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Soothing His Madness

Page 17

by Kayn, Debra

  Sirens grew louder. Jedman and Ronny returned to the room grim faced and exchanging looks with Rain. Slade wasn't worried about the consequences of killing the member of Los Li. His only concern was getting Taylor medical attention.

  "Helps coming," he whispered. "The doctors will fix you right up. Then you can go home to the boys. You've got everyone in Bantorus pulling for you. They'll make sure you get the proper care you need."

  "Slade, man, you're gonna have to let her go and let the paramedics help her." Ronny touched his arm.

  Slade swung out, wanting to stay with her and spotted the men with white shirts, and nodded. "Yeah, help her."

  He inched away, staring at his woman. She appeared tiny and broken, and he wondered why he hadn't noticed how fragile she looked before. Hell, Kurt was even taller than Taylor was, and outweighed her by ten pounds.

  After several painful minutes, the paramedic looked up from beside Taylor and gazed solemnly at Slade. "Are you her husband?"

  In every way possible and as soon as he could, he'd put a ring on her finger. He cleared his throat. "Yeah."

  The paramedic took the neck brace from his medical case. "She's breathing on her own and once we elevate her heart rate and get her body temperature up to normal, we'll be transporting her to St. Joseph's hospital in Pitnam."

  The news kicked his ass. His chin dropped and he closed his eyes. Relief so great, he sank to the floor and pressed his hands to his head. She's alive.

  Chapter Thirty One

  Nine months later—

  Slade rode his motorcycle up into the front lawn of his house. Lee ran over to him and gave him a knuckle bump as Slade killed the engine. He threw his leg off the bike and motioned toward the driveway where Taylor and Kurt played basketball. "How long have they been playing?"

  Lee, searching the leather pouch behind the seat on the Harley, answered, "Forever."

  Slade walked over to the front porch without taking his eyes off his wife. A grin tugged at his lips. Taylor swiped a stray hair back into her ponytail, her face flushed from the game. Her short cutoffs showed off her long legs and her purple tank hugged her heaving breasts. His chest warmed as he sat down on the top step, making room for Lee—who unwrapped the gum he'd stolen from Slade's runner pouch.

  Taylor bent over to tie the lace on her purple Converse sneakers. He tilted his head, checking her ass out. Hell, he was always checking her out and she always knew he was looking. Half the time, he wondered if she moved and sashayed around the house, only to tease him.

  Kurt tagged the basketball and bounced the ball to Taylor. "Fifteen—Fourteen, I lead."

  "Not for long." Taylor grinned, dribbling the ball on the other side of the chalked foul line on the asphalt of the driveway.

  Slade chuckled at Taylor's failed fake to the left, and then the right as his woman tried to get past his son—who'd shot up four inches in the last nine months. Not only had he grown, he'd matured, and when Taylor came home from the hospital, the kid had slept in the living room for a month to make sure no one came through the door. Slade had explained how they were safe in the house, but Kurt swore to protect Taylor, even going as far as asking Rain if he could join the club as a riding member.

  Out of respect, Rain made him an honorary member and promised Kurt a prospects position when he turned nineteen. He had no doubt his son would follow his example. The kid was too much like his old man to escape the madness.

  Slade still couldn't believe how quickly Taylor rebounded physically from her time with the asshole that kidnapped her. She suffered nightmares for weeks afterward. Often waking up and screaming for him, and unable to explain what frightened her. He'd thought her strong before, but his woman was definitely a fighter. The scar across her cheek a beautiful reminder of the strength buried deep inside of her that no one could break.

  She'd recalled her horrific time in court when the case against him for murder closed. He'd acted in defense of savings someone's life, and he'd walked away a free man. Little by little, the weeks following his final day in court, Taylor had opened up and let him know more details about what happened while held captive in the abandoned farmhouse.

  She'd spoken her biggest fear to him one night in the dark as they lay in bed that her main worry was if the dead man had raped her before Slade shot him. The doctors calmed her fear. There was no evidence of sexual abuse, only mental and physical.

  Slade stood and walked over to the edge of the driveway. Kurt stole the ball and dribbled in for a perfect layup. Slade stuck his fingers in his mouth and whistled, receiving a grin from his son.

  Taylor planted her hands on her hips. "You won, fair and square."

  Kurt high fived her, and then jogged off to join Lee on the step. Slade looked down into Taylor's beaming face. She played her hardest and it showed. He loved that about her. No pussy footin' with the boys, letting them believe they hadn't earned their bragging rights. She was always teaching them a lesson.

  Every one of them became a better person with Taylor around. She brought a different perspective to the table, and even though he didn't always enjoy what she had to say, he listened and learned too.

  Someday, because of Taylor's continual positive input into his boys' life, he was sure his kids would contact Jodie when they were older…out of respect, but for now, they were content living with him. He took off his stocking cap, and shoved it in his back pocket. He was good with how things were going. Jodie had moved forward with Banjoey and never looked back. He'd gained full custody, and Banjoey fulfilled his promised. Right now, everything was going good.

  His kids asked him once if they'd ever have to leave, and when he soothed their fears, that ended all the questions about their mom. He knew someday, they'd all have to pay for his early fuck ups.

  He leaned down and kissed Taylor. "Good day?"

  "Excellent." She leaned into him and planted her hand on his chest. "I got off early from work because Rain had problems with the tap and closed the bar for the evening to run and get the parts he needed in hopes he could open in time for the night crowd. I decided to come straight home and get the kids from school."

  "That's good, baby girl." He looped his arm around her shoulders. "How about we order pizza?"

  "Good idea. It's Friday, we'll have family night in." She moved around in front of him. "But I need to do something first. Can you hang on a minute?"

  "Yeah." He tilted his head, taking in her smile and the way she bit her bottom lip.

  She turned to the boys. "Hey, boys? Will you guys take the cinnamon rolls on the counter in the kitchen over to Janice? I promised her I'd bring them over and I forgot."

  "Sure." Kurt stood and held out his hand for Lee, pulling him to his feet.

  Taylor straightened her ponytail. "Oh, while you're there, can you tell Janice one hour would be perfect."

  The boys nodded. She smiled. Slade felt like he was missing something.

  "What's that mean? One hour?" Slade asked.

  Taylor turned her back to the boys as they ran into the house and raised her brows. "Code word. Janice will keep the kids occupied for an hour, so I can be alone with you."

  He tagged her neck, bringing her closer and pressing his pelvis against her stomach. "Yeah?"

  "Yeah." She paused while the boys came out of the house and ran next door. When the door shut behind the kids, she tugged Slade's hand and led him to the front door. "I have a surprise for you."

  "If it means fucking my wife, it's not a surprise. I was planning on it." Slade laughed when she turned and pinched his nipple. "Keep that up, and we won't make it to the bedroom.

  She didn't say another word until she stopped him in the hallway and pulled off her shirt. With her arms behind her back, undoing her bra, she said, "Strip."

  "Right." He leaned over, tugged his pant leg up to his calf, and unlaced his boots. She didn't have to ask him twice. Every stolen moment he found without the boys present, the club needing him, he spent making love to Taylor. He needed he
r the way a dying man needed oxygen to stay alive.

  She stood naked, watching him take the rest of his clothes off and toss them toward their bedroom. Half aroused, he never tired of having her eyes on him. Then she opened the door to the bathroom and stood back for him to enter. He stepped inside, trying to focus on the room and not his woman.

  The white walls had a six-inch strip black stripe where wall met ceiling. An orange and black framed Harley Davidson poster of a gray softail hung on the wall opposite the sink. He took two more feet inside the room. He chuckled, in amusement. She even bought a shower curtain with a panhead engine front and center on a black background. He looked at his woman and laughed. He continued laughing when she pushed him farther into the room and shut the door behind her.

  When she turned on the shower and pulled him under the spray, handing him the soap, the humor fled and he got down to business. He soaped her body, lingering on her breasts. His cock hardened and he paused, looking down at her.

  She moved closer. "What?"

  "I love you." He inhaled deeply.

  Her lips softened and she mouthed, "I love you too."

  Everything he'd always wanted was right here. He dropped the soap and sank his hands into her hair, pulling her up to capture her lips. That taste, that unique mind-blowing sweetness that was always on her tongue, teased him. He stroked her mouth, nibbled on her lip, and knew he wasn't going to be satisfied taking her bent over in the shower.

  He pulled away, exhaling loudly. "Give me the soap."

  She leaned over and picked up the soap. He caught her wrist before she could place the bar on his stomach. He'd never make it to sinking deep inside her body if she washed him.

  Taylor watched him with hooded eyes and followed him out of the shower after he'd rinsed them both clean. He dried her off with a towel, while she stood on the new black rug with the Harley Davidson logo blazing in the middle. He smiled, knowing he was one lucky bastard.

  He tossed the towel, picked her up, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He continued kissing her all the way to the bedroom. For peace of mind, even though the kids were at the neighbors, he felt safer shutting the door. He never took chances anymore when it came to Taylor.

  "Hurry," she said against his mouth.

  He fell with her to the bed, cushioning their landing. She laughed against his mouth and the vibration of the sound went straight to his cock. He hooked his hands around the back of her knees, spreading her more. She slipped her arms around his neck, arching her back against his chest. Her tongue clashed with his, and he plunged into her wetness.

  Wet warmth surrounded him. His body trembled at the comfort. She was perfect.

  He moved inside of her. Back and forth. Fast and slow. He ground his pelvis into her clit, muffling her moan with his mouth and adding a groan of his own pleasure. She killed him. Every single time they had sex, he died and went to heaven.

  He sped up, taking and giving, needing her as much as she needed him. Her hands stayed on his body, his ribs, his shoulders, his arms at an almost frantic pace. He growled in her mouth, and she murmured his name.

  He shifted his body, leaning on his elbow and slid his other hand between them to circle her clit. "That's it, baby girl."

  As if she waited for his permission, she shuddered underneath him. Her pussy squeezed his cock, and he again shifted, putting his weight on her and giving her every inch. The silken caress of her body sucked him in, and he plunged balls deep into her.

  He tore his mouth away from hers and threw back his head, groaning his release.

  She rubbed her leg along his hip and smiled lazily up at him. She was his woman. Stronger than anyone he knew, more patient than him, and a sex goddess in bed. She was perfect.

  "Love you, honey," she said.

  He rolled over onto his side, taking her with him. "Love you, too."

  He held their entwined hands up to his lips and kissed her fingers. Then he gazed down at their matching tattoos around both their wrists. A single band around her ring finger wasn't good enough for Taylor. She wanted a sign of commitment that the whole fucking world could see. He was okay with that. She carried his mark, and he wanted every man around to know she was his.

  He traced the tattoo, a chain around her wrist made out of his, Taylor's, Kurt's, and Lee's name. They left room for one more name, because they both decided they'd like a baby together. If it happened, great. If not, he was okay with the family they had.

  Taylor's body quivered. He dragged his gaze up to her face and found her stifling her laughter.

  He propped himself up on his elbow. "What's so funny?"

  She flopped over on her back and gave control of her laughter away. "Y-you didn't—" She covered her mouth and her eyes lit up above her hand.

  "What?" He sat up on the bed.

  That's when he noticed the mattress no longer squeaked. He stood and studied the new mattress set. He chuckled, shaking his head in surprise. He'd been so into his wife, he hadn't noticed the lack of noise coming from the springs.

  "You had a busy day," he murmured, enjoying her happiness.

  "Surprise," she said, stretching out on the bed. "Torque, bless his heart, said he needed to be more active if he ever wanted to get back on his motorcycle, so he came over and set the bed up this morning while you were at the garage and I was at work."

  "It's great." He put his knee on the mattress and pushed. "No more noise."

  "No more noise," she whispered with a grin.

  The front door slammed. He scrambled to grab Taylor's robe on the back of the bedroom door and tossed it to her.

  "Dad…Mom," Lee called out.

  Slade pulled on a clean pair of jeans, glanced at Taylor who sat primly on the bed and shared a secret, well pleased, smile. Lee had started calling Taylor mom the day they got married. Kurt wanted to stick with calling her Taylor, but decided he'd drop the Aunt part because he said it made him sound stupid when Taylor was married to his dad. Taylor agreed, after she had wiped her tears over the boys' request.

  He opened the door to Lee and Kurt standing in the hallway. "Yeah, son?"

  "We're home." Lee peeked around Slade's hip. "I'm hungry."

  "Go wash up, and I'll order pizza." Taylor stood, tightening her robe.

  Kurt slugged his brother before pulling him down the hallway. Slade turned back to Taylor. "You ready for family night?"

  She walked over and stood in front of him, stretching on her toes to give him a kiss. "Absolutely."

  He watched her sway her ass down the hallway and disappear into the bathroom. He stood staring at the changes in his life. The new bed, a bathroom made especially for him, his kids happy, and he went to sleep with the taste of his woman on his tongue every damn night. He couldn't imagine living any other way.

  The End

  Author Bio

  Top Selling Romance Author, Debra Kayn, lives with her family at the foot of the Bitterroot Mountains in beautiful Idaho. She enjoys riding motorcycles, playing tennis, fishing, and driving the men crazy in the garage.

  Her love of family ties and laughter makes her a natural to write heartwarming contemporary stories to the delight of her readers. Oh, let's cut to the chase. She loves to write about REAL MEN and the WOMEN who love them.

  When Debra was nineteen years old, a man kissed her without introducing himself. When they finally came up for air, the first words out of his mouth were…will you have my babies? Considering Debra's weakness for a sexy, badass man, who is strong enough to survive her attitude, she said yes. A quick wedding at the House of Amour and four babies later, she's living her own romance book.




  Debra Kayn's Backlist

  Breathing His Air – Bantorus Motorcycle Club

  Aching To Exhale – Lagsturns Motorcycle Club

  Archer, A Hard Body Novel, book 1

A Hard Body Novel, book 2

  Biker Babe in Black, The Chromes and Wheels Gang, book 1

  Ride Free, The Chromes and Wheels Gang, book 2

  Healing Trace

  Wildly, Playing For Hearts, book 1

  Seductively, Playing For Hearts, book 2

  Conveniently, Playing For Hearts, book 3

  Secretly, Playing For Hearts, book 4

  Surprisingly, Playing For Hearts, book 5 (releases April 2014)

  Chantilly's Cowboy, The Sisters of McDougal Ranch, book 1

  Val's Rancher, The Sisters of McDougal Ranch, book 2

  Margot's Lawman, The Sisters of McDougal Ranch, book 3

  Florentine's Hero, The Sisters of McDougal Ranch, book 4

  Suite Cowboy

  Homemade Hijinks

  Resurrecting Charlie's Girl

  Betraying the Prince

  Love Rescued Me

  Double Agent

  Where There's Smoke

  Sneak Peek at Chapter One – Aching To Exhale

  Chapter One

  Close to twenty motorcycles, parked in one perfect line, took up the sidewalk outside High and Dry Lounge. Crystal Rose hesitated for a heartbeat before continuing to walk through the parking lot. The eleven months since losing Raul Sanchez and the Lagsturns Motorcycle Club had reduced her to paranoia.

  Every biker driving by left her weak. Men of Latino descent caused her to take a second look, half hoping it was Raul, and panic at the thought it could be him.

  It was never him.

  Crystal hurried through the double doors into work. She'd stayed too long in one place for her comfort. That had to be the reason why her legs shook and her nerves were raw and on edge. She hefted her bag over her shoulder. In two more weeks, she'd have enough money to move on.

  "Crystal, you're late." Dean, her boss, hurried out from behind the bar and pushed her through the lounge toward the back dressing room.


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