Falling for the Enemy (Falling in Love)

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Falling for the Enemy (Falling in Love) Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “She hated my biker lifestyle. She hated the women fucking all the bikers and never knowing if I was fucking them or not. I wasn’t but she didn’t know that, and one morning she left for the bus. I got on my bike and hunted her down. She was stood waiting for the fucking bus. She wouldn’t get on my bike or listen to me.” Trey listened to the guy’s words. “I climbed off my bike, picked her up in my arms, and kissed her. I promised her the moment she got on the back of my bike I was hers. No other woman would touch or taste me. She’d be my woman, by my side without any problems.”

  “Why don’t the other guys know about her?” Trey asked.

  “You’re a good kid, Trey. I’m in my forties, and I travel from place to place doing what I want when I want to do it. Over the years I’ve made enemies. You know this is not a good lifestyle, but she makes me good. She’s my weakness, and to my enemies, it’s the key to getting to me. She’s the love of my life, and I’m not going to let anyone hurt her.”

  Trey nodded. “I understand, but I doubt the folks around Winters Fall will agree with the good kid part.”

  Paul burst out laughing. “Tell me, good kid, who’s the girl?”

  Sitting back, Trey looked at his client, debating on what to say.

  “I’m not going to spill the beans to anyone. You can tell me the truth and not worry about anyone finding out.”

  Going back to the tattoo, Trey let out a sigh. “The girl who owns the bakery across the street, the girl with black hair, she’s the one.”

  “You’re fucking June Armstrong? Kid, you’re fucked. Her father is a wrecking bomb when it comes to that girl.”

  Trey grimaced. “I know, but we’re sort of together.”

  “I know June. She’s a good girl. If you’re going to make a play for her and get her away from the other man then you need to be serious about it.”

  “I’m serious about her.”

  “Then fight for her.”

  Trey listened to Paul talk some more. He continued to work on the tattoo. Every once in a while his friends would bang on the glass window separating them. Paul would yell and throw in some curses.

  “Fucking assholes don’t know when to stop it.”

  “I’m almost done. Are you staying around Winters Fall for a while?” Trey asked.

  “Yep, I’m going to make sure you’re taking care of my aftercare.”

  “Sure. I’ll go and write everything up. I’ll meet you in the front of the shop.” Trey did the aftercare and put all the needles away, washed his hands and headed out the front of the shop. He noticed Paul had his arms wrapped around the blonde. No one else noticed the moment the couple shared because they were too busy being rowdy with each other.

  Paul paid cash for the tattoo, giving him a pointed look. “When’s your next client?” Paul asked.

  “I’ve not got another until after lunch.”

  “Then go over there and show her what she’s missing.” Paul gave him a wink. “If it was me, I wouldn’t give her a chance to forget about me.”

  He left without another word. Rounding the counter, Trey checked through the window. The shop was getting busy, but he was getting desperate for a look at her.

  Trey didn’t give himself time to doubt his actions.

  Closing the shop he headed over to the bakery.

  Molly was serving up the front, and June was nowhere to be seen. Going up to the main counter he asked where June was.

  “She won’t want you to be in the back,” Molly said, trying to take an order and deal with him.

  “I don’t care what you think. She’s in the back?” he asked, ducking under the counter.

  “Trey, stop it. You’ll get me fired.”

  “No, I won’t. We both know June adores you. I just need to talk to her about something.”

  He walked around the counter and found June pouring flour into a bowl. For several seconds, he stood away, watching her as she worked. Her glorious hair was pinned up under a hairnet.

  Knowing what those strands felt like, Trey felt himself getting hard. Stepping behind her, he wrapped his arms around her middle.


  June knew she should be angry. She should curse, rant, and rave at him. There was no way she should let him get away with bending their rules. Even as all those thoughts went through her head, she couldn’t help but be happy with his arms wrapped around her. Closing her eyes for a few seconds she let herself feel the pleasure of his arms wrapped around her. His masculine scent invaded her senses taking over the cinnamon smell in the air.

  “You’re breaking the rules,” she said, wishing he’d break more.

  Her pussy was on fire, creaming with every passing second he was holding her. Her nipples were rock hard, pressing against the shirt she wore. The bra felt nonexistent as her nipples rubbed the fabric.

  “I’m not breaking the rules. No one can see us. All Molly knows is I need to talk to you.”

  “What would you be talking to me about?” she asked, gasping as his teeth nibbled on her neck. His touch made it hard for her to think.

  “Well we could tell her the truth and that we’re fucking like rabbits every chance we get.” His hand reached up, cupping her breast.

  “No, we’re not saying that.”

  “Then how about we say that you’re in love with me and I’m just giving you a shot at me.”

  Rolling her eyes, June shook her head.

  “Nah, not a good one either. Then how about this, you’re seeing me so I can ink your body. You’re wanting me to give you the right ink to add to your other one.”

  “You just want to touch me,” she said. She’d not been thinking about her ink, but she liked the fact he’d been thinking about it.

  “It’s sexy as hell. I can make it even more, and I just want to touch your skin. I want to put my mark on you.”

  “I’m not yours to be possessive over.” His palm went around her neck, holding her close. At the same time, his hand cupped her between the thighs underneath the apron she wore.

  “You’re mine to get anyway I want. Remember your bargain, baby.”

  He bit down on the back of her neck, and June couldn’t take it anymore. Spinning in his arms, she slammed him against the wall, smashing her lips against his. She was begging for him.

  Tugging on his hand, she moved him back to the office.

  Closing the door, she heard the lock flick into place.

  Removing the apron, she turned back to him. Trey already had his jeans around his knees and his cock covered in a layer of latex.

  She tore at her trousers and stepped out of them. He tugged the hairnet from her hair, lifted her on the desk and spread her wide.

  “This is not going to last,” he said.

  “Then make it count.”

  He slammed inside, going to the hilt.

  Crying out, June held onto the edge of the desk.

  “Fuck, you feel so fucking good. I want you so much. I can’t do my fucking job because of you.” He pulled out only to slam back in. Trey was thick, hard, and a solid wall of muscle.

  She tightened her walls, feeling him pulse.

  “Harder, Trey. I need you so much.”

  He pushed inside her. His hard thrusts were relentless and sent her over the edge of passion and sensation.

  His cock was a thick brand inside her, begging for her to come.

  She gazed up at him, watching as the pleasure crossed his face. He looked totally lost to the pleasure. June moaned as his lips were on hers once again, drinking down her moans and cries.

  “Fuck, I’m going to come.”

  In three hard thrusts he climaxed, leaving her at the point with no hope to get over the edge.

  Before she could complain, he pulled out of her body, knelt down and started to suck and lick her clit.

  It was too much and not enough. His tongue flicked her clit, going from side to side, up and down. Fingers found her entrance and circled it but didn’t penetrate.

  “June, are you okay?�
�� Molly asked. Her voice penetrated through the door.

  Trey plunged two fingers into her pussy. Biting down on her lip, June did everything she could to contain her screams.

  His tongue punished her clit, hard and soft strokes, combining together, and her mind was going down the drain.

  “I’m busy. I’ll be out soon.”

  “Are you sure? I saw Trey looking for you, and I can’t find him.”

  He’s about to give me an orgasm. Fuck off.

  Instead she told her they were talking and would be out soon.

  Molly left them alone.

  Trey increased his efforts, going faster and hurtled her over the edge and into bliss. He licked her, drinking down her orgasm.

  There was nothing for her to do other than shudder in his arms and wait for him to finish. He wasn’t letting up until she shuddered her way into a second orgasm.

  He stood up, leaning over and smiled. “That’s to make up for my coming before you,” he said, rubbing her nose with his.

  “I can’t think.” She cupped his face, making him stop. “This shouldn’t have happened here.”

  “Let me work on your tattoo, and no one will know. I told you, I’ll have you where and when I want you.” He helped her to her feet. “If I can think clearly, surely you can as well.”

  She didn’t say anything. Trey helped her into her panties and trousers. Closing her eyes, she felt his fingers skimming up the outside of her thighs.

  “I can’t think when you do this,” she said.

  “Good. I’m working with a needle, and I have trouble thinking. So are you going to let me do it?”

  “Do what?”

  June worked her hair under the hairnet and turned to look at him.

  “The ink. Will you let me finish your design?” he asked.

  “I guess I’ve got no choice now. You and your big mouth have pushed me into a corner.”

  “It’s for a very good cause.” He moved in close, wrapping his arms around her. “You can think. I can think.”

  “We’ll see how long this lasts.” She pressed a hand to his chest, feeling his heartbeat.

  “I think you’ll be surprised.” He helped her with the apron, and together they walked out of the bakery. Molly was icing some cakes, looking at them both strangely.

  “I’ll, erm, book an appointment in a couple of days.”

  “Be sure to do that. I’ll work on designs.”

  He turned to leave.

  “Do you know what you’re doing?” Molly asked after the sound of the door closing settled between them.

  “What do you mean?” June asked, wiping her hands down her apron. What was she doing?

  “I’m not stupid or deaf. The machines can’t stop me from hearing you two being together,” Molly said, pointing at the big machines.

  June felt her cheeks heat. “It’s nothing. Nothing is going on, and nothing is happening. He’s going to help me with my tattoo.”

  She moved away, going to the bread baking in the oven. In another five minutes it would be finished.

  “I thought you two were enemies. He bullied you through high school, and now you’re sleeping with him?”

  “Look, it’s complicated, I know that. It’s a bit of fun. There’s nothing to it.”

  “I thought about that with Sasha and Luke’s father. It was just a bit of fun and then when I found out I was pregnant I realized what a total mistake I’d made,” Molly said, dropping the icing bag. She watched as Molly pressed her hands onto her hips. “What the hell are you doing, June? He’ll hurt you, and then you’ll find some reason to leave.”

  “Wait, hold up. We were not friends through high school, Molly. Don’t even try to make out we were. You didn’t even know I existed let alone be friends. Why would I be leaving?” she asked, confused.

  “You don’t get it. You’ve got the wealthy family who’ll do anything for you. Your family will not let you get hurt, and if you leave they’ll support you. If you go then I’ve got nothing. This is all I have, June. I know we weren’t friends through high school, and I actually regret that because I sit and wonder if my life would have been different.”

  June listened, feeling sorry for the other woman.

  “My so-called friends wanted nothing to do with me. I fell down, and no one wanted to pick me up. My family kicked me out, June. The guy I got pregnant with gave me a half-assed proposal when I told him. We were a bit of fun, and he didn’t care about me at all. You’re the only person who has seen past the teenage pregnancy to the woman underneath, and for that I’m happy.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, Molly. This with Trey is just a bit of fun. Neither of us is looking for something long term. We’ve both got lives to deal with. This is just fun, and we’re not going to get hurt.”

  Molly snorted. “You’re mistaken on everything.”

  “Please, don’t tell anyone about this. Trey and I don’t want anyone to know the truth.”

  “Your secret is safe with me.”

  They were silent for several minutes, and June placed the bread onto the cooling rack.

  “Are you going to tell me who the father of your babies is?” she asked, not expecting an answer.

  “It’s Dale Lewis. He’s the father.”

  Chapter Nine

  Trey stared at his two friends hoping they’d leave. It was past seven, and he knew June wouldn’t wait around forever. He needed to find out where the loser was taking her in a couple of days. After Paul’s comments he knew it was true. If he didn’t lay his claim soon, June wouldn’t stick around to see what was going to happen.

  “I tell you I’m looking forward to Friday. The two women I was with will be there again. I can’t wait to feel their sweet pussies wrapped around my cock,” Max said.

  “Great, another sleepless night for me,” Dale said.

  “I don’t know if I’ll make this Friday. I’ve got a lot of work to get through.” He intended to follow June with her date in a very stalker like fashion. He didn’t care how it made him look. Trey was not losing her to a guy with lots of money that her parents liked.

  “Come on, I fucked two women. Two dirty, hot, sexy women, and you both are acting like a bunch of losers.”

  “Not losers, Max,” Dale said.

  Glancing at his watch, Trey silently cursed.

  Standing up he went to the fridge and pulled his cell phone out.

  June: Where r u?

  Trey: I’m doing damage control. 2 friends r here.

  June: Going 2 bed all alone.

  He cursed, ran his fingers through his hair and charged into the other room. “Get out,” he said.

  Dale and Max were glaring at each other, and they turned their gazes to him. “What?”

  “Get out. I need you both to get out. I’m tired, and we’re doing nothing but argue. I’ve got to get some sleep. Go.”

  “Fuck, Trey,” Max said, swigging down his beer.

  Trey didn’t apologize. He shooed them out of his place like they were two strays he’d picked up in the street.

  Slamming the door closed, he turned off the lights and watched them walk out of sight. Once they were gone, he pushed several condoms into his pocket and ran for the door. Flinging the door open he was shocked to see June stood there.

  She shoved him inside, slammed the door and kissed him.

  Moaning, he wrapped his arms around her waist, tugging her close.

  “I ordered pizza to be delivered here. I hope you don’t mind,” she said, giving him time to breathe.

  “Baby, I don’t give a fuck as long as you’re prepared to get naked.”

  June pulled her shirt up over her head. She wasn’t wearing any underwear. The vision she presented was one of his many wet dreams.

  Unbuckling his belt, he tore at his jeans. She was in his place, getting naked. Fuck, he really loved this woman.

  “I watched them leave. They sure do like to stick around.”

  “They’re making plans for Friday.”
br />   “You going drinking on Friday?” she asked.

  He took her hand leading her upstairs to his bedroom.

  The rest of the apartment was silent. They’d get plenty of privacy here, and he’d still get to hear the door.

  She settled on his bed, waiting for him.

  “No, I want to know where your asshole is taking you,” Trey said, sitting beside her.

  “He’s taking me to the fancy French restaurant in town.” She made a face of disgust.

  “You don’t sound too happy about that,” he said.

  “I hate French food. It’s nothing personal, but I don’t like it. He didn’t even ask me what I like. It’s going to be a long night with him.”

  She stroked his leg, and he cupped her breast, loving the hard nipple that budded against his palm.

  “Why bother going at all?” he asked, feeling jealous that someone got to take his woman out for dinner.

  “My parents want me to go out with him. One date and I can let them know how much I hated it. They’ll back off. Mom and Dad want me to be happy. Martin wants a wife he can get pregnant. I’d have to give up the bakery, and that is not happening.” She shook her head, smiling.

  “You don’t like this Martin at all?”

  “No. He’s a prick. Be lucky you don’t have to meet him.”

  He was going to meet him. Trey wasn’t going to stand back while some fucker was dating his woman. Not happening, not on his watch.

  The sound of the door interrupted his thoughts.

  “Pizza,” she said, throwing her arms up in the air.

  She handed him some cash, which he batted away. Going downstairs, he grabbed several notes from his wallet and handed them to the delivery guy. He took the pizzas and headed back upstairs.

  Trey found June lay on his bed. Her fingers stroked the carpet. She looked up and smiled, and once again he was lost.

  Laying the boxes on the floor, he lay beside her, and together they opened the tops. There was a ham and pineapple pizza and a pepperoni one.

  He took the largest piece and bit into it.

  “I love pizza,” she said.

  “Can’t you make this stuff?”

  “Yeah. It takes some time, but it always tastes so good. I thought this would be better for tonight. We’re not wasting any time.”


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