
Home > Romance > IrresistibleSin > Page 5
IrresistibleSin Page 5

by Lynn LaFleur

  “That doesn’t bother you?”

  “I’m not an exhibitionist, if that’s what you’re asking, but I don’t hide my body either. I’m not going to scream and run like a Victorian virgin just because a man gets a glimpse of my tits.” She stretched her arms over her head again, which lifted her breasts almost as an offering for his mouth. “I work hard to stay in shape and I’m proud of my body.”

  She should be. She had a gorgeous body, one made for sex. Those large nipples practically begged to be sucked.

  Despite his best efforts, his rod grew longer, thicker. Emma couldn’t help but notice since her eyes were on the same level as his fly. The little taste of her this morning hadn’t been nearly enough to quench his hunger for Emma…a hunger that had begun quicker than he thought possible.

  She pushed her sunglasses to the top of her head as she swung her legs off the chair. She stared directly at his fly. “Looks like you enjoy the view.” Her narrowed gaze lifted to his eyes. “Do you, Griff? Do you like looking at my body?”

  It would be foolish to lie when the proof almost poked her face. “Yes.”

  “Do you want to touch it?”

  He curled his hands into fists at his sides to keep from doing that. “I can’t.”

  “You did this morning.”

  “I shouldn’t have. I cheated on Jana.”

  “I know you still love your wife,” Emma said, her voice low and tender, “but she’s gone. You can’t believe she’d want you to live the rest of your life without being with another woman.”

  No, he didn’t believe that. Jana would want him to be happy. He wasn’t sure how to do that. He’d loved her since he was fifteen years old. He didn’t know how to give her up.

  “Maybe I can help you.”

  Griff jerked when Emma laid her hand over his fly. She ran her palm up and down his length, slipped it between his legs. His breath came out in a hiss when she squeezed his balls.

  “I’d say you definitely need some help.”

  He didn’t stop her as she unfastened his belt, or when she unsnapped and unzipped his jeans. He didn’t stop her when she tugged down the front of his briefs, or when she took his cock into her warm mouth. Instead, he pushed his jeans and briefs down to his thighs and cradled her head in his hands.

  Closing his eyes, Griff tilted back his head and absorbed the pleasure of Emma’s mouth and tongue on him. She circled her tongue around the crown, licked down the full length to his balls. They received the expert attention of her tongue before she laved the length again. She dipped into the slit, circled the crown once more, then took his cock into her mouth and sucked hard.

  “Christ,” he muttered. Griff’s knees almost buckled. He tightened his hands on her head and began gently fucking her mouth. She took everything he gave her, even when he pushed his cock so far that his balls bumped her chin.


  The humming sound she made vibrated along his shaft, making it even harder. She fondled his balls with one hand, gripped his ass with the other. Griff pumped faster as the pleasure climbed. It wouldn’t take long for him to tip over the edge…

  His balls tightened, his breath lodged in his throat. The orgasm engulfed his entire body, galloping up his spine, down to his toes, and out the end of his cock. He jerked with each contraction as his semen filled Emma’s mouth.

  Once the stars stopped flashing behind his lids, Griff opened his eyes. He looked down into Emma’s face. Her lips were deep red, desire glowed in her blue eyes. Seeing that desire made him realize that for the second time today, he’d had a climax while she hadn’t.

  He’d never been a selfish lover. He’d always tried to please Jana. Leaving Emma…hanging wasn’t acceptable at all.

  Too ashamed to look at her, he stared at the ground while he straightened his clothes. The direction of his gaze let him see her feet. A sudden fantasy filled his head of taking each of her toes into his mouth and nibbling on them.

  She scooted her feet into white sandals and stood. “Alaina and I have an appointment with your dad at three to talk about plans for the restaurant. I have to go back to her house and shower.”

  Picking up a loose red T-shirt from the end of her chair, she slipped it over her head. Griff gripped her arm before she could take more than two steps. “Wait. We need to talk.”

  She’d replaced the sunglasses on her nose, so he couldn’t see her eyes. “I don’t want to be late. We’ll talk later.”


  A forefinger to his lips stopped him. “I promise we’ll talk later.”

  He watched her walk away with guilt and shame churning in his stomach. An even stronger emotion battled for control—lust. He still wanted her just as much as he had before he’d come.

  He had no idea what to do about that.

  Chapter Six

  Emma tried to decide how she felt about what happened with Griff while she drove to Stevens House. She knew Alaina would want a report since she’d heard her friend up and about this morning before she left the guest room. It didn’t take a genius to figure out she’d spent the night with Griff.

  Emma wasn’t sure if she wanted to share anything about Griff with her friend. That in itself surprised her. She and Alaina and Kelcey didn’t keep secrets from each other.

  Parking behind Stevens House, Emma entered through the kitchen. She waved to George McGettis, who was busy taking measurements for the kitchen cabinets. She and Alaina were going to meet Kelcey tomorrow for lunch and then to shop for appliances. They’d have to make a second trip when it was time to shop for the appliances in the restaurant. But any shopping for the restaurant would be way in the future. Today she and Alaina had an appointment with Kenneth Coleman to discuss drawing up the blueprints.

  Not seeing Alaina anywhere downstairs, Emma went in the dining room to wait for her and Kenneth. She removed a bottle of water from the ice chest, uncapped it and took a long sip. It didn’t take long for Griff to pop back into her head. She’d promised him they’d talk later, and she would keep that promise although she had no idea what she’d say to him. She certainly hadn’t planned the blowjob by the pool. She’d seen Griff’s erection pressing against his jeans. Knowing that the sight of her body turned him on sent desire coursing through her. She’d had to taste him.

  Emma loved taking a man’s cock in her mouth, yet she rarely let him finish there. It had never occurred to her to pull away before Griff came. She’d wanted him to come in her mouth, wanted to taste his essence.

  She didn’t understand why the urge had been so strong.

  Her actions with Griff had been different than she’d experienced with other lovers. Emma was selfish when it came to sex. She wanted satisfaction from her lovers. That had always been at the top of her list. With Griff, she’d thought about him before herself.

  Sex twice with Griff and no orgasm either time. That was definitely a record for her.

  Alaina came barreling into the dining room, her face flushed and shiny with perspiration. “Sorry, sorry. I was outside with Bob Rowe.”

  “And who is Bob Rowe?”

  “The landscaper. We were talking about flowers and trees. The man is a genius.” She grabbed Emma’s water bottle and took a long drink. “The grounds will be gorgeous when his crew is finished.”

  Since Alaina had almost drained the bottle of water, Emma retrieved another one from the ice chest. “Kelcey could help with that. The lawn and flowers are beautiful at her house.”

  “I may get her advice on flowers for around the house and along the walking paths.”

  “You have walking paths?”

  “I will. Someday.” She blew out her breath. “God, there’s still so much to do. I feel overwhelmed sometimes. And now I’m committed to building a restaurant! I really am insane.”

  Although working in her own restaurant had been Emma’s dream since high school, she’d give it up if it meant a hardship for her best friend. “You don’t have to build the restaurant, Lainy. It was just
an idea.”

  “It’s a great idea. Rye and I talked about it until after midnight last night. The more we discussed it, the more I like it. With your cooking and Kelcey’s organizational skills, it can’t help but be a hit.” Alaina drained the bottle and tossed it into the recycling can. “But enough about that. What’s going on with you and Griff? You weren’t on the couch this morning and the guest room door was closed.”

  “I slept with him.”

  Alaina’s eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. Emma continued before Alaina could pump her for information. “I stress the word slept. I went in there for my book and Griff asked me to stay with him. So I did.”

  “That’s all?” Emma clearly heard disappointment in her friend’s voice. “You only slept with him?”

  “Last night, yes. This morning, no.”

  Leaning back in her chair, Alaina crossed her arms beneath her breasts. “Splain.”

  “We had sex this morning. He got off. I didn’t. Then he got dressed and left.”

  Alaina blinked. “That’s all the explanation you’re going to give me? I need to know exactly what happened.”

  “I told you.”

  “No, you glossed over it. I don’t want a synopsis, I want all the chapters. Griff hasn’t been with a woman since his wife died.”

  “He still hasn’t. He wasn’t with me, Lainy. I gave him comfort and an orgasm. That’s all it was.”

  Alaina studied her for several moments. “How do you feel about that?”

  Emma scowled at her friend. “Stop sounding like a therapist.”

  “Stop evading my question.”

  To stall and get her thoughts in order, Emma uncapped her bottle of water and took a slow drink. “I wanted to comfort him, Lainy. It didn’t matter to me that I didn’t come. And you know me. I’m all about the orgasms.”

  “They’re very nice to have.”

  “I got close. If we’d fucked a few more moments, I would’ve been there. But I didn’t care when it didn’t happen. I only thought about him. It’s weird. I’ve never been so…unselfish.”

  Leaning forward, Alaina rested her forearms on the table. “Are you falling for Griff?”

  Emma snorted with laughter. She couldn’t imagine falling for any man. “No. Absolutely not. I like him. He’s incredibly handsome and very sexy. I wouldn’t mind waking up in his bed several mornings a week. But I don’t fall for men.”

  “Sometimes love captures your heart before you realize it.”

  “Not me. Not gonna happen. I like my freedom too much.”

  “Falling in love doesn’t mean you’d lose your freedom. I love Rye with all my heart, but don’t feel tied down in any way. He encourages me to be myself, to keep doing the things that make me happy.”

  “I’m happy for you, Lainy. I’m glad you and Rye found each other. I’m not interested in anything with a man beyond some fun.”

  Footsteps in the hallway stopped Emma from saying anything else. Kenneth Coleman entered the room, portfolio in hand. He smiled. “Hi, ladies.”

  “Hi, Kenneth.” Alaina stood and gave him a quick hug. “Thanks for coming.”

  “Always happy to help my favorite gal.” He took the chair next to Alaina after she sat again. “So y’all are going to build a restaurant.”

  “Your sons are going to build it, after Emma tells you what she wants.”

  “So let’s get started.” Kenneth opened the cover of his portfolio to expose a white legal pad. “What do you want, Emma?”


  Cooking had always been one of Griff’s greatest pleasures. He’d stopped cooking when Jana died, relying on sandwiches or canned soup or frozen dinners whenever he could force himself to eat. Tonight, he needed something to do that would occupy his mind so he wouldn’t keep thinking of Emma.

  Although the temperature had reached ninety-four today, Griff decided to make spaghetti. Since he had practically no food in his house, he’d had to stop at the grocery store on the way home and stock up on supplies.

  With the food put away and the spaghetti sauce simmering on the stove, Griff sat down at the kitchen table with a bottle of beer. He’d tried to push Emma from his thoughts while he prepared the sauce, but she kept creeping back. They needed to discuss what happened this morning, and this afternoon by Dax’s pool. She’d promised him they’d talk tonight, but he hadn’t heard from her since she left Dax’s house.

  The chime of the doorbell surprised him. His brothers and parents would come in the back door, and wouldn’t bother to knock or ring a doorbell. After giving the spaghetti sauce another stir, he walked to the front door.

  His stomach jumped when he saw Emma. She stood on his porch, a halo from the setting sun surrounding her.

  She looked like an angel.

  “Hi,” she said with a small smile.

  “Hi.” He stepped back and opened the door wider. “Come in.”

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t get here sooner,” she said after Griff closed the door. “Alaina and I finished with your dad a few minutes ago.” Her smile brightened. “He’s amazing. He took every idea I had for the restaurant and made it better.”

  “I agree that he’s amazing.”

  She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. A look of bliss crossed her face. “What is that wonderful aroma?”

  “Spaghetti sauce.”

  Emma looked at him again, surprise clearly evident in her eyes. “You’re cooking?”

  “Yeah.” He shrugged. “I was in the mood.”

  “Does it taste as yummy as it smells?”

  “I guess you’ll have to be the judge of that.”

  Griff led the way to the kitchen. “I want it to simmer a while longer, but you can sneak a taste.” He took a spoon from the silverware drawer, scooped up some of the sauce and held it to Emma’s mouth.

  She held his gaze while she blew on the sauce to cool it. Something as simple as tasting spaghetti sauce shouldn’t be so sensual. Every move Emma made, everything she did, made Griff think of sex. He hadn’t been so obsessed with getting a woman naked in seven years of marriage.

  Emma rolled her eyes and released a soft moan. “Oh wow, that’s incredible.”

  “Do you think it needs more oregano?”

  She shook her head. “I think it’s perfect. If you want a different job, you can be a chef at Alaina’s restaurant.”

  Griff chuckled. It felt strange to him since it had been so long since he’d laughed. “I think I’ll stick with the job I have now.”

  Silence fell between them, a silence that Griff wasn’t sure how to fill. Emma motioned toward his beer bottle on the table. “I’ll take one of those if you have more.”


  She sat at the table while he grabbed another beer from the refrigerator. “Do you want a glass?”

  “Nope. Bottle’s fine.”

  Once settled across the table from her, he tried to think of how to start the conversation about what had happened between them. He watched her take a sip of beer and set the bottle on the table. She leaned forward and wrapped her hands around it.

  “Griff, please don’t feel guilty because we had sex. Everything I’ve heard about your wife makes me believe she was a kind and generous person. Someone like her wouldn’t expect you stay away from women forever.”

  “You’re right. I know you’re right. Jana would want me to be happy. I just…” Blowing out a breath, he sat back in his chair. “I’ve loved her since I was fifteen. I don’t know how to let her go.”

  “You’ll do it when the time is right.”

  Emma had to know right up front that he wasn’t available. He had no intention of having his heart ripped out of his chest again. “I can’t get involved with anyone else.”

  “I’m not asking you to. I like my life exactly how it is. I’m single and plan to stay that way.” A teasing smile touched her lips. “But if you want some…friendly companionship, I’m willing.”

  “Something along the lines of what happened betwee
n us this morning? But longer next time?”

  Her hint of a smile bloomed into a full one. “Longer would be better.”

  Griff chuckled again. It felt easier this time, more natural. He wasn’t afraid his face would crack if he smiled.

  “How much longer does the sauce need to simmer?” she asked.

  He glanced at the clock on the stove. “About twenty minutes.”

  “Just enough time to boil the spaghetti and toast some French bread, if you have it.”

  “As a matter of fact, I do.”

  Emma grinned. “Then let’s get dinner going. I’m starving.”

  She liked him. Not only was he incredibly nice to look at, but also intelligent and charming and polite. She suspected he also had a wicked sense of humor, if he’d let himself go. Alaina had told Emma many things about Griff that Rye had shared with her, including how Griff loved to watch comedies because they made him laugh. He’d always loved to laugh, until Jana died.

  Emma hadn’t heard Griff laugh out loud yet, but she’d heard his chuckle when she’d made the crack about longer being better. She took that as a good sign that he was finally starting to heal.

  She set the table while Griff dished up plates of spaghetti and buttered French bread. Conversation had been easy between them. He asked her about her job in Dallas, her family, how she met Alaina. She wasn’t sure if he was that curious about her, or if he kept turning the attention to her to keep it off him.

  Time to turn the attention back to him.

  “This is wonderful, Griff. How long have you cooked?”

  He swallowed his bite of food and wiped his hands on a linen napkin. “Since I was a teenager. Mom said just because she had three boys didn’t mean they wouldn’t learn how to cook and clean and do laundry. We all hated it, of course, but it was good for us to do all that stuff. It made us self-sufficient.”

  Emma looked around the orderly kitchen. “Doesn’t your mother clean your house?”

  “Yeah, on Wednesdays. She was here yesterday. That’s why everything looks so good. I can do it, but she enjoys taking care of us.” He shrugged. “I wouldn’t want to take away her joy.”

  “Plus it’s easier to pay her than do it yourself.”


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