[Love in Stone Valley 02 - Ruby's Two Sexy Hunks

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[Love in Stone Valley 02 - Ruby's Two Sexy Hunks Page 13

by Sam Crescent

  The banging on the door brought him out of his thoughts. Ruby stood the other side of the door, waiting to be let in.

  “Look at that body,” Chris said, smiling.

  It was the first time Troy had seen his friend so relaxed.

  Troy went to open the door.

  “We’re skipping dinner. You’re coming home with me. I can’t take another long drive. I’m heading home. Be at my house in twenty minutes. I can’t wait another moment.” She didn’t walk in the shop. Ruby turned away and walked down the street. He’d caught a glimpse of her flushed cheeks and hardened nipples. His cock tightened, thinking about sliding between those plump breasts.

  Without waiting for Chris, he started to close up the shop. The only thing on his mind was getting to Ruby’s home to start loving his woman. Nothing else mattered. Chris did the same, grabbing the bag of toys they’d bought for her.

  No letters, no fears, nothing would come between them and their woman.

  * * * *

  Lurking in the shadows, she watched Troy and Chris leave. It had taken her a long time to find them. They’d left London without any word and she’d been trying to find them for months. Now that she found them, she had to see them panting after the slutty redhead. Why couldn’t they see past the redhead’s big tits, fat ass, and false smile? They’d always been good to her, and this was how they were repaying what she’d done. She’d done everything to keep them happy and now they were fucking someone else.

  No, not on her watch. There was no way she was going to go through everything she’d gone through for them to turn their backs on her now. She was going to show them all that they didn’t mess with her.

  Listening to them talk about Ruby made her sick to her stomach. The letter hadn’t sent her away, so she’d need to start getting more creative. No one was having her men. No one.

  She would have to think carefully. If she let them know too soon then her surprise would be spoiled. She couldn’t have her surprise spoiled. Following them down the street, she watched them go to Ruby’s house. The slut was wearing a sheer robe. She was sick to her stomach when they each kissed her.

  Stone Valley was a sick place. They all needed to be taught a lesson, but the slut was going to get her undivided attention.

  Chapter Twelve

  The weeks passed without much really happening in Ruby’s life, at least not in her professional life. A couple of her orders had been left by the back door of her shop, and the items must have been attacked by foxes or something. She called the supplier and got them to redeliver again during working hours. The shop ran smoothly. Daisy helped her before going back to college and then Tate, Darla and Tessie each stopped by, giving her a helping hand.

  She rarely needed the extra help, but the company was always fun. Most of the time, her friends would look out toward Pleasure Palace and giggle. Ruby was so happy for Chris and Troy. They’d really found a place within the town. Stone Valley accepted them and considered them locals. She still loved their accents, especially when they talked dirty to her.

  Their house was finished, courtesy of the locals and now she split her time between their houses. They were more than dating now.

  Ruby still couldn’t believe the advancement in their relationship. She spent a lot of time with them and even took both men back to her parents’ home for Sunday lunch. Their sex life had been getting kinkier. She tightened the cheeks of her ass together, feeling the large plug they’d stuck up there that morning. Both men constantly talked about taking her ass. The teased her every chance they got.

  “Mom’s stressed out with Charles,” Tessie said, jumping up onto the counter. She wore her waitressing outfit. Markus and Brant were working hard at the ranch and wouldn’t be in town to pick their woman up.

  “What do you mean?” Ruby turned away from the window. Every chance she got, she was waiting for a glimpse of them. She was behaving like a love-struck teenager.

  “Mom is in love with Charles, but he comes with David, the guy working with the Sheriff,” Tessie said. “We’ve talked about this a number of times, Ruby.”

  “Yeah, I know. My mind has been occupied lately.”

  Tessie chuckled. “With your two hunks. Everyone around town is calling them that. ‘Ruby and her two hunks.’ They’re always talking about it.”

  She tugged one of the shawls out of Tessie’s hands. “Stop playing with the merchandise, and they’re not my men.”

  “You’re dating and sleeping together. They’re your men.”

  “Why does everything have to come down to the fine print with you?” Ruby asked, stepping behind her counter.

  “You’re in love with them.”

  Ruby froze. “What?”

  “Come on, everyone can see it. Even Markus and Brant have mentioned it a couple of times. You’re in love with Chris and Troy.”

  “What’s got into your mom?” Ruby asked, trying to change the subject.

  “Hell no, you do not get to do that.” Tessie jumped off the counter. “You’ve been spending more and more time with them and less time with your girlfriends. You’re going to tell me what’s going on in that little mind of yours.”

  “Charming, my mind is considered little. Haven’t you got anything else to talk about other than my love life?” Ruby folded her arms, hoping the stance would make Tessie back off.

  “Nope. I could talk about Darla and the problems she’s having with the Willis brothers, but that’s so totally too long to get into. Also, she’s not talking very much at the moment. Then you’ve got my mom and her love life with not one but three men. Yeah, seriously, three men. Let’s not even talk about Tate with the carpenters.”

  Ruby had forgotten how fast her friend could speak. “Whoa, slow it down. Tate and the carpenters?”

  “Yep, Tate has a thing with Neil and Tyler. Work that one out. All she’ll tell me is they’re good with their hands, which is gross.”

  Shaking her head, Ruby bent down to pick up another box to unwrap.

  “The only person I want to know about is you.” Tessie jumped up and down. “Come on, give me some gossip.”

  “There’s nothing to tell.”

  “But you love them.”

  Ruby growled in frustration. “I don’t know what I feel.”

  Tessie glared at her, folding her arms under her breasts. “You’re such a liar. Your pants should be on fire.”

  “Seriously, Tessie, how old are you?”

  “Same age as you, but it wasn’t that hard for me to admit I love my men.”

  Slamming her hands down on the counter, Ruby glared back at her. “I don’t know how I feel, okay?”

  “It’s your life and you should know what you feel for them.”

  Ruby hated being put on the spot. Daisy had called her several times, asking how her relationship was going with Troy and Chris. “I love spending time with them. In fact, the times we’re apart, it hurts here.” She pressed a hand to her chest.

  “You’ve got to admit to yourself that is love talking.”

  “I don’t know. For all of my life, I’ve lived with one mom and three dads, then I see just one man and one woman in the movies. For a long time, I’ve been determined to only be with one man.”

  “Look what happened in your life for only loving one man,” Tessie said. “Brad was not good for you.”

  “We’re getting to know each other and I don’t want to ruin what we’ve got because I couldn’t keep my mouth shut.”

  “You’re in love with them, Ruby. You may not see it, but everyone else does. You’re in love and that’s crazy and scary, but at least you’re finally living.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Ruby asked.

  “You’ve been dedicated to this shop, which is great, but you’re twenty-five. It’s time for you to start living.”

  Running fingers through her hair, Ruby looked around her shop. This had been her dream for so long. She’d planned this place before she organized her wedding at the grand old
age of ten. This was her pride and joy, but the two men working at Pleasure Palace could be her future. She cared about them, but was that as consuming as love?

  God, she was so confused.

  “It won’t be long before you admit you’re in love with them and then you’ll be walking down the aisle.”

  Ruby smiled at her friend’s words. The sound of shattering glass and Tessie’s scream filled the air. She saw Tessie duck and did the same. Along the back wall where the glass display unit was shattered as a rock smashed through the window, hitting it. Ruby cried out, watching the expensive display shatter around her.

  Running toward Tessie, she checked to make sure her friend was okay.

  “What was that?” Tessie asked, shaking.

  She moved toward the door, seeing if she could see anyone out of place. The street looked all but deserted.

  “I’m just going to check in on Chris and Troy.”

  “Go, I’m fine here.” Tessie was already pulling out her cell phone, probably calling Markus and Brant.

  Chris and Troy were helping several customers in the shop when she entered.

  “Hey, love,” Troy said.

  “Erm.” Ruby stopped, looking behind her at her shop. “Someone just threw a brick through my shop window.”

  It was the weirdest moment of her life thus far.

  * * * *

  Troy helped Chris remove all the customers from the shop. They left the door unlocked, but with the sign up, to let all know the Pleasure Palace was closed. A small crowd gathered around Ruby’s place. Entering the door, Troy saw Tessie closing up her cell phone.

  “I’ve called Brant and both my men are on the way.”

  “I’m so sorry about all this, Tessie,” Ruby said, going to embrace her friend.

  “Don’t worry about it. A little excitement never hurt anyone.” Tessie waved her hand in front of her face, smiling.

  “So, what happened?” Chris asked, getting down to business.

  Troy saw his friend revert back to his security detail days. The days when they were the ones getting in front of bullets, or taking down psychopaths that put bricks through windows.

  “Ruby and I were talking and then glass was shattering. I can’t really remember.”

  Ruby moved away from her friend, going to the glass stand on the far wall. “I’m upset. This display cost thousands of dollars, and it makes my stuff look great.” His woman shook her head, bending down to pick up the brick in question. “This was thrown through my shop window and it hit this stand.”

  She placed the brick in his palm. The surface was rough. It was small enough to be handled by anyone, which didn’t narrow down the list of suspects.

  “Do you have anyone in town who likes to cause trouble?” Chris asked, looking at the direction of the throw.

  “No,” Ruby and Tessie answered in unison.

  The Sheriff arrived. Troy watched the man rubbing his temples. He asked for details and he watched as Ruby and Tessie described everything. Minutes passed and Tessie’s men came through the door.

  “Tessie, baby,” Markus said, tugging her into his arms. The other men started talking to the Sheriff, mentioning the drug bust last year and asking if this had something to do with it.

  “I got a letter telling me to back away from her men. I’m guessing someone wants Chris and Troy and I’m in the way,” Ruby said. Her hands were scrunched at her sides.

  “Anyone from your past?” Markus asked.

  Before either of them could answer, Ruby’s three dads came crashing through the door, followed by her mother.

  They surrounded her, offering to keep her safe and get to the bottom of what was happening. Trevor got questions bombarded at him left and right. Troy felt sorry for him.

  The letter was mentioned again and chaos reigned.

  “What kind of Sheriff are you?” Charles asked.

  “I’m the one trying to do my job.”

  “Your job? My daughter has just been vandalized and you’re too busy doing fuck all,” Darren said.

  “Enough!” Ruby shouted the word, bringing silence to the shop. “So we missed the seriousness of the letter. Even I didn’t think twice about it. Why should I?” She turned to her parents. “I love you all but you can’t go around causing fights over a damn letter sent with stupid roses.”

  She stepped away, cursing and shaking her head.

  “What do you want to do, honey?” Angela asked.

  “First, I need to call Neil and Tyler to board up my window until I can have it fixed. Trevor, the shop is yours to do whatever you need to do. I’ve got to put a new order in for a window and a new display.”

  His woman was very calm and collected. Troy was so proud of her.

  “Until then, you all need to leave. I love you all, but I can handle it from here.” Ruby started shooing them out of the shop. She hugged Tessie, promising to meet up soon.

  The Sheriff got everything he needed and promised to return soon. Ruby gave him a spare set of keys. She wouldn’t be working in the shop until the window was clean and the Sheriff finished what he needed. When they were all gone, with only him and Chris remaining, she turned to them. “I’m going to call Neil and Tyler.” On her way to the counter, she stopped and hugged each of them in turn. “Thank you so much for being here.”

  Troy wrapped his arms around her. “We’ll always be here for you.”

  She nodded, kissing his cheek before going to Chris.

  While she was on the phone, he joined Chris in looking at the damage. “Do you think this has something to do with us?”

  Chris shrugged. “I don’t know. I wish I did, but I’ve not got a clue. I think we should talk with Don. He’s the only one asking questions about the past. About Sandra.” Chris’s jaw tensed at the mention of her name.

  “So, Neil and Tyler will be here within the hour,” Ruby said, standing between them. “We’re not going to let this ruin our night, are we?” she asked.

  “What do you mean?” Chris turned to her.

  “I’ve got lots of sex planned. Lots and lots and lots of sex, and I don’t want this to ruin that.” Her arms were folded and the cutest pout he’d ever seen decorated her lips.

  “Love, someone just put a brick through your shop.”

  “I don’t care. I want sex and if you guys are going to keep me at arm’s length or some crap like that then I’m going to be pissed. You do not want to see me pissed.”

  “You’re wanting sex?” Troy asked. His cock tightened at her demands.

  She pressed her body against his. “Yes, Troy. I’ve got a plug in my ass and you’re going to give me what I want. You promised me tonight. I’m keeping you to that promise.”

  Chris stepped up behind her, blocking her between them both. Troy inhaled her sweet scent and moaned. He couldn’t deny her. Her ass was ready to accept them. Tonight, they were going to share her. Chris kissed her neck, biting down on the delicate flesh.

  “I promise you, baby, that tonight, nothing is keeping me out of your ass.” Chris licked the flesh from her neck to her ear.

  Troy felt her shiver in his arms. “Tonight you’re going to feel me in your pussy and Chris sliding in your ass. Together, all three of us feeling each other,” he said.

  “God, I want it to start now.” She gasped, rubbing her body against his. Troy took her torment and tried to keep his raging erection in check.

  “Think about how we’ll feel inside you until then.” Chris gripped her breasts in his palms while Troy tightly gripped her ass. “So fucking sexy.”

  She whimpered, banding her arms around Troy’s neck, begging them for more.

  * * * *

  Chris was ready to throw caution to the wind and take her right there in the middle of the shop where anyone could see them. Whoever was throwing bricks through his woman’s window was going to get shit from him. No one threatened his woman and got away with it. He was going to find them and hurt them. Pinching her nipples, Chris thrust against her ass, wa
nting inside her already.

  The sound of men clearing their throats interrupted the moment. Kissing her neck one final time, Chris took a step back. Neil and Tyler stood, smiling and waiting.

  “Sorry to interrupt the moment,” Neil said. “We heard the lady was in trouble and we’re here to rescue her.”

  “Our woman doesn’t need rescuing,” Chris said, feeling jealous. “You can fix her windows, though.”

  “At ease, British,” Tyler said, laughing. “We’ve got our own woman we’re trying to woo. We’re here to save the window.”

  Ruby went toward them. Chris and Troy stayed to listen to the instructions. “Can we leave you to handle this job?” Chris asked.

  “Sure. We’re all about the wood,” Neil said, winking.

  Rolling his eyes, Chris took Ruby’s hand and led her out of the shop. “I want you to work our shop. Troy and I have got some things to get to. Do you think you can do that for us?” Chris asked. The thoughts were whirling around his head so fast that he couldn’t focus on just one. The only thing he knew was getting Ruby safe.

  “Sure. I’ll be your slave for the day, but I’m getting paid,” Ruby said. The sass was back in her voice.

  He settled her into the job, showing the workings of the till and where the stock was.

  “I know how to run a shop. I’ve been doing it a lot longer than you,” she said. “Go, do what you need to do. I’ll still be here when you get back. I’ll probably be bored out of my face, but I’ll be here.”

  Chris took his kiss first and made his way out the front, waiting for Troy to follow.

  “I’m telling you, mate, I’m addicted to her. Ruby is our future.”

  He couldn’t argue with Troy. In the last few weeks, Ruby had become part of their lives and he refused to live without her. Finding out who was sending her letters and now trashing her shop was important to him. There was no way Sandra would lower herself to do something like this. She never cared about them all those months ago. Chris was sure she wouldn’t waste any time on them. It made no sense, neither the letter nor the brick. Not only did the terrorizing make no sense, Sandra was not the type of woman to walk around Stone Valley unseen. She was easy on the eyes.


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