Snow and Seduction: A Steamy Reverse Harem Winter Collection

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Snow and Seduction: A Steamy Reverse Harem Winter Collection Page 87

by Amanda Rose

  There are soft, twinkling lights wrapped around the banisters along the hallways that bring an almost angelic glow to the place with the way they light up the cream walls. Above all four of the main pent house doors there is a piece of mistletoe hanging by a silky red ribbon. On the front of each of the doors are hanging clips where I’ll hang the evergreen wreaths on my next trip up, and on each of the walls are dimly lit photos of peaceful pictures of snow falling. It really is starting to come together quite nicely.

  I catch myself smiling and start to feel the beginning flutters of excitement that this season always brings me. Clinging to that blossoming holiday spirit, I head to the elevator and push the down button. I should have enough time to head up to my apartment for a quick bite to eat before our shift rotation meeting.

  The elevator doors open and, lost in my own holiday-centered thoughts, I fail to realize there’s a person in there until I smack right into them.

  "Woah, little poppet, watch where you’re going," Oren smiles his devilish smile at me. Emotionally thrown off balance by that disarming smile, I lose the grip on my empty box and it drops to our feet. I quickly rush to bend down and pick it up at the same time he does. Our foreheads collide and we both pull back, rubbing at the sharp pain in our foreheads from the impact.

  "You certainly are a clumsy one, aren't you?" He chuckles softly, and I close my eyes from the intense feeling of embarrassment. When I open them again, Oren has now leaned into my personal bubble, causing me to turn and brace myself against the side of the open elevator doors. With a move so smooth and fluid it had to be practiced, he places his forearm over my head and leans in even closer.

  Damn it, I should have kept the heels on, because now I’m forced to look up into his eyes, and I notice for the first time that they aren't really that blue at all. They had more green to them with flecks of blue. Oh, this man was a dangerous one. I feel my pulse begin to race and my body tenses up a bit more.

  Everything in my mind screams at me to remove myself from the situation pronto. I don't know this man at all! The way he looks at me alone should be enough to have me running in the opposite direction, and yet, here I remain. The more I look into Oren's eyes and he glares into mine, the more my body heats up. Why the hell does this intimidating man turn me on so easily?

  "You have been avoiding us lately. Why is that, poppet?" He leans down towards me a bit more, and I’m able to see the light dusting of freckles along the bridge of his nose. I wonder if Anson has the same markings. I wonder what else they have that looks the same... I shake my head and quickly try to discard that train of thought as I clamp my legs together a bit. I’m throbbing for no other reason than the deliciously dark way he’s looking at me.

  "I haven't been avoiding you, I’m just a phone call away," I try to sound chipper and polite, but it comes out more like a raspy pant. Oren's eyebrows rise as soon as he hears it and it’s like a lion has caught his prey in his sharp claws. He leans in even closer to me and I can feel the oncoming sweat starting to bead up in between my cleavage, and my brain blanks out when his lips come within millimeters of mine.

  I feel his warm breath rush across my lips as he says in a deep, husky voice, "Bullshit," and with that, his lips are on mine. I freeze for only a split second before my body takes over and I am moving my lips along his. They’re warm and soft and he’s kissing me in such a tender way that I find myself thrown for a loop. The way he’s kissing me is the complete opposite from what his personality has shown me.

  Before I manage to raise my arms to his shoulders, he slows the kiss down even more and bites lightly on my bottom lip before breaking apart. My breath is now coming out in uneven pants and my brain hasn't really caught up yet to whatever the hell just happened. Oren looks me square in the eyes once more and rubs his thumb along my now swollen lips.

  "That's for avoiding us lately, poppet. I promise you this—you can't hide from us much longer." He leans in closer once more and I feel my body tense as my gaze zeroes back in on his luscious lips. I want this man to kiss me again; no—I need him to kiss me again.

  I feel the embers of a fire starting low in my belly, a feeling that is foreign but also not unpleasant. Besides the soft kiss I want, Oren sucks my lower lip into his mouth and bites down once more; this time fractionally harder than the first. The slight pain releases a wave of pleasure throughout my body, causing my nipples to automatically tighten and sending a rush of wetness to my sex. God, how can this feel so good?

  "Don't make us wait much longer, poppet. You wouldn't want to be punished, would you?" I lift my gaze to his eyes; seeing the fierce stare in their green-blue depths forces me to finally squirm out from his captivity.

  Punished? I get a quick flash back to the time I heard Draven threaten to punish the twins and gulp. I clench my thighs a bit tighter, almost ashamed that the throbbing in my sex has ramped up a bit at his mention of being punished.

  I hear the deep rumble of a chuckle come from him and I bend down to gather up the empty box that is lying on the floor as a way to deflect from the tension that has built up.

  I feel his heat along my back before his body curves around mine and presses into me. I could feel his hard length along my butt and lower back, which makes me falter a bit. He shoots his arm out and wraps it around my waist while tugging me and the empty box off the ground.

  I just stand there, enveloped in his warm heat as he slowly starts to grind his stiff dick in lazy, teasing movements on my back. I force myself to contain my moan, trying desperately to not lay my head back along his shoulder while I savor the stolen moment.

  "We will be waiting for you, poppet." He whispers into my neck before gently pushing me into the elevator and walking away. My body feels like it has been cruelly splashed with ice cold water. I almost feel empty. I definitely feel wanton.

  I stand there frozen until the elevator doors close and then, on complete autopilot, I push the button to the top floor. What in the hell just happened? I exhale for what feels like the first time since running into him as I lean my head back against the wall.

  Why had my body reacted that intensely to Oren's attention? Why had he said that 'we' would be waiting? But most importantly, why does the thought of that excite me so much?


  Two days later I find myself in a bit of a predicament, the kind with big, twitchy ears and a small rodent face. Yes, we have a mouse loose in the lobby, and there was not a single soul around to help. Just my typical luck. Especially since I hate falling into stereotypes, and seriously, what’s more stereotypical than a woman afraid of a mouse?

  So, with that freedom I have solely because I’m alone, I find myself standing barefoot on top of one of the couches in the lounge peering over the edge in a feeble attempt to try and spot its furry little butt.

  "What would I have to do to get you to bend over just a bit further?" A deep voice booms from behind, scaring the shit out of me. I spin around and immediately fall ever-so-gracefully down onto the couch.

  "Actually, come to think of it, I think I like this view a whole lot better," Anson wiggles his blonde brows at me, his eyes alight with humor. "I didn't take you for a red lace girl. Don't let Damien catch sight of your knickers," He prowls around the couch then balances one knee on its buttery leather surface; right between my legs.

  I’m so startled by his sudden appearance that I don't realize the red lace he is referring to is my underwear. It makes sense though, as my precarious position currently included my legs lying spread eagle, showing Anson everything I was working with.

  Speaking of spread eagle, I look up into his smiling eyes and realize he has now moved both legs onto the couch and was starting to make his way ever so slowly between mine. I try in vain to snap them close.

  "Now now, love. I just want a closer look," He purrs at me as his hand lightly touches my ankle. My reaction to him was not what I would expect. I should start backing away from him and get myself off this couch. I shouldn't be pulling
my legs up a bit higher and feeling my skin start to heat up.

  Damn it, I was turning into a hussy. What is it with the Gunsmith men that have me doing everything that I shouldn't do, and everything I normally wouldn’t? Well besides the fact that they were insanely gorgeous and any sane woman would be stupid not to crave them.

  He smiles at the fact my body is starting to tune into him and he starts a slow, torturous ascent with his large hands, sliding them from my ankle to the back of my calf. His touch is so light that it should be tickling me, but instead my body is wracked with pleasurable shivers. I involuntarily drop my eyes and follow the motion of his hands, marveling at the way they envelope my calf completely.

  "I love how expressive you are, poppet. It's like you have no control or say in being able to hide your desire from me."

  My eyes flash back to his and gone is the humor in them. His pupils are slightly dilated, and I see nothing but pure desire dwelling them now. This gorgeous man wants me just as bad as I want him. The thought staggers me a bit and my chest rises sharply as I suck in a shallow breath. The sudden motion causes his gaze to fall to my breasts, which in return start to feel immeasurable heavy at the attention they are receiving.

  "Am I wrong?" he inches his palm a bit higher, moving from the back of my knee to the lowest part of my thigh. I shake my head no, because let's face it there is no way I could lie my way out of my body's reaction. I didn't really want to, either.

  These men have only been here a few days and my body acts like it’s dying from some strange ailment, and the only cure comes in the form of any physical touch from them.

  "I didn't think so," he chuckles a dark laugh and begins to move his hand higher still. “I bet if I slid my fingers along the slit of your sweet little pussy I would find you soaking wet for me." I take a gulp once more, because he isn’t wrong, not by a long shot.

  I am completely drenched and, truth be told, I’m not even the slightest bit embarrassed by it. How could I be when I have this beautiful specimen of a man looking at me this way? My insides are churning and I’m drowning in so many emotions and sensations, all of which I haven't felt in a long while.

  "Good, because--" Anson starts but is immediately interrupted.

  "Because you are going to let Miss Coleman up and stop pinning her to the couch for all of the West Street to see through the front windows," Draven's voice shatters our spell and sends me into high gear. I fly off of the couch and onto my feet.

  Anson remains where he is with silent laughter in his eyes. My body is still tingling, but nevertheless I still send him the best scathing glare I can manage.

  "Do I even want to ask how this happened?" Draven pegs us with a look and I find myself feeling guilty for some reason.

  My reaction is almost like that of a petulant teenager who was caught making out with her boyfriend. My face heats up more, this time with a blush. I turn to look at Anson, hoping he would speak up on this. His lips form a shit eating grin, but he stays mute. Bastard.

  "Well, you see, there was a mouse--" I begin and hear a chorus of laughter behind me. I spin around and see Oren and Damien in the outer door that comes from the bar area. They were each propped up on either side of the door frame looking as if they had been there for a bit. Had everyone caught us? I hang my head low in humiliation.

  Why in the hell is my libido deciding to kick back into gear around these assholes?

  "More like a rat bastard," Oren mumbles, causing Anson to fly up off of his knees with an expression of pure indignation.

  "Hey, at least I didn't have to force myself on her like your pathetic ass did," He responds mockingly, earning himself a scathing glare from Oren who grips his fists tightly until his knuckles begin to turn white and bursts into motion, heading towards his brother.

  "No, you just pinned her down and made her unable to leave," He bites out just as he comes face to face with his twin. If I didn't already know who was standing where, I wouldn’t be able to tell them apart.

  They’re both glaring at each other with such anger that the rest of my built-up sexual tension dies like water on a fire. Now, the only tension lingering in the air is that which is radiating between the two of them.

  I have been to plenty of parties in my life, so I know that when two men are facing off in what would appear to be a pissing match, any innocent bystanders should immediately clear the area. I back up a few steps, but quickly find my back pressed into the lobby wall. Great, I’m pinned here between them with nowhere to go. I don't like the looks of how the situation is developing with them, so I try to look for a quick exit.

  I glance out of the corner of my eye and see Damien still leaning against the wall with a look of boredom on his face. I then look over the twins shoulder and am shocked when I see pure anger directed at me from Draven's icy glare. My breath catches in my throat and I flutter my hand up to grab at it. It looks like moving in Damien's direction is going to be my wisest move.

  I take a few hesitant side steps, trying not to draw too much attention to myself while at the same time hoping that Draven's focus on me will dissipate. Well, we already know how my luck is—non-existent. I almost make it to Damien's side when the twins suddenly spot me. Shit.

  They turn in unison and start marching my way. It is so beyond overwhelming—their big broad shoulders and faces filled with anger directed at me—that I just cannot decipher what they are saying to me. It’s like one is trying to speak over the other. The end result is just a jumble of meaningless shouts that only hurt my ears.

  I skirt to the side a couple more steps before they reach me. They’re coming at me like a stampede that, since I can no longer go left, forces me to take the backward approach; right into Damien’s body. As if reacting on instinct, he reaches up and grabs me by the shoulders to steady me and before drawing me close to his body. He wraps his warm arms around me like a steel band. It’s almost as if he’s trying to protect me.

  The combination of Damien's protection and warmth, with the way the twins looked like they wanted to devour me had my nerve endings shooting off again.

  There seriously had to be a few screws loose in my head, because there is no way any of this should be causing my body to feel as much overpowering need as I do right now. I close my eyes to lessen the intensity and pray that this would all end soon so I could go back to my normal, far less stressful life.

  It’s so overwhelming that I can't even tell which way is up and which way is down right now. I just want to retreat to the safety of my small office to think things through. I need to understand why this was happening.

  "ENOUGH." Draven bellows out and I hear the sound of his shoes stomping on the floor towards us. I back further into Damien's embrace and he hugs me tighter in reassurance. I take a deep breath and cautiously open my eyes.

  Draven is standing right next to the twins, who are now kowtowing to him with their heads down and arms gripped in front of them. It looks like Draven is a split second from spitting fire and incinerating them on the spot.

  "There are boundaries, you know this," He speaks in such an eerily calm voice that it unsettles me far more than his anger does. The twins don't move an inch, and neither does Damien release his tight hold on me.

  Draven circles in front of them and crouches down a bit to look them in the eyes. "I already warned you once when you were making little comments when we first got here, and I let it slide a bit in the hope that the both of you would get it out of your system. When that didn't work, do you remember what I told you?"

  "Yes sir," The twins speak softly and the answer catches me off guard.

  Sir? I try to lean in closer, but Damien isn't having it.

  "Not now," he leans over and whispers in my ear, so I don't push the matter. It's not like I would win anyways.

  "Then, with the stunt you pulled the other day," Draven's gaze flicks solely to Oren,“ I warned you that you had crossed a boundary you had no business and certainly no permission crossing."


  "And tonight," he snaps his head towards Anson, "You decided to push as well. This is not a competition for fun. You have rules, and you have disobeyed them. Not to mention that your jealous little spat between each other right now has caused Miss Coleman to be extremely uncomfortable, and you know I won't have that."

  The twin’s heads shoot up and they peer at me. They seem caught off guard to hear I’m a bit freaked out by their little show.

  "Did I say look at her?" Draven barked, and I immediately open my mouth to try and break up this odd situation.

  Really, I have had about enough of listening to Draven and his controlling God complex. Before I can utter a word though, Damien snaps his hand over my mouth and pulls my body completely flush to his.

  Okay, duly noted. Now is not the time to speak up. I nod my head that I have received his warning and he removes his hand.

  "Now I want you back upstairs, immediately. And you better be ready when I get there. I can no longer let this go unpunished." Draven says so sternly that the hairs on the back of my arms stand on end. What in the actual fuck is going on here?

  Draven turns to me, and for the first time I see a hint of remorse on his face when he addresses me. "I am sorry for the trouble, Miss Coleman, but, I assure you, I will take care of the situation." I nod my head, because honestly I am at a loss for words. I have no idea what the hell is going on. "Time to go, Damien," and the comforting embrace that I am secretly basking in disappear in an instant.

  I feel cold, exposed, and more than a little confused on how one man could make three grown men bend to his beck and call.

  "We will not need anything from you tonight, and please make sure no one disturbs us." He says and then turns on his heel to follow the twins to the elevators. I look after them still in a bit of a shock.

  Damien moves past me to follow them. He reaches out and slides a finger down my arm to my hand where he grasps it and gives me a reassuring squeeze. I give him a small, hesitant smile.


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