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Black Light: Suspended

Page 9

by Maggie Ryan

  When he pulled his fingers free, he stroked her hair off her face. “That was beautiful… you are beautiful.” She sat up, accepting his kiss and once more snuggling into his side.

  “We’re almost home,” he said and she realized that the city had disappeared, replaced by rolling fields. Stars filled the sky and the moon was within days of being full.

  “It’s so beautiful,” she said. “Even in the dark, when you can’t see clearly, I know that beneath the darkness, there is beauty.”

  They sat in comfortable silence for the last few miles before he turned off onto another road. After driving about a mile, he stopped the truck in front of a gate. Rolling down the window, he reached out and punched in a code, then drove through, the gates closing behind him. “Welcome home,” he said, and she smiled at the sound of pride in his tone. They pulled up in front of a two-story house that had a large front porch. Charlie scooted across the seat, blushing and hoping that she hadn’t left a wet spot on the leather. Dillon opened her door and reached in, snagging her about the waist and swinging her down.

  “How much land do you have?” she asked, the moon’s illumination allowing her to see nothing but fields and a few buildings typical on many farms and ranches she’d seen growing up in Texas.

  “Two-thousand acres, but I lease most of them out to other farmers. My family always grew crops, but I don’t really farm.”

  “Ah, so you’re one of those ‘gentlemen farmers’. The king of his domain and yet doesn’t get his hands dirty.”

  Dillon chuckled and took her hand to lead her up the porch steps. “Believe me, I get plenty dirty.” She heard barking and smiled when Dillon called out, “Lucy, I’m home,” in a perfect imitation of Desi Arnez from the I Love Lucy television series. At his welcome, the barking ceased.

  “Your own version of an alarm system?” she asked as he pulled open the screen and unlocked the door.

  “Can’t beat it as it doesn’t take a lick of electricity and offers a much warmer welcome.”

  Charlie laughed as Lucy came bounding into the foyer. She was about to brace herself for impact, but Lucy came to a smooth stop a foot from her, sitting down and lifting her head. Charlie could swear the dog was smiling as if to say, ‘Really? You forgot how well trained I am?’ Sinking to her knees, Charlie wrapped her arms around the German Shepherd’s neck. “Hello, girl. I’ve missed you.” Lucy gave Charlie’s cheek a long sweep of her tongue and Charlie kissed her right back.

  “All right, ladies,” Dillon said. “I’m feeling a bit left out here.”

  Charlie smiled as he rectified the situation by squatting and spending a few moments ruffling Lucy’s fur before he rose and offered Charlie his hand. Charlie put her hand in his, expecting him to pull her to her feet. Instead, she squealed when he not only pulled her up but then swept her into his arms in one fluid movement.

  “I’ll give you the grand tour tomorrow, but for now, there’s only one room I’m interested in showing you.”

  He carried her through a large living room and then up the stairs. It was apparent he knew every step, every room by heart as he never bothered to turn on any of the lights until he pushed open a door at the end of the hallway. Once inside, he set her down and with a flick of the switch, she could take in the room. It was obviously his bedroom. A king size bed dominated the space opposite a set of windows. One wall held a large dresser, and one corner was claimed by a leather chair and ottoman. A small table set beside it, a pile of magazines testifying that this was where he’d sit and read. She wasn’t the least bit surprised to see solemn looking men and women on the covers, each one with an equally serious looking canine by their side. It was a room inside a house that had stood for generations. The very thought of years past and Dillon as a baby being brought home by proud parents, that little boy growing up here, the magazines replaced by comic books, had her smiling. This wasn’t a house… this was a home and she was amazed at how much that tugged on her heart. That little boy had grown up into an incredible man, one she felt safe with… one she felt honored to be with.

  “I didn’t see much, but I’m sure the house is lovely,” she said, turning and then gasping. While she’d been looking around the room, he’d been removing his clothing. Yes, that little boy had grown up into quite the perfect male specimen. His torso was a slab of muscle, his waist trim and that dark line of hair that led from his navel down to his groin had her heart slamming inside her chest. Good God, despite coming down her throat not that long ago, his cock jutted from his groin, standing at attention and pointing in her direction. She felt a ridiculous impulse to salute and then an almost irresistible desire to sink to her knees as a wave of submission rolled over her.

  His eyes locked on hers as she lifted them to his face as he came towards her. Nipples instantly puckered and her thighs grew damper when her body immediately responded to him. “Time to step out of the beautiful pumpkin,” he said and she almost rolled her eyes, catching herself just in time.

  “Ahh, good save,” he said, smiling as he unzipped her dress, allowing it to fall to the floor. “I’m regularly tested and am clean, but will use a condom if you wish.”

  What she wanted was to feel his cock inside her without anything between them. “I’m clean and on birth control. So, no, Dillon. I want to feel you, and nothing but you.” He enveloped her in his arms, drawing her close, and for the first time, she felt the delicious heat of all of his bare flesh against hers as he bent to kiss her. She moaned, her arms lifting to wrap around his neck as she opened her mouth for him to plunder. God, his kisses alone had her blood racing and her pussy leaking. Of course, the long length of his cock pressed between them didn’t hurt either.

  Not breaking the kiss, he walked her backwards until she could feel the edge of the mattress against her ass. Lifting his mouth from hers, he turned her in his arms. “Bend over, legs spread, ass high.”

  She immediately obeyed, laying her torso against the quilt that covered his bed, the deep greens, browns, and golds of the design as masculine as the man behind her. Her fingers grabbed hold of the quilt as she gave a cry when he impaled her with his cock in one hard thrust, filling her completely. Whereas at the club he’d taken it slow, here… now… he took her hard and fast. His foot kicked against her own, ordering her to spread herself wider, his hands on her hips lifting her ass higher as he buried himself again and again in her pussy.

  “Oh… oh, God,” she moaned, “yes… yes. Harder!”

  His hand moved to fist in her hair, pulling her head back, turning it so that he could bend forward and claim the tender skin of her throat. It was primal, it was hard, it was fast… it was absolute perfection. She screamed his name when she came apart, every inch of her body convulsing, her cunt squeezing around his cock like a vise and yet unable to hold him in place as he continued to drive in and out of her. His hips slammed into her again and again. She didn’t feel as if she were just being fucked… she felt as if he was claiming her, with his cock, his lips, his tongue, and his teeth as he took small nips on her neck, her ear, her shoulder. Her body began to coil again as she imagined how it would be to bend before him, to offer her body for his mark in a different way… to accept each stroke of his hand, his belt, a crop, a flogger. To know that beneath her clothing—he, and she—knew that the weals she bore with pride were those he’d gifted her with.

  “Come for me, Charlie. Come all over my cock.”

  “Yes,” she screamed as fingers pinched a clit that was so sensitive already, demanding she obey her Dom’s order. She swore the stars had moved inside as she saw them explode behind her eyelids as yet another climax took her. Dillon bellowed her name, his cock jetting his seed so deeply inside her as he continued to stroke in and out for several more, long, delicious moments. When he bent over her, his weight pressing her deeper into the mattress, she didn’t feel smothered, she felt incredibly protected and it felt surprisingly nice.

  After he’d removed her shoes and stockings, she’d been gratef
ul to find herself lifted into his arms again, positive she never would have had the strength to walk into the adjoining bathroom.

  “Oh, this is gorgeous,” Charlie said looking around the bathroom. She learned that while the farmhouse was over a hundred-years-old, Dillon had done a few upgrades. Besides the claw foot tub on one side, there was a huge walk-in shower with multiple shower heads that would not only wash but massage every inch of their bodies. Though thoroughly updated, a beautiful old piece of furniture had been converted into a vanity, and though it only held one sink, it was oversized, with a faucet on either end.

  Instead of setting her on her feet, he set her down on the vanity. She was about to state she could stand but then decided it might not be a good idea to state something she was pretty sure was a lie. Not only her legs, but her entire body felt a bit wobbly. So instead, as he moved about the room gathering whatever he wanted, she leaned her head against the wall and closed her eyes.

  “Charlie? Honey? Charlie?”


  “Wake up, honey.”

  “I’m not asleep,” she said.

  “If you’re not, you’re about one second from falling into the Sandman’s arms.” She gave a squeak as he lifted her off the counter and carried her into the shower.

  “Oh, God, that feels so good,” she moaned, finally opening her eyes to see billows of steam surrounding her as jets of water pummeled her skin. When he turned her back to his front and tilted her head back in order to begin washing her hair, she groaned again. “That feels even better.”

  “I love what you’ve done with your hair.” His fingers lifted a section. “The streak of color, among the black, is stunning.”

  “I love your hands in my hair,” she said, almost purring as his fingers massaged her scalp.

  He bent close, giving her shoulder a kiss. “Good to know, Charlie. I plan on having my hands in your hair quite often. To wash, to caress, to pull as you take my cock… in your mouth, your cunt, and your ass.”

  She shuddered at the words… positive he wasn’t asking permission; he was simply telling her what he would do. That thought… no, that promise, didn’t scare her. Sure, she could imagine female activists demanding she stand up for her gender, to state that he had no such rights and yet… to hell with them. What his word did instead was help her to understand a bit more about exactly why women such as she—strong, intelligent, independent women—still ached to serve that one person, to offer their submission to the one who stirred their very souls. With her hair washed, he moved to wash the rest of her, soaping his hands and running them over her breasts. When she moaned, he stopped moving, just gently holding her breasts.


  “A little,” she admitted, reaching up to lay her palm on his cheek. “But the good type of sore.”

  He smiled and bent to give each of her nipples a gentle kiss. “Here too?” he asked, slipping his hand between her legs and cupping her sex.

  “Yes… you’re a very well-endowed man, MacAllister.”

  “And you are a very beautiful woman, Charlize. An amazing woman.” He turned her and washed her back and the globes of her ass. She stiffened when she felt a finger sliding down the cleft of her bottom. “Relax,” he ordered as the tip of his finger pressed against the tight pucker of her anus. “Have you ever been fucked here?”

  “No… never.” When the memory of Sorenson threatened to rear its ugly head, she forced it aside. It was yet another memory that needed to be supplanted. One that she trusted Dillon to replace over with his lovemaking… even if the thought of taking his cock into such a small place had her blushing at the very taboo nature of it.

  “We’ll begin working you up to being able to take my cock,” Dillon said, again not questioning, just informing.

  She nodded, heat filling her very blood vessels at the image that popped into her head, and when he stroked her pucker one final time before removing his finger, she knew it would be another gift she would offer to him. While he washed his hair, she washed his body, amazed when his cock began to stiffen as she lathered it with her hands.

  “God, are you always hard?”

  “Only around you,” he said with a grin. “Shit, all that time in Texas just about killed me. I wanted you so badly but you kept saying no every time I asked you out.”

  She cupped his testicles, rolling them in her palm. “A girl can’t appear too easy, now can she?” she quipped and then shook her head. “To be honest, I regretted not accepting a date. That last night at Lupitos, I was so torn apart knowing I’d ruined any chance of… of us.” She paused, looking up at him. “God, Dillon, what are the possibilities that you’d live here and that I’d take my vacation in D.C. and that we’d both…”

  “Enjoy the spicier side of life?” he provided.

  She couldn’t help but smile. “That’s one way to put it.”

  He bent and kissed the top of her head. “I couldn’t tell you the statistical possibility but I will tell you that I felt as if I’d won the lottery the moment I saw you at Black Light.”

  His words and the look in his eyes had her insides going all warm and gooey. Feeling a movement, she looked down to see that his cock was hardening. Smiling, she was amazed that he wanted her yet again. “I feel the same way, except my ticket also has the winning powerball,” she said, giving his balls a gentle squeeze.

  “Babe, unless you want to go beyond a little sore to a lot sore, I suggest you move your hand.” When she began to stroke her hand up and down his stiffening shaft, he put his hand over hers. “Smartass.” She laughed but allowed him to remove her hand as she really was about to fall asleep on her feet.

  Dillon wrapped her in a towel that was huge enough to go around her twice. He settled her on the counter yet again as he plugged in a hair dryer and combed out and dried her hair until it wasn’t sopping wet but still a bit damp. “It takes a long time,” she said with a huge yawn. “It’s really thick.”

  “And gorgeous,” he said, putting away the dryer and handing her a toothbrush he pulled from a drawer and unwrapped. “Brush your teeth and empty your bladder.”

  She brushed her teeth as he did his and was grateful when he stepped from the bathroom, giving her some privacy. As she jumped down from the counter, she realized how high it was. By the time she’d flushed the toilet, he was back, scooping her off her feet yet again.

  “You know, a girl could get used to this,” she said as she saw that he’d turned down the bed.

  “I hope so,” Dillon said, sliding her between the sheets and then climbing in behind her. He snapped off the lamp and settled his arm around her waist, pulling her to spoon against him, lifting to kiss her softly. “I’ll carry you around for the rest of time in thanks for looking up to see you in the club tonight.”

  Again his words had her breath catching in her throat and she remembered her fear when she’d realized he had seen her in a sex club. Smiling, she turned her head to look over her shoulder at him. “Even if I’m a freak?”

  “You’re my kind of freak… beautiful, intelligent, sexy as hell, and willing to embrace your kink.”

  “Hmmm, so I’m a kinky freak.” She yelped when he popped her bare ass.

  “No, you’re a smartass kinky freak. Now, close your eyes and sleep. The sun comes up early.”

  “So? I thought we were going to sleep in?”

  “You surprise me. I’d think a gal from Texas would know chores come early on a farm.”

  Charlie groaned and pushed tighter against him and snuggled deeper into the pillow, falling into sleep before he even finished speaking.

  Chapter 7

  Charlie jerked awake and squealed, barely able to close her mouth in time before a broad rough tongue swept across her face again. Pushing the heavy, furry body away, she squirmed to sit up. “Lucy, no!” she scolded, wiping her hand over the wet path the dog’s tongue had left. Lucy simply plopped down and put her head on Charlie’s lap.

  “Don’t blame her,” Dillon said
. “Every time I tried to wake you, you just grumbled and turned over. You are definitely not a morning person, Charlie.”

  Squinting her eyes, she looked towards the windows. “Is it even morning?”

  He chuckled. “For several hours now. You must have missed the cock’s crow.”

  Running her gaze over him, she said, “Unless I’ve suddenly started having very explicit dreams, I’m pretty sure I was awakened to the man with the cock crowing in the middle of the night.”

  Dillon grinned. “Complaining?”

  “Not at all,” Charlie said, leaning towards him as he sat on the edge of the bed, accepting his kiss.

  He pulled away and kissed her forehead. “Good job, Lucy. I do think our girl is finally awake.”

  “How come I smell coffee but no bacon?” Charlie asked, sniffing the air.

  “Because farmers don’t eat before they take care of their stock. But, you can have a cup of coffee if you’ll get out of that bed.”

  “Isn’t it a crime to bribe an officer of the law?” Charlie teased, but allowed him to pull the covers down.

  “I don’t think that applies to coffee, smartass,” he said, picking up the clothes he’d laid at the end of the bed. “Put these on and I’ll lead you to the coffee pot.”

  She reached for the clothes and then paused. “Um, underwear?”

  “Your panties are in the wash, as is your dress.”

  “And my bra?” she asked, somehow not the least bit surprised to learn he had been thoughtful enough to do her laundry.

  “Hmm, it’s not here?” he asked, lifting the t-shirt as if expecting to find it beneath. “No? Lucky me, I guess that means you’ll go commando.”

  She rolled her eyes and reached for the shirt. “I thought that only referred to… panties or briefs.”


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