The Tale of the Blood Diamond

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The Tale of the Blood Diamond Page 11

by Laveen, Tiana

  A youthful white haired man with dark eyes loomed against a black wrought iron gate wrapped around a protected and closed property, an old Hebrew orphanage. The morning was exceptionally cold yet beautiful. Golden rays reached across the area and almost bleached out the pale entity altogether, so that he appeared to be a fixture in the landscape. The man stood with his hands jammed into the pockets of a thick, dark green jacket. He stared back at Xzion, his expression grave. Xzion snatched the wheel of his hulking Hummer and parked haphazardly.


  He knew that man, and there was no reason for Sahee to simply be standing around, like a lost vagrant. Xzion slammed his car door and raced towards the Yuledrakian fiend. The creature grinned at him and didn’t flinch once Xzion got in his face, snatched his wooly, stiff collar firmly in his tight grip.

  “I’m going to ask you one question, and you only get one chance to answer,” Xzion said smoothly. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

  Sahee turned away, looked casually at the boarded up building behind him then back at Xzion. “I was sent here to give you a message.”

  “What is it?”

  “We are taking Earth. Jatorn wants you to join us. He will make it worth your while. If you do not agree to it, he will kill that Earth woman and her bastard child you seem to be so infatuated with.” The man spoke so coldly, as if it were just typical banter on a Tuesday morning.

  Xzion grinned, then laughed, noting the look of confusion on Sahee’s face at his reaction.

  “You must be joking?” He released Sahee’s coat and stepped away, still laughing so hard, his stomach flipped. “You tell Jatorn that I will kill all of you in a day’s work, single-handedly, and still have time for a dinner break and a movie afterward. There is no way I’m hooking up with you disgusting pigs!”

  Sahee’s face turned impossibly paler. “You’ve made your choice and it is a mistake. You cannot protect all of Earth, Xzion. We will be everywhere.”

  Just then, another Yuledrake approached them, and then another. They walked casually down the street, as if approaching a bus stop. Xzion looked around. Putting his hands on his waist, he quickly scanned the damned street. His breathing increased as his right eye danced. One car strolled past, then another…

  In a matter of seconds, like a burst of wind, he breezed away from Sahee, storming towards the other two Yuledrakes so fast they surely didn’t have time to take a second or third breath. Xzion’s right eye twitched and quickly did a 360 of the perimeter as he made a mad dash towards his targets. Sahee yelled out a guttural moan but it was far too late. Xzion raced between the slender bodies walking side-by-side, slicing through their flesh right at the hollow of their ribcages with the greatest of ease, as if they’d been made of butter. The two Yuledrakes continued to stand erect, but barely. Their eyes went dead in a flash as they perished on their feet. Before they hit the ground, Xzion grabbed them by their hair, allowed their lower bodies to fall by the wayside before whisking their yanked scalps back towards Sahee, who stood there with his mouth agape, his fangs partially exposed and clear fright in his smoked over darkened eyes. He could even smell the bastard’s fear, and it pleased him all the same.

  “That took exactly seven seconds. Here.” He threw what was left of the bodies on the ground at Sahee’s feet. “Imagine what I could do with a whole hour…”

  Xzion walked leisurely back to his car and got inside, prepared for Jatorn’s little gopher assistant to go running back to headquarters in a panic. He merged with traffic and went on about his way. As he drove a bit further, he opened his wrist.

  “Aton, we have a problem,” he said breathlessly. “They are here in force. They have begun the take-over.” Just then, his cell phone rang. Before Aton could respond, he yelled out, “It’s Jayme…hold on.”

  He approached a light and picked it up.

  “Yeah, baby…” he said, trying to take the irritation out of his tone. Too much shit was going on at once; he needed a second to wrap his head around it.

  “Xzion, we just had a meeting.” Jayme sounded vexed. “In the past twenty-four hours, there have been over forty-two abductions in the East and West side of Baltimore alone. We’ve discovered five more dead bodies, killed in a similar fashion as the previous ones in the alley, one of which had no face, and there was a threat sent to the White House regarding the President. It is classified, but someone was already inside, Xzion. How they got past the secret service, I’m not sure because —”

  “What did they leave?” Xzion interrupted her, getting right to the point.

  “A hand gripping one diamond and some bloody coins, some currency we can’t identify… It was left in the Queen’s Sitting Room of the White House.”

  “Jayme, let me call you back please.”

  “I’ll be waiting.” She disconnected the call.

  “Aton? Are you there?”

  “Yes, I’m here.”

  “I just killed two Yuledrakes. Sahee is also here. He had a message for me, and I gave him his answer, right in front of his eyes. This is serious; there is no turning back. Jatorn wants me to be his lackey.”

  “Sahee is there?” Aton appeared to stumble over the previous announcement.

  “Yes. They’ve started and Jayme just told me they are now abducting people. Little do the humans know, that is worse than the murders. They also broke into the White House and left a message: someone’s hand gripping a diamond and clutching their own currency, no doubt. Well, that’s not what she said, but she is putting two and two together based on the little bit I’ve told her. I hate keeping shit from her. I told her I’d be upfront.” He said the last part more for himself, than for Aton’s benefit.

  “Xzion, I am fully aware of this. They are in Europe, Africa, and of course all over the United States. I am certain they had no immediate interest in the United States, but because you are there, they realized they first had to either get you to join forces with them, or annihilate you. Regardless, their reach is broad. They are in Asia as well. I have a meeting scheduled with America’s officials and the United Nations. You need to attend.”

  Xzion’s stomach rumbled in anger. Years before he was born, a historical moment etched the history books. In 1967, the revered and kindhearted president of Zarkstorm, Nostro, had met with the United Nations as well. The meeting did not go well, and only a few years later, Nostro succumbed to over-heating and perished. Back then, the human military forces were already well aware of alien presence, but all they did was attempt to capture and torture his people for experimentation purposes, as they had done other forms of extra-terrestrial life.

  America has a similar problem as the Yuledrakes…curiosity that leads to greed…

  His cell rang again. Jayme.

  “Shit!” He picked it up. “Hold on, Aton… Baby, I’m —”

  “Turn on the news when you get a chance,” she blurted. “The same shit is going on all over the country, Xzion. It’s like someone just woke up with a wild hair up their ass.” She said it calmly, but hysteria lurked beneath her tone. She disconnected so quickly, he could almost pretend it was only a dream based on her brief call, but he knew better. He sighed.

  “I’m back, Aton. Just tell me when the meeting is, and I’ll be there.”

  “Soon. We’ve pinpointed the location of the weapons by the way.”

  “Tell me where they are, and I will disengage them, then destroy them.”

  “You need help to do that, Xzion. You can’t be four places at one time.” Though he couldn’t see the man, he knew Aton was at his wit’s end with Xzion’s obstinacy.

  “You’re fast, but not that fast. Hold on, Xzion, I’m getting another report…”

  Xzion began to drive again. The traffic was getting thicker as people stopped to get coffee and illegally park in front of court buildings and the post office.

  “Xzion, the army is ready. We’ve got four thousand and seventy-six soldiers at your disposal. The rest will stay here, to help protect Zarkstor
m and neighboring planets. Now, be prepared to meet tomorrow morning.”

  He turned on the radio to hear the breaking news, the same things Jayme had just calmly and collectively relayed to him. The world was being set on fire and the Yuledrakes were holding the damn matches. He seized the knob and turned the radio off, almost ripping it clean off in anger. His eyes danced around the roads and crazy anger and delirium merged inside of him.

  They’re everywhere!

  It seemed everywhere he glanced, he saw more and more Yuledrakes, as well as a few Morphitians, more than he was accustomed to noticing on any previous days.

  “Fine.” He resigned himself, understanding that he now had to push his bullheadedness aside, and get the assistance that was essential to the operation. “What do you have in mind?”

  “I thought you’d never ask…”


  Xzion swiped at a tickling bead of sweat that meandered down the middle of his brow. He strained in his seat, certain that the prominent vein that throbbed during times of stress or gut-turning laughter had risen right front and center in the middle of his forehead. The last few hours had been filled with a desire for a murderous rampage and even though it wasn’t on the agenda, he had to do it. He’d pulled inside of a semi-desolate parking garage and simply waited. Like clockwork, Yuledrakes began to meander towards him, as if he were steel and they, magnets. He sneered; a happy grin cracked his stone face as he felt their presence before seeing them. He’d baited them; now it was time to reel in his catch of the day. Opening his car door and hopping out like a jackrabbit, his steps echoed on the concrete as he leisurely approached the pale, surrounding crowd. One made a move, but it was too late for anyone to back out of the deal. They threatened him, but he didn’t do well with threats, preferring promises instead.

  Less than nine minutes later, fifty-two bloodied bodies lay haphazardly strewn across the damned area. Car alarms hooted and hollered, many smeared with the shiny, silver blood of the wretched bastards. He hadn’t received more than a strained muscle as his eye beam worked overtime, and the serrated slicer in his finger gutted the bastards, filleting them like perch. Xzion branded their heads, taking his sweet time as if he were roasting marshmallows with his son by a campfire. Sighing, he got back in his car and worked a crook out of his neck before rolling away.

  The ‘XXX’ Killer was back and more dangerous than ever before…


  Aton’s voice rang out, lifting Xzion away from his thoughts.

  “So, Mr. President, this is why we felt it was imperative to discuss this with you, face to face.”

  Xzion shot Aton a glance, allowing the man to do all the talking with no interruption. Aton was of course polished in his performance. After all, it wasn’t every day that the president of the United States met with the inhabitants of other planets.

  “So.” The President gingerly picked up a shimmering glass set by his left hand and put it to his lips. To his credit, he looked composed, albeit incredulous. “All of these abductions and murders are from a group called the Yuledrakes, you say?” he repeated, as if he didn’t believe the words coming out of Aton’s mouth.


  Just then, two agents from the Homeland Defense entered. One of them raised his hand.

  “I’m sorry we are late. We were just told of the meeting.”

  Everyone looked at the two in confusion, the president especially.

  “There must be some misunderstanding. We don’t need you here,” the president announced calmly.

  He looked at Aton, then at Xzion, then back at the two agents in the room. “’Excuse me,” The President whispered to his secretary of defense. The man bowed his head, nodded a couple of times then escorted the agents out of the room after whispering something in their ears. Upon his return, the president picked up his spiel.

  “I apologize for the interruption. They were invited to attend, but due to the nature of this meeting, I do not think their presence is necessary.” The president leaned back in his seat and straightened his light blue tie that matched perfectly with a sky blue button down shirt and navy blue jacket. They sat gathered in the East Room of the White House. The president, vice president, the United States secretary of state, two agents and the United States secretary of defense huddled close together, their faces all wearing the same stern, rehearsed expression. The room was elegant, large and full of yellow and gold natural light. Never before had a Zarkstormian set foot in the White House. This private meeting was a monumental event. Back in 1967, the meeting took place on an army base; now, they sat there like revered guests. Funny how humans changed their tunes and wanted to unite when there was an imminent threat to their way of life.

  “We know who the ‘XXX’ Killer is,” Aton offered.

  Xzion swallowed and looked away as if he were going to be asked to perform a laser show after such a heavy announcement. The two Zarkstormian soldiers with them stood behind his seat in a protective posture, hovering over Xzion as if a fight were about to ensue.

  “Is he a part of this pandemonium as well?” the president asked coolly. “There were some recent murders, but we weren’t sure if it was the same person. These slayings, from what I understand, were a bit different — all of the dismembering was focused on the ribcages of the victims and the bodies appeared drained of their blood.”

  “Well, actually—”

  “Wait, don’t even answer.” He put his hand up and grinned, but not one of merriment. “All I care about is stopping this. People are beginning to panic and I don’t know how much longer we can assure them that we have this under control. Truth of the matter, we don’t.” He grimaced. “And that is the only reason I agreed to this meeting with you two. I understand you are…Zarkstormians.” The president paused, seemingly finding it hard to come to terms with this unusual situation. “According to our records, you,” he looked down at a pile of papers then back up at Xzion, “have lived in Baltimore for several years. This is disconcerting, to say the least. We had no idea and I’d like to get into why a Zarkstormian has been stationed here, but right now, we have more pressing issues.” He sighed and his shoulders slumped, as if a great weight had fallen upon him, and indeed, it had. “We are obviously under attack and with no means to determine who exactly our target is. I can’t get this stopped, no matter how I’ve tried.”

  “I will admit to you, Mr. Riutulivite…I’m sorry if I’ve pronounced your last name wrong.”

  “Just call me Aton.”

  The president nodded. “Aton, I will admit to you that I’ve known of your existence since being sworn into the office. It is not something, however, that we can discuss with the American people. We’ve tried working with your people in the past, in the 1960’s, to be exact, but that proved to be deadly.” He threw up his hands, a worried smile on his face.

  “Yes, you knew of us in 1963 but it was in 1967 that you caused my people the most harm after meeting with our president. You didn’t try to work with us at all, you tried to use us,” Xzion blurted.

  “Your people, Mr. Khrome, killed good people in an effort to use us like blood banks. These were good citizens not just in my country, but all over the world. I am not condoning drug trafficking, but I cannot in good consciousness sit here and ignore the fact that certain people from your race have annihilated innocent bystanders and took laws into your own hands. Then one of your own went on a wild killing spree across the globe not in the too distant past. It wasn’t your right to kill anyone!” the president said through gritted teeth. He slammed his fist onto the table. “I understand you need to survive and have a drive to do such, but you cannot do this to the American people!” His eyes narrowed. “There is no way in hell I trust either of you and why should I?!”

  “Because, Mr. President,” Xzion leaned forward, his brow raised, “you don’t have a choice.”

  Aton immediately jumped in, trying to clean up whatever accident he believed his pupil had spilled all over the floor from h
is fancy-free words. “Uh, what Xzion is saying, Mr. President, is that we are not your enemy any longer. We don’t have a vested interest in controlling any parts of your population. That project is over. As a matter of fact, we have an interest in protecting and serving you. You see, there was a reason we brought up the ‘XXX Killer.’”

  “He is a Zarkstormian.” The President shrugged. “We’ve already known that; that’s what I’ve been stating. Everyone who knows about your people is aware of this fact. It’s confidential information, but we knew.”

  “Yes, I had a clear understanding that you were aware of that. However,” Aton ran his hand over his face, a pleasant smile pasted on it, “…what you did not know, is that he is sitting right here…right now.”

  Suddenly, guns were drawn all over the room. The loud clicking sound of chambers echoed throughout and the humans’ fear-induced fast breathing became acute to Xzion’s ears. People that Xzion hadn’t seen with his naked eye, but knew were there, just hidden, appeared as if being birthed from the walls, their shiny black weapons pointed directly at the four Zarkstormians. None of them balked or demonstrated the slightest bit of a reaction. Xzion smiled, then burst into light laughter and clapped his hands as if the final act of a comedy was in play.


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