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Title Page 48

by Creator

  Ramsey pulled her into his arms and held her against his chest. “Michael isn’t always a jerk, Chloe. If you want to give him a chance, he can be a good guy.”

  She shook her head, not believing him. If Michael was so good, he hadn’t shown that side of himself to her, not yet anyway. All she’d seen was the bad boy who was working his way through the female population of Ashton Grove. He’d fooled her once, but not again.

  “I’m not going to take any chances with this baby. He has a horrible temper, Ramsey.”

  “You’re going to meet a lot of people tonight, Chloe. A lot of them are good guys. Single guys. If you still think I’m your guy after tonight, then we’ll talk.”

  She lifted her head from his chest and smiled. “You mean it?”

  “About the guys or the talk?”

  “The talk.”

  He nodded. “Now get out of here so I can shower and dress. Then we’ll go feed you and the baby.”

  Chloe leaned down and kissed him once more before getting off the bed. She sashayed out of the room and closed the door behind her, leaving Ramsey shaking his head. Just knowing that he wanted her lifted her spirits. But did he want her enough? He wanted to wait until after the party to talk, but if he truly wanted her, wouldn’t want to claim her before she met the rest of the guys? Or was he simply doing what he thought was best for her? If that was the case, he was even more wonderful than she’d first thought.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Later that night, Ramsey ushered Chloe into the backyard of the Victorian. Paper lanterns hung overhead, candles decorated tabletops, and jasmine bloomed around the yard.

  “Everything looks so romantic,” Chloe said as she took everything in.

  “Kiera definitely outdid herself,” Ramsey agreed.

  Over half of the pack was already present. Several of the single males openly leered at Chloe, pregnant stomach and all. Ramey held back a growl and wrapped an arm around her waist, holding her close to his side. When she smiled up at him, he leaned down and pressed a quick kiss to her lips.

  “What was that for?” Chloe asked.

  “I couldn’t help myself,” he answered. “You looked too beautiful in the moonlight and candlelight.”

  “I know you said you wanted me to wait until tonight was over to make a decision, but would you mind if I stayed by your side tonight?”

  Ramsey smiled at her. “I’d like that, but I doubt that Kiera will let you.”

  “I take it she’ll make me mingle and will introduce me to everyone here tonight?”

  “Of course,” he said.

  Chloe sighed. “I guess it could be worse.”

  No sooner had the words left Chloe’s mouth than a loud noise came from across the yard. She looked over and saw Michael heading their way, and he didn’t look happy to see her with Ramsey. Her stomach knotted, and she clutched Ramsey’s arm.

  “Ramsey, I can’t do this tonight. I can’t deal with him.”

  “Come on. Let’s go sit by Kiera and Gabriel.”

  She nodded and let him guide her over to a table. After she was seated, she saw that Michael was once again heading her way. She tensed waiting for the confrontation she knew was coming.

  “Well, if it isn’t the mother of my child,” Michael said.

  Chloe could feel a blush creeping up her neck. “What do you want Michael?”

  “I can’t come by and say ‘hi’?”

  “You know the doctor said it was best if you stayed away from me,” she answered.

  He smiled. “I seem to remember a time when you didn’t want me to stay away. Matter of fact, it wasn’t that long ago that we talked about starting over. Whatever happened to that?”

  “That was before the new and improved you.”

  “So you’re just going to jump into bed with the first guy that comes along? Seems hypocritical of you. You’ll sleep with Ramsey, but not with me?”

  Chloe gasped. “What I do or don’t do is no concern of yours! Besides, you aren’t exactly one to talk! You’ve slept with almost every woman in the city. Before too long, you’ll have to branch out to the surrounding areas or change your policy of visiting the same bed more than once,” she snapped.

  Beside her, Kiera clapped. “Well said, Chloe.”

  “Stay out of it, Kiera,” Michael growled at his sister-in-law.

  “Remember your place,” Gabriel said, standing beside his wife.

  “Well now, bro, not all of us have been lucky enough to find our mate and have her realize who she is… or what we are. Maybe if mine had recognized me, I wouldn’t be the way I am now. Maybe all I need is for Chloe to give me that second chance. If she hadn’t moved in with Ramsey, none of this would’ve happened.”

  “Enough!” Gabriel barked. “I think it’s time for you to leave.”

  “Afraid I’ll let the secret out? She’ll have to learn it sooner or later.”

  “Michael, one more word and it will be the last you’re able to utter for a week.”

  Michael smirked and walked away.

  Chloe looked at Gabriel and then at Ramsey. “What’s going on?”

  Ramsey looked to the alpha, not sure what to say. He couldn’t tell the pack’s secret without permission, but Michael had a point – Chloe did need to know.

  “There’s a family secret you’ll need to know if you decide to stick around, but it isn’t something you need to worry about right now. Tonight was supposed to be a celebration. Leave it to Michael to ruin it,” Gabriel muttered.

  “He’s only ruined it if we let him,” Chloe said, even though talk of secrets had left her feeling rattled. Whatever it was, it didn’t sound good. What had she gotten herself into?

  Ramsey reached out and took her hand. “Chloe’s right. We can stop the party now and let Michael win, or we can continue where we left off.”

  Gabriel nodded. “Ramsey’s right. I say we continue with the party.”

  Several of the pack members came over to be introduced to Chloe. Some of the bolder single males asked her to dance, but she declined them all. When one in particular didn’t seem inclined to

  take no for an answer, she leaned closer to Ramsey.

  “I believe she said no, James,” Ramsey said in a calm voice, his arm going around Chloe.

  “The last time I checked she might be pregnant, but she wasn’t claimed by anyone,” James said.

  Gabriel decided to intervene. He knew Ramsey would fight for Chloe, but he didn’t want it to come to that. “Back down, James. You were warned before you came here tonight.”

  James glanced at the alpha and inclined his head briefly before backing away. He melted into the crowd and disappeared from sight as quickly as he had arrived.

  Chloe trembled next to Ramsey. Wondering for the second time that night what she’d gotten herself into. First Michael and now James. Tempers seemed to run hot around the Andrews family. “What’s wrong with him?” she asked.

  Ramsey shook his head. “James has a tendency to think he’s god’s gift to women.”

  “Like Michael?” she asked.

  “Something like that.”

  “Lucky me. It seems I’m still attracting the same type of guys I always have,” she said with a frown.

  “Not quite,” Ramsey said with a grin.

  “Well, except for you,” Chloe amended. “You seem to be an anomaly in my dating sphere though.”

  “So, this is a date?” he asked quietly.

  Chloe felt a blush stain her cheeks. “I’d like for it to be.”

  He laced his fingers with hers. “Then it’s a date.”

  Another commotion broke out across the yard. This time a couple was heading their way. The man couldn’t be any other but Michael’s and Gabriel’s other brother, Cole, and his wife.

  “Cole, Marin, I’d like you to meet, Chloe. Chloe, this is my brother Cole and his wife, Marin,” Gabriel said when they had reached the table.

  Chloe stood with some assistance from Ramsey. “It’s nice to meet bo
th of you. I’ve heard a little about you from Michael.”

  Cole looked around. “Where is he anyway? I can’t imagine my brother letting you out of his sight for a second,” he said with a grin.

  Chloe looked at Gabriel uneasily. As the eldest of the siblings, she hoped he would jump in and save her. How did she tell Cole that his twin wasn’t acting in a very favorable way toward her right now, that her doctor had said he needed to keep his distance for the well-being of their unborn

  child? It seemed that Cole was out of the loop.

  “I think you two need to have a seat,” Gabriel said.

  Cole gave him a perplexed look, but sat down just the same.

  “What’s going on?” Cole asked.

  “Michael hasn’t been acting like himself lately. The doctor has recommended that he and Chloe spend very little time together,” Gabriel said.

  Both of Cole’s eyebrows shot up, but he remained quiet and let his brother talk.

  “He spends most of his time yelling at Chloe and even grabbed her arm. Hunter made a comment about getting to know Chloe the other day and Michael pinned him by the throat. And tonight he tried to start a fight with her, knowing that she could lose the baby if she didn’t stay calm,” Gabriel said.

  Cole shook his head. It was obvious to him that his brother was in self-destruct mode. He just didn’t know why. “I’m sorry he’s been such an ass to you, Chloe. I promise that isn’t the Michael we know. If you think it would help, I’d be happy to talk to him. There has to be something going on with him, some logical reason for his behavior.”

  Chloe looked at Ramsey and back at Cole. “If you think you can get through to him, I’d appreciate it. Just the thought of seeing him is enough to give me an anxiety attack these days. I’ve told him that he can spend as much time with the baby as he wants, but if he continues to act like this, I’m not sure I’ll be able to be around him at all.”

  Cole didn’t miss the look, or the hand holding between Chloe and Ramsey. It seemed that Michael was going to miss out on his mate if he didn’t get his act together – and soon!

  “I’ll see what I can do,” he promised.


  Michael banged his head on the steering wheel of his Corvette. How could he have been so stupid? Every time he saw Chloe with Ramsey something inside of him twisted, and he just snapped. He knew he was pushing her away, but he couldn’t seem to stop himself.

  He’d spoken the truth though. If she hadn’t moved out, then none of this would’ve happened. The moment she’d told him she was moving into the apartment at Ramsey’s, jealousy had raised its ugly head and he hadn’t been able to put the monster back in the box once it had been released. He hadn’t meant to yell at her that night, and looking back, he knew he should’ve paid for her hospital visit. But he’d just been so angry that he hadn’t been thinking straight. And now she wanted nothing to do with him.

  He couldn’t really blame her. But he wished she hadn’t turned to Ramsey. She said she was only living in the garage apartment, but how stupid did she think he was? There was no way Ramsey was keeping his hands to himself. If their roles were reversed, he knew he wouldn’t.

  Maybe he needed to leave her alone for a while. Maybe if he gave her some space, then she’d be willing to give him another chance. He just had to prove to her that he could be the man she needed, and he knew he could be that man. He’d give her some time and then he’d approach her again. Whether he liked it or not, that was the best thing for him to do.


  After the party, Ramsey drove Chloe back to the house. She stared out of the window into the starry night. The moon hung full and heavy in the night sky. Chloe felt its hypnotic pull, as if it were calling to her. She wanted to close her eyes and bask in its beauty.

  “What are you looking at?” Ramsey asked quietly.

  “The moon. It looks so beautiful tonight.”

  He grinned, pleased with her response. It seemed fitting that a werewolf’s mate would be as drawn to the moon as a wolf was. “It is beautiful.”

  “Do you ever feel like it’s calling to you?”

  “All the time,” he said softly.

  “I’d love to have a garden one day; a beautiful garden full of scented flowers, especially ones that bloom at night.”

  “What else would you have in your garden?” he asked.

  “A hammock to lie in so I could enjoy the moonlit nights and a swing to enjoy the sunny days.”

  “Sounds like you have it all planned out.”

  “I’d also like to have one of those wooden play sets built for the baby. Well, when the baby is big enough to play on one,” she said with a smile.

  Ramsey pulled into the driveway and turned off the engine. “Can I show you something?”

  “Of course.”

  He got out and walked around to the passenger side. Helping Chloe out of the SUV, he held her hand and walked her around to the backyard. When they came to a white picket fence, he pushed open a gate that hung on squeaky hinges. The yard was barren, no grass grew, and no plants were anywhere to be seen. It was merely a large dirt patch with a rickety old swing.

  “What’s this?” she asked.

  “At the moment it’s dead. But I think it used to be a garden, much like the one you just


  She turned to look at him. “What are you saying Ramsey?”

  “If I bought the plants, do you think you could do something with this place? Make it like you described?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. I’ve never had a place to plant anything.” She turned to survey the area. If she closed her eyes, she could see her vision come to life. Could she do it? It would be amazing to create something beautiful out of nothing. She’d always wanted a garden, but never having a house of her own, she’d been denied that pleasure. Now Ramsey was giving her the opportunity to make one of her dreams come true.

  “I figure you can’t do any worse than I would. I’m more of a handyman. I can replace wood, and paint and stuff, but when it comes to flowers and such I’m pretty much a failure. I just thought you might be able to add some color and make it feel homey back here.”

  Chloe stepped closer and looped her arm through his. “I’d be happy to give it a try. I’m not sure what I can plant during this time of year, but maybe we can get at least something in the ground.”

  He nodded. “We can go to the nursery tomorrow and you can tell them what you want the place to look like. Maybe they can deliver something tomorrow afternoon.”

  Chloe smiled up at him.

  Pulling her closer, he cradled her face in his hands and bent his head to hers. His lips gently brushed against hers. He inhaled her scent and felt her arms go around his waist. With her rounded stomach pressed against him, and her soft lips opening under his, Ramsey lost himself in Chloe.

  His tongue slid into her mouth, tasting her, delving into her warmth. His fingers burrowed into her hair, dislodging her clip, neither of them paying attention as it clattered to the ground.

  Trailing his fingers down the column of her throat, he sought the fullness of her breast. When his thumb flicked across the hardened nipple, Chloe whimpered and pressed against him, wanting more.

  His hand slid down the swell of her stomach to her thighs. Grabbing her dress, he lifted the hem and slid his hand underneath. His fingers skimmed the soft skin of her thigh and came to rest on her hip. When Chloe moved against him, pressing against his cock, he grinned against her lips.

  Running his fingers along the top of her panties, he felt her straining against him. Slipping his hand inside of her panties, his fingers delved into the curls at the junction of her thighs. Parting her lips, he felt her dampness and groaned into her mouth. She was so wet and ready for him. Her clit

  was swollen and heavy. When he grazed it with his thumb, she gasped and jerked against him, taking one of his fingers part-way inside of her.

  Ramsey groaned and buried his face into her neck. “Sweetheart,
you are so sweet and so wet.”

  “Ramsey, I…”

  “Shhh. Just come for me, sweetheart.”

  Ramsey continued to rub her clit with his thumb as he stroked in and out of her with his finger, driving her to a frenzy. When Chloe cried out her release, he felt her juices on his hand and gently nipped her on the neck.

  Breathing heavy, he set her away from him and straightened her dress. “I’d better walk you up to your apartment.”


  He shook his head. “I’m not going to take advantage of you, Chloe.”

  “Ramsey, I…”

  “Chloe, I said…”

  Chloe grabbed a handful of his shirt and pulled him to her. Going up on tiptoe, she kissed him hard, silencing whatever he was going to say. If he was going to have second thoughts, she didn’t want to hear them. She’d just had one of the best evenings of her life, Michael not withstanding, and she wasn’t about to let him ruin it.

  “You can’t give me an amazing orgasm like that and then send me home, Ramsey. Didn’t we decide earlier this was a date?”

  “There’s a difference in a date and you ending up in my bed.”

  “And didn’t we say that if this ended up as a date that we would be dating each other? I believe we had a discussion along those lines this morning.”

  “We did, and we also said it was too soon for this step,” he reminded her.

  “What’s going to happen? It’s not like you can knock me up,” she quipped.

  He chuckled. “I may not be able to get you pregnant, but I can decide I want to keep you.”

  Chloe caressed his cheek. “Would that be so horrible?”

  “Not to me. But you heard Cole tonight. He’s going to talk to Michael. What if he changes? What if he becomes the type of man you can depend on?”

  Chloe shook her head. “I can’t plan my life, or my baby’s, on a bunch of what if’s. What I know is that you make me feel like a desirable woman, you seem to care about me, to care about what happens to this baby, and I want to be with you.”


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