[Love in Stone Valley 02 - Ruby's Two Sexy Hunks

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[Love in Stone Valley 02 - Ruby's Two Sexy Hunks Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  “Go and give her two men a warning or something. I need to talk with my oldest daughter.”

  All three men walked out of the kitchen, doing as her mother said.

  “How do you do that?” Ruby asked. All the time growing up, all her mother had to do was give her dads a look and they’d do as they were told.

  “They’re your fathers, but they’re my husbands, Ruby. You’ll know with Chris and Troy, I’m sure of it.”

  Angela took the seat across from her. “Tell me what’s going on, Ruby.”

  Rolling her eyes, she reached for her mom’s hands. “Nothing is going on. Everything is fine.”

  “I just found out from Daisy that you’re seeing the new guys in town and she’s the reason you broke up with Brad. Please, don’t block me out.”

  Pushing some hair out of her eyes, she looked at her mother. Angela looked concerned.

  “This thing with Troy and Chris only just happened. We’re dating. Nothing is actually certain. With Brad, Daisy only found out I knew it was her this morning. At first, I was hurt. I saw the tattoo she has on her shoulder, that’s how I knew it was her,” Ruby pointed at the space on her shoulder, “I got angry with my sister, not with Brad. I thought I was wrong to feel that way.”

  Angela squeezed her hand. “You shouldn’t have to deal with that at all. I’m so mad at Daisy. For the first time in my life, I could have hit her. I don’t agree with women who help guys to cheat on their women.”

  “Where is Daisy?” Ruby asked.

  “In her room, sulking. Roger, Darren, and Charles yelled at her. We’re not impressed with her behavior.”

  “She won’t take that well.” Ruby glanced down at their hands.

  “I don’t care. We’re all a family and she shouldn’t have treated you that way.” Angela let out a sigh. “I love you all, and thinking of Daisy acting like that makes me so mad.”

  “I love you, too, Mom.”

  Ruby was pulled into a hug. She couldn’t help but smile. “Troy and Chris are always pulling me in for a hug.”

  Angela laughed. “I’m going to give these men the third degree. I’ll leave you to talk to your sister.”

  She watched her mother leave the kitchen. Letting out a sigh, Ruby headed up to her sister’s bedroom.

  Daisy was laid on the bed, with a pillow under her head.

  “Go away,” Daisy said, huffing.

  Closing the door, Ruby walked to her sister, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. Daisy glared at her. “Have you come to gloat?”

  Shaking her head, Ruby reached out, tucking some hair behind Daisy’s ear. “I’ve not come to gloat or to scream at you. I don’t understand what you hoped to achieve talking to Mom and Dads, but I imagine you’re not feeling all that great.”

  “I can’t remember them yelling at me so much.” Daisy sat up, folding her legs underneath her. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have been a bitch to you this morning. What I did with Brad…” Daisy stopped, running a hand down her face. “What I’ve been doing with Brad has been so damn wrong.”

  Reaching out, she took her sister’s hand. “I’m not angry.”

  “The first time it happened, it was a mistake. Both Brad and I had every intention of telling you, and then we couldn’t do it. We were so sorry and I didn’t want to hurt you.”

  Ruby listened to Daisy, seeing the true remorse in her gaze.

  “I’m not angry,” Ruby said.

  “You’re not?”

  “No. I never had feelings for Brad. Are you in love with him?”

  Daisy licked her lips and nodded. “Yeah, I am. I think he still has a thing for you.”

  She shook her head. “I doubt that, Daisy.” Opening her arms, she waited for Daisy to hug her back.

  It didn’t take long and she finally felt happy to have made peace with her little sister. Everyone made mistakes. She was just happy it hadn’t been a huge problem between them.

  * * * *

  “Ruby’s a special person,” Darren said.

  Troy smiled, agreeing. Ever since Ruby’s three dads exited the house, he and Chris had been buffering their questions. “I know. She’s very special.”

  “We’re going to treat her right,” Chris said.

  All three men looked at them. Troy felt like a bug under a microscope. Their gazes didn’t show any happiness. Looking around the garden, he saw plenty of people observing them.

  “You’re not cheaters are you?” Charles asked.

  “No, sir,” Chris said, answering quickly.

  Troy couldn’t believe how nervous he was, but he wanted Ruby in his life and the only way to get that was by going through these three men.

  “We’ve still got to handle Brad. I’m pissed at him and I can’t believe Daisy’s been part of it. We raised her better,” Roger said. Darren and Charles agreed.

  “Stop badgering the men,” Angela said, walking out of the kitchen.

  Troy looked for Ruby and didn’t see her.

  “Hi, I’m Ruby’s mother, Angela.” The woman offered her hand.

  Chris took her hand first, laying a kiss to her knuckles. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Troy did the same, looking at the kitchen.

  “Where’s Ruby?” he asked, missing her already.

  “She’s talking with her sister. I think it’s only fair their dirty laundry gets out in the open.” Angela stood in front of her three husbands. Each man put a hand on their wife. Troy watched the unity between them all.

  “If I see that boy here today, I’m getting my shotgun,” Darren said.

  “No, you won’t. If that boy comes today, you’re all going to have a civilized chat with him. I don’t need any conflict at my barbeque.”

  Troy listened to the conflict going on, wishing Ruby was with him. He missed being able to touch her.

  The sound of the kitchen door opening invaded his yearning thoughts. Glancing at the door, he saw Ruby and Daisy walking out of the kitchen.

  “They made friends,” Charles said.

  “Of course. They’re our girls.” Angela sounded proud.

  “Mom, Dads, I’m really sorry for disappointing you. It won’t happen again,” Daisy said.

  Troy waited, watching the drama unfold, expecting something terrible to happen.

  “Honey, come here,” Angela said, opening her arms.

  Daisy went, smiling and crying at the same time. Ruby moved in front of them. “How did you handle the interrogation?” she asked.

  “We’re pros.”

  “I’ll believe that when I see it.” They stood watching as Daisy got hugged by her dads before she moved back to her sister’s side.

  “Now, I’d like to introduce you to Chris and Troy. We’re, erm, going to be dating,” Ruby said.

  The sister in front of him was not the sister he remembered from this morning. “It’s lovely to meet you.”

  After the introductions were made, Ruby’s family moved on, going to greet more guests.

  “Okay, that had to be the strangest beginning of a barbeque,” Troy said, reaching out to touch her.

  “I know. It’s a little insane, right?”

  Ruby laughed, touching his chest. “It gets better. I assure you. I’ve got to go and do my thing. Can you two keep yourselves entertained while I work?”

  They agreed, and she left their side to make her way inside.

  “Crazy, strange town,” Troy said.

  “I hear you.”

  They stood together. Troy felt like the oddball of the group. No one was paying them any attention. He recognized Tessie from the diner. She was followed by Markus and Brant. The happy threesome was speaking with Ruby’s parents. Troy watched how Markus and Brant found any reason to touch their woman. Tessie smiled, even as she reached out to hold their hands. There was a deep connection there, sparking between the three of them.

  “Do you think we could have that?” Troy asked without breaking eye contact. Before the chaos of Sandra, what he was witnessing was what he’d once wanted.
Sandra had torn out any hope of trusting another woman. Glancing toward the house, he couldn’t imagine Ruby trying to ruin them in such a way.

  “I think it’s possible.”

  He looked over at Chris. His friend was wearing the same frown that Troy imagined he was sporting.

  “You’re thinking about Sandra again,” Troy said.

  “I can’t help it. I keep thinking I’m over it. Ruby’s in our life. She’s nothing like that woman. I let myself feel, and then she invades my thoughts like the plague she fucking is.” Chris rubbed at his temples. “I hate this. We left her behind in London, and the humiliation.”

  “I know what you mean, man. She did a number on us. Something like that is never going to go away easily.” Troy tried to be comforting, but it was difficult. How could they get away from their past when both of them couldn’t stop thinking about it and feeling insecure?

  Tessie, Markus, and Brant made their way over to them. Troy watched the strength between the couple.

  “Hi, guys,” Tessie said. “Where’s Ruby?”

  “She’s in the kitchen.” Troy pointed in the direction where he’d seen her enter.

  “I’m going to go and say hi. I bet she’s doing her famous potato salad.” Tessie kissed each of her men before heading off.

  “God, I love that woman,” Markus said.

  “I second that.” Brant added.

  Troy saw the love reflected in their eyes and wanted what they had.

  “We heard the rumor about Luke and Darla,” Brant said, drawing them into conversation.

  “You’re wanting us to give up the gossip?” Troy asked.

  “Luke’s a good friend. Darla’s been through a lot. We all care about them,” Markus said. “We just want to know the truth.”

  “Yeah, it’s the truth.” Troy told them everything that happened. He was never a gossip, but he felt they needed to know the truth.

  Their reaction was the same as the town’s. They were both shocked by the news, but also understood.

  During their conversation, Ruby exited the house carrying two bowls of potato salad. Tessie wasn’t far behind her. The two women were talking and laughing. Troy watched Ruby. Her red hair glowed in the sunlight and her curvy body was deliciously outlined by the sun. She was a temptation, and he didn’t know if he could take his hands off her.

  * * * *

  Chris couldn’t tear his gaze away from Ruby as she made her way toward him. They’d been mingling with the town folk for the last two hours. He’d gotten glimpses of her rounded ass walking away from him in opposite directions and heard her laughing, but that was it. She’d taken his focus away and he felt like he was following her in his mind. Troy did the same. They were talking with Lillian Howard and Donald. The two had come to the barbeque together.

  The town really was a comforting place to be. He wasn’t used to having a community united and taking care of each other. Living in London was nothing like living in Stone Valley. In the city, it was a dog-eat-dog world, whereas in the town, everyone wanted to help each other out.

  Ruby stopped by their small group.

  “Hi, Mrs. Howard,” Ruby said.

  “Ruby, dear, call me Lillian.”

  His woman smiled before turning to him. “Have you been advertising your grand opening?”

  “No, they haven’t. We’re doing all the work for them,” Lillian said.

  “This is a good time for you to get your name out there. Look at all the people literally waiting for you to talk about the Pleasure Palace.” He followed Ruby’s gaze as she looked around the garden.

  “This is your parents’ barbeque.”

  “They wouldn’t mind helping out.” Ruby touched his hand, offering her support. “I’ll get you some food.”

  She walked away again. Why wouldn’t she stay in one place?

  “You can’t keep her by your side. The Monroe barbeque is popular and everyone comes for Ruby’s potato salad. The Flippin’ Tasty has been trying to hire Ruby to work for them, but she keeps refusing. Shoes, handbags and accessories are her deal,” Lillian said. “I see my daughter. I’m going to go and say hi.”

  Donald remained with them.

  “You’re not following her?” Chris asked.

  “Tessie has her limits. Stuff has happened and she prefers to see her mom alone.” Donald looked behind him.

  Chris saw that the man who kept glaring at the diner was also there, and glaring at Lillian once again.

  “Like I said, a lot of stuff,” Donald said, sipping a drink. “I was wondering if I could ask you guys a question.”

  “Sure, go ahead,” Chris said, watching Ruby bend over the buffet table. She was filling two plates high with food. Her ass looked so damn tempting from across the garden.

  “Do any of you know what happened to Sandra after you left London?”

  Donald’s question took him off guard. “What?”

  “Sandra posed a threat to the community. She threatened to expose everyone, but after she was spoken to about the consequences of her actions, she simply vanished. No one has heard from her since.”

  Chris looked at Troy. “After the incident at the party neither of us wanted anything to do with her. We stayed away on purpose and we’ve made a whole new life here.” Rubbing a hand down his face, Chris suddenly felt ill. “Why do you want to know?” he asked.

  “It was more a mere curiosity rather than anything wrong. I’m sorry for asking you something that clearly distressed you.”

  The older man left them alone, leaving Chris more confused than ever before. He turned to talk to Troy, but Ruby interrupted them.

  “It’s time you ate something. I’m so hungry and I need to know I’m not a pig, so eat.” She handed them each a plate, then left them again. Minutes later, she came back with her own plate. “How are you enjoying the barbeque?”

  “It’s different.”

  She laughed. “You’ll get used to it. Mom always wanted a big family, but she had to stop after Daisy because of complications. This is her way of having a big family and, of course, Dads couldn’t deny her.”

  He’d never seen Ruby look so happy. This was her element, being at home, cooking, eating and being around family.

  “We heard Bessie has been trying to steal you away to cook at the diner,” Chris said.

  “She has.”

  Taking a forkful of potato salad, he tasted her food for the first time. Wow. The explosion of flavor took him completely by surprise. “Now do you see why they want to steal me away?” Ruby said.

  He finished off her potato salad in three mouthfuls. “Why are you working with bags and shoes? You could be a brilliant cook.”

  “I love bags and shoes. Cooking is fun, I like it, but I don’t want to make a living out of it. It’ll take all the fun away.”

  After they ate their food, Ruby forced him and Troy to do some mingling. She didn’t give them a choice and found reasons to bring up their shop. A lot of people were excited about the grand opening on Monday. Chris was more excited in getting Ruby alone. She was such a sexy woman that he was sporting a hard-on from the way she moved.

  When it was time to leave, they all said their good-byes. He waited patiently for Ruby to hug all her parents.

  “I wish Anthony was here,” Angela said.

  “We all do, Mom. He would have made it if he could. You know that.”

  “We’ll take care of her,” Chris said, speaking to all of them. Troy left to go and start up the truck. Chris would be on driving duty next week. They took it in turns to drive each other around.

  He climbed in beside Ruby and Troy pulled out of the driveway.

  “Brad didn’t make it,” Chris said, blurting the first thing that came out of his mouth. He’d been hoping to catch all of Ruby’s dads beating the shit out of him.

  “I called him and warned him away. Brad is many things, but a fighter he is not.”

  “You should have let your dads finish him off,” Troy said.

“I can’t do that to him. He’s a friend, and Daisy loves him. I never did.” She settled her head against his shoulder. Chris looked down to see sadness on her face.

  “Anthony’s your brother?” he asked.

  “Yeah. He’s in the service and this is his last deployment, I think. Anthony loves the barbeques. He gets everyone up and dancing and laughing. It’s always a fun time when he’s around. This one has made me miss him so much more.”

  Chris looked forward to meeting her brother. Anthony sounded like a good guy.

  * * * *

  Luke cursed as Darla kept walking toward the park. Nathan wasn’t with her. He had to deal with his brothers along with the disappointment of the whole town. Everyone hated him for what he’d done to her. It didn’t matter how much the town hated him. He hated himself for what he’d put Darla through.

  “I can’t have you around him,” Darla said, tears shining bright in her eyes. She dropped down onto the swing, wiping at the tears on her cheeks.

  “I’m his father.” He stood in front of her with his arms folded. How many times was he going to have to say that before it sank in?

  “Everything we did back then was a mistake. You didn’t even remember it.”

  “The fact I got it up shocks me, Darla. I was out of my face.”

  “Why are you forcing me to relive it?” she asked, hitting her chest.

  The pain was clear to see.

  Cursing, Luke stared up at the sky. It was night and he’d missed the barbeque, dealing with everyone else. Darla sure knew how to escape him when she put her mind to it.

  “I’ve relived that night every hour since I remembered.” He’d taken her last night in the empty house without any protection. She’d been incredibly tight and he’d known she’d not taken a man since him. The satisfaction shocked him. He was the only one to know what heaven felt like inside her body.

  Darla was the woman he and brothers loved, but because of his attitude, she’d kept them at bay.

  “Why? If you were so far gone, why did you fuck me?” Darla asked. Luke winced. He’d fucked her that night. There hadn’t been any niceness to the act.

  He took her hand, holding onto a part of her. “I was leaving to go travelling. You were always there, and I wanted you. I was older and I couldn’t have you. Ryan, Jon, and I always agreed we’d share a woman like our true fathers did before our mother married that bastard.” Luke cut the words off, remembering the abuse he’d suffered at the hands of his stepfather. It was an incident he never wanted to relive. “You were there and I wanted you so badly. One taste of you was all I wanted.” He shook his head at the thoughts. “I always thought about you while I was away. Ryan and Jon gave me updates on you regularly. I never forgot about you. I just didn’t know what had happened. You were gone the next morning.”


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