Snow and Seduction: A Steamy Reverse Harem Winter Collection

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Snow and Seduction: A Steamy Reverse Harem Winter Collection Page 95

by Amanda Rose

  He barked out a laugh. “Yeah, I bet that’s what you were thinking. You’re as bad as Jasper.”

  I shrugged, neither confirming or denying that he was right. I couldn’t help that even the sweet looking side of Ezra turned me on. I surprisingly wasn’t embarrassed that he caught me eye screwing him. I decided to change the subject and ask something that had been on my mind.

  “You guys mentioned foster care. I don’t mean to pry, but how’d you all end up there?” It seemed easier to ask Ezra this, since he seemed the most forthcoming. I also hadn’t wanted to ask them all at the same time. I was a chicken like that.

  “Their stories they’ll have to tell you. But for me, it was after I lost my parents.”

  “Shit. I’m so sorry. I know how that feels,” I replied, now feeling like a jerk for even bringing it up.

  “Eh, don’t worry. It was a long time ago. It was a house fire when I was ten. Faulty wiring was the cause from what I was told. I’d been at a friends for a sleepover, so I wasn’t there. They didn’t make it out, though. I didn’t have any remaining family, so I was placed in foster care. The first family I was set up with was where I met Tobi and Jasper. Jasper wasn’t there when I got there, but Tobi and I became fast friends. He knew what it was like in his own way to feel what I was feeling.”

  It was heartbreaking hearing his story, but I suddenly felt a little bit more comfortable with Ezra. He shared pain of loss like I did, just on a different level.

  “I’m glad you had each other.”

  He gave me a warm smile. “I am too. It worked out, though. The family was great and ended up adopting us all. We just wanted to keep our last names. All our interests kind of intertwined into making the business, but it was what happened to my parents that made me decide on what part I took. Now in every building we do, I make sure everything is perfectly up to code and there aren’t any shortcuts taken just to save a buck. I don’t want anyone having to go through what I did.”

  “That’s actually really great. Sounds like you love your job,” I replied.

  “I do,” he said happily. “Oh, here’s the building. Just park there.”

  He pointed to a parking space in front of a little shop I’d never noticed before. It was a tiny and made from a cottage home. Neon signs flashed and glowed in the windows that pretty much spelled out what this place was; and what it definitely wasn’t.

  “Uh, Ez, this isn’t a costume shop.”

  He turned to me and gave me a wicked grin. “That’s because you aren’t getting a costume, Lowen. You’re getting wrapped up like a sexy little present to be unwrapped later.”

  I didn’t miss the lustful gaze he gave me when he said this, making me think he meant that in a way like he’d be the one unwrapping me.

  “Well, okay then,” was all I could think to say, and I jumped out of the Jeep.

  It turned out this was actually a sex shop. I didn’t even know we had a sex shop in Telluride or I’d have come here a long time ago. Most of the outfits here were purely revealing, but luckily Ezra spotted a small section that had outfits with more coverage.

  I had tried on several little outfits that were Christmas themed in some way, but this was the first one I hadn’t managed to get on by myself. The first two outfits were sexy elf ones. However, Ezra felt they just weren’t right. He said something about them not showing off my form the right way and not meshing with the guys. He quickly shifted to the sexy Santa outfits and shoved me back into the dressing room to give this third outfit a try.

  It was a bright red baby doll slip. It hugged my breasts just right while also dramatically lifting them. I was easily a large C-cup in size, but this made them look much bigger. The lining above my breasts and the straps were lace and only about an inch thick. The rest of the material was silk and thankfully not see-through at all. The slip dress billowed out from beneath my breasts and barely reached the bottom of my butt cheeks. It also came with a short, red-velvet robe that had the white cotton puffs on the sleeves, the bottom and the hood that came with it. A black belt buckle helped fasten it closed.

  While I was excited about the robe part because of how soft it was, I was getting aggravated with the small zipper at the back. It was just out of reach and almost impossible to move an inch with how tiny the little handle was on it. I tried continuously to fasten it myself, but finally gave up and let out a loud groan.

  “Shit!” I shouted, placing my hands on my hips and glaring at my reflection in the changing room.

  “What’s wrong?” Ezra asked from the other side of the door.

  “I cannot for the life of me get this fucking zipper up and I’m about to go World War III on it if it doesn’t cooperate!”

  Ezra laughed. “Does it not fit? I can grab a different size for you.”

  “It fits perfect, at least it would if I could reach the fucking zipper,” I huffed.

  “I’m coming in,” he responded, not giving me a chance to argue.

  He stepped in and closed the door behind him, coming to an abrupt stop when he saw me. His jaw dropped and his eyes widened. I watched him through the mirror as his eyes slid from the tops of my breasts slowly down the length of my body and back up. When he finally set his eyes on mine, I saw them light up with pure heat. His mouth closed, and he stepped slowly forward, not taking his eyes off mine.

  As he stopped behind me, his fingertips touched just below my neck before he gently slid them down my spine. I watched him through the mirror, wanting to see his reaction as he touched me. His Adam’s apple jumped as he swallowed hard and his fingers kept slowly sliding down until finding the zipper.

  His touch felt so good, my eyes closed of their own volition and a soft sigh left my lips.

  I felt him edge closer to me, the temperature of his body so hot I didn’t even need it to touch me to feel the heat of it. I heard the zipper and shivered as he skimmed his knuckles up while zipping me up.

  “You have no idea what seeing you in this does to me,” Ezra whispered huskily before his hand slipped up to my shoulder. He dragged his knuckles from my shoulder and down my arm, raising goosebumps along the trail they took.

  I was so turned on I began to shake. How could such simple touches from any of them burn my very core like this?

  His hand left my arm just before both came down on my hips. I moaned when he shifted me backwards so my back was leaned against his chest. He slid his hands forward simultaneously along the fabric until he palmed my stomach.

  The smell of his minty breath and the feel of it along my sensitive skin made me lean my head to the side, giving him more access to that area. His lips pressed into the spot between my shoulder and neck before gliding upwards; his tongue flicked out softly as if he just wanted a quick taste.

  His hands slid upwards to my ribs just under my breasts. He trailed light kisses down my neck then nipped at it, making me jump in both surprise and arousal.

  “Shit … you are so damn tempting right now,” he said with a lustful groan.

  I was so riled up by his lips and his touch, I couldn’t help turning quickly around and throwing myself at him. It had just been so long since I’d been touched like this, I lost control of myself.

  My arms wrapped around his neck and I slammed my lips to his. He was forced against the wall of the changing room and responded immediately; his sweet tongue thrusted into my mouth and caressed my own. He yanked me hard into him, grabbing one of my legs and pulling it up to wrap around him. His hands slid up the dress to my sides, then my back and my stomach. They were everywhere as he kissed me harder, faster, deeper. I was his willing puppet to do with as he pleased. So long as he didn’t stop touching me, I’d submit to his every will.

  He pulled his hands from my dress and grabbed my face just below my jaw on either side, pushing me slightly back to look at me as his breathing heaved as hard as mine.

  My eyes flicked back and forth between his sky-blue eyes, weighing if this was a good idea or not. I wasn’t given a chance to repl
y, though. “Fuck!” He whisper shouted before turning me, slamming me against the wall; my leg still hooked around his.

  His mouth quickly fastened back on mine, taking any doubt that I had about this idea. I just wanted him. I wanted him inside me without a single care about where we were. One of his hands slid into my hair at the nape of my neck; the other went up my dress once again, only this time, his fingers skimmed the lining of my underwear. Thank God, I’d chosen to wear one of my sexier lace pairs today.

  “Oh god,” I moaned quietly and grasped his shoulders in a vice grip when I felt where his fingers were going. “Don’t stop. Fuck, just touch me, please,” I pleaded to him, close to climax just from his kiss and touch alone.

  He needed no other persuading before he kissed me harder and his fingers dipped into my underwear. He slid a finger along my wet folds, gliding back and forth before diving in. My nails clawed into his back. His lips found my neck once again, kissing and sucking the flesh there as his fingers worked their magic inside me.

  It just wasn’t enough, though. I needed more. I needed him. Consequences be damned, if he didn't take me here and now, I’d combust from the desire. My hands shot to his pants, immediately prying apart the button and zipper. I wasted no time grasping him, making him gasp in surprise.

  “Fuck!” He bellowed into my neck. “I’ve wanted your hands on me since the moment I saw you.”

  I smiled with satisfaction as my hand slip up and down his hard length. It excited me that he wanted me just as badly as I did him.

  “I need more, Ezra,” I whispered breathily as his fingers moved faster.

  That was all he needed to pull his fingers from me. I heard the sound of material tearing just before my panties were ripped away. He hiked my leg up higher and thrusted into me so fast, I barely had time to react. He swallowed my moan with his mouth to mine, kissing me passionately as moved in and out.

  Out of every sexual partner I’ve had, none had pleased me quite as quickly and thoroughly as Ezra did against the wall of the dressing room. He was fast and hard, not letting up for a single second.

  We both came quickly and at the same time, not able to hold it in any longer. His free hand shot up and over my mouth quickly as I climaxed, muffling the loud moan that escaped me.

  “You are so damn beautiful when you come apart like that,” he whispered with a sexy smile before kissing me again gently.

  I smiled and breathed in and out slowly, trying to catch my breath. I shifted him out of me then quickly bent over and grabbed some Kleenex from my purse, glad to have been prepared for flu season. They may not have been in there for this reason, but I finally could pat myself on the back for having them.

  After we both cleaned up, he grabbed me and hugged me tight, laying a quick kiss on my temple. It was such a comforting and sweet gesture, I actually blushed from it. It amazed me how sex couldn't do that to me, but small affections could.

  “We should probably leave before we make the other two mad that we’re taking a bit longer than we promised.”

  “Oh my god, I completely forgot,” I sighed out. I ran my hands into my hair then down my face.

  He adjusted himself back into his pants quickly before eyeing me with a look still full of lust. “You should definitely change back into your clothes or we won’t be leaving here at all. That’s definitely the winning outfit.”

  I nodded my head quickly. “Yeah. Definitely a good idea.”

  He laughed then nodded before exiting the dressing room.

  I had to sit on the bench for a moment before I dressed. I couldn’t believe that just happened. I thought I was turned on when Jasper had cornered me, but this? This was so much more. If humans could spontaneously self-combust, I would’ve done that six times over after what Ezra just made me feel with that quickie. The way he moved was like magic, making me want him all over again. He was so rough, yet so damn gentle all at once. The fire in his caress alone could practically keep any woman toasty warm in even subzero temperatures.

  I looked at my appearance in the mirror and shook my head. How the fuck was I going to face the other two without them seeing how completely disheveled I was? I was a walking red flag that I just had sex in here.

  “I’m in so much trouble …” I mumbled to myself, before quickly grabbing my torn underwear from the floor and stuffing them in my pocket.

  As we checked out with my new outfit, it was hard not to notice the disdainful look the girl ringing us up was giving us. There was no denying now that she knew what we’d been up to.

  I smiled at the girl, not the least bit ashamed of what I’d done with Ezra.


  “Soft Reinforcement”

  I caught Ezra's eye a few times through the drive home, but he would only smile knowingly at me or occasionally poke my knee when I'd go silent for too long.

  I wasn't really sure what to do with myself and started wondering if it was a huge mistake. Sure, I loved every second of it and wanted to do it all over again, but would this make things awkward between us if nothing else happened from here. It was hard to believe, but I genuinely liked these guys. They were fun, and I could be apologetically myself around them. If nothing else happened with Ezra or even the others, I'd be okay with that. It would suck for sure, but they made pretty good friends.

  After we made it back, Tobi and Jasper asked to see the outfit we decided on. But after how Ezra reacted, I wasn't sure that was a good idea just yet. Instead, I played it off that they'd see when it came time to practice in it, but for now they'd have to settle for yoga pants and work out bras.

  Surprisingly, the promise of tight black pants and a sports bra excited them enough to drop it. I figured if it was that easy to get them off the subject, it'd be smooth sailing from here.

  I figured completely wrong.

  For the next three days after me and Ezra's sexual escapade, the guys turned into fucking slave drivers.

  I was made to drink protein drinks and tons of water during the work out regiment and dancing practice to keep my energy levels up. I may have looked like I was in shape, but I was far from it. The last time I did any semblance of exercise was when I ran down the steps of the cabin to the mailbox for a package containing sweets from my favorite chocolate company, then ran back up them to tear into the box. That was about six months ago.

  The guys had me spend the first hour of the day doing leg and ab workouts since those were the muscles I'd be moving. They said it was building muscle and stamina; I said it was cruel and unusual punishment.

  "You have to move a little faster and balance that turn a little more, Low," Tobi directed me.

  We were in hour two of practicing the routine. We had cleared our usual spot in their living room of all furniture to make room for all of us to move together. I'd apparently be passed around like a damn baton between the three of them throughout the routine. Tobi had stated this exact direction to me for the fifth time in a row and I was ready to punch him.

  Tobi may have come off as the strong silent type, but in actuality he was big, broody and bossy. We butted heads quite a few times the last few days more than I did with the others. Ezra was patient with me and Jasper just made me laugh off the mistakes. Not Tobi. He would just get more commanding with his orders to the point I'd started flipping him off when he wasn't looking. I knew it was childish, but it was better than yelling at him. He took my alcohol, my sweets, and expected me to jump when he said jump. Literally. I can't jump for shit.

  At first, I blamed it on sexual tension. Now, I was pretty sure he and I were just on the same level of dominance.

  "I'm moving as fast as I can! If I moved any faster, I'd twirl myself into next week. We don't want that because then I'd miss the show completely! Lay off, Tobi!"

  Okay ... I was being a bitch. I was just exhausted and so sick of feeling like I wasn't going to get the hang of this. It was a lot more complicated than I'd thought it'd be, and his nagging wasn't helping.

  "It's not th
at hard. You've done the spin right three times already, yet you keep slipping up every time you spin towards one of us. Why?" Tobi asked, giving me a suspicious look.

  I gulped, realizing that they had known what had happened in the dressing room between Ezra and me the other day. I wasn't ashamed, but it was definitely the reason I was probably holding back from spinning into the guys. The move was where Jasper would have my back to his chest, gliding his hands up my thighs to my hands; which would only make me wet with desire when his fingers would glide so sensually up my thighs. Then he'd grab my hands and bring them over my head to spin me in, then out towards Ezra. I'd land into him with my entire front pressed to his. I would trip up almost every time because my mind would immediately remember how that felt. It would get me even more hot and tense the second before I'd finish out the turn. I couldn't help my body's reaction. Having them continually touching me was driving me insane.

  "Um ... no particular reason," I lied.

  It was so hard lying when the real reason behind my fuck ups were the three of them standing there gloriously shirtless, sweaty and just so undeniably delicious in every way. They obviously knew about what had happened between me and Ezra, and I was starting to guess this was why I was the center of Tobi’s ire at the moment. Maybe he was mad that it happened and was jealous? I wasn’t certain.

  "Right. Look, we know what happened with you and Ezra. He told us, and we don't care. But you are letting it get in the way of getting this right."

  Well, that answered that.

  I looked at Ezra and he shrugged with a smile. "They could tell the second we got back, Low. We tell each other everything, so I didn’t deny it when they asked me."

  So, Tobi was mad.

  It was completely ridiculous for him to be mad about, though. I wasn’t dating any of them and could sleep with one of them if I wanted. He probably was getting jealous. That was the only explanation.

  "Okay, whatever. I don't care that you know. But it is not getting in the way of my dancing. I am just having a hard time landing the move." I lied again. I wanted to get this right and was just having a hard time figuring out how to control the urges.


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