Into The Abyss (Demons of Astlan)

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Into The Abyss (Demons of Astlan) Page 50

by Langland, J.

  Committees are typically formed of 13 members (with the exception of Arms and Justice which are 27 members each), the chair of each council appoints one member to each committee and six other members of each council get one appointee each. Which committees a councilor appoints to is determined by seniority and the relative importance of the committee. In theory a council member can appoint him or herself to a committee, but this is almost never done due to time constraints, workload, and appearances.

  The 5 most influential Committees are the following:

  Committee on Trade: Handles trade disputes between merchants and each other as well as merchants and member states.

  Committee on Arms: Controls the militia of the Council States. Includes the Subcommittee on Domestic Safety which ensures the safety of the roads and highways and the Subcommittee on Defense which oversees military operations at the direction of the two Councils. This is actually a 27 member committee, with a chair and half of the remaining 26 on one subcommittee or the other.

  Committee on Justice: The judiciary arm of the Councils, the Committee on Justice provides criminal and civil justice through its two subcommittees on civil and criminal justice. The civil justice committee works on the individual level and often coordinates with the Committee on Trade for merchant-consumer justice. Further, member states have magisterial domain within their own jurisdiction on all matters not directly in violation of Council Law. Like the Committee on Arms, the Committee on Justice is actually a 27 member committee, with a chair and half the remaining 26 on once subcommittee or the other.

  Committee on Foreign Relations: Handles ambassadorial and foreign relations.

  Committee on Appeal: Handles the appellate process for committee decisions and laws.

  Other committees include:

  Committee on Religion: Traditionally made up of appointees from the clerical ranks of the major religions.

  Committee on the Arts: Provides patronage for the arts.

  Committee on Racial Relations: Arbitrates and protects the rights of various races, in particular those sentient races outside the body politic.

  The Council of Wizardry

  The Council of Wizardry is made up of the thirteen preeminent wizards of Astlan as selected by the Council Roster. This high honor is not bestowed lightly. Membership upon the council is for a term of 5 years and may be renewed at the mandate of the Roster.

  In addition to the joint committees of the two councils, the Council of Wizardry and the Council Roster have the following internal committees to deal directly with affairs of Wizardry:

  Committee on Research

  Committee on Demonology (supersedes the Committee on Conjury)

  Committee on Sorcery

  Committee on Enchantment

  Committee on Pyromancy

  Committee on Thaumaturgy

  Committee on Runic Lore

  Committee on Necromancy: This committee, unlike the others specialization committees is concerned with restricting, regulating and as necessary, eliminating necromancy.

  Committee on Academic Affairs

  Committee of the Library and Patents

  Members of the Council of Wizardry, PV 440, Demoni


  Year Elected


  Lord Gandros

  PV 421

  Chairman of the Council

  Alexandros Mien

  PV 411

  Archimage of Garander, Elder member of the Council

  Randolf II

  PV 421

  Archimage of Turelane


  PV 421

  Founder of the Zilquar School of Wizardry.


  PV 426

  Founder of Lenamare's School of Wizardry


  PV 426

  Archimage Exador is Mage of Turelane the Archimage of Turelane's Chancellor Arcane

  Sier Barvon

  PV 431

  Archimage of Yorkton


  PV 431

  Archimage of Tureledor


  PV 431

  Archimage of Markforton

  Trevin D'Vils

  PV 436

  Enchantress of the Grove


  PV 436

  Council Inquisitor


  PV 436

  Master Sorceress of Lenamare's School of Wizardry



  Seat currently vacant since the death of Tier Bastion in the month of Nilis.

  Note: Archimage is as much a political/hereditary title as an indication of experience and profession. An Archimage is a Master Wizard with either a political position or hereditary estate.

  The Council of Magistrates

  The Council of Magistrates is made up of one representative from each of the member states. The selection process of the representatives varies from state to state. It may be an elected, hereditary, or appointed position depending on that state's government. The traditional term of office is five years, however this is completely subjective to the desires of the particular member state being represented.

  Committee on Alchemy

  Committee on Apprenticeship

  Committee on Agriculture

  Committee on Construction

  Committee on Forestry

  Committee on Jewelry

  Committee on Shipbuilding

  Committee on Smithing

  Committee on Transportation

  Committee on Usury

  Committee on Water

  Members of the Council of Magistrates, PV 440, Demoni


  Initial Year


  Lord Bastion

  PV 433

  Chairman of the Council (Brother of the late Tier Bastion on the Council of Wizardry)

  Elder Tomath

  PV 411

  Representative of For Mori

  Sister Drusena

  PV 418

  Representative of Belen Dorn

  Lord Phelgrath

  PV 424

  Representative of Mori An

  Baron Vlades

  PV 426

  Representative of Dryas

  Master Felgraf

  PV 426

  Representative of Hoggensforth

  Lord Perington

  PV 429

  Representative of Nisfelt

  Lord Tomas

  PV 430

  Representative of Dorn

  Master Wright Trendelforth

  PV 430

  Representative of Horn

  Sir Forkorth

  PV 431

  Representative of Markforton

  Sir Sartris

  PV 434

  Representative of Tris

  Burgomaster Falron

  PV 435

  Representative of Yorkton

  Sir Nestrith

  PV 436

  Representative of For An

  Master Forn

  PV 436

  Representative of Del An

  Constable Smithford

  PV 436

  Representative of Kaln

  Master Beltan

  PV 438

  Representative of Bel An

  Sir Weblendon

  PV 439

  Representative of Viz An

  Chapter 62

  "We're doomed!" Gastropé exclaimed. "Doomed, there is no way we're going to get through this alive."

  "Don't be so optimistic," snapped Jenn sarcastically. "We've been through worse; we're not going to let a little more adversity stop us."

  Edwyrd wasn't so sure about that. They'd spent the last hour discussing their options and trying to come up with a plan. They had yet to formulate one. Things did not look good. According to Maelen these Rod people were major witch hunters, or at least demon and other assorted evil hunters. It seemed they had a rather black and white view of the world. Their solution to the problem of e
vil was simple: eliminate it. Slay it first and ask questions later.

  It used to make pretty good sense back in Harding, Edwyrd reflected, everyone in fantasy novels and games always strove to abolish evil wherever they found it. Tom had even thought it a pretty good policy at the time. Unfortunately, he never planned on being the evil needing eliminating. If, as seemed pretty clear to Maelen, the Rod was after them due to their actions in Gizzor Del, which undeniably involved demonic activity, and if, as Maelen maintained was the Rod's view, demonic activity was undeniably evil, then they, as conspirators with evil, were undeniably evil as well, and therefore undeniably must die. With a grim grin, Edwyrd decided the logic was undeniable.

  Maelen assured them in no uncertain terms, that if the Rod did catch them, and if identified, there would be only one outcome. Given that Maelen had recognized Verigas among the Rod, identification seemed highly probable, if they were captured. Assuming they accepted what Maelen told them, and they had no reason not to, there was no choice in the matter. They could not afford to be caught.

  This choice, Edwyrd thought to himself, while simple, was not so easy to implement. The Rod was mounted and assuming nothing changed between now and then, the Rod would overtake them in the morning before they could even reach Yorkton. It had been suggested they just go perpendicular to the road and avoid the Rod. Unfortunately, as Maelen pointed out, if they wanted to get to Freehold, which was in a large mountain valley, they'd have to take the pass that Yorkton was the base of. From Hoggensforth, there was no other way to Freehold that wouldn't take an additional month of travel. They didn't have the money to buy supplies for a month.

  Jenn had pointed out that they could just go off the road for a day or so, then follow the Rod to Freehold. Maelen, ever the voice of cold water, had pointed out that if the Rod reached Freehold, and couldn't find them, they'd double back down the road to Hoggensforth. Further, being incredibly thorough, they'd probably place checkpoints on the path behind them anyway, prepared for just such an occurrence. Maelen's cold logic was becoming rather annoying Edwyrd thought; the man dashed all their hopes as fast as they could come up with them. Despite this, he was more than happy they'd brought the animage. He didn't know what would have happened without the man.

  Edwyrd looked around at his comrades, all sitting quietly lost in rather despondent thoughts. Actually, Edwyrd wasn't quite as depressed as the three humans. He knew, that if worse came to worst, he'd just change back into a demon, as could Rupert. Given that, they could just grab the humans and fly extremely fast. However, that was not his preferred option. He'd gone to all the work of creating the Edwyrd persona, and he hated to just abandon it so quickly. Oh, certainly, he'd love to abandon it and change back into himself, what he didn't want, was to destroy the illusion that was Edwyrd in the eyes of the others.

  Over the last day of traveling, he'd had a chance to actually talk with both Gastropé and Jenn, talk in a more relaxed manner than ever before. He'd learned a lot about them. As he got to know them, and their pasts, he realized they weren't the nutso wizards he'd wanted to believe they were. They were just normal people, like himself. Or rather like he'd been and Edwyrd pretended to be. When they weren't on the defensive against him, thinking he was a demon, they were actually pretty nice people. He hated to have to destroy the start of a friendship by suddenly revealing himself to be the demon again. As he'd realized when he thought Rupert dead, he needed friends.

  Thus while he wanted very much to turn back into himself, he didn't want to have to do it where Jenn or Gastropé or Maelen, for that matter, could see him. It was really a rather strange situation to be in, he supposed. Therefore, they'd have to come up with some other option.

  "We're out of ideas. There doesn't seem to be anything to do, but get caught, or not go to Freehold at all. If we don't go to Freehold, we starve." Jenn said tiredly.

  "You know," Rupert suddenly spoke up. He'd been quite for most of the discussion. His few ideas had been shot down as much as anyone’s had. "There is--one other option to us."

  "What?" Gastrope' asked, Maelen looked on, not convinced.

  "Well, you're not going to like it." He stared right at Jenn.

  She grimaced in frustration. "Rupert, spill it. If you have an idea just say it so Maelen can tear it apart." Maelen gave her a sour look.

  "Well--we summon Tom." He carefully avoided looking at Edwyrd. Before anyone could object, as both Gastropé and Jenn were preparing to do, he went on. "We summon Tom and have him transport us all to the Abyss."

  "NO!" Jenn shouted. "Absolutely not. I knew it, your hair wasn't the only thing curled by the lightning bolt. Your brain got fried too!"

  "Now listen Jenn." Rupert went on insistently. "We traveled through the Abyss once safely, we can do it again."

  "Do you have any concept of what you are saying, child?" Jenn asked intently. "We nearly lost our souls in that place. I have no idea why that demon let us go, but it did. I will not tempt fate a second time!"

  Edwyrd shook his head. While it wasn't the worst idea they'd heard, there were certainly problems with it. "Rupert?" Edwyrd asked; the boy looked over to him. "Didn't you say this Tom fellow," he paused, hoping Rupert would take the hint, "had to be elsewhere? If he's busy doing something else, I doubt he could be in two places at once. I know I couldn't." Rupert frowned at this, apparently he hadn't thought of that. For Tom to appear, Edwyrd would need to disappear, they'd never explain that one.

  "Besides," Gastropé entered the discussion, "even if he wasn't busy. Last time we ended up in Gizzor Del. If he can't control where he opens his gates, we could end up farther away than ever."

  "No! Not if Tizzy flies ahead to Freehold and summons Tom from there! If Tizzy were to do that, be our inside man so to speak, we could do it!" Rupert exclaimed, this one he'd thought of.

  "Tizzy?" Jenn asked incredulously. "You're going to trust that crackpot?"

  "Hey! My pot's no more cracked than any other four thousand year old vase that's been through the mill a few times!" Tizzy, who spoke for the first time, stated with mock indignity. "Further, I'm as trustworthy as the tides!" He crossed a couple arms on his chest and pretended to pout.

  Jenn shook her head. "No."

  "Well," Gastropé said thoughtfully. "I don't trust that big demon, at all. However, the basic concept is sound. If only we didn't have to rely on any demons."

  Jenn looked at him as if he'd lost his mind. "Are you as crazy as Tizzy? How else would we get there if not via demon? Besides, last time we nearly died of the heat! If you hadn't come up with that variant of the cool cantrip, we'd have been roasted." Jenn paused for a moment, tilted her head as if remembering something she'd forgotten. "Just exactly how did you come up with that, anyway?" She asked suspiciously.

  Gastropé bent his head, licking his lips somewhat nervously. He didn't say anything for a moment as Jenn glared at him, demanding an answer. He looked at the others from under his brows, then said softly, almost casually, "Well, I'd been there before."

  "Oh." Jenn said, her brow furrowed. "What exactly do you mean, you'd been there before? How did you get there? And what were you doing there?" She said suspiciously.

  Gastropé coughed then looked back and forth between Rupert and Jenn. Edwyrd was quite curious about this one. "On the way," Gastrope' began, "to Lenamare's castle. We took a detour through the Abyss."

  "You took," Jenn shook her head slightly, "a detour through the Abyss?" She just shook her head. "Who takes a detour through the Abyss when marching on a castle with an army?"

  "Exador," Gastropé said as if that explained everything. "And I suppose technically it wasn't a detour since it was faster than marching over land. That's how he was able to get the army there so fast.

  "You see, he used this spell called Abyssal Switch. It relocates a part of Astlan with a different part of the Abyss. The area isn't that big, but you can switch an area big enough to move a few hundred people or so at a time. He switched an area with soldiers to the Ab
yss, had us wizards put cool spells on the soldiers and then moved them off the switched land, and then he switched it back. He then did the spell in reverse, switching the part of the Abyss the soldiers were on with a new location in Astlan. It took a while, because we had to move several groups, but we were able to cover a great distance a lot faster." Gastropé shrugged: it hadn't been his doing; he'd just followed orders.

  Maelen rubbed his chin. "Hmm, rather impressive actually," the animage murmured.

  Jenn appeared at a loss for words. She didn't seem to know what to say. She just shook her head. Edwyrd was also impressed, it was certainly an impressive trick this Exador had performed. No wonder the man was so good at pissing off Lenamare.

  Rupert spoke up, almost craftily this time. No one but Edwyrd seemed to notice his cunning smile, "So, Gastropé, if we could get to the Abyss without needing the greater demon, you'd go along with it?"

  Gastropé shrugged, "I suppose, we'd have to go in someplace cool, for the Abyss anyway. In the main regions, the trick with the cool spell wouldn't be sufficient. However, we don't have a way to go there other than Tom. I certainly can't do an Abyssal Switch, not by a long shot. Further, we would also still have the problem of knowing the spot to exit to. In other words, Gizzor Del all over."

  Rupert nodded. "Well--Tizzy?" The demon smiled at Rupert. "Can we trust you to fly to Freehold and be a focal point? Do a summons sort of thing." Rupert looked into Tizzy's eyes.

  The octopod shrugged, "Of course. I always do well by my friends, like you and Tom." Tizzy said pointedly.

  Jenn was just shaking her head. "It doesn't matter whether we can trust him," she pointed at Tizzy. "I will not go with that fourth order demon again, even if we could summon him. I'll burn at the stake first."


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