Wayward Secret (Wayward Saints MC Book 7)

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Wayward Secret (Wayward Saints MC Book 7) Page 1

by K. Renee

  The Wayward Saints MC

  Book Seven

  By K. Renee





  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  Unedited Sneak Peek:

  About the Author



  To anyone who has been afraid of showing the ones you love who you truly are. Be yourself, embrace yourself flaws and all.


  Wayward Secret

  © 2016 K. Renee

  Published by K. Renee

  1st Edition

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, you should return it to the seller and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

  Published: K. Renee - 2016

  [email protected]

  Cover Design: KLa Boutique

  Formatting: K. Renee

  Cover: © Kruse Images & Photography: Models & Boudoir


  Cover Model: Sam Wiles


  Editor: Ashley Blevins @ TBC Editing


  ISBN-13: 978-1539157915

  ISBN-10: 1539157911


  Growing up, I've always known that I was different than my brothers. They always wanted to play cops and robbers, while I’d rather spend time baking with my mom. Of course, they would make fun of me, I hated being the different one, but every day I sucked it up and played the same things they did.

  As we grew up, they were always talking about how they were going to grow big and strong and join the MC just like our father, I wanted to be like that too. He was my role model and sure I wanted to be like him. Hell, I wish I was like him. Maybe then I wouldn't have this secret. This secret has taken over my entire life; it has eaten away at my livelihood for years.

  Being in an MC is hard enough, but keeping this secret is fucking torture. I'm afraid to tell both my brothers by blood and my brothers by brotherhood. They are all so set in their ways, they will probably avoid me as if I were the plague, if they knew.

  Being the youngest son of the Vice President of the Wayward Saints had its pluses, but it also made me feel like I was alone. No one knew the secret I had been keeping since I was a teenager, I wasn't sure if I'd ever tell them. I wanted to tell them, but they wouldn’t understand. I barely fucking understand half the time.

  I want so bad to be like my brothers; it kills me inside knowing that I can’t. I tried to fuck girls all throughout high school to keep the suspicion off of me, but I was never able to get off. Instead I always got them off, and then pretended to got mine too When I got older and graduated high school, I finally had more freedom.

  Well, I take that back. After high school, I started prospecting at the Wayward Saints. My father and brothers pushed me into it. I had limited freedom. My life revolved around being a Wayward Saint’s brother’s bitch for the first year. After that, I actually had the freedom I was dying for. I was able to get away whenever I wanted.

  I love the Saints and everything they stand for. They are the extended family that I grew up around, they have your back no matter what. Club whores were always everywhere, anytime one of my family members or the Davoli’s came around, those bitches were on you like white on rice. I hated their attention, but when I would turn away from them my brothers would give me a hard time.

  I hated knowing that I was different from them. I never fucked the club whores. Instead I would get on my bike and ride out until I hit a small town outside of Las Vegas.

  As soon as the bright lights of the city disappeared behind me, I felt free.

  I didn’t have to worry about what my brothers would say or how disappointed my father would be if I never found myself an ole’ lady. Brantley and Jase both had fucking families now, hell, so did Dominic and even my cousin Gunner was about to be a dad. Everyone was growing up around me and there were still so many things I kept hidden.

  Looking across the bed at where Spencer is sleeping, I remember the first time we met. Spencer is full of useless facts that no one should know, oddly enough I find that attractive. He is the total opposite of me. I’m a biker and he’s a in a special crimes unit, two opposite fucking people, one chance meeting and one hell of a ride so far.

  The day we met I knew that he was the one. He was everything that I am not, he pushed me to be a better man. He loved me for all of my flaws and never complained when I told him I couldn't tell my family about us.

  I could tell it killed him to know that we were never going to be out in the open. Shit, it killed me too. I loved him, I would do anything for him. He was the first person to see me for who I really was and not judge me. Sure my brothers would probably say that they still loved me anyways, but I know that they would judge me. They would judge my lifestyle and my relationship; I couldn't subject Spencer to that. He didn't deserve it.

  The longer we keep our secret, the guiltier I feel. Spencer deserves to have someone who loved him as freely as he loved me. That night everything blew up in my face, it was too late to finally say these three words to him. He lied to me. I lied to him. Our secrets almost destroyed us.

  Chapter One

  Walking into one of the clubs I frequent, outside of the city, I scope the place out and make my way to the bar. This place isn’t something that any of my brothers would be caught dead in. For one, there are no women here unless you count the drag queens that tend the bar from time to time. Two, they would probably blow a damn gasket just knowing that I came here.

  It’s the only place I feel like I can be myself, or the version of myself that I don’t show my family. They think of me as the younger brother of Brant and Jase or the son of Nick, the VP of the Wayward Saints. Not one of them thinks of me as being gay. Half of the time, I have a hard enough time with it myself. I feel like I lose more of myself every day that I don’t tell them, but I fear for their reactions.

  Walking to the bar, I order a beer and lean against the bar with my
back to it. Scanning the room, I notice a man standing there talking with someone else. He is nothing like the majority of the men that come here. He oozes masculinity and control. Most of the men that I find here are only about getting my dick in their asses and fucked roughly, not that I’m complaining. I love being able to take my frustrations out on their bodies.

  His eyes meet mine for a minute, I can feel my dick tighten against my zipper. My eyes roam over his body, I can see the way his dark jeans fit his powerful thighs and tight ass. The bartender puts the beer on the counter and leans close to my ear and whispers, “He’s a sight isn’t he?” I turn my attention to her and grin.

  “Yeah.” I hand her a twenty and tell her to keep the change.

  “Thank you sweetness,” she purrs into my ear. Turning my attention back to the man across the room, I scan his body and notice the way his shirt fits his arms. He’s in shape, but not overly done. I can see a tattoo peeking up through his tee shirt and part of me wants to get a better look at it. Taking a long pull off of the beer in my hand, I turn my attention away from the delicious man and scan the room again.

  Nothing catches my eye this time and it doesn’t surprise me. I typically only come here when I need a release. My brothers told me I needed to get laid last night, after I nearly bit one of their heads off for touching my bike. I don’t even know why I flipped out on them. Fuck, I don’t even know what my deal is lately.

  I’ve watched them all slowly start to fall in love and it’s been fucking hell. Ever since I can remember, I wanted to have what my parents have. I wanted a once in a lifetime love that would take the shitty-ness that we deal with on a daily basis and make it fuckin' worth the fight.

  My phone beeps, I see my brother Seb’s name on the screen. He and I are probably the closest out of the Insico boys. Brant and Jase were always in their own little world together and my parents pushed it off on them being twins, which left me and Seb to spend a lot of time together over the years. He’s probably my best friend other than River.

  River is fucking beautiful and has had a crush on my brother Seb for longer than I can remember. She’s five foot five with dark hair that most women would die for. She’s everything that I would want in a woman if I was attracted to them. She’s funny, smart and the total opposite of us. The good girl with a big heart. She’s loyal to a fault, I still don’t get why she puts up with me half the time.

  Sebastian: Let’s get fucked up!

  I shake my head at his message and close out of it. If I write him back and tell him no, he’s going to ask what I’m doing; I don’t really feel like dealing with his questions right now. Before I can look up from my phone, I feel someone brush up against me. A hand slowly runs up my arm and when I look up, I see the man from across the room.

  Our eyes lock again, I can feel his dark eyes zero in on me.

  “Hey,” he says with a grin.

  His hand runs up and down my arm again; I take a step closer to him. He turns to order a drink and then his attention is back on me.

  “Hey,” My eyes run down his body again now that he’s closer, I want to reach out and touch him. The bartender puts his drink down and I reach into my pocket. Grabbing another twenty, I hand it to her. She takes the money quickly and I see her smirk.

  “I’m Spencer. I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure of seeing you here before,” he says. He puts his lips to the glass of whiskey and takes a sip. “I would have remembered you.”

  Fuck, I would have remembered him if I saw him before too.

  “I come every once in a while,” I murmur. Men start coming to the bar around us and I’m forced to move even closer to Spencer. We are practically chest to chest, there is nowhere I’d rather be right now.

  My hand goes to his hip and his eyes practically undress me. Before I can say anything else, I feel my phone vibrate against my dick. Groaning, I reach into my pocket and pull it out. Looking at the screen, I see River’s name. She’s going to have to wait until later.

  “Boyfriend?” he asks huskily. I shake my head no and pull him into my body. My hand grips his ass and I grind my erection into him. I don’t even need the foreplay right now, I’m that damn hard. His lips slowly trail over the skin on my neck and I hear his whisper. “Your place or mine?”

  I pull back enough to tell him his place, before I crush my mouth down onto his. His mouth is rough against mine, we are both panting by the time we pull away. He grabs my hand and leads me through the crowd and towards the door, drinks long forgotten. Before he can walk towards a Chevy truck, I stop him and pull him back to me. My hands run up his back and I claim his mouth with mine again. My tongue slips into his mouth, I massage his tongue with mine until his hands are digging into my back.

  When we break apart this time, I can feel his hardness through his jeans. Running my hands down his back, I grip his ass and grind him against me again. “Fuck,” I groan. He nips at my bottom lip and pulls it between his teeth.

  “You have me so hard right now.” He mumbles as he releases my lip.

  “Good.” I say before I press his body into the wall of the bar. My hand goes to his throat and I kiss him again. Fuck, I could get used to the way he tastes. The taste of whiskey is like second nature to me; I love the way it mixes with his particular taste.

  “We need to get out of here before I fuck you against this wall.” I say against his lips. I release my hold on him and watch as he walks towards his truck. When he gives me a questioning look, I nod my head towards my bike. “I’ll follow you.” He gets in and starts his truck as I start to make my way towards my bike.

  Checking the message from River, I see that she’s butt hurt about my brother again. She’s been trying to get him to notice her, but has failed miserably because he thinks I’m fucking her. Sebastian is a loyal son of a bitch, he would never try and steal the girl I’m fucking even if he had feelings for her. I tried to tell him that it wasn’t like that between us, but he doesn’t believe it.

  Putting my phone away, I straddle my bike and turn the key. Listening to her engine roar, I adjust my hard on and motion for him to take off. I follow behind him for the ten miles it takes to get to his place and watch as he pulls in the drive of a small house on the outskirts of this small podunk town. He gets out just as I pull into his drive and park my bike in front of his truck. I don’t know what this town’s crime rate is, but I’m not taking any chances on my baby.

  “Nice bike.” He says as I kill the engine.

  “Thanks. I custom built her when I turned eighteen.” I run my hand over the gas tank and he makes his way towards me. His eyes never leave mine as he reaches out and pulls my head to his mouth.

  “I’ve always wanted to ride on one of these Harley’s.” He says when he releases my mouth. My hand grips his hip, I pull him closer and motion for him to get on. He slowly puts his leg over the bike and sits in front of me. My dick is straining against my jean, I want so bad to free the fucker just so I can get his sweet lips wrapped around me.

  “I’ll give you something to ride.” I murmur, pulling his head to mine. I grip the nape of his hair and run my mouth against his throat. I hear a car coming down the street, but his truck is blocking the sight of us. The lights illuminate the area around us and when I look down, I can see the bulge in his jeans. My free hand runs down his neck and towards his stomach, slowly feeling my way down his rigid body. When I come to his dick, I rub my hand slowly along his shaft.

  He moans in appreciation and I brace the bike leaning him backwards. I run my hands down his chest and his hands go to the handle bars almost like he's afraid to fall. “I won’t let you fall.” I say looking up at him. He grins back at me and I run my hand up his shirt, pulling it up as I go. Kissing my way up his stomach and then back down to the top of his jean, I run a hand down his thigh while the other is rubbing against his jean covered dick.

  One of his hands grabs my hair and he gives it a tug, drawing a groan from deep in my throat. Running my tongue along his skin, I h
ear his moan. Undoing the button on his jeans, I start to slide down his zipper. Reaching a hand inside, I grip his dick, stroking him slowly. His back arches off the bike and I have to steady us. Leaning my body over his, I run my lips over his skin again and pull his dick out of his jeans. Making my way back down his abs and towards his dick, I hear his intake of breath.

  I stroke my hand up and down his shaft a few times; I look up at him to see him watching me intently. His mouth opens as I lower my head and take his tip into my mouth. “Fuck,” he gasps. His hand grips my hair tighter as I take him into my mouth as he sets the pace. Pleasuring him the way I like it done to me, I grip his dick tight and swirl my tongue around his head a few times before I take him to the back of my throat.

  “Fuck. Your mouth feels so damn good.” He thrusts his hips up and into my mouth. I have to widen my stance even further to keep us from falling over. I suck him until he’s good and hard, massaging his balls for a few minutes before I pull him up and kiss his mouth again.

  Fuck. I could get lost in his body and I haven’t even seen the whole damn thing yet. His fingers tangle into my hair, I let him control the kiss this time. Cupping his cheek, I let him show me just how he kisses. “I want to suck your dick. If it’s as big…” he trails off and runs his hand along my shaft. “Fuck, you feel big.” His finger runs along the piercing at the tip of my dick and I groan.

  “Then why don’t you take me inside and suck it?” I ask in a husky tone. He leans forward and claims my mouth again before he throws his leg over the bike and makes his way towards the door. Putting my kickstand down, I make sure my vest is still tucked into my bag. I’m not even supposed to go into a bar without my colors on, but I know that shit doesn’t fly at the gay bars so I respect it. If my family found out I wasn’t wearing my colors, they’d have my ass. They’d say I was disrespecting the club, the family.

  Bikers aren’t gay. They are the men who fuck woman after woman until there are none left that they haven’t fucked. Trust me, I know. My brothers have fucked more women than I can count, they don’t even have to chase them. Bitches just flock to those fuckers. Hell, they even flock to me.


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