[Love in Stone Valley 02 - Ruby's Two Sexy Hunks

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[Love in Stone Valley 02 - Ruby's Two Sexy Hunks Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “I’m not in love with her, but I want her. I won’t hurt her,” Chris said.

  “This is what we’ve wanted. We can do this,” Troy said.

  Nodding his head, Chris left him alone and headed upstairs to his room. The house was on a big property with five bedrooms, two en-suit bathrooms, a large kitchen diner, a sitting room, study and a basement. Chris had fallen in love with the place. He’d left behind a one-bedroom flat in the middle of London. The sights of the city left him bitter and cold. He and Troy were involved with a woman, the woman they were supposed to be protecting when their life changed. The woman didn’t want either of them long-term. Sandra used them and almost tore them apart.

  All of their lives, he and Troy were the best of friends. No woman came between them. Then Sandra entered their lives, causing a rift between the two. Up until that woman, Chris had never argued with his best friend. Jealousy was rife between them for the year she’d been in their lives.

  Everything had come to a head at an exclusive party. Sandra had taken them to a BDSM party where all fantasies could be answered. Troy and Chris got into an argument over Sandra and who possessed her more. She’d been working both men over with her words. Sandra was blonde and blue eyed with the classic girl-next-door look. He’d been taken by her beauty and her innocence, or what seemed like innocence. How could he have been so stupid?

  He’d not seen through her act. She’d come to him numerous times, begging him to keep Troy at bay. Sandra made out that she was afraid of Troy and he’d fallen for the act.

  The party came to a head and he’d fought his best friend over a woman who’d spent the entire time laughing at them. The humiliation hurt more than anything else. She’d purposefully pushed them to the limit of their friendship. The night ended with her mocking them, and a couple of bruised eyes and body parts.

  Pulling his wallet from his back pocket, he looked down at the picture he kept of her. Chris stared at the image of Sandra and saw the truth within her gaze that he’d missed so many other times before. He saw the coldness in her eyes and the deviance beneath. She could have ruined everything for him and Troy. Instead, they’d quit their security detail, sold their apartment and headed to Stone Valley. They’d stayed in touch with Luke Willis and the move had been a good one.

  A knock sounded on his bedroom door. Before he put the photo away, Troy opened the door.

  Glancing over at his friend, he saw Troy’s gaze go to the photo and then to his friend. “You still keep her picture?”

  “I have to. She helps me to remember what I’m fighting for and what to avoid.” He showed the image to Troy. “Look closely and you’ll see everything we missed.”

  Troy took the image, frowning as he looked at it. “I thought she was the prettiest thing I’d ever seen.”

  “I did as well. I see the truth now.”

  “She almost destroyed us, Chris. You shouldn’t have this with you. Ruby’s not like her. You need to let this go. Looking at her picture just brings it all back, mate.” Troy handed the picture back to him.

  “I can’t. She took so much from us. I can’t just forget that.” He placed the image back in his wallet and put it away.

  “We wasted a year of our lives on that bitch. Don’t waste any more time. She doesn’t deserve it.” Troy reached out, putting a hand on his shoulder. “We’re still together. You’re the best friend I ever had.”

  “It could have so easily been different.”

  Troy sighed and Chris felt like a bastard for putting him through this again.

  “You’re not supposed to catch everything. We’re a team and she was so fucking beautiful. We both thought we loved her, Chris. This is not your fault. We fought. She played us, but look at us now. We’re together, stronger than ever before.”

  Chris smiled. “You’re right. I shouldn’t let her worry me anymore.”

  “Ruby’s not like her. She’s open and honest. Can you really see her coming between us for anything other than a good fuck?” Troy chuckled and left the room. “Sleep well, Chris. I love you in a non-gay way.”

  He laughed and watched as the door closed behind him. When he was alone, he sat down on the edge of the bed, removing his boots as he thought about Ruby. She certainly was different, and he couldn’t help but compare her to Sandra.

  Through all of his comparisons, Ruby came out on top. The heat in her eyes was nothing like the conniving in Sandra’s. He got the sense Ruby didn’t want to cause trouble for anyone.

  Shoes removed, he collapsed to the bed, groaning. When would he get Sandra out of his head? Troy was the only person he had in the world. Both of their families were gone and they were the only two left. Their life was in Stone Valley. Could they both really find love in this weird little town?

  None of the answers were forthcoming to him.

  Chapter Three

  “Ruby, have you seen those hot men across from you?” Daisy asked. Two days had passed since she’d spoken to Blue and Brown, or Chris and Troy. Ruby didn’t want to think of the two English guys working across from her. She’d seen sneak peeks of their shop and knew it was only a matter of time before they had everything up and running. At the diner, she’d overheard them talking with Tate about being ready in a week for their grand opening. In true Tate style, she asked for some client discount.

  “I’ve seen them. They’re from England,” Ruby said, opening a brown box that contained the latest leather tote bags she’d ordered. Pulling one out of the plastic wrap, she checked over the design and growled in frustration to see some faults with the stitching. She couldn’t put these bags up for sale. Putting an X on her chart, she packaged them up and headed toward the phone at the front desk.

  “The sex shop is going to be run by two sexy guys with accents. Man, I’m so hot right now.” Daisy was twenty years old and exploring her sexual side.

  Her sister made Ruby look like a damn virgin.

  “Please, the last thing I need to hear about is your sex life with the silly college boys who don’t know what they’re doing.” Ruby typed in the number to the manufacturer.

  Daisy moved away from the window and hopped up onto the counter. “I hate to say this to you, sister, but the guys I date know what they’re doing.” Daisy picked up a magazine that Ruby kept on the counter for the customers to peruse.

  Rolling her eyes, she grew frustrated as she was put on hold.

  “When was the last time you got any?” Daisy asked.

  “When I got any what?” Ruby started filling in another order form as she was put on hold.

  “Sex, what else? You’re looking a little tense. I could hook you up if you’re struggling to find a man to do the deed.”

  “Daisy, seriously. I’m fine, okay?”

  “When was the last time you had sex?”

  Ruby was getting annoyed. She couldn’t believe she was talking about sex with her sister.

  “Three years ago,” Ruby said, finding it easier to answer than ignore Daisy.

  “Three years? How have you not blown up since now?”

  A masculine voice cleared his throat. Ruby looked around her sister to see Chris stood in the doorway. Oh great, her humiliation was complete. She’d not heard her door open. How much had he heard? Did she even want to know?

  Another great, more questions no one else could answer for her.

  “Well, you’re one of the English guys who are after my own heart,” Daisy said, jumping down from the counter. Her sister had always been an uncontrollable flirt.

  “I’m Chris Hall.” She watched the two shake hands and jealousy sparked inside her. Why was she jealous? Crap, enough with the questions.

  Slamming the phone down, she caught both of their attention. “Isn’t there something you should be doing?” Her gaze was on Daisy.

  “There is. I’m going to find Tate. She’s way more fun than you.” Daisy grabbed her bag and left the shop. Feeling bad, Ruby rubbed her temple, trying to ease the headache starting to develop.

  Ruby was startled when hands gripped her shoulders and started to rub.

  Opening her eyes, she glanced behind her to see Chris stood there. His large hands were on her shoulders, easing out the taut muscles.

  “You’re tense,” he said. His breath brushed across her neck.

  She shivered and her nipples tightened at the same time. Ruby felt his thumbs between her shoulder blades. Licking her lips, she let out a breath. His touch was turning her on.

  “It has been a hectic week.”

  His fingers grazed down the length of her back to rest on her hips. “Were you jealous of your sister touching me?” he asked, startling her. He pulled her back against him.

  “What? Are you insane?” She didn’t struggle as his arms banded around her stomach. She felt the evidence of his arousal rubbing against her ass.

  Heat flooded her pussy. He was rock-hard as he rubbed against her.

  “We don’t know each other,” she said. She continued to make no move to fight him.

  “Do we need to know each other to feel jealousy?” His hand travelled up her stomach to rest underneath her breast. Her breathing turned to pants. She wanted him to step over that boundary and touch her. Ruby craved his touch more than she craved her next breath.

  Never in all of her life had she been so wanton with a man she knew, let alone a man she didn’t know.

  “What do you want?” she asked, trying to gain some focus on her rioting emotions.


  The one-word answer thrilled her to her core.

  “Do you want me, sweet Ruby?” He leaned his head on her shoulder.

  As quick as his touch started, it fizzled out as the bell above the door interrupted their moment.

  “I was wondering if you knew the name of a good plumber. I’ve not had a hot shower in a long time,” Chris said, stepping away from her.

  “What? A plumber?”

  “Up until this morning, I’ve craved a hot shower. Now I think I’ll be able to handle the cold showers.”

  She gazed down his body to see the thick length of his shaft outlined through his jeans. Her mouth watered. He was big, bigger than she originally thought.

  “Erm, of course.” She grabbed one of the cards she stored on her counter and handed it to him. Their fingers brushed as he took the card over. He leaned forward, brushing a strand of her red hair off her face.

  “This isn’t over,” he said.

  She watched him leave her shop. The promise in his voice left her with no mistake that something was going to happen between them.

  “Are you okay, honey?” Donald Mitchell, “Don” to all of his friends, asked. He owned the local BDSM club. She’d never been inside and never wanted to be.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. What can I help you with, Don?” She tried to put all the focus back on him.

  “I hope you know what you’re doing. None of us want to see you hurting.”

  She smiled in agreement.

  “I’m looking for something to give to Lillian. It’s her birthday in a couple of weeks and I want to be prepared for it.”

  Ruby helped him to pick out the perfect bag and a pair of shoes. She liked the older man. Don had a crush on Tessie’s mom something bad. She was rooting for him. Lillian deserved to be happy.

  What about me? Do I deserve to be happy?

  * * * *

  “That sure took some time,” Troy said as Chris made his way back into the shop. Troy was in a foul mood. He’d not gotten a lot of sleep last night, and add to that the cold shower first thing in the morning, and he wasn’t impressed with anything. The one good thing in his life at that moment was the progress the pleasure shop was making.

  They were waiting for the sign to arrive and they’d be able to open everything up.

  “I’ve got the name.”

  Troy looked at his friend. Chris’s face was flushed with arousal. Glancing down the front of his jeans, he saw the evidence of his hard cock.

  “Did you get all hot and bothered with little red?” Troy asked, loving the uncomfortable look that crossed his face.

  “I met her sister. She was a sweet little thing, but not a patch on Ruby. Also, I made a move on Ruby and she didn’t push me away. I consider that progress,” Chris said, picking up the phone.

  He waited for his friend to be done with the phone call when another knock sounded at the door. Another large man was stood waiting but there was no sign of Ruby with him.

  Troy went to the door. “You’re not the man I saw leaving Ruby’s place.”

  “That was Chris.”

  “I’m Don Mitchell. I own the BDSM club in town. Can I come in?”

  “We’re not open yet.”

  “I know. I’ve come to introduce myself because I know about what went down in London. I thought I’d be the first to make the introductions so you’re not concerned about reputations and such,” Don said.

  Opening the door wider, Troy let the other man enter before shutting the door once again. With all the visitors to their place, there would be no need for a grand opening. Everyone would have seen what they had to offer.

  “This is a nice place you’ve got,” Don said, circling around several of the displays. “I like the window dressing you’ve put in place as well. No one will be offended by this place. It’s good. Clean and good.”

  Chris came to stand beside Troy. “He knows about London.”

  His friend tensed like he always did in London. “What do you know about London?” Chris asked, going on the defensive.

  Troy stared at the older man. Don was carrying a brown paper bag with Ruby’s label on.

  “I know about Sandra and the humiliation she caused you. I wanted to apologize to you personally. Her treatment of you is not something we condone or allow.” Don moved to stand in front of them.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Every BDSM club has different rules, but gossip circles fast. What happened to you in London was awful. Sandra was immediately removed from the premises and has been blacklisted as a sub and a Domme. She will not be returning to the BDSM scene anytime soon, unless she finds someone who works outside of the clubs.” Don opened up his jacket and pulled out two tickets. “To extend my apologies, I’d like to invite you to my club. You can use them any time. This is if you wish to explore the lifestyle some more.”

  Troy took the tickets, not knowing what to say, and he said as much.

  “Don’t say anything. You were wronged and I wanted to show you that not all of us are like that. Now, Ruby, don’t play around with her. She’s a sweet girl and I don’t want to see her hurt or upset.”

  Again, everyone was protecting Ruby.

  He watched Don leave, speechless, as he looked at the two tickets. “Okay, I’m starting to feel a little freaked out.”

  “Me, too,” Chris said.

  An hour passed without any problems and then Luke knocked on the door, demanding entry. Troy let their friend inside.

  “Hey guys. I thought I’d come and see how you were doing.” Luke closed the door behind him and looked around.

  “Is it always like this here?” Chris asked, folding his arms. Troy laughed at the defensive tone in his friend’s voice.

  “Is it always like what?” Luke asked.

  “Everyone protecting Ruby or warning us about something?”

  Luke burst out laughing. “Ruby’s a sweetheart. The Monroes are a little like the Stones around here. They’re respected and well liked. Ruby really is a sweet girl. She’ll help anyone out and she rarely holds a grudge, even if you accidently back into her truck when you’re angry.”

  “The woman we’re thinking of taking as our woman is the town sweetheart?” Troy asked.

  “She’s one of many, Troy. Stone Valley is not just into ménage relationships. We take care of our own. The women are looked after and cherished. We don’t allow for abuse to go down in our town and if we can stop it, we will,” Luke said.

  Troy noticed their friend getting a little
withdrawn with the last statement. Glancing at Chris, he wondered if they should do or say something.

  Chris shook his head.

  “Tessie, Darla, Tate, Daisy, Ruby and several others are all the town’s sweethearts. We’ve watched them grow up and taken care of them. It’s hard for you to understand how this works because you’re new, but it’ll sink in, in time.”

  Troy let out a sigh as the phone started to ring. Chris left to answer it. “How are you settling in?” Luke asked, drawing Troy into another conversation.

  “We’re doing well. Better than we expected.” Troy talked about Don’s trip to see them and the tickets to the club while Chris was on the phone dealing with whatever he was dealing with.

  When he returned, Luke was ready to leave. Troy saw him looking out of the window as Darla passed with a little four-year-old boy.

  “You’ve got a thing for that woman, haven’t you?” Chris asked.

  “Yep, I and my three brothers have a thing for her. She’s the woman for us, but I can’t get passed her four-year-old son. I keep asking who the father is and she refuses to tell me.”

  “Does a child really matter?” Troy asked, seeing the desperate need on his face.

  “No. It shouldn’t. I don’t know. I’ve got to go.”

  Luke was out of the door before either he or Chris could stop him.

  “I got the plumber to come out next week. He’s swamped and needs a little time to clear his schedule to come to our place.”

  “Reminds me of home. The plumber is always busy,” Troy said, laughing.

  * * * *

  By Friday, Chris still couldn’t get the feel of Ruby against him out of his mind. She invaded all of his thoughts, making it difficult to concentrate. He’d not gotten the chance to talk to her since their moment together in her shop. Chris saw her pass the shop regularly, but neither time did she stop to look inside. Troy was in the storeroom putting the last of the stock up on the walls while he was finishing the banner, ready to pin outside. They were going to let the barbeque come first for them to do some mingling and then on Monday, they were opening Pleasure Palace to the public. The website was set up, with several thousand visitors already. He’d contacted the organizer of the website so when Monday came, the public could order from them.


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