Soothing His Madness

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Soothing His Madness Page 5

by Kayn, Debra

  "Me?" She stepped forward and took the paper from him.

  "He remembered going to Uncle Rain and Aunt Tori's party when they got married and got gifts. He thought we should get you and Dad something, so we, um, he drew a picture."

  In blue marker, Lee had drawn a picture of a motorcycle with a man and woman standing beside the bike. In the corner, bigger than anything else on the drawing was a bright yellow sun. She swallowed hard and smiled. "This looks exactly like your dad."

  The long brown hair, vest, and stocking cap plus sunglasses gave him away. She looked at the woman—who looked almost like the man, except she had longer brown hair and a huge smile.

  "You're the girl. I helped draw Dad's Harley, cause Lee can't draw bikes…he did the rest. I told him the sun was too big, but he said it had to be big because that means everyone is happy. He's just a little kid, so I told him it was okay."

  "It's perfect." She cocked her head. "It means the world to me that you both took the time to give us something we can keep forever. Thank you."

  Kurt dug the heel of his sneaker into the linoleum on the floor. "It's just a drawing," he mumbled.

  God, she loved this kid. He was so much like Slade. Honest, humble, and tough. Too tough for a thirteen year old.

  She stepped over to him and gave him a hug. A general hug, not meant to freak him out, but when his arms slowly went around her waist and he squeezed back, she couldn't help kissing the side of his head.

  Before she could cry and make a fool of herself, she pulled away and laid her hand on his shoulder. "So, sometime in the next two weeks, I'll be buying a net for the basketball hoop outside. It'll be game on the next time you come here to be with your dad."

  "Really?" Kurt's lips softened, just like his dad's when he was happy.

  "You bet." She shrugged. "I bet you didn't know that I played four years of ball in high school. What do you say, me and you against Lee and your dad? We'll kick their butts."

  "Yeah. Thanks." Kurt walked backward. "I'm going to tell Lee what you planned."

  When Slade and she were alone, she walked over and took the magnetic can opener stuck on the fridge and pinned the drawing in the kitchen where she'd see it every day. Slade stood behind her with his hands on her shoulders. She leaned back against him.

  "Before today, I would've told you my favorite thing I own would be the crystal candy dish that my mom handed down to me from my grandma." She reached up and squeezed his hand. "Now it's this drawing. I know us being together isn't the same as a real marriage and I'm here because you think it'll look better to have a woman living with you when you fight for custody, but I'm going to take this drawing for what it was…a gift."

  "What the hell are you talking about," he said.

  She sighed. Her emotions were all over the place, and now was not the time to have a heart to heart. "Let's not ruin the moment. Your kids are great. You're great. I'm fine. It's just me, being weird because this situation sucks big, fat, hairy balls and there's nothing I can do."

  His lips thinned over his teeth. She'd seen the look before. Whenever he couldn't have his way, he clammed up. She rocked to her toes and kissed him. "You better go. You don't want to be late taking the kids back."

  "Right." He bent his knees and went down a few inches to keep her gaze. "We're talking when I get back."

  She nodded. He kissed her, and then went to take his kids home. She stayed in the kitchen, giving him time to have privacy while he bolstered his boys for their time away from him. It seemed unfair to ask them to adapt to only seeing their dad every other weekend when they were used to living with him every day. Roles were reversed, schedules jumbled, security questioned, and that was hard on the kids.

  Eventually, the front door closed and the silence in the house washed over her. She already missed them.

  After dealing with her new family for the first time, she appreciated her parents even more. She took her phone out of the back pocket of her jeans, walked in, and sat on the couch. She only saw them once a year when she flew down to Arizona or they came up to see her, alternating every other year to take the financial burden off each other. Her mom and dad weren't getting any younger, and news of her living with a man they didn't know was going to surprise them.

  Without delay, she pushed their number on her cell. Her dad picked up the call on the second ring. "Hello?"

  "Hey, Dad." She laid her head back on the cushion of the couch. "How are you?"

  "Good. Your mom and I were putting on our sneakers to walk around the block," her dad said. "The Kona's bought a new car and we thought we'd stroll by and take a look. It's Ford's new model, the one with the great gas mileage."

  "I won't keep you. I just wanted to call and give you some good news." She smiled when her dad yelled for her mother to pick up the other phone and listen.

  "Hi, Taylor," her mom yelled.

  Her mom always thought long distance meant she had to talk louder. She laughed. "Hi, Mom. Can you both hear me okay?"

  Once they stopped talking, she plowed ahead. "I've been dating a man for the last year and things are serious. He asked me to move in with him."

  "Really?" her mom asked.

  "His name is Slade Ramchett. He's a mechanic at a garage here in Pitnam. He also belongs to the motorcycle club, the one I've told you about, that my boss, Rain, is the president of." She paused. "Slade's got two boys from his first marriage, Kurt and Lee. They're thirteen and nine years old. Mom and Dad…you'll love the kids. They're wonderful and smart. I can't wait until you get a chance to meet them."

  "Oh, sweetheart, that's terrific news," her dad said. "So, when's the wedding? We can change our plane reservations for now instead of later this year and be there in time to see our little girl tie the knot. Just say—"

  "We're so proud of you, Taylor. This is exciting news," her mom interrupted.

  She bit her lip. Breaking the news to them went better than she'd expected. Neither of them hesitated over hearing Slade was married before and belonged to a motorcycle club. Not that she expected them to question her decisions. They always supported her under the belief that if she was happy, they were thrilled for her.

  "Thanks. Right now, you know, with both our schedules and the kids, we're taking it slow and…well, we haven't had a chance to talk too much about the future. I'm just excited, and wanted to share the news with the best set of parents in the world." She pressed her fingers into her temple, wanting to change the subject. "How's the weather?"

  She listened to her parents describe last week and next week's forecast, and how her dad's arthritic knees were doing much better in the dry heat. Then she blew air kisses over the phone, told them both she loved them, promised to pass on congratulations to Slade, and hung up with an even heavier heart. She flopped over onto her side and pulled her knees up to her chest. She hated keeping anything about her life from her parents, but telling them the whole truth would only worry them.

  She loved Slade—even though she'd never said the words to him, and he hadn't volunteered to say them to her. She wasn't even sure Slade was capable of communicating how he was feeling in those terms—except with his kids. She'd heard him say the words numerous times to Lee and Kurt.

  Everything about their relationship—the living together, the commitment announcement in front of other Bantorus members, the chaos they were dealing with together—put love lower down on their list of priorities. She had no idea how long their arrangement would last.

  She was still paying on a mortgage and only had three days' worth of clothes with her at Slade's house. Her life hadn't changed, except they'd switched houses to have sex in and everyone knew they were romantically involved. Inside though, she still felt like she was having a secret affair with a biker, while exciting and titillating, she remained lonely, as if what she wanted had to wait or might never come.

  Chapter Nine

  Every table at Cactus Cove was full, and still people came inside the establishment and gathered around the bar. T
aylor lifted the serving tray above the heads of those seated, and worked her way to the other side of the room.

  "Here are your drinks. Let me know if you need anything else." She unloaded her tray, smiled at the two customers, and headed back to the counter.

  Bruce stood at the tap, filling mugs, and sliding the drinks down the bar. She set her tray in the basket and picked up a wet towel to mop up spills left over from the frenzy of filling orders.

  "Hey gorgeous, are the rumors true?" Stan leaned over the bar and wiggled his bushy black brows. "Or is there still time for you and me to get down and dirty?"

  Taylor grinned without answering after seeing Slade approach an unsuspecting Stan from behind. "You get down or dirty with my woman, and you'll hit the ground, ass first," Slade said.

  "Jesus Christ." Stan swiveled around. "I thought you were working. Thanks to you, all the damn women are taken around here. Who am I going to dream about over a beer?"

  Ginger passed by and slapped Stan upside the head, knocking his cap off. "You blind?"

  Stan stood and followed Ginger, trying to get back on her good side with compliments and apologies. Taylor laughed and moved closer to Slade.

  He sat down on the empty bar stool Stan left and put his elbows on the counter. "Come here."

  She stretched over the bar, and he kissed her. The taste of beer and heat swirled around her stomach, and she sighed happily.

  Slade held her close. "Almost done?"

  "I get off in a half hour." She kissed him again. "How did the run go?"

  "Fine. I came in to meet Raul and let him know what's going on." He motioned for Bruce to bring him a beer. "Los Li stayed in Los Angeles last night. We sent three riders down to watch their progress. Looks like they'll be hitting Pitnam on the weekend. I wish I could get the kids to the club and put them in lockdown. I sent a message through my lawyer to Jodie, but she's never taken anything that has to do with club business seriously."

  "Hang on a minute." Taylor took the tray from Bruce and delivered the drinks to table two, and hurrying back to Slade. "I have twenty grand in my savings account. Let's hire someone new, and go back in front of the judge. Maybe a new lawyer can speed things up. I mean, not fast enough to get the kids in lockdown, but at least it'd be progress."

  Slade's mouth hardened and he looked away from her. She stepped over, forcing him to look at her. "I'm serious. We'll bring more witnesses. I'll tell them what I've viewed first hand and how Jodie's neglect has affected the kids."

  He stood. "No."

  "Think about it." She lowered her voice. "I want to help."

  Slade's eyes darkened and his lips thinned. "Stay out of it, Taylor."

  "But we can't give up," she said.

  He leaned over and got in her face. "I don't give up. Those are my kids, and I'll take care of them my way. End of discussion. If you want to talk so much, then you can explain why you're ignoring how you bitched me out for marrying you because of my kids. You seem to want to ignore talking to me about what you meant yesterday when you threw that in my face before I returned the kids to my ex. That shit isn't going to fly and the faster you learn that, you can stop trying to buy your way into my life. You're my old lady. Get used to it."

  "Slade…" She clamped her lips shut.

  "You heard me. There's nothing else you can do." He rocked back on the heels of his boots. "I'll be outside talking to Raul. When you get off work, find me, and we'll ride home."

  "I can't believe you went there," she mumbled.

  He turned and walked away from her. Without thinking, she picked up the wet towel and threw it at his back. The slap against the back of his vest as she hit her mark silenced the whole bar.

  Slade's head tilted to the side, and he slowly turned around making her angrier at his stupid self-control. Fear loosened her tongue. "I'm good enough to have sex with for two years when nobody knows about it, but not good enough to have any input on our lives."

  "Don't," he said, taking a step toward her.

  "You can take your don't and shove it up your ass, Slade Ramchett." She searched the room, found Bruce, and said, "I'm leaving early, so you can dock my pay. If Rain has a problem with it, well he can take some of Slade's don't and shove it up his ass too."

  Her heels clicked against the wooden floor, down the hallway, and into the back room where she grabbed her purse. Her body vibrated with anger, and she wanted to scream or cry. Everybody always said bikers were a hard bunch to love, and she agreed.

  She loved Slade enough for both of them, and he refused to see it. God, she could smack him.

  For good measure, she slammed the door on her way out the back door of the bar. Two bikers sat on their motorcycles and she glared at them, just because right now her opinion of bikers leveled working overtime in four-inch heels. She was so over both of them.

  She stuck her key in her car door lock, and found herself twirling through the air. Her breath whooshed out when her stomach met Slade's shoulder. She hung upside down and screamed, kicking her feet.

  "Let go of me." She pounded Slade's ass.

  He shifted her farther back on his shoulder until she dangled from her hips. She inhaled a much needed breath and grabbed onto the back of his jeans to keep from falling. He continued walking with her, never missing a step.

  "Dammit, put me down now," she screamed.

  He spanked her ass. She yipped, and her whole body stiffened. Her head bounced off the back of his legs with each of his steps. "Slade, please, let me down."

  He climbed up onto the porch of one of the cabins behind Cactus Cove where the members often stayed and kicked in the door. Then he yanked her back over his shoulder and slid her down the length of his body. A body hard and aroused.

  The strength to move away from him fled and the anger coiling deep in her stomach resembled a mini orgasm. "Damn you," she whispered.

  He captured her lips and backed her up against the wall, holding her prisoner to put his hands on her body. In the tangle of arms and legs, he had her tank off and her jean skirt hiked to her waist. She removed his shirt and sprawled her hands on his chest, needing his heat on her.

  "Drive me crazy, baby girl." He stroked his tongue along the curve of her neck, while she heard the crinkle of a foil wrapper.

  She could no longer reject him than deny herself. Whatever sickness drove her to accepting less than perfect also made her love him unconditionally. It wasn't rational or sane. The love she had for Slade was there whether he pissed her off or took her to paradise.

  He lifted her off the floor. She put her legs around his waist and linked her arms around his neck. His hand went against the wall to protect her bare back as she slid down on his hardness. Her body trembled and sighed in pleasure at the fullness. It was always this way with him.

  When he was inside of her, holding her, words and promises were meaningless when she touched his soul and received everything she needed in return. He couldn't hide his feelings or act tough while they were having sex. Most of all, she was secure and loved, because he wasn't leaving her.

  He rhythmically thrust against her, taking away all her control. Her body, in a mix of melting and pulsating, accepted everything he was doing. His hand on her ass, his mouth on her neck, his whiskers caressing her skin titillated her beyond thinking. Her nipples ached and she writhed against his upper body. He sped up his movements, holding her mobile and secure against the wall.

  The musty scent of desire lay heavy in the room. Their breathing strummed the air, surrounding her in a hypnotic melody. Her blood pulsed in her veins, faster and faster. Her sex squeezed him with each deliberate movement as jolts of pleasure stormed her body. This was them, together and connected.

  "You're mine." He nudged her chin, and she kissed him.

  His tongue matched the movements of his lower body. Each brush of his body when he impaled himself in her fully heightened her arousal. She tightened her legs, trying to stave off the inevitable, but her body had a mind of its own. Her orgasm c
ame in a hurry and left her screaming his name against his mouth.

  He went wild, taking and taking and taking, until he sank against her and pressed her firmly against the wall, shuddering his release. Her body quivered at the warmth inside of her, the heat radiating off Slade's body. Her earlier anger and desperation settled into a contented sigh.

  She closed her eyes and laid her head on his shoulder. He held her to him and stumbled back to the couch, sinking down onto the cushion without leaving her body or letting go.

  "I've done things the wrong way, baby girl," he whispered. "I had plans after I won custody of the boys to put a ring on your finger and do things right. I knew you'd want something special, and I wanted to be the man who gave you everything."

  "You were?" She melted, holding her breath.

  He exhaled loudly. "Asking you to move in was part of the plan, but I can see why you believed I did it for the boys' sake. I thought I had time, and I was afraid of losing you too."

  "Honey, we don't—"

  "Yeah, we do." He hooked her neck, bringing her forehead against his. "I love you, baby girl. Never told you, cause I thought you knew. I see that you didn't, and that's my fault."

  She blinked the moisture out of her vision. "I love you too."

  "I know that. I've known for a while, and I don't take that gift lightly." He kissed the end of her nose. "I need you. My boys need you and even if they didn't need you, I'd want you. Do you understand now?"

  She nodded. "I only want to give you everything you want."

  "Already got it, baby girl. What you don't know is, I've got my boys covered and I'm getting them back my way. I should've done that from the start instead of relying on someone else's advice. No lawyer is going to be able to help me get my kids back," he said.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, wanting him to keep sharing with her. "What have you planned to do?"

  "Deal with Jodie and Ray the same way I deal with anyone else who threatens what's mine." Slade's cock slipped out of her.


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