The Art of Discipline: Dani’s Discovery (The Mockingbird Chronicles)

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The Art of Discipline: Dani’s Discovery (The Mockingbird Chronicles) Page 10

by Stardawn Cabot

“Danielle Elizabeth, you are skating on very thin ice. I would watch the tone and attitude right now.”

  Dani rolled her eyes. “Not like it matters.”

  “Oh, no? Well how’s this for mattering? You just earned yourself an additional ten with the hairbrush. How does that sound? Or would you like to try for twenty?”

  Dani paled a little but quickly averted her eyes. Now studying the ground, she meekly shook her head no.

  Emma nodded, pleased that Dani had decided to let go of the attitude. “Now care to try again? What is this spanking for, Danielle?”

  Dani let out a sigh. “Because I had a soda first thing this morning, even though I knew I shouldn’t have, and then I gave you a hard time about it the whole trip up.”

  “Good girl, and why don’t you need soda first thing in the morning?”

  Dani shifted from foot to foot. “I don’t know,” she finally admitted.

  Emma furrowed her brow in frustration but realized by Dani’s tone she was serious and not merely being sarcastic. “Because it’s not healthy, Danielle. I care about you and what you put into your body. I thought we agreed on that, but I guess I was wrong. I hope this spanking reminds you that you need to take better care of yourself.”

  Deciding to not prolong the punishment any longer, Emma reached over and pulled Dani’s pajama bottoms down. Ignoring Dani’s whimper, Emma grabbed the younger women’s wrist and guided her over her lap. Emma then adjusted Dani’s position slightly, letting the bed below her support Dani’s weight before she turned her full attention to Dani’s backside. Not uttering a word, Emma raised her hand, and using it as a sort of metronome, began to bring it down repeatedly and evenly across Dani’s backside.

  As usual Dani managed to stay stoic for the first dozen or so until the growing sting caused her to squirm and moan. Seeing the change, Emma paused for a second to readjust her grip before beginning anew. The second wave was harder and faster than the first. It only caused Dani’s squirms to become more pronounced, as she verbally started to protest with louder groans, gasps, and the occasional promise.

  Emma remained unfazed as Dani continued to squirm under her attack. She was unrelenting in her pace until she was satisfied with the pink hue peeking out from just below Dani’s panty line. Knowing that Dani was efficiently warmed up, Emma paused long enough to gently peal Dani’s panties down to her knees.

  “Come on, Emma, not bare, please!” Dani pleaded, bucking and almost successfully twisting off of Emma’s lap.

  “Danielle,” Emma warned, as she tightened her grip. Feeling Dani respond to her tone and calm, she relaxed her grip and rubbed the bare backside. “We still have quite a ways to go. I suggest you settle down.” Dani whimpered as Emma picked up the treasure she’d found in the kitchen, before gently tapping it twice. “Now, I realize this is going to hurt, and I don’t expect you to stay silent or even still, but if you twist off my lap, there will be additional consequences. Do you understand?”

  Looking over her shoulder, Dani’s eyes went wide as she saw that Emma had somehow procured a thin plastic spatula from the kitchen. “Come on, Emma, I’ve had enough, I swear.”

  Emma pulled back and let Dani have a good swat with the spatula. “That’s not what I asked you, Danielle.”

  Dani whimpered. “Okay, okay. Yes, I understand.”

  “Good girl,” Emma answered, tapping the spatula against Dani’s bare backside again, before she pulled back and resumed her lesson with vigor.

  Dani squeaked, and the squirming began anew. For something so innocent looking, the spatula stung like the dickens. Unlike the hairbrush, it was thin and flexible, and the pain it caused was unlike anything Dani had ever felt. Never would she look at a simple kitchen tool the same way again.

  Emma let Dani struggle until she felt a release. Dani’s protests slowly turned to incoherent sobs, and the kicks and squirms settled into softer movements. Emma put the spatula down and put her hand back on Dani’s bottom. Wincing at the heat it was radiating, Emma carefully rubbed her hand across, allowing Dani to cry for a moment before moving to the next stage.

  “Danielle, are you listening to me?” Emma asked once Dani’s sobs had quieted sufficiently.

  “Yes,” Dani managed to sniffle after a moment of gathering herself.

  “Good. Now I want to make something clear. I wasn’t planning on using the hairbrush on you this afternoon, Danielle. I’d usually save it for major infractions. However, since you wouldn’t give up your attitude, I promised you ten additional swats,” Emma explained, as she picked up and rubbed the back of the hairbrush gently across Dani’s still-flaming bottom.

  Dani stiffened at the touch and managed another sniffle. “I’m sorry, Emma.”

  “I know, and I’m sorry too, but I want you to remember this next time you try to argue with me about a punishment.”

  Emma tapped Dani’s backside with the brush gently, before pulling it back and giving her a hard swat. Dani jumped at the sound, and a split second later as the pain hit her, began to sob. Nine more swats followed, each one as slow and steady and precise as the first.

  “Alright, honey, we’re done,” Emma spoke softly into Dani’s ear. She allowed Dani to lay across her lap a little while longer so that she could gather herself before encouraging her up and pulling her into her lap. Dani instantly curled up, tucking herself into a small ball and clinging to Emma as she cried out the rest of her tears. Emma allowed her the time, enjoying the closeness that the moment permitted.

  When Dani finally ran out of tears, Emma tapped her gently on the end of the nose. “Alright, time for a nap, Dani.”

  For once, Dani didn’t argue and allowed Emma to pull back the covers for her and tuck her in. “Emma?” her blue eyes looked up, pleading with green ones, “stay, please.”

  Emma gave Dani a small smile. “Of course,” she agreed as Dani scooted over so that Emma could join her under the covers.

  Chapter Seven

  Dani’s eyes slowly opened in the darkened bedroom. Looking at the clock, she groaned. She couldn’t believe she’d actually taken a nap. Just once she’d like it if Emma wasn’t right about something. Slowly sitting up, her hands reached back to rub her bottom. It was still warm and quite tender, and she wished now that she hadn’t invited everyone over for the evening.

  Wondering where Emma was, she got out of bed and slowly left her room. “Emma?” she called.

  “In here, Dani,” came the reply from her kitchen.

  Following Emma’s voice, Dani stopped short, her eyes opening in horror. Emma obviously had spent her naptime cleaning out the kitchen. There was a large trash can in the center of the room, and her beloved cookies, along with most of her favorite junk food, was now in the can. “What are you doing?”

  “A little spring cleaning.”

  Practically sprinting to the refrigerator, Dani sighed with relief upon seeing it still full of diet soda and not much else. “Thank God you didn’t get rid of my soda!”

  “Oh, I let you keep those, but the cases in the pantry are gone. This is my second bag of trash.”

  Rushing to the large walk-in pantry, Dani wanted to cry. It was almost empty. Her cases of soda and all of her junk food were gone. The few items that had escaped Emma’s wrath were a can of soup, a box of pasta, and an unopened jar of pickles.

  Moving back into the kitchen, she looked at Emma with disbelief. “You threw all my food out?”

  Emma glanced at Dani before returning to her task. “Of course not. The usable, unopened items will be donated to the food bank. Everything else I threw away.”

  Not knowing what to say, Dani turned from the kitchen and quickly retreated back to her bedroom, before slamming the door as hard as she could. All her comforts were gone. How could Emma have done that without talking to her first? Throwing herself onto her bed, Dani pulled a pillow to her and squeezed it. Wishing again that she hadn’t set up the dinner party, she started to cry.

  Hearing a light knock on her door, Dani
ignored it, hugging the pillow tighter. A few moments later, she heard the door open and close before a familiar presence sat on the bed next to her.


  “Go away,” the younger woman mumbled.

  “Sorry, I can’t do that.” Emma patted Dani on the hip, “Scoot over, sweetie.”


  Emma put her hand on Dani’s back and began to make small circular patterns. Dani sniffled but didn’t pull away. After a minute, Emma brushed the hair away from Dani’s face, tucking it behind her ear.

  “Want to tell me what this is all about?” Emma’s soft voice invited.

  Like a moth drawn to a flame, she couldn’t help being pulled toward the little redhead. Her voice was warm and comforting, and that was something that she was desperately missing right now. Dani couldn’t resist as she rolled back over and put her head on Emma’s thigh.

  “You threw out all my stuff,” she mumbled before the tears came again. “You didn’t ask. You just threw my stuff out.”

  Emma leaned down to give Dani a kiss on the top of her head. Sitting back up, she continued to stroke Dani’s head as she took a deep breath. “Yes, I did, Danielle. I care about you, and the way you eat isn’t healthy. Cookies and chips and gallons of diet soda isn’t good for you, sweetie.”

  “But it was mine, and I liked it.”

  “I know, Dani, but this isn’t about the food, is it?”

  “Yes, it is. You threw everything out,” Dani accused as she pulled away from Emma and sat up. “All the stuff I like. All of it. You just threw it out!” Dani wailed, her eyes once again blurring with tears.

  “Dani?” Emma gave Dani a moment to respond, but Dani turned her head away. She reached up and gently tilted Dani’s chin with her fingers so she could see her eyes. “That was all your comfort food, wasn’t it?”

  Dani pulled her chin out of Emma’s fingers and gave a slight nod.

  “Oh, Dani, it’s okay. I promise you, I’m not going anywhere, and we’ll work through this, alright?”


  “Why what, Dani?”

  “Why would you still want to be friends with damaged good like me?”

  “You listen to me, Danielle Elizabeth Ryan,” Emma’s tone suddenly became stern. “You are not damaged goods. You are an intelligent, caring, and lovely young woman. You just need a little bit of guidance in the right direction.”

  “And that’s your job?” Dani asked bitterly. “To give me guidance, like a charity project?”

  “No, Danielle, it’s not a job; it’s a privilege. It’s a privilege to be allowed to be part of your life. As a friend, and maybe someday…”


  “Maybe someday as something more.”

  “What do you mean by something more?”

  “Well…” Emma’s reply was cut off when Dani’s bedroom door flew open.

  “Danielle, why aren’t you answering you phone? I need your signature…”

  “For crying out loud, Morgan, don’t you know how to knock?” Dani was immediately composed and off the bed. “This is my bedroom, Morgan, not some damn bus stop.”

  “I am so sorry. Danielle, Emma, I didn’t…”

  “Out, Morgan, just get the hell out! Leave the papers in my office, and I’ll get to them later. I don’t want to see you again until tonight,” Dani’s icy voice demanded. “Go!”

  “Fine, Ms. Ryan. The papers will be on your desk. I’ll see you in a few hours,” Morgan answered coolly before leaving the room.

  “I’m going to shower. The caterer should be here in about an hour to set up,” Dani announced before disappearing into her bathroom and locking the door.

  Emma knocked on the bathroom door, but her only answer was the sound of the shower running. Shaking her head, Emma decided to let Dani have some time to calm down and left to give her some privacy.

  * * *

  Emma entered the kitchen in search of Dani. She hadn’t seen her since the blowup in the bedroom, and though that room was now empty, she couldn’t seem to find Dani anywhere else either.

  “May I help you, Ms…” a short woman with cropped, light-brown hair trailed off as she gave Emma a warm smile.

  “I didn’t mean to interrupt. I’m Emma Gray, a friend of Dani’s. You haven’t seen her, have you?”

  “Kris Fields, caterer extraordinaire…” Kris trailed off again, distracted by one of her employees. “Luke, the sweets go on the buffet in the butler’s pantry. You remember what happened last time Ms. Ryan saw them before service.” Turning back to Emma, she added, “And no, I haven’t seen Danielle, sorry.”

  “It’s okay, and I’m sorry about leaving the mess in the middle of the kitchen,” Emma apologized.

  “Don’t worry about it, Ms. Gray. I had one of my guys dump it. About time she has someone looking out for her. How she keeps that figure is beyond me with what I’ve seen in her pantry.”

  “Please, call me Emma, and if you see her, tell her I’m looking for her.”

  “Sure will,” Kris answered before turning her attention back to her staff. “No, damn it, Luke. How many times do I have to tell you, put the sweets in the butler’s pantry!”

  Heading toward the living area, Emma heard the front door quietly close. Walking down the hallway to the foyer, she saw Dani come in, a bag in her hand.

  “I missed you,” Emma said, greeting Dani at the door.

  “I had to pick a few things up,” Dani flatly replied.

  “Oh, like what?” Emma asked, keeping her tone light as she walked next to Dani.

  “Just stuff,” Dani answered as they reached the kitchen. Handing the bag to a small dark-skinned man, Dani smiled. “Hey, Luke, put this in my pantry would you?”

  “Sure thing, Ms. Ryan, not a problem.” He winked at her as he removed a large bag of chips and cookies from the plastic sack.

  “So where are those great deserts your boss makes?” Dani asked, ignoring Emma.

  “Can’t tell you. She’ll have my hide,” the man winked at her again before returning to his previous job.

  Feeling a tug on her elbow, Dani tried to ignore her, but Emma placed one hand on Dani’s still tender backside, giving it a little squeeze for emphasis. “Your bedroom, now,” she hissed.

  Dani rolled her eyes. “Fine.”

  Closing the bedroom door, Emma turned the lock and crossed her arms. “Sit down, Danielle.”

  “I prefer to stand.”

  Sighing, Emma, quickly turned Dani around and laid one heavy swat to her backside. “Now, we do this the easy way or the hard way,” Emma announced as Dani quickly moved to sit on the bed. “Good, you chose the easy way.” Emma stood in front of Dani tapping her foot, hands on her hips. “Care to tell me what the sudden attitude is for? I realize that Morgan’s timing stinks, but we can talk about it later. I told you, I’m not going anywhere.”

  “What do you want from me, Emma?” Dani challenged, as she jumped up and started to pace. “I went out and bought junk food. What are you going to do, spank me for it?”

  “No, Danielle, but I may spank you for your attitude in a moment,” Emma returned evenly but with slightly narrowed eyes.

  Dani stopped and looked at Emma. “Why the hell do you care, Emma?”

  “Uncle Sean saw something special in you, Danielle Ryan, and so do I. Yes, he asked me to look out for you, but I wouldn’t be wasting my time or energy if I didn’t think you were worth it.”

  “And you know this because you know me so well, right?” Dani spat, crossing the room to the window.

  “I know because I’ve watched you, Danielle. I’ve was there when you protected me from my father, held me through my nightmares, and let me fall asleep in your arms. Do I want to get to know you better? Hell, yes! So don’t you dare tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about when it comes to how special you are.”

  Emma stood and made her way to the window. Placing her hand on the taller woman’s shoulder, she waited until Dani turned around. Openin
g her arms, she enveloped Dani in a hug as Dani broke down into tears. Allowing Dani to cry for a few moments, Emma then moved back to the bed. Sitting down, she pulled Dani next to her and rocked her in her arms.

  Hearing a light knock on the bedroom door, Emma grumbled before answering. “Yes?”

  “Sorry to interrupt you two doing God-knows-what, but I’m having a few technical glitches out here and need to know what Ms. Ryan wants me to do about them.”

  “I’ll be right there, Kris,” Emma answered. “Give me a few minutes.”

  Hearing footsteps walk away from the door, Emma gave Dani a gentle kiss on the top of her head. “Okay, you, I’ll go and put out the fires while you get cleaned up and ready for tonight. We’ll talk later, about everything.”

  “You mean talk with words? Or talk as in your hand does all the talking?” Dani asked seriously.

  Chuckling, Emma gave Dani a kiss on the cheek. “As in talk using words, and don’t worry about the junk food, sweetie. I should have realized making you go cold turkey wouldn’t be good for any of us.”

  Dani looked up hopefully. “So I can have my soda tonight?”

  “Tell you what, you may have two sodas tonight. After that, water,” Emma decided.


  “Go get dressed, Dani. I’ll be in the kitchen,” Emma cut off Dani’s argument before helping her to stand and giving her a gentle swat towards the bathroom. “Two sodas, Danielle, no more,” she intoned again before unlocking the bedroom door to see what crisis awaited her on the other side.

  Striding into the kitchen, Emma was immediately engulfed in the chaos.

  “Ruben, move that tray to the next counter. Gwen how many appetizers do we have? Luke, for the last time, get those damned sweets into the butler’s pantry before I kick you out of here.”


  “What?” Turning, Kris’s hazel eyes were flashing. Seeing the redhead in front of her, she calmed immediately. “Sorry, Emma, sometimes I wonder why I hired these folks.” Smiling, she pointed to the almost empty tray of what looked like miniature hamburgers. “We have a problem.”


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