Razor's Edge (Afflictions)

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Razor's Edge (Afflictions) Page 30

by Racquel Reck

  She shakes her head, and more tears spill from her eyes.

  I’m socked in the gut. My breath stops then starts again as my heart does gymnastics in my chest. “What’s wrong?”

  She shakes her head again.

  I want to shake her. “What the hell is going on?”

  She sobs. “Logan and…Tryst they…I didn’t want to tell you…Ben he—” She cries louder and puts her face in her hands.

  “Bebe.” I rub her shoulders and get her to look up at me. “I can’t understand you. What’s going on?”

  “Dani said…Logan tried to…And Tryst blew up!”

  Anger winds a tight knot inside me. I’m about to blow up. “Where the hell is my son?”


  Fury burns deep down. Gone? Everything in me snaps. “What do you mean he’s gone?”

  “L-Logan…and Tryst…”

  “Spit it the fuck out!” My hands coil tight around her arm and she winces. I let go. Gary. It has to be. He threatened Shay with taking him. I charge to a table and kick a chair across the waiting room. “Fuck!”

  Hands grab me. “Sir, if you can’t calm down, you’ll have to leave.”


  “My son’s missing and you want me to calm down!” Adrenaline and fury vie for space inside me. My chest feels like it’s going to explode.

  Soft hands touch my arms. “It’s okay officer.” She talks through her tears. “I got this.”

  That doesn’t help me. I want to rip the place apart. That won’t help either.

  “Take a deep breath and calm down. I’ll tell you everything.” She nods to the guy holding me. “I got this. He’ll be okay.”

  The guy lets go. “If he can’t control his urge to destroy things, I’ll kick him out.”

  I take a deep breath and it does nothing to stop the rage inside me. But I need to hear what Bebe has to say. “I’ll chill.”

  The security guy quirks a brow then nods, and heads back to his station.

  Bebe takes my hand and leads me to a row of chairs in front of a TV. We sit and my knee bobs up and down uncontrollably.

  “They came in the emergency entrance. Logan and Tryst were only talking to the admission clerks for a minute, and when they turned around Ben was gone. Dani said that he went to the vending machines to get bottled water. They scoured the hospital. Security guards, doctors, and nurses, but couldn’t find him. The security guys rolled back the tapes, and it showed my brother grabbing Ben at the vending machines. He kicked and screamed. A couple of people stopped and stared. When they questioned them, they said they thought it was just a kid being unruly with his father. He’s gone. Logan, Dani, and Tryst are at the police station.”

  My breath saws in and out. My knee won’t quit with the dance routine. “And you didn’t come and get me the minute it happened?”

  Bebe’s blue eyes soften. “Shay was in bad shape and the baby’s premature. We didn’t want to worry you even more until we knew everything was going to be okay with them.”

  “You should’ve come and got me the second it happened!”

  We both glance at the security guy. He’s glaring at me. Fuck him. He doesn’t know the hell I’m going through. I can’t be here. I need to do something. I stand and pace. What can I do? I’m completely freaking helpless, and Shay… Shit. I have to make this right. Ben. What is he going through right now? Is Gary hurting him to hurt his mom? I have to find him.

  I turn to Bebe. “Go in and see Shay.”

  Her eyes go wide. “But—”

  “Know anywhere Gary might’ve taken Ben? Any friends who might’ve helped him?”

  “I gave the list to the police. But honestly, he’s a member of the River Rats—their numbers are huge. He could be hiding out anywhere.”

  Rictor sells to the River Rats. An idea. But first I need back up. “Go be with Shay. Don’t let her know what’s going on.”

  Bebe quirks a brow. “But Ben is—”

  “Gone. I’m going to get him back and she’s been under too much stress. She’s happy. I don’t want to mess that up yet. Give me some time. A day. Then if I’m not back, tell her.”

  “Okay, one problem with that. Where do I say you are?”

  “Tell her Ben got sick so I took him home, that I didn’t want the sickness around our baby. I’ll call you and let you know what’s going on.”

  Bebe nods then hugs me. “Don’t go and do anything stupid. I might have to tell her Ben’s missing, but I don’t want to have to add you to that list. My brother is a pit bull, and he’ll do anything when backed into a corner.”



  Walking into the police station, I see Tryst sitting in a row of chairs by the tall window. Dani is next to him with her head in her hands. As I approach, she looks up. Her face is red and eyes are swollen. She rushes to me, crying.

  “I’m so sorry, Uncle Morg.” She clings to my waist. “I should’ve gone with him.”

  Dani, near that crazy asshole? Hell no. “I’m glad you didn’t.”

  “Shouldn’t have listened to Dad,” she sobs. “I should’ve gone with Ben.” She hiccups. “Maybe he wouldn’t be gone.”

  It’s not her fault. The adults present should have kept a better eye on him. They both didn’t have to talk to the admission clerks. Tryst could have done that all by himself. My bro’s a fucking moron. “The guy would’ve taken you, too. Don’t blame yourself.”

  She lets go of my side and looks down.

  I hug her. She doesn’t need to carry this guilt. “It’s not your fault, Dani.”

  She nods. “Dad said it was. Said I should have told him when Ben took off.”

  I’m going to rip Logan a new one, placing blame on Dani because of his fuck up. “Where’s your dad?”

  “He’s in the back room talking to the cops.” Tryst unfolds his arms and stands. His jaw tightens and his fists clench. “Talking isn’t going to do a damn thing. They need to be out there searching for him.” Tryst cracks his knuckles and heads toward the counter.

  A door to the left of the counter swings open and Logan walks out, followed by a man in a charcoal-gray suit. He holds the door open.

  Logan’s eyes meet mine and he hangs his head. “Dani, the detective wants to talk to you.” He holds out his hand to her and she takes it.

  Yeah, I dare you to look me in the eye. Fucker.

  My fists want to hit his face. Anger over Logan’s stupidity makes me want to pummel him, but getting arrested for assault isn’t on the game plan.

  When the door closes, Tryst comes back over to me.

  “They said they sent cops to check out the places Bebe listed.” He looks back at the cop behind the counter. Tryst growls then glances at me, brown eyes blazing behind his stone cold expression. “That’s not fucking enough.”

  “I got an idea. I need your help.” I take out my phone to see if Wiley texted me back. I called him twice on the way over here and got no answer. I sent him a message. Still waiting to hear back. “Where the hell is Wiley?”

  “At the hospital.”

  I look up at Tryst. “No, he wasn’t. Bebe was the only one in the waiting room.”

  Tryst shakes his head.

  Am I missing something?

  “Wiley is in the recovery waiting room. Bryan was shot.”

  My jaw drops. I can’t believe I forgot about the shooting. “Isn’t Lina with him?”

  “No. She’s dead.”

  Dead? What the fuck!

  Shit. From the gunshots to the time I entered the bathroom is all a blur. Seeing Shay in labor broke my funk and I panicked. Now Ben’s gone, Lina’s dead. Shit. I feel guilty. As the leader of my band, I should’ve been there for them. I wasn’t. Instead of waiting for Carla to come back from NICU, those two hours, I could’ve taken a minute to see what the hell was going on after the shooting.

  I shouldn’t have gotten Shay those backstage passes. What pregnant woman who’s about to pop needs to be at
a rock concert? If I wasn’t such a goddamn moron, she wouldn’t have had Carla in a damn bathroom stall and Ben wouldn’t be missing. My idiot brother wouldn’t have been watching him. Bebe probably would’ve. Hell, as flighty as she is, she’s more competent than Logan. Then I wouldn’t have been distracted after the shooting.

  But then Shay would have had Carla without you.

  I need to somehow make everything all right. It’s hopeless and all this weight is falling on me. This is too much. I’m on a sensory overload. My chest tightens.

  “Dude.” Tryst’s hand lands on my shoulder. “Snap out of it.”


  “You’ve been zoning out.”

  I shake my head.

  Tryst arches a brow. “You said you had an idea?”

  Oh, yeah right. Get your ass in gear. “A guy I know has an in with the River Rats.”

  “What guy?”


  “Your drug dealer?” Tryst’s brows narrow and he shoves me. “No fucking way, man. Not gonna let you see the dude. Shay will cut me a new one if you fall back into that shit.”

  “I’m not. Guy owes me and we go way back. Logan knows—”

  “Then get Logan to talk to the asshole.”

  My cell goes off, and the cop behind the counter points to a sign on the wall stating No Cell Phones. How about you worry about getting my kid back instead of policing the damn cell phones? I look down at the number. It’s Bebe. “I gotta take this.”

  Before Tryst can say anything, I’m out the door and have my cell pressed to my ear. “Yeah.”

  “Sasha called and she was hysterical. Said Gary hit Ben. They’re in a cabin outside Troy. She gave me the address.”

  I hold in my growl and look at the police station.

  “Why would she just turn him over? Have you called the police?”

  “She said she didn’t realize until now why Gary took Ben. She didn’t get to finish telling me the real reason ’cause Gary took her phone. I heard him backhand her. When he got on the line, he told me that if I called the cops he’d ‘kill the little turd’—his words, not mine. He wants to negotiate with you.”

  Negotiate? The only thing we’ll be negotiating is where my bullet is going to go if Ben has one bruise on his body when I roll up. “I need you to do me a favor. Hunt down Wiley in the recovery ward. I need him to call me the hell back.”

  “Got it. What are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to get my son back.”

  “I’ll text you the addy. It’s a cabin his buddy owns. Be careful.” The line goes dead.

  I pocket my phone.

  The doors to the police station open and Tryst, Logan, and Dani come out.

  “Logan, take Dani home.”

  Logan’s brows pinch. “I thought you want—”

  “I wanted you to watch Ben. You didn’t. He’s gone. And Dani needs to go home. So take care of your own.” I head toward Bebe’s bright yellow VW Bug. “You coming, Tryst?”

  “How come he gets to go?” Logan shouts across the parking lot.

  I snap around. All the anger I’ve been suppressing for the good of not getting arrested or looking like a maniac in front of my niece blows up. “He wasn’t the one in charge of Ben. You were!” My hands tremble. I clasp them shut. “I gave you one simple task! Thought you could handle it.” I point my finger at his face. “You fucked up. Now, like always, I’m paying for it. Be a father. Take your kid home. I’ll call you when I find mine.”

  Dani is hiding behind Logan, looking at me as though I’m a stranger. Damn, I didn’t mean to hurt her. Shit. She’s never seen me go off on Logan like this. I can’t do anything right.

  I get into the cramped Bug and slam the door. After starting the engine, Tryst squishes into the passenger side. He adjusts the seat, like that’s supposed to help. It doesn’t, he still has to bend his neck a little.

  “What’s the plan?”

  “Pick Wiley up. Stop by my house so I can grab my Glock. Go get Ben.”

  “You know where he is?”


  “Good shit. One problem.” Tryst has the empty murderous glare in his eyes again. “You’re not killing that motherfucker. I am. You gotta family. I’ve got nothing to lose.”



  That shower was what I needed, but I’m anxious to have my baby back. Bebe stepped out to take a call and has been gone for a couple of hours. I couldn’t wait any longer. There is only so long a person can take feeling icky and stinky. I sent Carla with a nurse to the nursery.

  I step out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel and the hospital underwear they give you after birth. These things are so damn comfortable. Maybe I should stash, like, ten of them.

  The early light of dawn creeps through the windows of my room. Where the hell is Bebe? She was allowed to stay the night here in Morgan’s place and has been awake all night. I should tell her to go home when she comes back. I’m not going to be here all day. Even though I’m in pain, they are releasing me later this afternoon. No reason for her to keep killing herself.

  Going through the bag that Bebe brought me, I take out a red and black jogging suit and quickly dress. I hate hospitals and the afternoon can’t come quickly enough. I want to get home to Ben. He’s sick and needs me. Then again, I don’t want the baby getting sick. Maybe I should prolong my stay. Really milk it. Morgan can take care of Ben.

  The door opens and in comes Bebe, looking like some goddamn vampire. ”Hey, girl. How ya feeling?”

  “A little sore. But nothing I can’t handle.”

  Her face is a little pale. I hope she didn’t catch what Ben caught. She slumps down in a chair and sighs. Her head hits the back of the recliner, she scootches down a little further and closes her eyes. She’s gotta be exhausted.

  “You look tired as hell.”

  She opens her eyes, and I swear there is a look of pity in there.

  Why would she pity me? “Is something wrong?”

  “No.” It comes out more like a squeak and she clears her throat. “I was at the shop all day and pulled an all-nighter. Just need a couple minutes.”

  Yeah, she’s getting sick. “You should go. I’m fine. I’ve been in the hospital before. It’s not anything new to me.”

  She huffs. “I’m not leaving you. Besides, I want to spend more time with my niece. Is that okay with you?”

  No. “You look like death and probably caught what Ben did. I don’t want that around the baby.”

  She leans over and puts her head in her hands. “Maybe you’re right. But Morgan order—”

  “Since when do you let anyone order you around?”

  “Since it involves you.” She looks up at me. “And I’m not sick. Just tired.”

  “I still think you’re getting sick.” She has been running herself into the ground lately, so much so that she passed some of her new clients off to me.

  She rolls her eyes. “Fine, the next nurse that comes in can check me out. Okay with you?”

  I shrug, seeing no reason to argue, then flop back down on the bed. I just need a half an hour of sleep then I’ll ask them to bring Carla back. I yawn and Bebe does too.

  The door flies open and in walks Logan. Alone.

  Dani has been so excited about the baby, I thought she’d be with him. “Where’s Dani?”

  He runs a hand through his hair. “At the babysitter’s. Where’s the little one?”

  “In the nursery.”

  He crosses the room to the recliner Bebe is sitting in. “You look sick. You should go home.”

  Bebe shakes her head.

  “Logan’s right, Bebe. And I don’t want the baby to get sick.”

  Bebe cocks her head. “Then who will stay with you?”

  “I will.” Logan tries to help her stand but she shrugs him off and glares at him. She’s being unreasonable. Logan isn’t going to take her place, he just wants to help.

  “The last time you tried to help y
ou fucked everything up.” She stands and pushes him off. “The only place I’m going is it to get a coffee. You think you can handle keeping an eye on Shay for a second or am I going to come back and find her missing?”

  What the hell is Bebe’s problem? “I don’t care what the hell is going on between you two, or why you think I’m going to leave this bed. But I have only one thing on my mind right now and it’s sleep. You both aren’t helping. So squash it, or get the hell out.”

  “I’m going to get a coffee.” She glares at Logan. “When I get back, if she’s gone, she won’t be the only thing that goes missing around you.” She looks at his crotch then meets his eyes. She grins and it’s the same damn grin Gary used to give me when he was issuing a hidden threat. She leaves the room quietly.

  Logan gulps. “She’s not serious is she?”

  “With Bebe, you never know.” I stretch and yawn. “Kill the light will, ya?”

  He does and grabs the remote and slumps down in the chair next to the bed. “What do you wanna watch?”

  I eyeball him. He’s a little leaner and taller than Morgan and looks ridiculous laid out on the small recliner. “I’m about to pass out. Maybe you should go for a walk.” It’s kinda creepy having him in here while I’m sleeping. He wouldn’t hurt me. I trust him. But it still feels weird having a man who isn’t Morgan watch me while I sleep.

  He kicks off his shoes. “I owe my brother. I’m not leaving. They still don’t know who shot up the concert. And he can’t be here. I’m staying to protect you. You don’t like it. Tough.”

  Shot up the concert? It was that bad? First Morgan’s Hummer, and now this? “You think someone has it out for the band?”

  Logan looks over with a raised brow like I should have already put it together. “Yeah, I do think someone is after the band. I’m not going to let you or my little niece get in the middle of it.”

  He’s sweet and I’m suddenly glad he’s here. Maybe Bebe should go home. I don’t want her getting caught up in this.



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