Room Service

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Room Service Page 13

by Summer Cooper

  “I want you, Jessi,” I admitted, my voice coming out low and husky. She should know just how badly I wanted her, so much more than I’d ever wanted anyone. I found I had a problem then, I couldn’t find the words to explain it.

  “I want you, too, Trent,” Jessi said in a whisper.

  The admission was enough to get me to forget everything else. I ducked my head down to ravage her mouth in a kiss, reaching for her clothes to pull them off.

  Right then, I wanted her in bed, under me, and I wanted it as fast as possible. Jessi didn’t seem to mind, moaning into the kiss as her own hands pushed my coat off my shoulders, then fumbled for the buttons of my shirt.

  I chuckled into the kiss, keeping one arm tight around her waist as I kissed her hard.

  You’re mine, Jessi. For tonight, and hopefully, for many more nights to come.



  Why is this happening again?

  The thought entered my mind, and just as quickly was swept away with more kisses as Trent held me tightly as if he would never let me go. I knew better than to read too much into the gesture. We were both getting caught up in the moment again. I knew once it was gone I would regret it.

  But how could I not jump him again after he said all that!

  To say it was a surprise would be a major understatement. The man who could never seem to run out of ways to insult me and belittle me was suddenly speaking up in my favor. It made no sense, and I didn’t know his motivation, but I couldn’t deny that I was moved. And then it hit me again.

  I was moving. Moving somewhere not too far, but far enough that I wouldn’t be able to run into anyone I knew by coincidence. There would be no seeing my friends and family every day. There would be no seeing Trent.

  And yet, he’d shown up in front of me. This was my one last chance with him, after this, we’d never get to see each other again. When I thought that, I couldn’t help but want one last go-round with the love of my life before I threw all of that behind me.

  In spite of his asking me to stay… my plan was to leave, and nothing would change that.

  “Let’s go to the bedroom,” I said in between kisses, starting to feel the urgency. Not just my impending departure; I remembered the last time we did this and how good it felt. I was in a hurry to have that feeling back.

  After one last hard kiss, Trent pulled back to grin down at me.

  “Lead the way,” he said, releasing all of me but my hand.

  I bit my lip and stared at his face, trying to memorize it. There hadn't been time for me to see it properly before, and the alcohol hadn't helped. But now I could see it, Trent looking at me like he was happy to look at me for once, not like I was something scraped out from the tread of his expensive designer shoes.

  It was a lovely sight.

  “Is something wrong, Jessi?” he asked, his voice gentle. He tucked a stray lock of hair behind my ear.

  My breath blew out of me in a heavy gust, and I did my best not to show too much surprise. What would I do, if he realized what he was doing and decided it was a mistake? If he suddenly did a one-eighty on me and became the asshole from before?

  I couldn’t handle that, not now. Not when I was about to get exactly what I wanted.

  This time, I even came prepared. I’d hoped he would come by to see me, and it had seemed like a vain hope the more I packed and he still hadn’t shown up. I had some condoms on the nightstand in my bedroom waiting for us. It was easier than taking another pill, and I couldn’t just take one on the off chance he would come looking for me.

  The condoms made me seem just a little less desperate. If he wondered why I had them in the first place… I was going to lie like my life depended on it. I wasn’t sure what lie to tell just yet, if he even asked, but I would have one to give.

  “The bedroom,” I muttered, after long moments of memorizing his face, and he didn’t once interrupt me as he looked me over himself, still with that gentle look that I wasn’t used to receiving from him. “It’s this way.”

  I squeezed his hand where it lay in mine, then turned and led the way. It was a short trip, but we had to walk around the boxes to get there.

  “You don’t have a lot of stuff,” Trent muttered, probably to himself, but I heard him anyway.

  “Yeah, well. We don’t all have the kind of background you do. I don’t have a lot of stuff to my name.”

  All the stuff I had was already packed away in the boxes, and it was just enough that I could fit it all into my car if I used the trunk and the backseat. The only stuff I had left out was my outfit for tomorrow and the bedding because I wouldn’t be leaving until the morning.

  I will be leaving, I promised myself. Once it’s morning, everything is over. But just one more time…

  Trent turned me around once we got into the bedroom, and I let him walk me backward to the bed. He didn’t break his gaze once, and I could feel my heart start to beat fast and hard in my chest as my excitement grew. As much as I’d tried to make myself stop thinking about our first time, I couldn’t, and I wanted tonight to be just as good, if not better.

  “You’re something, you know that,” Trent murmured, finally coming to a stop. The hand still holding mine released it, only to wrap back around my waist and tug my body against his. “You grew up beautiful, Jessi.”

  I pursed my lips, feeling my cheeks warm with a blush. Don’t listen to him, Jessi! It’s a trick!

  “You’re just saying that,” I accused.

  He smiled crookedly at me. “Believe what you want. I could always show you what you do to me?”

  It was worded as a question, but I wasn’t given time to answer. He ducked his head and I sighed into his kiss, standing on tiptoes to kiss him back, my hands sliding over his shoulders again. His coat was gone from when we’d first embraced out in the front room, so he was left in just his shirt. I’d undone a few of the buttons but had forgotten the tie because it was still there around his neck.

  I took my time, mapping the inside of his mouth. I didn’t know quite what I was doing since Trent was the only man I’d ever kissed. But I tried to call on what I’d learned from last time. I licked his lip to gain access, then tentatively slid my tongue into his mouth, licking the roof of his mouth, then tangling our tongues together. Trent sucked on my tongue, and I moaned as I held myself even closer to him.

  Focus, Jessi. Get to the bed first…

  My arms moved around his neck until my hands were at his collar, and I went to work on his tie. It came loose with a couple of tugs, then I was working on his buttons. It was going a little slow because he kept distracting me with kisses, but I did manage to get all the way to where his shirt was tucked into his pants. I tugged it out, finished unbuttoning, and then pushed it off his shoulders.

  I groaned when he stopped kissing me to pull it off when I’d managed to avoid it so far. He chuckled at me. With his shirt off, he undid his belt and my lips parted as I watched him slowly strip down in front of me. He paused with his fly undone, and when I met his gaze he had an eyebrow arched my way.

  “I’m not going to be the only one getting naked, am I?” he asked cheekily, adding a little grin.

  “You’re in an unusually good mood today,” I muttered with a pout. I reached around my back to pull down my zip, realizing just then that he’d already pulled it more than halfway down already. I finished pulling it down, then wrapped my arms around myself, hands on my shoulders, trying to talk myself into actually taking it off.

  This is the worst kind of time to start feeling shy, I chided myself. But Trent staring at me so intently wasn’t exactly helping.

  “I have been looking for you for the whole week,” he admitted. “Well, trying, anyway. I was too busy. I came here the day after we were together last time, but I didn’t see you.”

  That had me stilling in shock, but in the next moment, I was dismissing it in my mind. It couldn’t possibly mean anything. Trent looked so beautiful, so sincere in that moment, but how could
I take his word for it? There was no way it could be true.

  Leopards didn’t change their spots, after all, and especially not so quickly that it would give me whiplash if I wasn’t already planning on running away, so I didn’t see him go back to his usual self.

  I was giving myself this one last chance. So I could feel the way he’d made me feel that night one last time.

  “Are you just going to stand there?” I snapped after a moment of neither of us moving.

  Trent smirked and let his pants drop, kicking them to the side. My jaw dropped at how readily he did it, though he still had his briefs on. Steeling myself, I slid the dress off my shoulders and kicked it to the side as well. I stood in front of him, half naked, wanting to cover myself with my hands, but holding back the urge.

  “So beautiful,” Trent murmured, closing the space between us again and taking me in his arms as he pressed our lips together for another kiss.

  We tumbled into the bed. My bed wasn’t as big or as soft as Trent’s bed. If we rolled around too much, one of us would probably end up on the floor. He didn’t seem to mind, holding me close as he settled right in the middle. I shoved at his briefs as he undid my bra, and we stripped our underwear off, tossing them to the floor.

  “Nightstand,” I gasped out before he could push me down again. “My nightstand, first drawer.”

  Trent grumbled but leaned over to reach for the drawer. I lowered myself onto my back and waited. He pulled out the condoms and arched an eyebrow down at me. He didn’t say anything though, kneeing my thighs apart and settling between my legs. I bit down on my lower lip as I watched him open up the condom and slide the rubber onto his cock. I’d never seen a man naked like this. The last time didn’t count because I didn’t remember seeing it. I wasn’t a virgin anymore, but seeing how big he was, I was suddenly hit with the same fear from that night.

  I forgot it pretty quickly because Trent knew just what he was doing. He caught my legs under the knees to wrap them around his hips, then leaned down, so his upper body lay above mine. One arm wrapped around my waist, arching my back slightly as he pressed licks and kisses all over my breasts. I gasped and moaned every time he flicked my nipple or wrapped his lips around one and sucked.

  He had me squirming and writhing under him in seconds, keeping me distracted so I didn’t even have time to feel fear when his cock slid into me. He was far gentler than before, and it still felt just as good.

  “Trent,” I moaned out, tipping my head back as I swiveled my hips, gasping at the feel of being so full. “Please, move.”

  He hummed, his lips moving from my chest as he kissed up my neck. His hips moved, slowly at first, pulling back until just the tip of him remained inside me, then entering me in a slow thrust. He started up a rhythm, adding a roll to his hips with every thrust. I dug my fingers into his shoulders as I held on, my legs tight around his hips.

  “Jessi,” he whispered.

  My eyes fluttered open at the call of my name, and I met his gaze. There was this unreadable look in them, but before I could decipher it, he was kissing me. His hips moved faster until his hips slammed into mine with every thrust as he fucked me into the mattress. My moans and cries were muffled in his kisses, and he sneaked a hand between us to cup one of my breasts, his thumb and forefinger teasing the nipple.

  Pleasure pooled at the base of my spine, and I broke away from the kiss, tipping my head back. He moved to kissing all over my neck, the arm around my waist holding tightly onto my hip, and I knew I would have marks to carry with me for a few days.


  I cried out his name as my body started to shiver. I dragged my nails down his back, and he growled as we hit the climax. Trent’s hips stilled against mine, and I could feel him pulse inside me as I convulsed hard around his cock.

  We slumped into the bed, sated, and Trent rolled us to the side, keeping me in his arms. I held onto him just as tightly, closing my eyes and burying my face into his chest as a stray tear leaked out of my eye.

  Goodbye, Trent. I don’t want to, but I’m sure I’ll miss you.



  I held Jessi close, feeling her holding me just as tightly.

  What am I doing?

  The thought kept running through my mind as I realized this wasn’t exactly normal behavior for me. Of all the women I’d had sex with, I didn’t usually end up asleep in the same bed with them, and even in the few cases I did, there was never this… cuddling afterward.

  I realized I really loved feeling her soft, smaller body pressed against me.

  “Jessi?” I called tentatively.

  There was no answer. She squirmed a little and curled further into my chest, and I couldn’t help grinning.

  I am never letting you go again, Jessi, I thought to myself with determination.

  It felt more like admitting something I’d known for a while than coming to a realization that she was really important to me. Besides, I’d practically bared my soul to her twice now. I wasn’t sure if she knew how important it was that I’d let my walls down around her. After that, I just couldn’t let her go.

  My body shivered a little as I ducked my head into her hair and breathed deeply. Jessi was still asleep in my arms. I’d never done this before with my bed partners, but for Jessi, I could allow a lot. I knew, for her, I could let myself start to love again. It was something so foreign to me, but I knew it would come so easily with Jessi by my side.

  I wasn’t sure when I fell asleep. I didn’t think I could, feeling so giddy for the first time in a long while. But I did eventually drift off, dreaming of Jessi as I held her close in my arms. My dreams were all about our past, present, and future. I hadn't forgotten how she was the closest person to me before my mom died. I’d pushed everyone away, but Jessi had always stuck around. I hadn't been nice to her back then, but now I could feel the ice around my heart start to melt.

  As for our future… I hoped we had one together, anyway. It would be just perfect if that dream could come true.

  Then, I woke up, and once again, I was alone.

  Really Jessi? I thought with a frown. Why did she keep doing that? I stretched out then moved to where I’d dropped my clothes, searching for my phone through them. It wasn’t that early in the morning, so maybe she was just at work?

  That’s right, I thought to myself, feeling placated. There wasn’t anything else that would get her out of bed early, right? She had her obligations to the hotel. She probably got up early to head to work.

  I got dressed in yesterday’s clothes, leaving my shirt only partway buttoned and leaving off the tie. I didn’t look around the room as I left, though I couldn’t help but notice the boxes she’d had around were all gone.

  “She probably just put the stuff back,” I said to myself in reassurance.

  She had a long shift usually, and I couldn’t go down to bother her. Besides, that would only fuel the rumors, and I needed to kill them before they grew even more annoying.

  It was early enough that I didn’t worry about anyone catching me coming out of her room. I rushed back to mine to jump into the shower. I hummed as I stood under the warm spray, keeping the shower short. Then I was getting dressed for my day. I left my room and headed for the elevators to take me up to the office.

  I was tempted to give Jessi a call. Then I remembered she hadn't officially given me her number yet. It was still there in the records, but I couldn’t bring myself to use that. The elevator doors opened before I could think too much about it, and I stepped outside.

  Besides, I would probably only be a bother to her. Jessi had always been the responsible type, and if I tried to butt in while she was working she would be annoyed with me. Besides, it was one of the reasons I admired her so much. She knew what needed to be done and she went and did it. As much as my dad had tried to teach me, I’d learned that sort of attitude from her.

  “Good morning, sir.”

  I stopped with a blink because I’d almost just wal
ked past the secretary. Usually, I greeted her in the morning. If she hadn't called out to me, I would have forgotten.

  I gave her a wide grin as I said, “Good morning to you too. Have some coffee sent up for me before starting anything, all right? Thank you.”

  She was left stunned as I walked into the office. And while I knew why, I didn’t care.

  I was happy.

  The realization was a pretty obvious one, but I couldn’t help grinning at the thought. For the first time in a long time, I could say I was genuinely happy, and it was all because of Jessi. My day was better because I was thinking of when I would get to see her later.

  My coffee came in twenty minutes later, and I thanked both the server and the secretary as she’d let him in. I was left to myself, humming as I drank my coffee and logged into my computer. I picked up work where I’d left off yesterday, feeling more excited than I’d felt in a long while to get to work.

  After a while, I picked up my phone because I couldn’t help myself. I had Jessi’s number, so why not use it? I sent a quick text.

  Hey, Jessi. It’s me, Trent. Let me know if you got into work okay.

  I winced because it was the best I could think of, but I felt like I could have done better. I put my phone down, but even as I went back to work I kept eyeing my phone, waiting for a reply. None came for a while, then a knock on the door diverted my attention.

  “Come in,” I called, leaning back in my chair.

  The secretary walked in, followed by my brothers. I grinned.

  “Mason, Kevin! Aren’t you guys up a little early? I figured you both like to sleep in.”

  Both my brothers froze, but the secretary crossed the room, picked up the mug, and walked away without a word. She closed the door behind herself, and the noise seemed to jolt my brothers, because they approached the desk again.


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