Snow and Seduction: A Steamy Reverse Harem Winter Collection

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Snow and Seduction: A Steamy Reverse Harem Winter Collection Page 118

by Amanda Rose

  I watched transfixed as he pushed his jeans down his hips, and licked my lips as he revealed himself to me completely. I had no idea what Cal was up to right now. but I also didn't really care.

  "Open wide, Saffron," Evan said, caressing my cheek. He wasn't being as demanding as Cal was, but I obeyed all the same. He moved his hand to tangle with my hair as he guided himself to my mouth. Without hesitation, I took him in, determined that this time, I'd take him further. Evan held my head steady, clearly intending to do the work for me, and thrust into my mouth, pushing me to the limit of what I could take. And I still didn't want to stop.

  A moment later, a loud smacking sound came, followed by a sting as Cal's hand connected with the bare skin of my ass. I moaned around Evan's cock. I hadn't even known I liked that until now. It hadn't hurt exactly, but it certainly made me feel something. I waited for the next slap to fall, even as Evan thrust furiously into my mouth. I needed more. There was an explosion within me waiting to happen. It was just a question of exactly what would cause me to ignite.

  The next slap came and I pushed my ass back into it. Cal chuckled. "Eager, are we?"

  Damn. I couldn't answer while my mouth was full, that was just rude. But I wanted to scream the word yes. As loud as I could. Loud enough that people three miles away would know just how hot it was getting in the room.

  I quickly lost myself in the repetition of Evan's thrusts, and Cal's firm slaps, making sure I was pushing my ass back into each and every one of them. If only he'd take me. So I could have his cock deep within me too. That would be bliss.

  As if hearing my thoughts, his slaps stopped, and I heard the tell-tale rip of foil as he opened a condom. Even as I took his brother's cock further down my throat, gagging slightly, I could picture him rolling on the condom and getting ready for me.

  I hadn't thought it was possible, but I got that bit more excited. He was going to have a damn easy job of slipping into me, that was for sure. As if to prove me right, he trailed his hand over my ass, his fingers leaving a burning trail across where he'd slapped me, before dipping them into me.

  "Oh Saffron, what are we going to do with you." He chuckled, pumping his fingers into me a few times, making me groan and whimper.

  Fuck me, I replied. But only in my head. That was the only drawback of the position I was in as far as I could tell. Thankfully, he seemed to have heard my unspoken words, and I felt a nudge against my entrance. Evan took a step back, his cock leaving my mouth feeling empty, much like the rest of me. I whimpered, and looked up at him longingly.

  "Just a moment," he said gently, dropping a quick kiss on my lips, which was the exact moment that Cal chose to thrust into me. I could feel his rapid movements in my entire body, and there was little doubt in my mind that I wouldn't be lasting much longer. In front of me, Evan stroked himself, tipping his head back in ecstasy. Damn, that was hot. Maybe I'd need him to do that for me again.

  Firm hands pulled my hips back to meet Cal's next thrust, and I let out a long groan. His hand slipped between my legs, and he pressed against my clit firmly as he pounded into me. I wasn't going to last, I couldn't.

  I fell forward so I was only just propped up, my ass in the air, giving Cal the easy access he needed. He pressed firmer on my clit, moving his finger ever so slightly. But it was enough. That small movement was all I needed, and I began to shake. It was a good job Cal was already supporting my weight, as there was no way that I could even think about what I should be doing physically to keep myself upright.

  A scream tore from my lips, loud enough that I was sure my neighbours had heard. So long as they didn't come and investigate I suppose. Then again, maybe they'd just watch then? That could be fun. Much like Evan's eyes on me. I could feel the intensity of his gaze, and it only made the pleasure within me increase. With one final thrust, Cal joined me, falling on top of me slightly with a long drawn out groan. I came back down to earth in time to watch Evan's face as he came, the pleasure evident on his face.

  I collapsed onto the bed, Cal still inside me. That was fine with me. He could stay there forever if he was going to make me feel like that. Then again, if he did, I wouldn't get to have sex with Evan properly. Not going to let my mind go there quite yet.

  Evan headed in the direction of the bathroom, and I was thankful my flat was small enough that I didn't need to tell him where it was. Words were a little beyond me right now.

  He returned, and climbed into bed with the two of us. Sandwiched between two brothers, and sated for the first time in longer than I cared to admit, I drifted off to sleep.


  I blinked my eyes slowly, sleep still sitting heavy on me. I wasn't surprised. I'd slept far more deeply than I had in months.

  "I need to go to work, Saffron," a gentle voice said from my left. I turned and opened my eyes fully, my gaze meeting Cal's as he watched me, a tender expression on his face that was somewhat at odds with the commanding tone he'd taken with me last night. Excitement filled me just from the memories of what he'd done to me. Him and Evan both.

  "Do you have to?" I half-whined.

  "Yes, and so do you. But Evan's staying the day."

  "He is?" I sounded more excited than I'd intended, but that was partly to do with the hand that had just been splayed across my stomach, pulling me back against the other man in the room. The one that was still in bed. The one whose cock was growing hard against my ass. Oh, it was a fun day to be Saffron Dean.

  "I am," he whispered against the shell of my ear, before giving it a sharp nick. I groaned in disappointment. There wasn't the time to do anything of what he was promising, even if I wanted to. I couldn't open up the shop late, not even for better sex than most people ever got in their lives. Despite my thoughts, I ground myself back into him, and his breathing quickened against my skin. I really needed to stop, or I was going to wind both of us up beyond what we could deal with.

  "I need to work though," I protested.

  "That's okay, I can help you." He sounded so hopeful, I couldn't say no. Which was maybe Cal's intention from the satisfied grin on his face.

  "Okay, but I need to make the things I have on order, plus gingerbread men for when Santa comes tomorrow," I told him, thinking over everything that I needed to do. I needed to make sure there was something for the kids to buy tomorrow. Not doing so would be shooting myself in the foot. But that didn't mean I couldn't have fun with Evan as I did that. After last night, it would be good to be able to boss someone about. Not that I'd minded what they'd done last night. Not at all. I was getting all hot and bothered again just thinking about it.

  "Good. I'll be back later though." Cal leaned down and kissed me gently, allaying any fears that this was nothing more than one night of kinky sex. That wasn't how you acted towards someone if it was only for the night. Or I didn't think it was.

  "I take it we need to get up," Evan said once he'd gone, rubbing his body against mine. If I thought we'd actually stop, then I'd have let him get away with a quickie. But I wasn't so sure that we would.

  "Yes," I answered, even able to hear the disappointment in my own voice. "But we may have some time later." He nipped my ear again, and I moaned low in my throat. The pair of them were going to be the death of me. And that was even before everything got clouded with thoughts of Daniel too. Damn. Daniel. I should probably set some time aside to try and work that one out. Maybe after the brothers had gone later, and I was working on a bake that I could switch off while making.

  "Come on then, we have some gingerbread men to make," Evan said cheerily, throwing the covers back and allowing the cold air to touch our skin. Damn, it was much warmer in bed. It'd be far better to just stay there all day. Evan slapped my ass gently. Why he thought that'd help, I wasn't sure. Really, all it was going to do was turn me on that bit harder. I was going to end up dying of over-turned-on-ness if I wasn't careful.

  “Nuh-uh, no looking till they’re baked,” Evan said as I tried to get a peek at what he was d

  “Please?” I widened my eyes and bit my bottom lip. That normally seemed to get me what I wanted, hopefully it would work this time.

  “Patience is a virtue,” he half-sung, whipping the tray away and sticking it into the oven. I sighed. Guess I’d find out what the hell he’d done when the gingerbread was ready. Only ten minutes to wait. But how to fill that time.

  “Really?” I smiled wickedly, an idea crossing my mind. Evan was going to regret making me wait to find out. I gave him a moment, making sure he was paying full attention before swiping my finger around the rim of the mixing bowl filled with icing and brought it to my mouth. Slowly, I licked my finger clean, with Evan watching my every move. Got him.

  I turned away, starting to tidy, and almost instantly felt strong arms wrap around my waist. I spun around in his arms, bringing us face to face, and licked my lips.

  “Patience, Saffron.” But his voice said anything but. In fact, his voice said he’d take me right there, right then. Good thing he could.

  He lifted me up easily and rested me on one of the counters. I'd have to clean and sanitise later, but right now, I didn't really care. He stepped between my legs, looking at me like I was a tasty treat he wanted to eat. If only he'd voice that thought and I could say yes please. Or maybe I should give him a taste of his own medicine and just order him to do it.

  I moaned, drawing a satisfied look from Evan. I let it slide, he didn't need to know it was me turning myself on.

  He leaned in and pressed a trail of kisses along my collarbone and up my neck, reaching my ear and nibbling it before sucking it into his mouth. I squirmed, unable to truly cope with the tension that was building inside me again, and glad I could move in a way that let my jeans rub against my clit. Not elegant, sure, but at the moment it was the best option I had.

  Evan moved along my jaw, nipping and kissing before capturing my mouth with his. I twined my arms around his neck, and wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him closer and pressing him against me. I moved against him, feeling his hard cock against my core. I couldn't believe I was dry humping someone in the kitchen of my café, without a care for who could walk in. I mean, I was open, and not just to the man grinding against me. Anyone could walk in, and I wouldn't even notice. Knowing my luck, it'd be the health inspectors, and I'd be marked down for almost having sex on the work surfaces. I was sure that'd be frowned upon in their inspection guide.

  The timer buzzed, making the two of us jump apart in shock, before laughing. No way had that been ten minutes. I touched my lips, feeling how swollen they were. Okay, maybe it had been ten minutes. Thankfully, Evan stepped back, allowing me to jump down and make my way over to the oven to remove the gingerbread. He watched intently, or at least, I was pretty sure he was. I could feel his gaze burning into my back, and it was heating me even more than before. Damn, I was well and truly hot. He and his brother could have me any which way they wanted and I wouldn't bat an eyelid.

  "Can I ice them yet?" he asked.

  "No, you've got to let them cool first," I reminded him. It always shocked me how clueless a lot of people were about baking. I mean, why put icing that could melt, onto something hot? It just made no sense.

  "What about icing you?"

  Oh hot damn. I was screwed.

  "We, I..."

  "Cat got your tongue, Saffron?" he asked, stalking towards me with determination and intent in his eyes.

  "We can't waste..."

  "Of course not. Besides, I doubt you need any decoration to make you taste sweet." He backed me against the wall and caged me within his arms. Desire flooded through me with every word out of his mouth. Now if only he'd put it to a different use. An orgasm a day keeps the doctor away. Maybe I should change that. Three orgasms a day keeps the doctor away? Now that was more like it. Particularly with two guys to keep up with me. I'd be in a perpetual state of both exhaustion and satisfaction.

  "Why don't you come and find out?" I teased. "You could lick me like you would frosting from a cupcake." I didn’t know what made me say the words, it wasn't very like me to be so forward. But his brother brought it out in me too. Unleashed the inner flirt so to speak. Evan growled low in his throat. Seemed that he liked the idea of that too. Good. Made the chances of me getting it all the more likely.

  He leaned down, bringing his lips close to mine and just hovering there. Damn, he was making me want him so damn much. If he didn't kiss me now, I was going to do something drastically stupid. I wasn’t sure what, but something.

  Luckily, he seemed to have the same idea as I did, and pressed his lips against mine. He was far more demanding than when he'd kissed me the night before, and I gave in to him, opening my mouth wider, and rubbing one of my legs between his thighs. Anything that got this moving faster. I moaned into his mouth, loving the feel of him against me.

  "What the hell?" A voice cut through our kiss, and Evan sprung back from me. I regretted the separation almost instantly, and was desperate for the contact to return. That was, until I turned in the direction the voice had come from.

  My blood turned to ice as I took in Daniel's flared nostrils and the anger burning in his eyes. No. Not anger. That was jealousy I could see. He wanted to be the one pressed against me, our bodies entwined and his lips on mine, my hands in his hair. Damn. Just the mere thought of that was getting me all hot and bothered again. Or was it just an aftershock of my connection with Evan. It was hard to tell. But with the feelings I was pretty sure I had for Daniel, it was going to be hard to ignore.

  "I can explain..." I trailed off, because really, could I? I wasn't so sure. I mean, I could tell Daniel what had happened in the past twenty-four hours, but could I explain how I was feeling? Or how he fit into that? A part of me doubted that.

  "Please," he muttered darkly.

  "I'll go," Evan offered, stepping away from me and towards the door.

  "No," I blurted. "I mean, the gingerbread should be cool enough to decorate now. Why don't you stay and do that? Daniel and I will go talk upstairs." Evan searched my face, probably checking to see if I was really alright with that. When he seemed convinced, he nodded once, and turned to where I'd put the biscuits on the cooling rack. Part of me was worried about what he'd do to them, but when he did a double take and went to wash his hands before touching them, I was reassured they'd be fine.

  "What about if anyone comes for something to eat or drink?" he asked as he soaped up his hands, rubbing them over each other. I watched, feeling slightly dazed and watching the wetness glisten on his fingers. Maybe not the wetness I wanted it to be, but it was good for my imagination. I shook my head to clear my thoughts. Not that it really worked. Glancing over at the scowl on Daniel's face did the trick though.

  "Just shout upstairs if anyone comes in, I'll come down and sort it out."

  "What if you need sorting out?" His mouth lifted in a smirk that wasn't dissimilar to his brothers. They were a sexy pair that was for sure. How I'd ever survive long around them, I wasn't sure.

  "Then I'll call you," I teased back, but quietly. I didn't want Daniel overhearing and getting completely the right impression before I had a chance to properly explain. "Coming?" I said to him instead.

  "Yes," he replied. Before following me towards the stairs. Unlike the night before, each step upwards filled me with dread rather than anticipation. I didn't quite know what was going to happen with Daniel up there, but I couldn't imagine any good outcome.


  "What the hell did I just walk in on?" Daniel demanded the moment I closed the door to my flat.

  "Why is that any of your business?" I returned, instantly regretting it. He was clearly jealous, which I loved and hated in equal parts if I was honest.


  "Because what?" I asked once he'd trailed off. He looked down at the floor seeming a little sheepish. Right. So, his reasons were exactly what I thought they were. He liked me. A lot. Maybe even verging on loving me. No, I couldn't think that. If I did,
it would only end up in even more awkward conversations, especially if I continued things with Evan and Cal. It'd be difficult enough trying to explain to people that I was in a relationship with two people, never mind that I was thinking about a third right now. I wondered what that said about me, but now really wasn't the time.

  "I like you, Saffron." He said my name like it was a delicacy. Technically it was. My Mum did name me after the spice more expensive than gold after all. God knew why, she'd never thought to reveal that piece of information to me.

  "I like you too, but that doesn't mean anything." I didn't need to add it did mean something to me. Maybe that he should pin me against a wall and have his way with me. Cal and Evan must have unleashed something within me last night, the thoughts in my head had certainly become a lot dirtier. I actually liked it, it was more freeing than I expected.

  "Clearly not," he muttered bitterly.

  "What's that supposed to mean?" I demanded, anger rising within me. This wasn't how I wanted any conversation with him to go. Jazz would kill him if she knew how he was talking to me. Jazz...I should probably call her and clue her in on the situation. Judging by some of the books she'd lent me over the years, she'd be more than a little excited by the situation. I hoped anyway, I'd rather not have my best friend against me.

  "You can't like me that much if you're down in the kitchen sucking face with a randomer." It was almost like he spat the words with venom, and I hated it. There was no need for it at all. He was supposed to be my friend, regardless of what was going on here.

  "Firstly, that's Cal's brother. His name is Evan, don't talk about him like that. Secondly, how I feel about Evan, or about Cal, is none of your business. Thirdly, however I feel about them doesn't affect how I feel about you." I was breathing heavily as the anger bubbled away just below the surface. There was no way he was being this way with me.


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