AndroDigm Park 2067

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AndroDigm Park 2067 Page 19

by JMJ Williamson

  The door opened and Chief Anderson walked in.

  “Well, well, well. What do we have here?” she said. “Marshal Shelby. How nice to see you again. But you’re on the wrong side of the interview table.”

  “So how long do you intend to keep up this facade? You know I’m innocent. You must have the security cam evidence from Scarlet's apartment by now.”

  “Evidence? What Evidence? We have a recording of you shooting Walker, and an impeccable witness, the Chief Justice, who saw you attempt to murder her. I have enough to charge you now.”

  “Then charge me. I’ll sue the pants off you for false arrest, when you’re holding evidence that contradicts your claims. Why are you doing this?”

  “You’re an asshole, Shelby. One of my officers and three witnesses are dead because of you.”

  “You know I wasn’t responsible for your officer’s death. You’ve got to let me out of here. The Morelli family is after Scarlet Chambers. She’s in danger.”

  “And you’re the only one that can help her. You have a bad case of hero complex. For your information, we are searching for her now.”

  “But you don’t have a clue where to look.” Neither did Shelby, but the argument was worth trying.

  “So what is your theory about who killed Walker and attempted to murder the Chief Justice?”

  “I’ll tell the Chief Justice who the killer is when you set up a secure free video link with her.”

  “You can tell me.”

  “Why should I? I’m not so sure you aren’t part of the conspiracy. Why else would you be holding me here under this false charge?”

  He had touched a nerve. She boiled up. “You should be careful what you say next. I could charge you now.”

  “Please do. As a marshal, you would have to bring me before the Chief Justice. It would be an ideal opportunity to explain to her what an asshole you are.”

  Chief Anderson slammed her fist on the table and stormed out of the interview room.

  Five minutes later, Detective Bonny came into the room.

  He shook his head at Shelby, “I’m sorry, the Chief said to let you stew in the holding cell.”

  Shelby laughed. If the other arrested scumbags in the holding cell find out he is a special marshal, he would be lucky to get out of there alive.


  Scarlet woke in a windowless room with no furniture other than the bed she was lying on. Standing beside her was a young woman. She looked to be in her late teens, and there was something familiar about her.

  “I’m sorry we had to gas you. But we couldn’t afford to hang around. I suppose you’re wondering who I am. Do you recognise my voice?”

  Scarlet felt confused. “It can’t be.”

  “I’m your mother. Yes, I have the body of a nineteen-year-old woman. But it’s me. I suppose you’ve got lots of questions.”

  “Yes. You can start by explaining why you look so young.”

  “At AndroDigm I started a project some years ago to replicate a model of human mind in a cyber environment. About the same time, Organa was working on a human-cyber interface, and Sirena was working on the rapid development of human clones. When we got together, we realised we could download the human mind to a younger human clone through a human-cyber interface. We had discovered nothing less than immortality. I knew the science would work. But until I had tested it, I couldn’t say for sure. So I tested it on myself. Well, here I am.”

  “What about the old body of Diane Chambers — the one burnt to death?”

  “It was my… her decision. The download process damaged her brain severely. She didn’t want to continue to live in that state. Jordan arranged it, hiring the mercenaries to carry it out.”

  “You let them torture her and murder her?”

  “I wasn’t told the details until after it happened. But I would have made the same decision. She was a vegetable. No one wants to live like that.”

  “You would have preferred to be burnt alive?”

  “The AAA campaigns against us were gaining momentum with the public. We had to stop them.”

  “I’ll never understand your obsession with cybernetic science. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should.”

  “There we differ. The future of humanity depends on cybernetics. We can improve the human condition.”

  “Or turn us all into Frankenstein freaks.”

  “Is that what you think I am? I’m flesh and blood like you. My mind is the same as it has always been. It’s just that my body is younger.”

  “So next question: why am here?”

  “That’s easy. It’s to protect you from Franco Morelli. He’s determined to avenge the death of his son, Vincent.”

  “He’s going after Shelby?”

  “Yes. But I’ve done a deal with him. I’ve given him the chance of immortality in return for your life.”


  “Yes. That’s what AndroDigm offers its clients — immortality. Just like me. I’m in the body of a nineteen-year-old woman cloned from my DNA. When this body grows old, I’ll change it for a new one. So technically, I can live forever.”

  “The young boy in the glass pod on the third floor — it was Franco Morelli?”

  “You found him? Yes, that’s his DNA clone.”

  “And what else have you promised Morelli?”

  “Shelby’s bright. Eventually he will figure out where you are and he will come for you. And when he does, Franco Morelli will be waiting for him.”

  “I’m the bait to bring Shelby here?”


  “Why are you working with that monster?”

  “I had no choice. When I started AndroDigm with Jordan Jeffries, we needed lots of money. I didn’t question it at the time, but Jordan used his family connections to raise the money. Jordan is Franco Morelli’s nephew.”

  “He’s part of the Morelli crime family?”

  “Jordan was never part of Franco’s criminal business. But yes, we used his money. Franco became a silent partner in AndroDigm. And for the most part, he left us alone to get on with our project. But when he found out you two had been here recently, he was far from amused. He was livid. That’s when I made the deal with him.”

  “You can’t let him kill Shelby. He’s a good man. I love him.”

  “I’m sorry. It was the only way I could protect you.”

  “What if he kills me, anyway?”

  “Franco may be many things, but he keeps his word.”

  “He’s a monster. You can’t let him hurt Shelby. If you do, I’ll never speak to you again.”

  “That I can live with. Sometimes in business you’ve got to make difficult decisions.”

  “Or sell your soul to the devil.”

  “Maybe you should meet the devil.”


  “Yes. But first, we need to take some additional measures to protect you. We’ll stop off at the level two laboratory.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Don’t worry, you will. Even I don’t trust the devil.”

  * * *

  An hour later, Shelby was taken from the holding cell and brought back to the interview room. He was nursing some bruised ribs and a cut lip, but he was alive. The two scumbags that assaulted him didn’t get off so lightly. Both were taken to the infirmary. It sent a message to the others in the holding cell to leave him alone.

  He didn’t understand why he had been brought back to the interview room. Perhaps Chief Anderson had a conscience after all. Detective Bonny brought him a coffee. The first drink he had for hours.

  Then Jim Cordite came through the door.

  “So what kind of mess have you got yourself into this time?”

  “That asshole, the Chief of Police, is trying to make a point. The brain-dead muppets think I killed Walker and tried to kill the Chief Justice. They won’t even look at the evidence. And Scarlet is missing. I need to get out of here.”

’ve spoken to the Chief Justice Haglon. She’s on your side, but she can’t do anything until they charge you or release you. They can hold you for another twenty-four hours.”

  “I need to get out of here.”

  “I’ll try to speak to Chief Anderson again. But five minutes ago, she wanted to bury you alive.”

  “You’ve got to try.”

  “You know you’ve brought this on yourself, always doing dumb shit things, like that escape from Lucifer’s Pleasure Cave.”

  Why did he refer to the escape from Lucifer’s Pleasure Cave? Shelby had never told him about it. Jess must have told him. He’s trying to tell him that Jess is up there on the roof of the Angel Police Department waiting for him. But how does he get away?

  “Oh, by the way, I’m screwing your girlfriend, Rosie. Thought you might like to know.”

  Shelby didn't care if he was, but it was an obvious ploy.

  “You bastard,” said Shelby grabbing Cordite’s lapels and forcing him to the floor. He smashed Cordites face with his fist. Detective Bonny came into the room with another officer and pulled them apart. One of them hit Shelby in the ribs. He winced. They were already badly bruised.

  “You always were a dumb shit,” said Cordite, spitting out the words. “You guys need to take me to the infirmary.” The officers and Cordite left the room.

  Shelby reached into his pocket where Cordite had placed the tiny electronic master skeleton key. It would spring his cuffs and open the doors he needed to get to the roof of the Police Department. But he needed a diversion, and he had no idea what Jess and Cordite might have planned.

  He didn’t have to wait long. Every computer in the Police Department went down; the lights went off; the sprinklers on and the fire alarm was blaring.

  In the dark, he snuck out of the interview room and headed towards the stairs. People around him were groping around to find their way. Finding his way to the stairwell wasn’t that difficult. Shelby had great night sight awareness, and he had already made a mental note of the number of steps between the interview room and the exit to the stairway. Most of the people were coming down the stairs. Shelby was working his way up against the flow. They didn’t seem to notice him in the panic.

  The skeleton key gave him access to the roof. As he came out onto the roof. Jess was landing.

  “Stop,” said Detective Bonny.

  Shelby turned around and saw Detective Bonny pointing a handgun at him.

  “Can’t,” said Shelby. “Are you going to shoot me?”

  Shelby didn’t wait for and answer. He jumped into the vehicle.

  Detective Bonny shook his head and holstered his handgun. “Good luck.”

  The heli-car raced away. Shelby made a mental note to thank Detective Bonny later. Shelby was a fugitive. Breaking out of custody from Angel PD would take some explaining later. But right then, he couldn’t care less. Finding Scarlet was his priority. He wondered what Chief Anderson's face would look like when they told her he had broken out. No doubt, it would be a bright shade of red.

  “Turn the transponder off, and let’s get out of here.”

  “Check,” said Jess.

  “How did you do it?” said Shelby.

  “I gave Jim a pen drive with a worm on it to infect the PD systems from the Infirmary. It gave me enough control to wreak havoc. We needed a distraction.”

  “Good old Jim. I hope I didn’t hurt him too much.”

  “Are you all right?” said Jess.

  “A few bruised ribs, but I’ll live. Any news about Scarlet?”

  “She left the apartment in an air taxi. But nobody has seen her since. I hacked the taxi service systems. I know where they took her.”

  “Let me guess — AndroDigm.”

  “How did you know?”

  “It was my AndroDigm replicant that killed Walker and tried to kill the Chief Justice. Someone at AndroDigm had to be using it. But I don’t know who or why. The answer must be at AndroDigm.”

  “Is that where we’re going?”

  “We tool up, first.”

  * * *

  Her mother led her into a large room, with four other people in it: Franco Morelli, Jordan Jeffries, Sirena and Doctor Thexly.

  Her mother walked up to Franco Morelli and introduced Scarlet.

  “We’ve met before,” said Franco Morelli. “It’s a pleasure to meet you again.”

  Scarlet bit her tongue and gave a false smile. Whatever she wanted to say to Franco Morelli was best unsaid.

  “Tell me, did you tell the marshal where my son was?”

  She didn’t know how to answer. Her mother had told her he knew already. What was the point of denying it? “I didn’t know he was a marshal. He told me he had done a job for Vincent and was looking for payment.”

  “Stupidity isn’t an excuse. But at least you were honest. Jordan begged me to forgive you. For his sake, I will this one time. Doctor Thexly, your replicant of the marshal failed to kill the Chief Justice as I ordered. Why was that so?”

  Doctor Thexly stuttered. “The operator had difficulty using a replicant that wasn’t designed for him. It had bugs we had not identified. I’m…”

  A shot rang out that echoed like thunder through the building. Doctor Thexly collapsed on the floor in a pool of blood with a large hole in her forehead.

  Scarlet panicked. Morelli had just killed Doctor Thexly in front of her. What kind of monster would do that? He turned towards Scarlet with a false smile. “Let that be a lesson to you. Nobody disappoints Franco Morelli.”

  Her pulse was racing. She wanted to scream at him, but held her temper. She could do nothing about poor Doctor Thexly now.

  He turned towards Sirena. “You have failed me too. Thexly was your choice. A general should never blame his troops.”

  A look of horror spread across Sirena’s face.

  “Wait,” said Diane Chambers. “We need Sirena for the mind transfers. Please, spare her life.”

  Morelli smiled at Sirena. “Fortunately for you, you’re more valuable to me alive than dead. But if you disappoint me again — just once — you will join Doctor Thexly. Right?”

  “I won’t disappoint you,” said Sirena.

  Franco Morelli then turned his attention to Jordan Jeffries. “So nephew, is the park ready for opening yet?”

  “We had some minor teething problems with the beta testers, but we should be ready in about two weeks. And we’re fully booked for the next six months.”

  “That’s good… And my new clone body?”

  “It’s growing well. It has a growth age of about twelve and should reach nineteen in about a week. We could download your mind anytime you want after that.”

  “Now what about this marshal? I understand he has escaped from Angel PD.”

  “Yes. I suspect he’s on his way here.”

  “Good.” He turned towards Scarlet. “I knew there was another reason I needed to keep you alive. You can watch me kill him.”

  “Do you want me to prepare for his arrival?” said Jeffries.

  “No. You don’t have the stomach for it. This is my kind of work. I’ll do it myself. I owe it to Vincent.”


  Shelby landed at the AndroDigm helipad with Jess at mid-day. Everyone in AndroDigm would know he had arrived, but perhaps not that Jess was with him.

  “Jess take the fifty-millimetre sniper rifle and give me cover over the AndroDigm reception. Follow my hand signals.”

  “I’ve told you before that I can’t do it. I can’t kill humans. It doesn’t feel right. All life is sacred.”

  “Okay, you don’t have to shoot anyone. But when I give you the signal, I want you to create as much chaos as you can.”

  “I’ll do my best.”

  Shelby raced to the Initialisation Centre. He saw an entrance marked ‘Delivery Entrance’ and opened the door. Inside the ground floor was a storage area, including large freezer units. On the floor, he noticed a blood trail leading to one of the freezers. He looke
d through the window of the freezer and saw two body bags. He feared the worst and opened the freezer door.

  He unzipped the first bag. Inside was the body of Doctor Thexly with a bullet hole in her forehead. It was a shock. She was a young woman with her life ahead of her now wasted. But at least it wasn’t Scarlet. He zipped the body bag up again.

  He paused, before opening the second bag. He pulled the zip back. Another shock. He saw his own face staring back at him. It was his replicant. They must have used it to assassinate Walker and stored it there. He breathed a sigh of relief. There was a reasonable chance Scarlet was still alive. He zipped the bag up, attached a police GPS signal device to it, and activated it. He guessed it would take the police twenty minutes to respond: ample time for him to rescue Scarlet.

  He left the freezer, drew his gun and made his way up the stairs to the third floor, where he could hear a familiar voice talking. He edged his way forward.

  “Come on out Marshal Shelby,” said Jordan Jeffries. “Since we heard of your escape, we’ve been expecting you.”

  Shelby walked into the room. Facing him was Jordan Jeffries, another large man, a woman and a man holding a gun to Scarlet’s head. Even if he wanted to, he couldn’t get a clean shot at the man holding Scarlet.

  “Let me introduce you to my friends. This is my uncle, Franco Morelli. I think you’ve already met some of his family. He’s very pleased to see you here today. This young woman is Diane Chambers. Doesn’t she look remarkably young for her age and she is certainly not dead? And, of course, you know her daughter, Scarlet. Now could you put the weapon down? We don’t want anyone to get hurt. At least not yet.”

  “Shelby, get out. It’s a trap,” shouted Scarlet.

  Morelli glared menacingly at her.

  Leaving without her was never an option for Shelby. He needed to buy some time until he could find a way of rescuing her. “Perhaps you can explain what’s going on here,” said Shelby, putting his gun on the floor.

  “Very well… Ms Chambers and I are equity partners in AndroDigm, but we also have a silent limited partner, Franco Morelli, who has financed most of the park’s development.”


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