for me to sit next to her on the edge of the bed.

  “Cadence.” She says.

  “What is it? Are you okay?” I ask.

  “What’s on your mind? You’ve always been open with me about everything.” She asks, her words coated in motherly concern. I pause for a few moments contemplating whether or not I should open up to her about all of it. Finally, I decide to go for it. I don’t give her all the details, but I explain about my sudden interest in four men who seem equally interested in me. Well, five, but I’m still trying to fight interest in Killian.

  “Sounds like you’ve gotten yourself in a bit of a situation.” She says. I just smile, waiting for her advice on how to cut ties with everyone. She takes in a slow breath. Here we go. “Cadence, how much do remember of your Uncle Vince being around before your father died?” She asks. I frown. What does that have to do with anything?

  “He was around all the time. In fact, you would joke around about how he should just rent a room from us.” I answer. She nods and smirks.

  “We were trying to figure out a way to introduce you into the situation, but were never able to before your father died.”

  “Situation?” I ask. Then it dawns on me, and I gasp, “No way!”

  “We, the three of us, were in a relationship. It’s why he was around all the time. We were working on plans of him moving in, but couldn’t figure out how to address it with you. Then...your father...” The sadness in her eyes snaps me out of my shock.

  “Oh mom.” I lean over and hug her.

  “I’m okay. Vince blamed himself. Sometimes I blamed him. We broke it off after that, but stayed somewhat friends over the years. It was good to have him around you girls.” She reaches up and brushes hair with her hand. “Don’t ever be ashamed of wanting to share your love, honey. There is nothing wrong with that.”


  I'm snuggled on the couch between Lucy and Lyric while we watch A Christmas Story. I glance at the clock on the DVD Player. Magnus has been gone for a while now, a point emphasized by my growling stomach. I try to quash the thought that he might not be coming back at all. I wouldn't come back if I was him.

  "Ugh, me too girl. When is your man coming back with food?" Lucy responds to my stomach. Definitely, a Lucy thing to do. She's lying on my shoulder with her legs up on the coffee table next to mine. Lyric has her legs across both of our laps; her head on the arm rest. She's sound asleep. I feel awful keeping her up all night worried sick. I reach out and brush her hair out of her face. She looks so young when she's asleep. She is young, she's only sixteen, but she seems so much older with the all the weight she carries on her shoulders. I swear I'll figure a way out of this. A way for us to live quiet, happy lives with no soul crushing debt, in a magic world where our mom isn't sick and maybe our dad isn't dead.

  "God, stop sighing. You sound like you did during your peak Emo phase, Cay." Lucy says next to me. I just smile, and settle in for the end of the movie. Just then a knock sounds at the door. Lyric stirs, but doesn't wake up.

  Lucy jumps up and runs to the door, throwing it open. Will is standing there with several bags in his arms. The smell of bacon, pancakes, syrup, and other delicious smells invade the small apartment.

  "Oh, God I love you!" Lucy shouts, taking some bags out of his hands and walking to the kitchen. "Are you into polyamory, because I will so marry you!" She shouts, banging cupboards open looking for plates. I look to Magnus, and he just winks at me. I freeze, and he chuckles as he walks to the table with the rest of the bags.

  "So, what have we got?" Lyric says groggily next to me.

  "Food. Come on, let's go eat." I say and push her legs off of me. The table is full of containers of breakfast food. Bacon, sausage, ham, eggs, biscuits, pancakes, so many pancakes, muffins, everything. I look at the bags. He swung by the popular new hipster breakfast cafe a few blocks away. I was expecting fast food or stale donuts. This man sure can deliver. He's currently making a plate, cutting up the food into small pieces as someone would or a child. I smile when I realize what he's doing. He's making a plate for my mom. I turn to Lyric, and she smiles back at me, then gives me a thumbs up. Lyric takes it from him when he's done and walks to my mom's room, holding her plate too. Lucy is already sitting at the table shoveling food into her mouth. I just roll my eyes, grab a plate, and sit down across from her. It's just a small four-person circular table, so Magnus squeezes in next to me. I scoop food onto my plate, not really paying attention to what goes on it. I can't stop thinking about what Simon said. How could this sweet, gentle, giant be a part of something as sinister as Simon suggests. We all eat in silence as I contemplate my thoughts. Well almost silence, Lucy sounds like a little piggy eating from a trough.

  Once we're done, Magnus and I clean up while Lucy unbuttons her jeans and lies down on the couch. I peek into Momma's room, and she and Lyric are both sound asleep. I smile and silently shut the door. When I turn, Magnus is behind me, holding a plastic bag.

  "Can we talk?" He asks. He sounds so serious. Shit, did he go through all of that just to turn around and tell me it's over? I start to panic. What's wrong with me? I've known him days. Get a hold of yourself, Cadence King!

  "Hey, whoa! No crying! It's not bad, I swear." He says, taking my hand and pulling me into my room. He motions for me to sit on my bed, then shuts the door behind him. I oblige, and then, he sits next to me. The bed makes a pretty angry creaking noise, and I'm afraid he'll break it. He doesn't seem concerned though and starts pulling out the contents of the bag. Three black boxes. The size of...cell phones. Oh god, he didn't! I start to get antsy. I hate people buying things for me, especially expensive things I can't pay back.

  "Relax!" He says, but I can't.

  "I can't accept these." I say.

  "It's a gift. You're my girlfriend now; I need to know you are safe and can get ahold of me, the guys, or your family. I also got one for your sister and your mom. If they ever need anything, they can get a hold of you, or me, or my family." He says, placing a box in my hand. I notice he called the guys family.

  "It's what took me so long. First, I had to buy them, and then Forrest had to tinker with them to make sure nobody else can tinker with them. He also programmed all of our numbers, and a few other things he'll have to explain to you." I open the box and a gorgeous shiny purple phone stares at me.

  "There is a red one and a gold one. You seem to like purple though, my Sugar Plum Fairy." I take the phone out, and feel the cold weight of it in my hands. I try not to think of how much it costs, and focus instead on how useful it will be. Also, on how he called the guys family. I scroll through the names. They are all in there, even Killian. I'm not quite sure what to think of that.

  "I'm not sure wh
at to say." I can't tear my eyes from the phone.

  "You don't have to say anything. I'm going to see if your sister is awake to give these to her. You get dressed." He says. I just smile at him; a big, dopey grin that I can’t get rid of. There is no way these guys are bad news. Once he's gone, I let out a deep sigh. I change into some black, skinny jeans and a fitted, purple-plaid flannel. Huh, I do have a thing for purple. I find Lyric’s black combat boots and throw those on. I pack up a few changes into a spare, dance duffle bag, and head to the bathroom and grab some toiletries...the whole time I can't stop thinking about Maya. A cloud of guilt settles in my chest. Should I tell Lucy? Who is she to them? Did she run, or was she taken? All questions I need answered, before anything goes further with any of them. I promise myself I’ll tell Lucy, once I know more.

  I take a deep breath and look at myself in the mirror. My hair is still crazy and pulled up in a bun. My eyes are bright, but still red from all the crying and excitement from the day. Ugh, I'm not going anywhere yet. I pull my makeup and hair stuff out of my bag and go to town. I'm not walking into that sex den looking like a fucking bum.

  When we arrive at the house, Magnus takes me in through the garage, using a small door of to the side of the house. A few cars are parked around the side of the house, but there are still a few cars covered in tarps. There are two motorcycles in various states of disassembly across the right side of the garage. Warren sits hunched over on a stool studying a part in his hands. He's wearing old jeans and grease stained red t-shirt. He looks up at us, surprised to see me.

  "You came back." He says flatly. I just nod.

  "Are you sure that's a good idea? You really want to be here?" He asks. I pause to consider his question. I desperately want to be here. Desperately isn’t a strong enough word. I’m drawn in, captivated, by them. A small part of me is afraid, but that part is drowned out by my overwhelming desire to figure them out. Curiosity killed the Cadence. Last chance, what’ll it be?


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