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Title Page 59

by Creator

  The thought of a baby drew his eyes to the sleeping woman in the bed. She had finally accepted that she was his mate, but did she fully understand what that meant? Would she welcome children that could very well shape shift into werewolves?

  He grinned. She was certainly an unusual woman, not even balking at the thought of werewolves existing. No, what had worried her was the fact that Ashton Grove had existed in reality and not just in a book. He still found it hard to swallow that there were other realities out there, realities in which he and his family played fictitious characters. Yet, with a cousin who was psychic, a cousin by marriage who was part fairy and part werefox, and a family full of werewolves, he had learned that anything was possible. It seemed that life was going to test his belief system on a regular basis. Between fairies, vampires, other shapeshifters, psychics, discovering the sorcerer was

  real… well, he’d had an interesting life to say the least, and most of those things had happened just in the past year.

  The phone in the living room rang and he reluctantly went to answer it, leaving the door ajar on his way out. Picking up the phone, he recognized the number on the caller ID and grimaced. The last thing he wanted to do was talk to Cameron.


  “Hi boss. Just thought I’d see if you were busy tomorrow.”

  Connor glanced at the clock. “Cameron, do you know how late it is?”

  She laughed. “Yeah, but you’re still awake so what does it matter?”

  “I may be awake, but other people are sleeping.”

  Silence reigned on the other end of the line.

  “Are you still there?”

  “I’m still here. So you’re having a sleepover and didn’t invite me?”

  He could practically hear her pouting on the other end of the line. She probably thought it was cute, but Connor only found it annoying. He’d tolerated her before finding Aislinn, but now that he had found his mate he found that he was less tolerant of the woman.

  “Cameron, I’ve told you before that I’m not interested in you that way. We have a working relationship and that’s all.”

  “But it could be more than that.”

  Connor sighed. The woman was so damn thick headed! “No, Cameron, it can’t be more than that.”

  “It’s not like you’re seeing someone.”

  “How would you know?”

  “Are you? Is that why you won’t date me? Because you’re sleeping with someone else?”

  Connor fought back a growl. “Cameron, I’m not having this conversation with you. We can either continue to have a working relationship, and only that or you’ll need to find another job.”

  He heard the loud click and knew Cameron had hung up on him. Turning the phone off, he put it back on the charger and walked back to the bedroom. To his amazement, Aislinn was sitting up in bed waiting for him.

  “Was that your girlfriend?” she asked softly.

  “I don’t have anyone in my life but you, sweetheart.”

  “It sounded like you were talking to a woman.”

  He grinned and walked to her side. “It was someone from work.”

  “A female someone who wants to be more than a co-worker?”

  Rather astute of her, he thought and he nodded.

  Aislinn wasn’t sure how she felt about other women wanting Connor. She might be his mate, but she knew she wasn’t what most would call beautiful. Deciding not to think on it any longer, she decided to change the subject.

  “If I’m feeling better next week, I’d like to start looking for a job.”

  Connor sat on the edge of the bed, unsure what to make of her statement. She might have healed quickly, but she should probably take it easy for a little while. “You don’t have to.”

  “Yes, I do. I’m not going to rely on you to support me. I’m going to need a car and a place to live, and I can’t get those things without a job.”

  “I thought you would stay here.”

  Aislinn stared at him a moment. She would have never thought of arguing with Hugh, but knowing Connor wouldn’t hurt her made her a bit braver than usual.

  “Connor, my husband refused to let me work, refused to give me a way to earn any money for myself. No matter how nice of a guy you may be, I’m not putting myself in that situation again.”

  He winced when she said “my husband.” Maybe he could find a compromise. He didn’t like the idea of her living anywhere other than here with him. His house was large enough, but if he had it his way she’d remain in his bed, even if they weren’t sharing it yet.

  “What if you got something part-time to give you some spending money of your own and let me worry about the rest?”

  She started to shake her head, but he stopped her.

  “Honey, you almost died. I don’t want you to over-do it right now. You’ve already agreed that you’re my mate and belong with me. At least let me help take care of you. I’m not asking you to be completely dependent on me, not that I would mind it if you were.”

  “I don’t know that I can buy a car with a part-time job.”

  “What if we went car shopping and you picked out something you felt comfortable with?” He hurried on before she could protest. “Think of it as a gift. It’s not every day I find my mate.”

  Aislinn bit her lip, thinking it over. She had expected an argument over her declaration, but he was being really nice about it. She knew he wasn’t Hugh, but at the same time she was terrified of being without the means to support herself. “You won’t mind if I work?”

  Connor reached over and took her hand. “I would prefer it if you didn’t, simply because I think you need a break, but I won’t stop you.”

  His kindness and understanding brought tears to her eyes. She blinked them back and smiled at him. “Thank you. You don’t know what that means to me.”

  Connor smiled and settled himself in the chair by the bed. He would give anything to hold her, but he didn’t want to push it. Just because she had let him hold her once, didn’t mean she would let him do it again. At least, not this soon. He knew she had suffered a great deal at the hands of her husband, and he swore she would never be harmed again.

  Chapter Seven

  Monday came all too soon and Connor had to leave Aislinn in Cassie’s capable hands . His mate had tried to argue that she was fine and didn’t need a babysitter, but he’d finally convinced her that it was more for his peace of mind than anything else. She still hadn’t been happy, but she’d relented.

  Now that he was sitting at his desk, he wondered if he’d made the right decision. So far, he’d done nothing but think about Aislinn. He wasn’t getting much work done, and if he didn’t focus on the job at hand, he was going to have furious employee’s. Payday was coming up and so far he’d only managed to tally two timecards.

  Shoving everything side, he picked up the phone and called the house, needing to hear his mate’s voice. When no one answered after the fifth ring, he began to worry. He hung up and called Cassie’s cell phone next. Getting no answer there either, he finally called Matt, knowing that if anyone would know the location of Cassie and Aislinn, he would be it.

  Matt answered on the second ring.

  “Hi, Connor. Is this a social call?”

  “I can’t find my mate, and since she’d supposed to be with your wife…”

  Matt chuckled. “You assumed I’d know where they are.”

  “Don’t you?”


  Connor growled. “Don’t play games with me, Matt. Not about this.”

  “Relax, Connor. They’re fine. Cassie took Aislinn shopping for a few essentials and then they were going to get a bite to eat.”

  “A phone call would’ve been nice,” he muttered.

  “I’m sure they thought they’d be back before you even knew they were gone.”

  “As long as they’re save, that’s all that matters.”

  “If I talk to Cassie, I’ll be sure to tell her you called. Aislinn probably did
n’t call so she wouldn’t disturb you at work.”

  Connor snorted. “The woman is a distraction even when she isn’t here. If you talk to them, make sure she calls me.”

  “I will. Now get back to work and quit worrying about your mate. She’s fine.”

  Connor hung up the phone and stared at the paperwork on his desk. Maybe Matt was right. If he submerged himself in work, maybe he’d stop thinking about Aislinn so much. It was worth a try anyway.

  Aislinn looked at Cassie uncertainly. She hadn’t felt comfortable leaving the house, but the other woman had convinced her it would be okay. They’d been out for an hour now, but Aislinn still felt unsettled. Maybe she would’ve felt better if Connor knew where she was, or that she’d left the house at all.

  “What do you think of this one?” Cassie asked, holding up a knit dress.

  “The same thing I thought about the last four outfits – that you shouldn’t be buying me anything.”

  “Oh, please! What good is money if you can’t spend it?”

  At her stubborn look, Cassie sighed. “Look, I promise I won’t spend more than five hundred dollars.”

  “One hundred.”

  “Four hundred,” Cassie countered.

  “Two hundred.”

  Cassie’s eyes narrowed. “Three hundred and not a penny less. That should get you a few outfits and some shoes if we bargain hunt in the clearance racks.”

  Aislinn couldn’t believe how carelessly Cassie threw money away. She couldn’t imagine spending three hundred dollars on shoes and clothes. Of course, all of her shoes had come from Payless, and her clothes from Walmart. She’d never shopped in a mall before, not for herself anyway. She’d only gone on special occasions, like Christmas.

  After a while, their arms were laden with packages. Cassie suggested stopping for lunch on the way home and Aislinn agreed. They’d just entered the mall from the store when Cassie’s name was called. Looking around, Aislinn spotted and attractive blond man heading their way.

  “Hunter! What a pleasant surprise,” Cassie said.

  “I picked up some new tools at Sears and thought I’d hit the food court. What are you up to?” he asked, eyeing Aislinn in curiosity.

  “I’m shopping with Connor’s mate.”

  He looked surprised. “Mate? I hadn’t realized…”

  Hunter held his hand out to Aislinn. “Let me be the first to welcome you to the pack. My name’s Hunter.”

  She placed her hand in his. “I’m Aislinn. It’s nice to meet you.”

  Cassie smiled at them. “Well, you’ll have to excuse us, hunter. We’re actually on our way out. Unless…”

  “Unless?” he prompted.

  “Would you want to have lunch with us? Maybe invite one or two pack members?”

  He narrowed his eyes. “What are you up to?”

  “Nothing. I just thought it would be nice for Aislinn to know a few pack members outside of Connor’s family. She’s new in town and doesn’t have any friends here yet.”

  Hunter nodded. “I think Austin has the day off. Let me call him and see if he’s available.”

  Aislinn felt a little overwhelmed. Hunter seemed nice, but she wasn’t sure she wanted to meet anyone else just yet. For that matter, would Connor want her to? Surely if he wanted her to meet his pack, he’d have introduced her himself. But she couldn’t very well uninvited the man, it would just be rude.

  When Hunter hung up the phone, he smiled and took their packages from them.

  “Austin said he’s free. I just need to tell him where we’re going,” he said as he started walking toward the parking lot.

  “What about Red Lobster?” Cassie suggested.

  Hunter made a face. “What about Jack’s Place?”

  She frowned. “That hamburger place on South Street?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure they have salads and stuff, too,” Hunter said.

  Cassie looked at Aislinn. “It’s up to you. This is kind of your ‘welcome to the family’ day.”

  Aislinn wasn’t used to making decisions. Hugh had always chosen the restaurants they went to. Faced with a decision now, she wasn’t sure what to do. Either way, someone wasn’t going to be happy. Looking at their expectant faces, she felt uneasy. Was there a right way to answer the question?

  “Well?” Cassie asked. “Do you feel like eating seafood or hamburgers?”

  “Um… hamburgers sound pretty good, but…”

  Cassie nodded. “Hamburgers it is.”

  Hunter loaded their bags into Cassie’s SUV. After he made sure they were safely buckled and locked in the car, he walked back up the aisle to his Harley, pulling his cell phone out along the way.

  Connor rubbed the bridge of his nose. Working on payroll was starting to give him a headache. He’d been at it all day, probably because he’d been distracted by thoughts of Aislinn. He should’ve been done an hour or two ago, and at the moment, he wasn’t sure he would be done before he left tonight.

  He hadn’t heard from Aislinn all morning and he was getting worried. Cassie would take good care of her, he knew that, but it still makde him uneasy not to know where she was. He’d have to get her a cell phone so he’d be able to reach her at any time, assuming he could convince to accept one.

  Tossing his pen down on his desk, he stretched. Maybe he’d take a walk around the site to get some fresh air. He’d chained himself to his desk all morning in the hopes that Aislinn would call., But with that looking unlikely…

  The phone rang and he pounced on it.

  “Connor Tierney,” he answered.

  “I see your mate is feeling better.”

  He sighed. “Hi, Gabriel. Wait. You’ve seen Aislinn?”

  “I’m looking at her right now, through the window at Jack’s Place.”

  Connor frowned. “I’ve never known Cassie to eat there, not unless she was joining the pack.”

  Gabriel laughed. “Trust me, she didn’t pick it this time, either. I’d say one of their lunch companions picked it out.”

  “Companions?” Connor growled.

  “Hunter and Austin. Both of them are harmless so you have nothing to worry about.”

  “Just the same, I think I’d better take a lunch break now.”

  “I’d stay, but I’m needed at the garage today.”

  “I understand. Thanks for calling and letting me know about Aislinn. I haven’t heard from her all morning and I’ve been worried.”

  “She looks fire. A little strained maybe, but fine,” Gabriel said.

  “I”ll convince Cassie to take her home after lunch.”

  “Why can’t you take her? You’ve already been at work for half a day or more.”

  Connor sighed. “Because I’m battling payroll and promised I’d take off tomorrow and stay home with Aislinn. I can’t afford to miss a day and a half this week.”

  “So take it home with you.”

  “I inherited a desktop computer with this company and I haven’t upgraded to a laptop yet.”

  Gabriel snorted. “You’re making excuses.”

  Connor realized his cousin was right. He was making excuses. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to spend time with his mate, he just didn’t want to be away from work for too long. He hadn’t missed more than a day or two since buying the company. Maybe it was time for him to figure out his priorities.

  “You’re right. I’ll figure something out,” he told his cousin.

  “Listen, they look like they haven’t been here long, but you might want to hurry just in case.”

  “I’m leaving now,” Connor assured him.

  He hung up the phone, grabbed his keys off the desk and headed out the door. Knowing two werewolves were with his mate, made him want to hurry to her side. Hunter and Austin might be harmless by Gabriel’s standards, but they were still men and Aislinn was a beautiful woman.

  Chapter Eight

  Aislinn was grateful to Cassie for all that she’d done for her, but sitting with the two werewolves was making her nervo
us. They both were very nice, but she couldn’t help wondering if Connor would approve. He hadn’t been far from her thoughts all day. She still couldn’t believe she was his mate. It seemed too good to be true.

  She was about to take a bite out of her hamburger when she noticed both Hunter and Austin had fallen silent. Feeling a presence behind her, she tipped her head back and looked up into Connor’s stern face. He didn’t look very happy with their little group.

  Austin stood. “Alpha, we were just getting to know your mate.”

  Connor growled and Austin quickly sat down again. He looked around the table, his gaze resting on each of them for a moment. When he reached her, the stern look on his face softened.

  Aislinn slid further around the horseshoe shaped booth to make room for Connor. He sat next to her and placed a proprietary hand on her thigh, sending shivers down her spine.

  She was happy to see him, but was concerned that she’d done something wrong. He seemed unhappy with her. Tentatively, she placed her hand over his.

  “Am I too late to join you for lunch?” he asked, directing his question at Cassie while never taking his eyes off Aislinn.

  “Of course not,” Cassie said.

  Connor looked around the table again. Hunter and Austin looked decidedly uncomfortable, but Cassie didn’t seem to notice anything out of the ordinary. Maybe her mate always acted this way around his pack, she thought. He was certainly behaving out of character as far as she was concerned.

  The waitress came over and took Connor’s order, smiling invitingly at him, but he ignored her, only having eyes for Aislinn. It wasn’t something she was used to, but she was enjoying his attention. Every time he fastened that penetrating gaze on her, her breath caught in her throat. She knew it wouldn’t take much for her to lose her heart to him, something she was trying to guard against. Being in love made you do stupid things – such as marrying an abusive man like Hugh.


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