Snow and Seduction: A Steamy Reverse Harem Winter Collection

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Snow and Seduction: A Steamy Reverse Harem Winter Collection Page 124

by Amanda Rose

  Maybe I could just walk outside with Pandora. Just around the cabin, not too close to the river. I wouldn’t want to accidentally slip and fall into the frigid fast river. I bundled up and took care with my ankle. It was feeling better each hour. I could put more weight on it. Still, I would be careful. I opened the front door and Pandora bounded out. She was running in circles and barking excitedly. “Come on girl, let’s just take a short walk.” We started around the cabin crunching our way through the snow. Ice crystals were glittering everywhere. It was blinding as the sun started to move through the glade. The roar of the Mckenzie River was deafening so close to the river. The air was so crisp and invigorating. I breathed it deeply into my lungs. I was feeling more alive by the second. After spending about an hour outside, I was starting to notice the cold seeping in. My ankle was starting to hurt again also. Pandora seemed ready to go back to the warm cabin. We made our way through the front door, shaking off melted snow. The cats were all curled up on the back of the couch staring at us with disdain. Their attitudes expressed by half slitted cat eyes were that we were crazy. Probably.

  I went to check my phone for any messages or texts. Nothing. okay. To mask my disappointment I decided to have a brandy and water and settle into my bed with a novel. I had a few I was reading and wanted the distraction. I put on the same pjs and climbed up into the bed. Turned on the bedside lamp and sipped my brandy. I picked up my novel and was lost. After several hours of reading I decided to take a nap. I didn’t wake up until I heard my animal alarm clocks around 7 pm. Of course, I thought groggily, they’re hungry. Having animals kept you on a schedule, even when you did not want one. I definitely did not want one.

  I was starting to feel restless and kept checking my phone. I was spoiled. Did I expect communication from the two men I had practically blown off? Was I expecting a brand new man to fill the gap? Maybe I was going crazy. I had read about people going crazy in blizzards when snow bound for long periods of time. However, I was not trapped in a blizzard, just trapped with myself. I was pacing around the living room when I remembered present #2 from Lucas. I went and crouched down next to the tree. The pine needles smelled so good. I pulled package #2 out from under the tree. The package was soft. Nothing you could shake about and try to guess what it was. I started to tear it open. No one was here to watch me. Suddenly I could see something emerald and shiny. It was some sort of fabric. I pulled it out of the paper and a pair of satin lace emerald green panties fell onto my lap. There was hardly anything to them. I noticed there were slits in interesting places. I have never owned anything like them in my life. My face felt hot as I imagined wearing them for Lucas. I wondered where he was. I heard my phone buzz and ran to the phone. It was Samuel. Not who I wanted at the moment. I ignored the call and went back into the living room. I picked up the panties and laid on the couch clutching the fragile fabric to my chest. I wanted Lucas. I closed my eyes and slept.

  I slept through the night. I woke up about 6:00 AM. I thought of Lucas. Get over it, I said to myself. I decided to get an early start on the day. I really needed to spend time with myself, alone. What was I going to do with no transportation. I would cook. I had brought all kinds of food with me. I had a cooking magazine with holiday recipes. This could take all day. Perfect.

  I actually got dressed in real clothes, combed my hair back into a ponytail and headed to the kitchen. I pulled out my cooking magazine and looked up a Turkey recipe. I read through the instructions. Obviously the turkey would take the longest to cook. A spiced turkey recipe. I turned the oven to 350 degrees and pulled the turkey out of the fridge. Now time to assemble the ingredients for seasoning. Salt, pepper, coriander, allspice, butter, parsley and lemon. I got the turkey seasoned and in the oven. What next? I decided to start in on a potato gratin. I was so focused on my creative cooking process, I realized I hadn’t had any coffee yet. I took a break to get the coffee going and put on “Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas” sung by Judy Garland. She was the girl who was in “The Wizard of OZ.” I haven’t seen that movie in years. I would definitely have to watch it when I got back to town. Did I mention there was no TV here. I noticed my wood pile was getting low. I would have to be the one carrying in the wood at this point. No strong arms around, except my own.

  It was starting to get light outside, so I took Pandora with me. She has taken to the snow. She ran around in circles. Ran around the house and almost knocked me down with a full load of wood in my arms. “Whoa, Pandora! Calm down a bit girl. I don’t want to fall on you with all this wood!” I was actually laughing. She stopped in her tracks and a big clump of snow fell off the tree branch over her. It landed perfectly on her head. It looked like she had a pointed snow cap on her head. She shook it off and ran around the cabin a few more times.

  “Let’s go back in the cabin.” I was feeling more cheerful by the minute. After stoking the fire, I poured myself a nice large cup of coffee and consulted my cooking mag. Potato Gratin did not need to go in quite yet so I put it in the Fridge. I decided to make homemade dinner rolls next. The dough required at least an hour to rise before baking. Kneading the dough was cathartic. It was like meditation. So soothing I had to stop myself from overdoing it. I covered the dough with a cotton tea towel and set it aside. The roasting turkey smell was unbelievable. I was salivating. Right. I needed to eat.

  I boiled some eggs. Deviled eggs for breakfast. I highly recommend it. I ate about six. What next? I looked up some receipts for cranberries. Hmmm, Mulled Cranberry Sauce. Cranberries, red wine, sugar, cinnamon, cloves, orange juice. I had all the ingredients. I got the mixture stewing on the stove top. The aroma mixed with the smell of the Turkey, it definitely smelled like Christmas Day. I know I was a little early, but I didn’t care. I had no schedule. Time to get the rolls in the oven and start on dessert. I was being really ambitious with this. I was going to make an apple pie with homemade crust. Everyone knows the crust is the hardest part. I mixed up my ingredients for the pie crust and got it into the freezer. It would take about an hour to set. In the meantime I could mix up my apples and seasonings for the filling. I was starting to feel overwhelmed. I needed to relax. I remembered seeing another recipe for a bourbon wine cocktail. Maybe I should mix one up. Let’s see:

  Red wine with Spiced Bourbon

  4 ounces bourbon

  3 ounces apple cider

  1 ½ ounces each of orange and lemon juice

  4 dashes of orange bitters

  ½ cup of red wine

  There was also a special syrup that was needed for the bourbon.

  It consisted of sugar, allspice berries, star anise, and fresh ginger. I didn’t have all the ingredients so I modified it. I once read that you have to be bold when cooking. Passionate, like in Love. I was trying all of these things. After sipping my cocktail, which wasn’t half bad, I decided to be even more bold and call Samuel. I needed someone to help me eat all this food.

  Samuel picked up on the first ring. I explained my cooking experiment to him. I also admitted that I felt slightly in over my head. Samuel agreed to come over in about an hour’s time. He had and errand to do first. I felt excitement settle into my belly. I would just focus on my cooking projects until he arrived.

  An hour later and everything was going as planned, I wasn’t too bad at this. There was a knock on the door. I went to open it and there was Samuel right on time. He was holding a gaily wrapped package.

  “I brought you something.” He smiled.

  “Come in.” I said and shut the door.

  Samuel followed me into the living room. “It smells wonderful in here. What are you cooking?”

  “Well turkey is just about done. I have some homemade rolls that need to go in the oven. The pie still needs to be put together, but the cranberry sauce is done. I have to admit I feel a little out of my element. I haven’t made such a huge meal before. Could you help me?” I said a little bit pathetically.

  “I would be happy to help. Let me tie an apron on and pitch in. But
first I want you to open my present. It is just something small. I thought you would enjoy it. While you un wrap your gift, I will make us some festive cocktails.” Samuel seemed to be in his element. I un wrapped my gift and found some vintage holiday albums. “You seem to really enjoy the old Christmas music I wanted to expand your library. Here, I made you a Christmas bourbon eggnog with a little nutmeg sprinkled on top.”

  I was touched . I saw that it was an Ella Fitzgerald Christmas album along with Bing Crosby. I was excited to try the albums.

  “What do you want to hear first?” I asked Samuel.

  “How about Bing Crosby, I haven’t listened to him in a long time. Hey do you have any green beans, bacon and garlic by chance?” He was digging through the Fridge.

  “Look in the bottom drawers of the fridge. Why are you making something to add to this feast?”

  “We need some sort of vegetable, but it won’t be boring, I promise.” Samuel sipped his drink. He was such a natural in the kitchen. He was Sexy. He moved with a grace I know I did not possess. I just sipped my drink and watched him. Suddenly the rich sound of Bing’s voice came from the stereo. “I’m dreaming of a white Christmas.” I looked out the window and saw snow was falling again. Samuel took care of all the details in the kitchen. “I don’t see any stuffing?” He looked concerned.

  “I made a gratin instead. I don’t really like stuffing.” I felt guilty for saying that. Doesn’t everyone like stuffing with Turkey.

  “Hey, no problem. Everything in here looks great!” Samuel put all the finishing touches on the food. I was on my second eggnog and feeling pretty good. I got up to put Ella Fitzgerald on the stereo. “Oh come all ye faithful” came out through the speakers. Samuel came over and pulled me into his arms. We started to sway slowly to the music. It was so romantic. As the next song came on we continued our slow dance around the living room. We were headed to the mistletoe I had hung earlier from a beam overhead.

  I pulled back suddenly from Samuel. “Is something burning?” I sniffed the air.

  “Shit!” Samuel bounded for the kitchen and tripped over his dog Honey. He crashed to the floor, hitting his head. Honey was up and barking, smoke was coming from the oven. Cats were screaming. The parakeets were in shock. “God Damn it! Christ Jesus!” Samuel swore.

  I ran to the kitchen first to pull out whatever was smoking in the oven. Too bad for the green beans they were toast. Blackened crisps. Well green beans weren’t my favorite anyway. I got some ice from the fridge and wrapped it in a towel. I hurried over to Samuel, who was sitting on the floor, with his back to the counter. I gently laid the towel against his head.

  “Are you all right?” I didn’t see any blood, though he looked a little pale.

  “Can we Fuck?” He stared into my eyes.

  “After we eat and I check your head.” We ate, I checked his head. We went to bed.

  I decided to take control. Samuel was hurt after all. I lead him into the bedroom and shut the door. No animals in here tonight. I lead him to the bed. “Rest here for a bit while I light some candles.” I went to the closet were I was storing extra beeswax candles. I walked around the room replacing burnt out candles with the honey scented fresh ones. I had candle holders and sconces around the room. I had never lit all of the candles at once. There were about fourteen candles around the room. The glow flickered off the honey colored walls and reflected back from the snow covered windows. I felt quite the seductress. You could hear wind increasing outside whistling around the cabin. It was time to settle down for a long winter’s rest.

  I walked back over to Samuel, who was still sitting on the bed. I pulled off his socks and then unbuttoned his shirt. I pulled his tight tee off over his head. I leaned down and took his nipple in my mouth sucking slowly. I moved my mouth to the other nipple sucking even harder. Samuel gasped and was starting to breath heavily. I moved my hands down his torso and unbuckled his belt. “Stand up.” I ordered. When he stood up I slipped his jeans over his hips to the ground. I practically ripped his boxer shorts off. Samuel was in full erection, I don’t think he could be any harder.

  I knelt down before him running my hands up the back of his thighs. I parted my lips and took him into my mouth. I slowly engulfed him running my tongue up and down his shaft. He put his hands on my head pulling me closer. He was groaning.

  “I don’t think I can take this much longer.” He whispered. “Please.”

  “Stay right there.” I took a step back from him and started my striptease, slowly drawing my clothing down and off my body. I shook my hair out and did a slow modified back bend stretching my arms overhead. Candlelight was reflecting off my skin. I was glowing. I felt flushed and somewhat wanton.

  “I want you.” He said huskily.

  I walked back to the bed and settled my stomach over the mattress. My ass was in the air. I spread my legs. I was dripping wet.

  “Fuck me now.” I could barely speak.

  Samuel stood up and came to stand behind me. He placed his hands on my hips. I felt his tip getting ready to enter me. He moved slowly at first teasing me. Moving just an inch at a time and withdrawing. I was starting to pant, breathing heavily. I felt him tense and then he moved deep and fast, thrusting so deep I felt my ovaries bruise. He was pounding me and I was rearing back to meet him. I could feel the wave gathering and wash over me from my face all through my body to my calves. My muscles were pulsating. I heard a cry of satisfaction behind me, but I was lost in my own bliss. Samuel collapsed on my back for a moment and then withdrew. I could hardly move, but managed to move up onto the bed pulling the blankets over me.

  “Samuel can you check on the animals and the fire. Blow out the candles also. Fire hazard.” I didn’t hear him leave the room. I was out. I woke in the morning thankfully at a later time. It was about 8 am. I could hear a gentle snore next to me. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. I got up and wrapped my robe around my body. Started some coffee, got the fire going, fed the animals. I was definitely in some sort of routine. I felt pretty good and I could see some sun coming over the mountains. I needed my car. Maybe Samuel could drive me to the store. I needed a few supplies and wanted to drive around the area if the roads were good.

  Samuel came out of the bedroom pulling on his jeans. He tucked in his shirt and come forward to give me a kiss. I ducked out of the way heading to the kitchen and tightening my belt on my robe. “Would you like some coffee? I was wondering if you could drive me into town to pick up my car?” Why beat around the bush.

  “Sure to both.” Samuel looked slightly hurt by my avoidance of his kiss. “I was wondering where your Car was?”

  “I couldn’t drive it here during the snow storm. A friend helped me out. “ I was wondering where my friend was now. I remembered I was supposed to open another package today. I would think about it later.

  “When would you like to leave?” Samuel was being polite.

  “How about in an hour. I want to shower first.” I wanted to be fresh and look my best just in case I ran into anyone. I did not want to smell like Sex. I headed into the bathroom and took my time. I had a facial, shaved my legs, washed and conditioned my hair. Then I slathered lotion all over my body. I decided to blow dry my hair and put on makeup. I wasn’t sure who I was expecting. Well, obviously from this trip, you just never knew. I headed out of the bathroom and changed into some jeans, snow boots, sweater and down coat.

  “You look beautiful.” Samuel said admiringly. “Are you ready to head into town?

  “Let’s go! Do you mind if I bring Pandora?”

  “Sounds good to me. We can’t leave her behind when Honey is going.” We stomped through the snow and piled into his Range Rover. He slowly headed out on the road and we made our way into town. It was a beautiful day. The sky was a sharp blue. The trees were coated with white sparkling snow. The air was so fresh and crisp. I was totally invigorated.


  We pulled into the parking lot of the general grocer’s where I had left my
car a few days ago. I was worried it would not start. Samuel helped brush the snow off the windows. I climbed into the car and turned the key. Luckily it started on the first try. I let it idle for a few minutes and then turned off the ignition. “I think it’s going to be okay.” I headed back into the store to shop for some supplies. I grabbed a shopping cart and started walking the aisles.

  “Would you like me to stay and help you shop?” Samuel seemed helpful as well as hopeful.

  “No, but thanks Samuel. I want to shop and head out to the waterfalls. There wasn’t anything else I could say. I couldn’t really explain about my interactions with the men I had met. I think they were meeting a need long denied within myself.

  “Well, I will see you later, if you want to hang out.” Samuel didn’t seem to sure.”

  “Thank You for everything Samuel, I’ll call you later.” I was thinking that at the time.

  Pandora and I got into the cruiser and headed out slowly onto the snow covered road. It felt great to be in my own car and headed out on a sunny winter day. The roads were sanded and clear. Pandora and I headed east on 126 towards the waterfalls. We found parking in the lot and it was a short walk to view the first falls. Oregon has many waterfalls. Every fall is dramatic. Pandora and I wandered around for a while exploring the trails that ran next to the waterfall and the river rushing down the mountain. It felt good to be moving around outside and to be in nature. Pandora and I went back up the path and got back into the cruiser. We headed back down the mountain to our cabin.

  I carried my supplies back into the cabin Pandora running back and forth. Once we got settled into our space I proceeded to put out food for my pets. I was contemplating what to make for dinner when my cell phone rang. I checked the number. It was Samuel. I really wasn’t in the mood to see him at this time. I ignored the call. I wasn’t really sure why.


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