The Tale of the Blood Diamond

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The Tale of the Blood Diamond Page 35

by Laveen, Tiana

  “…I don’t hate you, Jayson,” the man murmured, his body stiff.

  “So many times, I wanted to just die in my sleep! So many times, I tried to kill myself with sleeping pills or pray I’d overdose…countless times! And do you know why, Daddy?!”

  “Oh Lord, Jayson, please stop!” his mother wailed. He went on, ignoring the woman who couldn’t bear to hear the truth, but it was long overdue.

  “I’ll tell you why. For quite some time, I believed I was everything you said I was. I figured that was why my life was so messed up. It was because I wasn’t doing as God wanted me to do. So, I tried to not be gay, right?” He gave a mirthless laugh. “I tried to live that life, go down the path you’d want for me, but it never worked out. So, one day, after Jayme went missing, and we thought she was dead, I prayed! I prayed for the first time in years!” His voice rang out from his soul, and he didn’t recognize it as his own.

  “I got on my knees, and I said, ‘God, my best friend is gone — the only person on this planet that gave a damn about me, besides Mama. Jayme understood me though, she accepted me as I was. Mama couldn’t do that,and I don’t blame her; it’s just the truth is all.”

  His mother looked down at the floor, as if ashamed.

  “The last thing Jayme had said to me was in an argument she and I were having.” He saw his sister re-enter the room. “The last time I saw the woman, before I thought she was dead, she had screamed, cried at me to go to rehab. She was literally begging me, on her damn knees.”

  Jayme turned away, no doubt crying silently. He hated to see her upset, but he had to keep going. This could be his last chance to lay everything out on the table.

  “I cursed her out and told her to get out of my apartment. I had to live with that, knowing I had treated her that way, and those were the last things I said to my little sister! I had to live with that for the rest of my damn life! All she wanted was for me to be healthy and happy!” More tears streamed down his face.

  “That’s all she wanted, and I couldn’t even do that. Well, after I thought she was dead, and right after that prayer, I took a long shower. I got dressed, called my job and told them I was entering treatment. My boss was relieved, and encouraging. He sat on the phone and told me to take all the time I needed because my job would be right there waiting for me when I got out. I got more love and support from him, an almost stranger, than I ever got from you, Dad! I went into treatment and I ain’t touched crack, alcohol, nothing, since! Jayme dying on me brought me out of that! It was a sobering moment that turned into an eternity. And now, here I stand. I am damn proud of who I am and all I’ve accomplished. It would be nice if I could gain your acceptance, but I can see that will never happen.”

  He made his way towards the front door. Jayme raced after him, giving him a big hug. She was trembling all over. Jayson kissed her cheek and wiped her teary face with the side of his thumb.

  “Now, you enjoy your party, little sister. You deserve it.” He grinned through the pain. “My baby sister is a sergeant now!”

  He grabbed the doorknob but before he could leave, he felt another hand on his shoulder. He turned and saw his father standing there. The man’s eyes were moist with tears. He grabbed Jayson, almost taking his breath away, and hugged him so tight, he thought the man may break him. Not knowing what to do, he slowly returned the embrace, gripped him tight, then a bit tighter. He couldn’t recall the last time his father had hugged him. It had been over fifteen years at least.

  Everyone remained quiet and just watched. After a while, the mood turned into a virus — the emotions appeared to spread, become contagious. Xzion grabbed Jayme and kissed her cheek. Their mother joined in and kissed Zachary and Xzion’s faces. Jayson gasped for air, choking back tears as his father continued to grip him. Through the special closeness of human touch, he could at least, in this one moment, have what he always dreamed of. He didn’t know how long it would last, or what it truly meant, but for right now, it was as good as it got. He’d take it, relish this indescribable thing that was happening, and even if it were just his wishful thinking, he’d go ahead and give it a title:

  A chance to repair, a chance to rebuild, a chance to start over…


  One month later…

  Jayme couldn’t believe it was really happening. For the next seven days, she was going on vacation. Not just any vacation, but to Zarkstorm. Xzion assured her he had everything just right, from the breathing modifications in the device she’d have to wear — unfortunately, he found no way around that and didn’t want to delay the mission — to food modifications once they arrived. She took a few deep breaths,å sure she was going to hyperventilate.

  “Relax…” He smiled down at her as he strapped her securely into the pod. She reached out and seized his arm.

  “Xzion, I’m…scared. I’m excited too, though,” she confessed, a smile on her face she couldn’t erase if she tried.

  Zachary seemed oblivious, once again, to any need for concern. Instead, he sat in front of her with an assortment of toys and his favorite blanket.

  “Everything is going to be okay. Don’t you know I’d never risk something like this if I wasn’t totally certain you’d be fine? We’ve ran the tests, and for the past two weeks, I’ve given you daily blood tests and physicals to make sure you were good for this. Now, when we take off, it is going to be…,” he shrugged, “unpleasant.”

  “It’s going to be painful,” she said dryly. There was no need for him to pussyfoot around.

  “Yes, okay, painful,” he conceded. “But it is short lived, and once we reach the optimum altitude, you will feel completely fine. You may actually doze off, which is ideal since the flight time is rather lengthy. I will be going slower than usual to help you and Zachary not become sick during the journey. If you become hungry or thirsty, on your left hand side are pouches of freeze dried fruit and vegetables. There are also two beverages; just be careful opening them.”

  “Place them directly over my mouth, like you showed me.” She grinned and moved the chord a bit in her ear. The breathing tube was skinny and small, and ran from her inner ear into her nostril. It monitored her as well as gave tiny doses of oxygen. An ingenious contraption, and she was proud of her husband for coming up with such a device.

  “Right. For the bathroom, it’s your seat, as I showed you, but just for reminder’s sake, it turns into a latrine. Just rise up a bit, but stay strapped in. Slide the disc over, take care of your business and put it back. Zachary will need assistance with this, so you have room here to reach forward and help him.

  “…but he knows the routine.”

  “Yes, and even though he is potty trained, he still may have an accident but he knows to tell you if you need help.”

  Jayme nodded in understanding. Xzion took her hand and gripped it, giving her a reassuring nod. He kissed her forehead then made his way towards the front of the pod. A few minutes later, he’d started the engine and the thing was vibrating. She braced the armrests and said a silent prayer, her eyes closed. When she opened them back up, she found a comforting focal point: the back of her son’s head. She could see his reflection in the mirror Xzion had installed, and switched to that to see his face. His easy going smile lit up her soul, so she pushed her reservations aside.

  “Jayme, place your in-flight oxygen mask on,” came Xzion’s voice over a speaker.

  She did as instructed and before long, they jolted towards the sky at a speed she didn’t think was possible. Gritting her teeth to get over the shock, she cursed inwardly, sure she was going to puke up the bowl of Rice Krispies® cereal she’d wolfed down prior to boarding the damned thing. But just as Xzion had promised, her body relaxed and after a while, her headache and jitters began to slowly subside.

  She glanced back ahead at Zachary, who was flipping through a board book with colorful pictures of ‘Elmo.’

  I’m going to Zarkstorm to meet my husband’s family, and see where he grew up. Lord pinch me. I must be hav
ing some wild dream! If it is a figment of my imagination, I hope to never wake up…


  Led by Xzion, Jayme waded through the crowd of Zarkstormians trying to get an eyeful of the ‘Earthling bride’. He’d pointed out several important monuments. Aton had arranged an elaborate dinner for that evening and she and Zachary were slated to be the guests of honor. They made it to an enchanting structure that left Jayme stunned. The vast room was shaped like an oval and it glowed bright blue. The décor was simple, chic and minimalistic; sleek furniture, straight lines, silver with wisps of ebony dancing at the corners, touches of elegance in just the right spots. The entire area looked rich yet foreign, for it truly was. The house had been built especially for their visit.

  Xzion marched through the stark white, bright space and flipped on a monitor that resembled a television. Jayme wasn’t certain what to expect, but she was surprised at all the similar gadgets. In a way, it felt like she’d not left home at all.

  On the screen, speaking in that special language she didn’t yet understand, was what she assumed to be a news reporter, giving a play by play of she, Zachary and Xzion. She grinned and pointed at the television as still shots of their arrival moved across the screen.

  “Xzion!” she called out, placing her jacket over a chair and careful to not bump the skinny tube running out of her nose. “We’re on T.V.!”

  “I know,” he replied. Soon she heard liquid pouring into a glass. He re-entered the room and presented a glass to her, filled with something pink and frothy.

  She hesitantly took it, her brow lifted in curiosity.

  “What is this?”

  He took a sip; his eyes rolled as if it were the best thing on Earth…well, Zarkstorm.

  “It’s huwet. It comes from a plant. It is kind of like a lemon and lime mixed together.”

  “That’s strange. Hmmm, I’ll give it a taste.” She was beyond thirsty. She’d tried to put the special water bottle to her lips in the pod, but ended up getting it all over her face instead. She tasted it and lulled her head to the side.

  “Damn, that’s good!”

  “I told you.” He grinned.

  He looked behind her and spotted Zachary setting up his crystal globes just right. They were his new obsession — a challenging yet beautiful puzzle sent to him by Aton. Xzion clapped his hands.

  “Come on, little guy! Uhhhh!” He swooped down and picked the boy up, breaking his concentration and causing him to protest yet smile all the same. “It’s time to get washed up and ready. You’ve got people waiting to see you.”

  Xzion took Jayme and his son on a tour of the house. It made Earthly luxury look like a hut in the middle of ruins. She’d never seen such craftsmanship, and everything appeared to sparkle. A scent that reminded her of freshly laundered clothing, or new linens, permeated the rooms. Zachary was now playing happily in his room, and thanks to Aton, that area, too, was stocked with new toys, games and books. Xzion opened their bedroom door, right next to his. The man’s delight at her reaction wasn’t missed.

  “I’ve never seen anything like this in my life. You all live big here, huh?”

  Silver drapes swayed down white curtain rods, exposing an extraterrestrial city, aglow with bright lights, vehicles that in some manner resembled cars and Zarkstormians, all dressed in silver, black or navy.

  “I told you I was slumming it,” he taunted as he made his way to the wet bar in their bedroom. “This is our version of an after-dinner refreshment. As you know, we can’t become intoxicated or high, but many of us enjoy the tastes of such pleasures, all the same. Uh, let’s see.” He dipped lower and pulled out two bottles. One was filled with a bright green liquid, the other a golden brown. “This one right here is like vodka.” He pointed to the bright green one. “This one right here is like tequila, as far as tastes are concerned.”

  Jayme smirked and fell upon the bed. The soft sheets seemed to grab and hug her tight, their luxurious feel memorizing.

  “Can I get drunk from those?”

  “Yes. It is still fermented fruit, which in fact would have that effect on you. Shall I get you drunk tonight and ravish you?”

  She tossed him a glance, but the man wasn’t smiling. He was dead serious.

  “Now why would you need to get me drunk for that?” She chuckled.

  “Because you’re a bit nervous. This is a new place.”

  Boy, he knew her well.

  “But I’d still like to make love once we return tonight, so just know you’re on notice. If you need either of these beverages to assist you, then let me know. In the meantime, I am getting in the shower.” He quickly disrobed and entered into a large, open bathroom area. Soon, steam filled the space as water from three shower heads simultaneously rained down upon his body. Just like home, he picked up a clear bar of what she was presumed was soap, and was soon coated in suds. The strong, clean smell she’d inhaled in the foyer area was now filling up the bedroom as well. Jayme ran her fingers through her hair, grinned and slowly rose from her slumbering position to check on Zachary. She tiptoed across the plush carpet, her feet sinking with each step. It was almost as if the carpet knew she was there, and bent and moved with each step she took. She looked behind her after she’d cleared the way, and saw her footprints slowly disappearing — as if she’d walked across memory foam. Shaking her head in amazement, she entered the adjoining bedroom. Not to her surprise, Zachary had the music on and toys strewn everywhere.

  “So this is how you show your appreciation?” She smiled as she bent and picked up a couple of them. “Zach, you’re making quite the mess.” She shook her head in a reprimanding way.

  “Fun toys!” the boy exclaimed as he raced to the corner and collected one in his hands to demonstrate for her. He began to turn and twist it until another piece popped out of it, flying across the room and spinning around like a helicopter. The music started again. He shoved it in his mother’s palm and looked up at her as if to say, ‘You try.’

  “Oh boy…” She fell to her knees and twisted and turned the object, but it only became more and more complicated. Her son kept shaking his head.

  “No Mommy….no…not right,” he said, which caused her to fall to pieces in hysterics.

  “Baby, look, I have no idea how this works. Why don’t you show me?” She handed it back to him and watched his quick and nimble hands work the thing over as if he were being timed. Her jaw dropped once he completed it, causing the thing to open once again, and a new tune to play.

  “That is incredible. You’re really smart, Zachary.” She took the toy into her hand and studied it from various angles, trying to figure out how in the world he did that. Xzion entered with a towel wrapped around his waist and dug in his ear with a washcloth.

  “Don’t look now, but there is a crowd gathered around the house.”

  “What?” Hopping up, she marched towards Zachary’s window, opened the curtains and peered out. “Oh my God. It’s like paparazzi or something!”

  “Well.” Xzion laughed. “You could kind of say that. Some of them have never actually seen a human woman in the flesh before, Jayme. You’re a big deal and not only that, you’re the mother of Zachary, and in my Warrior culture, that means you’re revered.” He crept up behind her and held her tightly by the waist, close to his heated body. Even through the towel, she could feel his arousal. She gulped and looked over her shoulder, into his eyes.

  “Hmmm, I guess I better get ready for dinner tonight.” Xzion hesitated to release her from his grasp but finally conceded, allowing her to pass. He followed her back into their bedroom, hot on her trail.

  “I’ll uh, get Zachary cleaned up and dressed. Your gown is inside that closet.” He pointed across the room.

  Jayme nodded and smiled, feeling the sexual tension hanging around like a low-rising cloud or maybe, it was something else. She disrobed down to her underwear, then opened the closet door he’d directed her to, and pulled out the sparkling, odd yet beautiful burgundy dress.

  “This is gorgeous…” she whispered as she ran the material between her fingers.

  “Not as gorgeous as you. Jayme…” he said from behind her. He cleared his throat. “I don’t think I can make you understand how important this moment is to me. I fantasized about it. I wanted you to come home with me from the moment I knew I was in love with you.”

  She glanced over her shoulder and nodded to him.

  “I wanted you to see the place from which I came, and I wanted you to be able to walk around like the rest of us, without any equipment. That proved to be impossible, but the apparatus I made is at least not as intrusive as a helmet. Never mind that though. I just,” he took a deep breath as he ran his hand down his chest, taking slow steps towards her, “hoped, you know, that the war would end so I could share this moment with you, with our son. To be here as a family…to meet everyone, and to see that I didn’t just burst out of the sky. I come from people with a rich history that our son is now a part of.” He reached into a fold of his towel and removed a necklace. She gasped as he wrapped it around her neck, clasping it. It reminded her of a bright red diamond, a gem she’d never seen before. Not quite a ruby, but something that glowed and appeared alive.

  “This diamond is known on our planet as agatim. It is not like the diamonds of Earth; it cannot be turned into a drug. It is a rare gem that is given to Zarkstormian Warrior women. Each Warrior woman who had given birth would receive one once her child had taken three breaths. Agatim translates to ‘blood diamond.’ Each diamond is shaped the same and has a natural perforation at the top. In that perforation, we pour essence, meaning blood. It is the blood of the mother and the child combined, which causes it to glow and pulse. If she had more children, their drops are added to the mixture soon after their births. Inside the gem is your and Zachary’s blood. When I ran the tests on you for this journey, I saved a small sample just for this moment, so that I could make your jewelry.”


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