Black Light: Suspended

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Black Light: Suspended Page 8

by Maggie Ryan

  “Water, Sir?” a server offered.

  “Thanks,” Dillon said, accepting two bottles of water from one of the staff. Uncapping the first, he said, “Sit up, baby, drink this.”

  “I’m good,” she said, snuggling closer.

  Dillon chuckled. “No, you’re great, but I still want you to sit up and drink this.” He adjusted her until she sighed and reached for the bottle, giving a giggle when they both realized her hands were still bound.

  “Here,” he said, placing the bottle at her lips. She took several swallows before pulling back. Dillon drank the rest and then began to undo the knots, releasing her hands. “So, still a fan of rope play?” he asked.

  “Yes, definitely,” she said as he set the ropes aside and began to massage her arms. “I thought my arms would be strained, but they weren’t at all.”

  “That’s because I didn’t lift you off the floor. Even with full suspension, like you witnessed earlier, when done correctly, will never cause your muscles to strain. The ropes support your weight. Shibari requires an entirely different set of knots and combination of ropes.”

  “That’s why it takes so long?”

  “It can. The more intricate the pattern, the more of the body being bound, determines the time. You’ll see when we do a full session.”

  “Hmmm, that’s something to look forward to,” she said, wrapping her hands around his neck and bending to kiss him. Dillon held her close for several minutes, loving the feel of her in his arms, her little wiggles causing his cock to stir again. Setting her up, he removed the ropes from her legs and then moved her to her feet. “Let’s get you dressed.”

  “Oh… God, I- I forgot,” she said, and he loved the fact that she sounded surprised and yet not truly embarrassed. He remembered the sting; that night she’d also forgotten her nudity. Charlie was definitely a woman comfortable with her body. Picking up her dress, he grinned. “You realize that for the rest of my life, every time I see this color, I’m going to think of you?” He watched her look from the dress to him, her eyes widening when he slid a hand between her legs and then was shocked when she gave a little giggle.

  “So every time you see me you’re going to be craving pumpkin pie?” she asked.

  His cock jerked and he shook his head. “No, I’m gong to be craving you.” As if to prove his point, he removed his hand from her sex and took his sweet time giving each of his fingers a long slow swipe of his tongue. “Yum.” Her face colored immediately as he began to slide the dress over her head.

  “Dillon, the bra goes first.”

  “Not tonight it doesn’t. The less you wear, the faster I’ll get you naked and beneath me.” He tucked her bra and panties into his pockets and then gathered the ropes and both bottles they’d emptied between them. Putting the bottles into a bin, he took her hand and dropped the ropes on the floor next to the cabinet.

  “Why did you leave them on the floor?” she asked, when he didn’t add them to the coils on several shelves.

  “Every rope used will be washed and checked for any fraying,” he said. “Safety first is important in any play, but when trusting a rope to support someone, safety becomes even more important.”

  He kept his arm around her waist as he scanned the room. Spotting Owen and the brunette who’d been standing with Charlie, he said, “I’m assuming that’s Martha?”

  “Oh, yes, but she goes by Marty here.” Dillon nodded and guided her through the crowd towards the couple. As they got closer, Charlie said, “Wow, you look just like Owen. Are you twins?”

  “No, Dillon is just lucky to look like his older brother,” Owen answered before Dillon could. “It’s nice to meet you, Rose.”

  “Oh, call me Charlie,” Charlie said.

  “All right. Dillon’s told me a lot about you.”

  “He has?” Charlie said, looking surprised.

  “Of course I did,” Dillon said. “How could I not talk about the most amazing woman I’ve ever met?”

  “I knew I’d like you. Hi, I’m Marty.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Marty. I understand I have you to thank for bringing Charlie to Black Light. I owe you.”

  “Well, I’ll consider the debt paid if Charlie can tell me she’s not destined to spend the rest of her vacation turning into a couch potato.”

  Charlie laughed. “I’ve already told him you were right. My shoes… and everything else, were definitely knocked off.”

  “I knew it!” Marty said, beaming from ear to ear. “It’s about damn time! Though I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself not having to wait on you hand and foot.”

  “Don’t worry, that’s my job,” Dillon said. “We’ll get together soon, but for now…” He bent and when he straightened, he had Charlie hanging over his shoulder. “Say goodnight, Charlie.”

  She lifted her head. “Goodnight, Charlie,” she repeated and then squealed when his hand snaked up her dress and slapped her bare butt.

  “Smartass,” Dillon said, giving her buttock a squeeze as he walked towards the door.

  Chapter 6

  Once Danny had buzzed the locker open, and Charlie had retrieved her purse and watch, she again took Dillon’s hand. Her mind was whirling with all that had happened and yet she wouldn’t have changed a single moment. Looking around, and realizing they were walking down a tunnel, she said, “This isn’t the way we came in.”

  “There’s more than one secret entrance,” Dillon said, squeezing her hand.

  He led her up a set of stairs and through another door where a man sat. “Have a good evening. Come back soon,” he said.

  “Believe me, we plan on doing both,” Dillon said, causing Charlie’s face to heat and her panties to dampen… wait, she wasn’t wearing any panties. God, she hoped that unlike Hansel and Gretel, she wasn’t leaving a path to follow… though hers would be droplets of her arousal instead of breadcrumbs. That brought another wave of heat, this time throughout her entire body.

  Dillon pushed aside a curtain and she stepped through, surprised to find they stood in some sort of store. If the books and paraphernalia sitting on shelves didn’t give her a clue to the store’s offerings, a dark haired woman sitting at a table where a large, glass ball sitting in the middle of a round table certainly did.

  “A psychic shop? I’ve always wanted to have my future told.”

  Dillon halted her approach to the table. “Your immediate future will involve a tall, dark, and handsome man and though there will be balls involved, they won’t be glass.”

  “Dillon! I can’t believe you said that!” she gasped as he led her out the door. “She’s going to think we are some sort of perverts!”

  “Babe, if she can’t tell that I intend to do all sorts of delicious perverted things to you, then she’s not much of a psychic.”

  Charlie forgot all about the woman as his words had her stomach flipping and her naughty bits tingling. When they turned into a parking lot, she said, “You didn’t come in a cab?”

  Dillon chuckled. “No. Not too many cab drivers want to drive all the way out to my place without another fare to bring back into the city.”

  “Oh my God, Dillon, this is gorgeous!” And it was. He was unlocking the door of a cherry apple red, Chevy pick-up. “What year is it?”

  “It’s a 1948. We found it in an old barn on one of our trips. My dad loved restoring old trucks. It made for some great father/son bonding as he passed on his skills and knowledge. When other kids were pining for the newest, sportiest cars, we were restoring trucks. Owen has a 1956 Ford.” As he was speaking, he was lifting her into the truck. Instead of the bucket seats of most of today’s vehicles, she was placed on a wide seat that ran across the width of the vehicle. She was shocked at how spacious the interior was and how huge the hood looked through the curved glass of the windshield.

  “I love it!” she said as he climbed behind the wheel. Reaching over her shoulder, her hand encountered nothing but empty space. “No seat belts?”

hey weren’t a requirement then, especially not on what were classified as farm vehicles.” He turned and grinned. “Come on over here.” Once she had, he reached behind her and pulled out a belt that had been tucked into the seat. “But, as much as I appreciate vintage, I also appreciate safety first.”

  Charlie smiled as he buckled the belt over her lap, not surprised that he’d added them but absolutely loving that she was able to sit so close to his side. He gave her a quick kiss before he started the ignition, the engine purring to life.

  “This is much better than a cab,” she said, leaning her head against his shoulder. “But if you don’t live in D.C., where do you live?”

  “I live in Virginia.”

  “Isn’t that a bit far?”

  “Not at all. But believe me, those thirty-five miles or so take you into a different world. I’ve never been much for cities, crowds, and traffic. I grew up on a farm and when my parents passed, Owen and I inherited it and when he decided to move into the city, I bought his share.”

  Charlie smiled. “I think that’s wonderful. Keep family land in the family. I’ve always preferred open spaces as well. Easier to see anyone sneaking up on you. Oh, Martha’s place is over by the Capital. I think if you turn right at the light you can cut over to… hey, I said right.”

  He’d driven straight through the intersection. “Babe, we aren’t going to Martha’s place until much, much later.”

  She looked down at her watch. “It’s already midnight…” She giggled and when he asked what was funny, she told him about Martha making her promise to stay out until the clock struck twelve. “I’m glad I did,” she said, laying her hand on his thigh. “Instead of some carriage that turns into a pumpkin, I’m riding in a beautiful truck with…” Realizing she’d been about to say Prince Charming, she felt her cheeks heat.

  Dillon’s hand dropped to cover hers. “With a man who thinks you are far better than any princess.”

  “You do?”

  “Absolutely.” They’d stopped at a red light and he took the opportunity to bend to kiss her, instantly igniting the heat he’d stoked earlier. She gave a soft moan when he released her, his eyes to the front again. It gave her a moment just to stare at his profile and thank God that Martha had insisted she go out tonight. Dillon had said he owed Martha and she knew he wasn’t the only one.

  “So where are we going?” she asked as he drove through streets she wasn’t familiar with.

  “I’ve got this sweet little place that serves the best stack of pancakes you’ve ever eaten.”

  “That sounds great but I’m not really that hungry…”

  “You will be by the time it opens.”

  “What time is that?”

  “Whenever the chef crawls out of bed, which, could be very late.”

  “You know the chef?”

  Dillon turned to glance at her, his smile causing that sexy dimple to appear in his cheek. “Quite well, actually. I know that since he plans on making love to a beautiful yellow Rose until the wee hours of the morning, he might be a tad bit later than usual in getting to the kitchen.”

  She suddenly understood what he was saying. They weren’t going to Martha’s nor any restaurant in D.C. He was taking her to his place. Emotions warred within her. She’d honestly never imagined anything remotely like this to be in her future. Sure, their paths might have crossed again given their professions, but to walk into a BDSM club and to not only see Dillon, but to participate in a scene… a very intense, emotional, extremely satisfying scene had never once crossed her mind as a possibility. Part of her insisted things were moving too fast and yet… her heart and, if she were honest, her body were telling her to trust that somehow the stars had aligned in her favor. At least for this one night, they encouraged her to allow herself to let go of her worries about realities of life, job, and expectations – and just enjoy.

  “Charlie? Are you okay? Tell me what you’re thinking?” Dillon asked softly, adding, “And remember, there are no right and wrong answers here.”

  This man was like no one she’d ever known. She’d been shocked to see him, had run as he advanced, had every intention of fleeing and yet had been so… so pleased when he’d not allowed her to open the door. She’d felt his erection pressing against her as he’d pinned her to the wall and yet he hadn’t demanded, hadn’t taken a thing until he’d taken the time to sit and talk. Oh, he was definitely the Dom in the scenario, but he’d wanted to assure her that she was in charge of whether their play progressed or ended. She had absolutely no doubt that if she asked him to take her to Martha’s, he’d simply turn the truck around and do so even though they were already leaving the city behind. She made her decision, and knew it was the only one she could have made. Their night wasn’t over… it was really just beginning. The promise of more to come had her body tingling again. Looking up and meeting his eyes, she smiled. “I was thinking that if breakfast is so far in the future, maybe I better have a little snack to tide me over.” She unclicked her seat belt and then pulled her legs up to lie on the bench, scooting back until she was in the position she desired, before buckling the belt around her waist again. The large steering wheel was high enough that she had plenty of room to maneuver as she unzipped his pants, loving the fact that the moment he realized her intentions, his cock had begun to harden. She also loved that he went commando… making his erection so much more convenient. Guiding him out of his fly, she bent to kiss the head, then began taking tiny licks across its surface, her hand stroking his shaft as it continued to lengthen. God, she really was amazed that she’d managed to take every inch of his cock inside, the memory of being so full, so stretched, causing her pussy to spasm.

  She didn’t hurry, didn’t jerk her hand up and down his shaft. She had an entire thirty-five miles or so and was planning on savoring every single click of the odometer. Using her tongue, she swept it from his balls to the crown, tasting him as he’d tasted her. Glistening drops of pre-cum were licked and savored, the masculine scent and taste uniquely his. Opening her mouth wide, she engulfed the bulbous head, humming with pleasure.

  He was as soft as velvet and yet as hard as iron, the vein on the underside, thick and prominent beneath her tongue. Every inch of his erection felt her tongue as she alternated between taking his cockhead into her mouth and licking along his length. She began to bob her head up and down, taking a bit more every time, yet knowing it would take practice… a lot of practice, before she could discover if she’d ever be able to take all of him. Her fingers alternated between stroking and caressing that which she couldn’t take.

  Perhaps he was the psychic one as the moment she had that thought, he said, “More, Charlie. Take more.” She managed another inch and then pulled away, only to find his hand on the back of her head. “Just like your pussy, you can take more.”

  Her pussy spasmed again at the memory and her nipples throbbed at the tone of his voice. It was so calm, so deep, so authoritative, and so absolutely certain that he spoke the truth. She found she wanted so desperately to obey, to please this man who had so pleased her. Another inch taken and he was now at the back of her throat and she was having to fight her gag reflex.

  His hand didn’t push but didn’t allow her to retreat. Strong fingers wove through her hair and she realized that it didn’t take ropes to bind a person. It simply took the desire to give up control to another. To offer yourself in submission, trusting your Dom never to harm you. With a deep breath, she swallowed, forcing herself to take him down her throat, forcing herself not to panic at the fear of being unable to breathe.

  “Beautiful,” he said, “a little more.”

  If someone had told her that she could actually swallow a man’s cock, she would have called them a liar. And yet, with his softly spoken command, with his hand on the back of her head, and with her desire to learn, she did exactly that. Another inch and then another until she had to pull back, saliva slipping from her lips, gasping as she drew in oxygen. And yet, the moment she was only ho
lding his cockhead in her mouth, she craved more. Again and again, she took him, swallowed around him, each contraction of her throat squeezing his flesh. When she needed to breathe, she pulled back and did so, and only realized his hand had left her head when she felt her dress being lifted.

  “Spread your knees,” he said, and when she did, the seat plenty wide enough to accommodate his order, she felt his fingers slip from her ass to her sex. She gasped at the pleasure as he began to stroke along her vulva as her mouth continued to slide up and down his cock. “You’ll come with me,” he said, not a question, nor an order. It was said as a simple fact. His fingers played over her clit and when the only sound she could make was a deep hum, she felt his cock go even harder. Two fingers slipped into her pussy, her juices allowing them easy entry. He began to finger fuck her as she increased her pace, worshipping the cock in her mouth, welcoming it down her throat.

  “Come, Charlize, come for me.”

  It took only another few thrusts, the heel of his palm pressing hard against her clit for her to obey. She came as he spurted deep in her throat, both continuing to convulse, to release the passion they’d brought to the surface. Swallowing, she took every drop as he forced every spasm from her. When it was over, she was breathless. She allowed his cock to slip from her mouth, her lips feeling swollen. Kissing the tip again, she smiled to see his cock give a final shudder. Tucking him away, she carefully zipped his pants before giving a sigh of intense satisfaction and laying her head on his thigh, easing her legs down as his fingers left her sex.

  “Open,” he said, causing her to open eyes she’d just closed to find his glistening fingers. A shudder ran through her, but not one of disgust. Yes, she’d taken some classes, had played a bit but had never once felt anything like this. His simple command had a wave of submission running through her. Opening her mouth, he slid his fingers inside and as she licked and cleaned each one, she thought of how they were joined… his seed and hers, both on her tongue in what she could only describe as an intimate kiss.


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