Snow and Seduction: A Steamy Reverse Harem Winter Collection

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Snow and Seduction: A Steamy Reverse Harem Winter Collection Page 115

by Amanda Rose

  “Only when you’re there with me,” he sent back. I was stunned, my jaw falling open as I struggled to find what to say. Unfortunately, it was that point that Daniel clocked onto the conversation.

  “You might want to close your mouth Saffron, or someone may come along and fill it.” More used to Daniel’s suggestive comments than Ben’s, I flipped my middle finger at him.

  “Surely, it’s time for wine,” I muttered under my breath. Jasmine laughed and went to get wine glasses from the kitchen. She put them on the table and pulled a bottle of pinot from her bag. The others had also pulled out their drinks of choice and poured them into glasses. I picked up my own glass, which Jasmine had filled for me, and took a long drink.

  “God, this is good. What’s in it?” Lars asked, breaking the silence while munching his way through one of my strudels. I breathed a sigh of relief, though Lars hadn’t changed the subject on purpose, the gossip in him wouldn’t allow that, I was still happy to go with it.

  “Apple, cinnamon, sultanas and Wensleydale,” I replied quickly.

  “You going to sell it?” Stacey asked, for once seemingly interested in something other than men or herself.

  “I think so. But it’s more of an autumn pastry. I was thinking of serving it warm as well, so maybe October time…” Jasmine put her hand on my leg, silently telling me that I was starting to lose the attention of everyone else. I mean it was true. Not only that, but I was going on about something that was at least ten months in the future. Way to go, Saffron. I looked over to Cal and saw that he was listening intently. For some reason that made me blush, the heat flaring in my cheeks. Thankfully, Amber and Delilah had started a conversation about the upcoming Christmas bonfire we were having.

  Conversation continued to flow well into the night. And, as it would with so many people in a room, the topic changed rapidly. It was creeping towards midnight when there was just me, Jasmine and Daniel left.

  “So…” Jasmine started, leaning towards Daniel in a completely friendly way.

  “So?” He smirked.

  “What was with bringing Cal?” she asked. I was dying to know myself, but didn’t want to risk sounding too interested.

  “He’s just moved here from near Brighton with his brother, and they don’t know anyone. We got talking at work and discovered we had a lot in common, so I invited him,” he told us, leaning back into his chair. He cocked his head to the side. “Is that a problem?”

  “No,” I said quickly, earning an inquisitive look from Jasmine. “It was good to have someone new here.” I added, though the look on both of their faces told me that they didn’t quite believe me.

  “Why wasn’t his brother here? Is he as hot as Cal?” Jasmine asked what I considered to be the most important questions. Just one of the reasons she was my best friend.

  “How should I know? It wasn’t exactly the first question I had on my mind,” Daniel scoffed.

  “What was?” Jazz answered before I could.

  “Doesn’t matter,” he muttered. Well colour me intrigued. Now I really wanted to know.


  It’d been a couple of weeks since Cal had first joined our group of friends, and though he hadn't come last week, I hadn’t been able to keep him from my mind. I knew I shouldn't be thinking about him like that, but there was something about him that made my mind wonder and grab at the possibility of...something. Of what, I wasn’t too sure, just…something.

  Luckily my business had been steady since the beginning, and I now had a regular customer base, as well as what could be considered a lunch time rush. It kept me busy at least, and with Christmas fast approaching, that looked unlikely to change. Thursday lunches were always busy, and this one was no exception. Even so, I still managed to keep up a conversation with one of my regulars, Daisy.

  "Bet you have men queuing around the corner once they've tasted these," she said as she finished off the last of her vanilla slice. A sarcastic laugh slipped out of my mouth.

  "Don't think I've ever had men queuing for me, Daisy. I'm just not the kind of girl they want," I said while clearing dirty cups from the table next to her.

  "Oh, pish posh," Daisy responded with a dismissive wave of her hand. "Your problem is you work too much," she added. In her late sixties, Daisy had a grandmotherly feel to her, not that I'd ever tell her that. It just meant I knew her scolds weren't fully serious.

  "I have to work to keep this place going, it was always my dream," I replied a little wistfully. I loved Sugar & Spice, and wouldn't want it any other way. But I had a lot to prove and I was determined to do just that.

  "Hmmm." She drew the sound out, making it sound like a disagreement. I thought on how to respond as I made my way back to the kitchen, but thankfully, I was saved by the bell announcing the arrival of a new customer.

  "Just a moment please," I called, dropping the tray with dirty cups by the dishwasher in the kitchen. Returning to the café counter, I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw who my new customer was. Daisy raised her eyebrows at me from behind him as if to say 'go get him'.

  "Hi, Saffron," Cal greeted me with a smile. I managed return it weakly, too busy being side-tracked by the way my name sounded when he said it.

  "Hi," I squeaked back. "What can I get you?" As much as I'd love to tell myself to be cool around him, I knew that it wasn't going to happen, so saw very little point.

  Cal appeared to think for a moment. "Something hot, wet, and delicious." His eyes didn’t stray, making me think there was a chance he wasn't talking about my cakes. I swallowed, nervous and definitely reacting to his suggestive comment...even if it wasn't actually meant that way.

  "How about a hazelnut mocha? I make them sweet and strong." As soon as the words left my mouth I wanted to call them back. What on earth was I trying to achieve by flirting badly? The smirk on Cal's face made it clear my flirting failure wasn't lost on him either. Damn.

  "Sure, so long as you have one with me."

  The nerves amplified, as did the excitement stirring inside me. It wasn't entirely sexual, though I was definitely attracted to him. Instead it was more the thrill of someone actually wanting to spend time with me. After all, coffee in her workplace wasn’t the way to get into a girl's pants. I quickly whipped up a pair of mochas, hazelnut for him and vanilla for me, complete with whipped cream and mini marshmallows. No one could say I didn't go all out.

  "Here you are." I handed him his mocha. "Do you want anything else? Where would you like to sit?" My nerves were showing, but there was nothing I could do about that.

  "Nothing to eat, thank you. At least not yet." He looked around the room at the seating options, as Daisy was the only customer still here, there was plenty of space. Surprising me he picked a table with two armchairs near the back of the room. "I thought you'd be able to see the door better from here." He answered my unspoken question quietly, almost as if he was shy about it. Though he needn't have been. I felt rather warm and fuzzy about it, something to do with someone actually caring about my needs.

  “Thank you,” I said, this time actually managing to give a genuine smile without any nerves interfering. I set down the coffees and sat in the seat facing the door. “What brings you here then?” I asked, silently cursing myself for asking such an intrusive question, and risking scaring him away. From his relaxed position opposite me, he didn’t seem to particularly mind.

  “I live near here. We seemed to get on, so I decided to stop for a drink.”

  The butterflies in my stomach sprang to life, he was here to see me, and only me. To break the tension, I tried to brush my hair behind my ears, a completely pointless action considering my long blonde hair was tied up in a French plait. “Do you ever wear your hair down?” Cal asked. Clearly, he noticed my blunder. I nodded.

  “But not when I’m working. I don’t think people would appreciate hairs in their cake.” Seriously, sometimes I really needed to think about what I was saying.

  “I guess not.” Cal smiled. “So, y
ou enjoy this?” He waved his hand around the room.

  “Definitely,” I replied eagerly. “I love interacting with people, and seeing them relax and enjoy themselves. It’s exactly what I wanted to do.” I was rambling but he didn’t seem to mind.

  “I can see that, it’s a very relaxing room, and this is amazing.” He took a sip, leaving whipped cream on his lips which he proceeded to lick off. I don’t think the action was intentional but it did things to me all the same and heat built within me.

  “Thank you, I make all my mochas with real chocolate, and use essence instead of syrup; I think it avoids the too sweet taste.” Damn, why couldn’t I talk about something to make myself seen interesting rather than rubbish about my teashop.

  “It works,” he said. “How do you stay looking so good when all this temptation is around you?” he mused. I blushed. I didn’t work out to keep in shape, and I was definitely soft instead of lean, but I was happy with myself, and it seemed like Cal was too.

  “Running around all day does that,” I mumbled. “Plus, once I’ve made them I normally don’t want to eat cakes.”

  “Why?” Cal asked, seeming genuinely curious.

  “Because I know if I did, I’d be the size of a house.” He laughed. “And I know what they all taste like.”

  “Are you saying you never indulge?” he asked, his gaze boring into me and making me wonder if he was talking about cakes or something else entirely.

  “I do like to indulge on occasion. It’s been a while though,” I responded, surprised by the brazenness of my attempt at double entendre. I could see Daisy out of the corner of my eye watching us intently. My guess is she’d want to know the low down later. Cal leaned towards me, the closeness allowing me to smell his aftershave.

  “Maybe you should indulge more Saffron. It could be good for you.” The look in his eyes made the heat inside me grow, taking over my whole body. Looked like I’d be having a date with my vibrator later to get rid of some of this tension.

  “And what about you? Do you like to indulge?” I was flustered and wanted to turn the conversation away from me, so I didn’t reveal anything too personal. Cal’s gaze slowly travelled down from my face, taking in the length of my body.

  “When I see something I want to indulge in, I won’t stop until I get it,” he said, his voice filled with promise. Of what, I was unsure, but I was more than willing to find out.

  “Anything tempting here?” I asked, gesturing to my cake cabinet but not taking my eyes from his. His eyes were a light hazel, but had darkened in the last few moments.

  “I can think of a thing or two,” he said quietly, his voice gravelly with what I could only hope was desire. “One thing in particular.” He lifted his hand to my cheek, and was almost touching me when the bell rang.

  “SAFFY!” Daniel’s voice rang out. “Sorry I’m late, you can come out of the kitchen now.” Cursing myself silently for forgetting that Daniel was coming, I jumped up, flashing an apologetic smile in Cal’s direction. He returned it and greeted Daniel as well.

  “Hi Dan, didn’t realise you were coming down today.” Slightly shocked, it took Daniel a moment to respond.

  “Hey Cal, what you doing here?” he asked, flashing me a curious glance.

  “I was passing by. Thought I’d come say hello to Saffron,” Cal said, and Daniel’s gaze turned to the table where we’d been sitting, and the clearly long empty cups. Oops. I was in for it later.

  “Mmm,” Daniel replied, clearly suspicious. “You know it’s closing time, right?”

  “Daniel!” I was shocked at how rude he was being. “Cal can stay if he wants, he’s our friend, remember?”

  “It’s alright Saffron, I need to head off anyway.” The look in his eyes said he’d have stayed longer, or at least that was what I was going to tell myself. “See you later, Daniel.” He gave me one last lingering look, and left. I smacked Daniel on the arm.

  “What was that all about?”

  “He shouldn’t have been here,” Daniel muttered.

  “Why not?” I almost shouted, glad that Daisy seemed to have disappeared before he’d arrived. Daniel just stood there looking at me, clearly unable to find an answer that wouldn’t infuriate me. Can’t say I was surprised.

  “What did he want anyway?” He completely ignored my question and I scowled at him, though he seemed to remain oblivious.

  “He came in to say hello and have a chat,” I said, glossing over the tension there’d most definitely been between us.

  “Pfft. Like hell he wanted a chat,” Daniel said under his breath.

  “What does it even matter?” I threw my hands up in exasperation.

  “I just don’t want to see you hurt, Saf,” he replied a resigned tone to his voice.

  “So what? I’m supposed to stay away from men completely in case one wants more than a chat? Just to soothe your ego?” I was shouting now, though at least the anger had chased away the lingering horniness.

  “Just stay away from him Saffron, he could hurt you,” Daniel said, looking me in the eye.

  “Not likely,” I said to myself, so he wouldn’t hear. Louder, I sighed with exasperation. “Fine. But I think you’d better go, Dan, I don’t feel like entertaining tonight.” He looked hurt by my dismissal, but I really didn’t care. He glanced back at me as he left, but I refused to soften my features. Let him think I was mad. I wouldn’t be told what to do by anyone, least of all him.

  Even so, with Cal’s arrival, things just got a bit more complicated.


  Much to my disappointment, Cal hadn’t been into my café on his own again. Though when we’d had our weekly meet up, I’d caught him looking at me across the table, then glancing away if he thought Daniel was paying attention. I was no better. I looked at him every chance I could.

  Tonight would be exciting though. Well this afternoon really. It was the night we always had our pre-Christmas bonfire. An odd tradition maybe, especially given how cold it normally got, but we’d been doing it since we were teenagers. I was looking forward to having time off for the first time in months, but at the same time I was worried about leaving the teashop, despite knowing Mum was more than capable of running the show.

  I placed the last of my cream cakes in the fridge when she came in. Smiling, I wiped my hands, before hugging her tightly. I loved my family and couldn’t think of a life without them.

  “Thanks Mum,” I said, but that didn’t quite cover the gratitude I felt for being given some time off.

  “No problem honey, we’ll be fine here.”

  I laughed. Yes, Mum would be fine, but I doubt Dad would be happy if she dragged him along. As a carpenter, he spent most of his work time away from people. I doubted serving customers was what he wanted.

  “I know, I’ll still worry though.” She gave me a sympathetic smile. She knew just how much this teashop meant to me, so I was reassured it’d be in good hands. “There’s vanilla slices, éclairs and the bottoms of fruit tarts in the fridge, just add the fruit and glaze to the tarts if you need them.” I glanced at the notebook that my Mum was using. Like mother like daughter.

  “Got it. Anything else?”

  “There’s biscuits and cakes in the sealed boxes here, they should be fine so long as they’re left in there. If you need anything, or can’t find something, then give me a call. We’re not that far away and I’m taking my car, so I can come back if you need me.”

  “You worry too much Saffron,” she chided gently. “We’ll be fine, all you need to do is go and enjoy yourself.” I nodded. It was only a few hours, but it was still a big step for me.

  If I didn’t leave now, I was going to end up worrying even more about Sugar & Spice. I picked up my bag from beside the front door, shouted goodbye to Mum, and went out to where I was parked. Unlocking my small dark blue car, I shoved my bag on the back seats and got in to go pick up Jasmine from her flat on the outskirts of town.

  Looking meticulously put together as usual, you’d nev
er be able to tell that my friend was planning on spending the evening slumming it with a campfire, but once we got there, she’d be right at home.

  Jasmine settled in for the half hour long journey. We didn’t feel the need to go far, so long as we were all together. We chatted about unimportant things, and I secretly hoped she wouldn’t bring up Cal. While I hadn’t admitted it to her, I was pretty sure she’d caught a few of the heated glances between the two of us, and I had little doubt that I liked him myself. Which only added more complications to my feelings for Daniel. Wait, feelings? Did I have feelings for him? I pushed that thought away. I’d deal with it later.

  “So, what do you think?” she asked.

  “Huh?” I replied, so lost in my own thoughts I hadn’t even heard what she’d said. Jasmine sighed.

  “I was asking whether you thought we should go for a meal for my birthday or whether we should have a spa day,” she replied, making her point slowly, probably to be sure she had my attention.

  “Oh.” I thought for a moment. “A spa day would be cool, but the boys might feel left out.”

  “Ahh, screw the boys, let’s have some girl time. We don’t have to invite Stacey or Delilah either,” she said with an exaggerated wink.

  “Invite Amber though,” I said. I hadn’t been too sure about the redhead at first, but we seemed to get on well now.

  “Ok, got it. Spa day with you and Amber. That is going to be an awesome birthday. Afternoon tea as well?”

  “Eurgh,” I replied. I loved the idea of afternoon tea, but it’d reached the point where anything to do with cake no longer felt like a treat. At least that was great for my waistline.

  “Oh yeah…no cakes.” Jasmine made notes on her phone as she was talking.

  “There will be cake,” I said simply. One thing I didn’t get to do much, was decorate. So, when birthdays came around, I liked to let my creative side out. I’d been planning Jasmine’s cake for months, as sad as that was, and I was determined that she was going to love it.


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