Lost and Found

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Lost and Found Page 10

by Jennifer Bryan Yarbrough

  He has a dumbfounded look on his face and then a knowing look, like his worst fears unimaginable. I can tell that there's hope for him yet, because that look alone let me know that he does indeed love his children.

  "I don't know what to say. I really don't. She was going to HIT him? Has she hit him before? Oh my God. Carmen and Lucas have told me things and I would ask her about it, and she would always say they heard wrong, or didn't see it right and assured me that she had everything under control. Is Gideon ok?" He stands up and starts walking towards the door.

  "Gideon is ok." He stopped before he reached the door. He turns around and looks at me, or through me actually, as if I'm not there because he's standing there, but it’s as if he has left his body, so I continue.

  "He's thrilled actually, and we have come to an understanding that he won't be getting into any more trouble. Tomorrow, I am going to go talk to his teacher, because it sounds like he and Mrs. Williamson were in cahoots with each other in punishing him and from what I've gotten from Gideon, he has only been acting out as a defense mechanism in defending himself."

  "No." What? No?

  "No? As in you don't think that's why he's acting out?"

  "No, as in you're not going to go talk to his teacher. I AM! Along with the principal. I'm also going to have a little chat with Mrs. Williamson and she better pray to God that I don't press charges against her!"

  He reaches for his phone and starts to dial a number on his phone and then he stops and looks at me, “Olivia?" He looks as if he's going to cry. "Please tell Gideon that I'm very sorry." I saw a tear fall onto his cheek and he turned around and had his back to me, as he put the phone to his ear, which let me know that our conversation was over, so I left the room.


  I wake up the next morning to the sound of giggles. I open my eyes and both Gideon and Eden are staring at me and giggling. I look at the clock beside my bed on the night stand and its 6 am. Wow! It's been forever since I've been up this early. The night before, took me back to having a house full of kids. We had dinner with Carmen and Lucas and then baths before bed.

  Gideon, of course, gave himself a bath, but I had helped Eden. She was a little shy at first and said that she could give herself a bath, because Mrs. Williamson always made her, but when she was struggling at washing her hair, I ended up helping her. When I got her out of the tub, I brushed her long curly hair and it took me back to doing the same for Jenna. She reminds me so much of her, except Jenna never quit talking and Eden hardly ever talks.

  I tucked both of them in and read them a story. They wanted to sleep in the same room and in the same bed, and with so many changes in their life, I didn't blame them. It wouldn't hurt for one night and they are siblings and still young, at that. They decided on Gideon's bedroom, since his bed was bigger, so we all 3 piled up onto his king sized bed with me in the middle and them on each side of me, with my arm around them, as Gideon turned the pages.

  Eden immediately started playing with my hair and told me how pretty my hair was. Gideon looked at me and told me he was glad that I was their nanny and that he hoped he never saw Mrs. Williamson again. They fell asleep not too far into the book and I tucked them in on each side of the bed and went to my room.

  Yes. I knew without a doubt that I had definitely made the right decision. I felt like a hole was filling in my heart. They really were sweet precious children and I believe in time, by the way that Cash reacted to what all I had told him, he will be alright as well. He just needs some more time to grieve, but he definitely loves his children, that much I do know. I pull the covers over my head and the kids start giggling even harder.

  "Did you know that you make funny noises when you sleep?" I push the covers off of my head and he is grinning at me from ear to ear and his blue eyes are sparkling, because he seems so happy. Eden is just smiling at me. I grab both of them and pull them onto my bed and start tickling them, as they both giggle and try to breathe.

  "I do not snore, Gideon!" He's laughing so hard, he's trying to catch his breath, so I quit tickling him.

  "I didn't say you snored, I just said you make funny noises. Hahahaha." Oh, he has such an infectious laugh. Silly boy.

  "I guess you two are hungry?" They both nodded at me and grinned, and I looked at the clock. No sense in getting dressed as early as it is, so I grab my robe and we all start going downstairs to the kitchen.

  We reach the kitchen and Carmen is in the middle of cooking breakfast for everyone. There are eggs, bacon, hash browns, biscuits and gravy, and orange juice and coffee. That's what I want, coffee. I walk around the bar to get to the coffee pot and Carmen stops me and puts a spatula between us.

  "What are you doing?"

  "I'm getting me some coffee. Is that okay?" Seriously?

  "What do you want in it? I'll get it for you. You go sit down."

  "No, really. You just finish breakfast; I can get my own coffee." She arches her eyebrows at me. "Really. I can get it myself. No big deal." Let's call the kitchen police, shall we?

  "Ok, but tell me what you like in your coffee and from now, on I'll have it ready for you when you come down. I don't like people in my kitchen. Okay?" Wow. Talk about territorial.

  "Yes ma'am." Gideon looked at me and thought my reply was funny and started cracking up. I just looked at him and grinned. "See, you're not the only one with manners around here, little boy."

  "Yeah, I can see that and you just got told!" Hahaha... He reminds me so much of Jeremiah, because that sounded exactly like something he would have said.

  "Yes, I sure did." I winked at him and grinned. I looked at Carmen and she was blushing and looked like she was going to say something, but then she had a shocked look on her face at whatever she was looking at. I turned around and there was Cash, standing there watching all of us. Immediately, the room is so quiet, you could hear a pin drop.

  He is already dressed in his suit and I realize that the children and I are still in our pajamas. I only have a tank top and short shorts on under my robe, and as of this moment, the robe was hanging off of my body by the way I'm sitting on the bar stool, and the reason I know this, is because Cash is slowly looking at me from the bottom of my feet and all the way to my face. I close my robe quickly and I know I am blushing, because my face feels like it’s on fire. Holy shit! Carmen told me he never ate dinner at the house, which was why I didn't bother getting dressed, since Gideon and I didn't have to get ready for a couple of hours.

  "What's for breakfast? It smells good. Carmen? Would you make me some coffee please? Good morning, everybody." He's grinning from ear to ear.

  I look at Gideon and his mouth is still open, he's so shocked. Eden is just looking at Cash, as if she doesn't know what to do and comes and gets in my lap. Lucas had his mouth wide open, but looks at me and smiles and goes back to reading the newspaper. Carmen realizes her place and goes immediately to the coffee pot to get Cash a cup of coffee. I am at a loss for words.

  "Good morning, Mr. Kingston. Sorry for my lack of apparel. Kids, let’s go get dressed and by the time we come back, breakfast will be ready."

  "No really, it's ok, Olivia. There’s no reason you guys can’t be in your pajamas for breakfast and for the thousandth time, will you please call me Cash? It makes me feel weird every time you call me Mr. Kingston."

  Now this is weird. Maybe what all I said last night really opened his eyes and he's realizing he needs to be present more, but after the way I left him last night, I wasn't expecting this reaction so quickly.

  "Ok, but I really would feel more comfortable if I went and got dressed. Sorry." I get up and Eden won't let go of me. "Gideon? I'm going to take your sister to go get dressed. Do you want to get dressed now or wait until after breakfast?" He looks at me and then he looks at his dad and back at me and shakes his head.

  "No, I'll wait. You guys can go get dressed if you want." I just nodded at him and dragged her behind me.

  I hurry up and get dressed and got Eden
dressed and got to thinking about Gideon's reaction on our way back downstairs, from when I told him that his father wanted me to tell him that he was sorry about how Mrs. Williamson had treated him.

  At first, he didn't believe me and thought I was making it up, and I told him that I meant it and that I would never lie to him for any reason and then he just grabbed me and started hugging me and started bawling. I asked him why he was bawling and it took him awhile to compose himself and what he said absolutely ripped my heart out.

  "I thought he didn't love me or care about me anymore." And then he started bawling again. I didn't know what to say, so I just held him until he stopped crying. Eden even went up to him and started rubbing his back telling him "It's ok Bubby, it’s ok." They really loved each other and I imagine they probably tried to protect each other from that evil woman. I could just rip her head off for how she treated them.

  I didn't tell Gideon that Cash planned on going to the school, in case he just said that in the heat of the moment. I didn't want to give him false hope, but as we were walking back into the kitchen, I heard what Cash said to Lucas.

  "Hey Lucas? Olivia and I are taking Gideon to school this morning, so do you mind dropping me off at the office, when we get through talking to his teacher and principal? Carmen? Do you mind watching Eden, until he brings Olivia back? "

  Once again, everyone is speechless. Of course all Lucas and Carmen can do is nod. Ok. So I'm going as well? It looks like I need to change clothes again, because all I put on was jeans and a T-shirt. Cash looks over at me.

  "I know I told you I would take him this morning, but I got to thinking about it and I want to introduce you to them, so that they will know you're his new nanny and when I'm not available, you'll be the one they deal with. I'm going to be more hands on from now on and they're going to know that by the time I leave there. Is that alright with you?

  Is that alright with me? I want to reach over and give him a big kiss and a hug, because I'm so proud of him for standing up for his kid. I look over at Gideon and he is grinning from ear to ear. I didn't know if there was a happier kid in the world at the moment, the sight of his expression about choked me up.

  "Yes, that's fine with me."

  I looked up at Carmen and she winked at me and was grinning as big as Gideon.

  "Breakfast is ready! Let’s eat at the big table today."

  Carmen was happy; I think everyone was happy at the moment. Eden comes and grabs my hand and pulls me towards the table and motions for me to sit at a certain chair, and she sets her booster seat up and gets into the chair next to me and then we all started eating our breakfast.


  Gideon was beaming from ear to ear on the drive to his school. Lucas drove us in the limo at Cash's request and he was in the seat that was facing us, and he kept looking at me and then would look at his dad. I could tell that he was making Cash uncomfortable, because he was looking everywhere but his son.

  "Gideon? How about you unbuckle your seat belt and come over here and sit between your father and I for the rest of the ride." He immediately did just that and I helped buckle him in between us.

  Cash looked over Gideon's head at me and mouthed "thank you" and smiled. I wonder if he realizes that Gideon is his little mini me. They have the same eyes and big beautiful smile. I can understand why Gideon is as excited as he is. His father has never personally gone down to the school to help him in any way. It was always the nanny that dealt with any trouble he always seemed to get into and they never defended him.

  I can imagine that Cash is feeling a whole lot of things at the moment. Shame, for not paying attention to his son all of these years. Shame, for allowing and trusting the nanny to enforce her own punishment, since he hired her and always taking her word for it. I imagine embarrassment as well, for never talking to Gideon himself, to get his side of the issue. He does have a lot of making up to Gideon, but you have to start somewhere and what he is doing right now is big.

  We pull up to the entrance of the school and Lucas gets out, opening the doors for us. We get out and Gideon gives me a big hug and curls his finger at me to come closer, and I lean down to hear what he has to say.

  "Thank you so much, Olivia! I can't believe you talked my dad into doing this." I leaned down and whispered in his ear.

  "You're very welcome, but I didn't talk your father into anything. He's the one that decided to come all along." Then I rose up and looked him in the eyes. "Have a good day at school, Gideon." I kissed him on top of his forehead, which made him start blushing.

  When he composed himself, he looked up at Cash and put his hand out for him to shake his hand. Cash looked at me, asking me with his eyes what this was about and I just shrugged my shoulders and nodded my head towards Gideon's outstretched hand.

  "I just wanted to thank you, Father, for coming up here to speak to my teacher and principal for me. Have a good day, Father."

  Oh my goodness. If only he felt comfortable around his father, he would have given Cash a hug like he did me. Instead, he approached him man to man, as if he was all grown up, thinking that that was what his father expected from him. I'm looking at Cash, wondering what he is going to say or do and I can tell that he doesn't know either. He clears his throat.

  "Gideon, you have a good day as well and any time you need to tell me anything, you come find me, okay? From now on, I'm here for you and your sister." I believe I'm going to cry, but so happy I was allowed to witness the beginnings of a bond from father to son.

  Both of them are teary eyed. I look to Lucas to think about something else and Lucas has his handkerchief out, rubbing his eyes and he sees me and turns around and walks the other way. I look back at the two Kingston men and Gideon quickly hugs Cash at the waist and then runs to the top of the stairs, turns around and waves at us with a grin on his face while walking into the school.

  Cash looked over at me with a sorrowful look on his face and then he sighed and took a few steps forward, turned around, and extended his hand to me to help me up the steps. I took his hand and was thankful for the help. The stairs didn't look as steep from below, but wearing the heels I had on, I was having trouble keeping my balance up the stairs.

  We read the outside door and Cash looks at me nervously and said, "Well, here we go." Then he chuckled and I did to.

  We entered through the glass door that said "Principal's Office" and asked the receptionist if we could see him and gave her the name of Gideon's teacher, and told her we wanted to see him as well. She wrote our names down and said to have a seat, that it would be just a few minutes.

  A few minutes later, a balding heavy set gentleman walked into the waiting room and I knew immediately that this was Gideon's teacher, by the way he was walking. He was leaning backwards to keep his pants from touching his butt.

  I couldn't hold it in and I started to giggle, but I put my hand over my mouth to stifle it and had to look down, to look at anything but his teacher and then I felt an arm around my shoulders. I look over at Cash and he had scooted closer and leaned towards my ear. I breathe in his cologne, realizing that I've never been this close to him before and then I hear his deep husky voice whispering.

  "Liv, tell me you did not just laugh at that poor man’s expense. Can you imagine the pain that he's in right now? Shame, shame, shame on you, Liv." I shivered at the nearness of him and hoped he couldn't tell how he caused my while body to chill and vibrate. Liv?

  So I'm Liv now? He raises his head back up, but keeps his arm around my shoulder and I glance at him and he looks like he's about to bust a gut himself. This makes me giggle again, which had him laughing as well. That was when the principal opened the door from his office, telling the three of us to come in. We looked at each other, as if we were both going to get in trouble for laughing in class and just grinned.


  When Cash introduced himself to the principal, I saw Gideon's teacher get a worried look on his face and when he introduced me
as Gideon's new nanny, he looked panicked. Good! He needs to be scared.

  "Mr. Kingston, it’s so nice to finally meet you. I'm assuming you're up here,, because of what transpired yesterday between Gideon and Mr. Marks?" He pointed at Gideon's teacher.

  "As a matter of fact, I am. I would like to sign whatever form you have to never allow anyone to use corporal punishment on my son ever again!" Gideon's teacher looks like he just lost his lunch.

  "I will get that form for you right now, Mr. Kingston. But I must ask, were you not made aware that your son did indeed get paddled yesterday, as punishment before the fact?" The principal is looking from Cash to the teacher and Mr. Marks answered the question.

  "Mrs. Williamson was the one that agreed to the punishment, Sir. She has always told me that Mr. Kingston was too busy with work and was never to be disturbed, so I always went through her, when I would have a problem with Gideon." I wouldn't doubt that, but I still believe he has been bullying Gideon. Cash didn't back down, though.

  "Well, it seems to me that Gideon has had a lot of licks the last couple of years that I was never made aware of, and it better stop this instant!" Cash had to take a breath, because I could see that he was holding his temper in before he continued.

  "In the event that an issue arises with Gideon, you call ME first, Mr. Marks and if you cannot get ahold of me, then you will call Ms. Porter, as she is the new nanny now. As of yesterday, Mrs. Williamson is no longer in my employ!" Cash had to catch his breath and he looked at the principal, and he motioned for him to continue.

  “Now, someone give me the form to sign. I don't deny that Gideon didn't deserve to be punished, but you will remove the week long detention from his punishment. I believe he has been punished enough as it is, and I believe he felt that he had his back in the corner and was just defending himself in the only way he knew how. Are we clear, Mr. Marks?"


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