Close Proximity

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Close Proximity Page 12

by M. W. Huffman

  “I like this woman,” the President quipped and more laughter filled the room.

  “So the big question now is what does all this mean to we mortals here on Earth?”

  Abby was getting on a roll just like when she got wound up in the class room. A teacher knows when he has his audience paying attention. From the front of the class room you can see much more than any student ever realizes and Abby was a master at it.

  “As you have figured out already, the Earth itself is safe from a direct hit. Not only that, but while it will be a spectacular sight, it will initially only cause minor problems. This is what we see happening,” Abby said, picking up the marker and wrote.

  1 A shift in tides — higher than normal for an extended amount of time.

  2 Interruption of navigational abilities of certain animals

  3 Disruption of communications

  4 Possible disruptions of the Earth's tectonic plates in some areas

  5 Civilian panic leading to mob violence

  6 Economic panic leading to stock market instability and a run on banks

  “And that is the good news,” Abby said as a murmur ran through the room.

  “Unfortunately our calculations show far greater potential damage. Brian’s calculations show KA5 may actually impact the moon,” Abby told them and the volume took a noticeable jump.

  She stood there just waiting. You could see the tension on the face of the President. It was obvious he wanted her to keep going so she finally held up her hands.

  “Please. We have a great deal more to share. It is not a definite at this point but it is certainly a very real possibility. It may just slide by, graze it or actually impact one section. The problem is that KA5 has started to show an unsteady path due to the various gravitational pulls within our solar system. It has actually started to wobble and that concerns us. At this point all we can do is use the data we have and project models based on the range of trajectory. We have taken three different approaches,” Abby said, turning to write on the white board.

  1 Near miss

  2 Graze

  3 Hit

  “If it is a near miss, the results would be much the same as when it passes the Earth. It could influence the orbit of the moon to some extent but it would be nothing drastic and would probably be hardly noticeable to the average citizen. If it would actually graze the moon, it gets infinitely more complex. Think of the moon as a giant billiard ball and KA5 a queue ball. When they touch it will cause both of the objects to move in opposite directions. Depending on the angle and amount of contact, the paths will be different. How far, and in what final direction, is actually impossible to predict. A side effect of that is it would change the shape of the moon to some extent but more importantly, its ability to maintain a stable rotation. Again, how unstable would depend on how much is taken off of the moon’s surface,” Abby told them.

  This time it was eerily quiet in the room. It was like everyone was holding their breath.

  “If KA5 were to impact the moon more directly we would have a whole new set of problems. If any great mass is taken off parts of the moon and KA5 is sent hurling into space, it will pretty much scatter in all directions. One thing for certain, much of it will end up headed toward Earth. Fortunately some of the debris will fall back to the moon because it will not reach terminal velocity. However, a great deal will be in the path of Earth. How much and what size is unknown. One thing for certain, we will have death and destruction on the planet. Tides will be affected, our ecology will be affected, and we will have more meteor strikes due to the reduced size of the moon. I can’t even begin to imagine what it will do to the mindset of the citizens. Ladies and gentlemen, a hit on the moon would quite simply change our lives forever,” she said.

  The President looked ashen and several women had their hands over their mouths. Two men were chewing on their fingernails. You could hear dust settling, it was so quiet.

  Finally one man said, “Doctor Montgomery.”

  Every eye turned to see who it was.

  “I’m Doctor Lyle Radcliff. I’m from the JPS and my area of expertise is applied and theoretical mathematics. While I appreciate the briefing, I must point out that your calculations are not entirely accurate. The moon is perfectly safe. The asteroid KA5 will come no closer than 255,000 miles to earth, not the 200,000 thousand you are projecting. I believe your calculations are flawed. If you don’t mind, I would like to demonstrate the correct math.”

  Abby started to say something then thought better of it.

  “Please,” she said, holding out the marker.

  Doctor Radcliff came to the whiteboard and erased everything that Abby had written down. Everyone realized the tension in the room had just taken another large leap. The doctor started writing down a long equation and when he was finished he turned to the group.

  “This is a standard trajectory equation, given speed, mass, and in the case of a rocket, propulsion and gravitational pull of the earth. However, since we are talking about an object of enormous size and with large gravitational variations, the equation is considerably more complicated.”

  He drew a line under the original equation and wrote a new one.

  “Now, taking the original data supplied by Doctor Montgomery, we can start to fill in the numbers.”

  He went to work on filling in the missing data.

  “If you work through the math you will find that the actual trajectory is off by some 50,000 to 65,000 miles. Granted it is not a large amount but it gives us our much needed cushion of safety,” he said and smiled.

  People had just started to breath and talk again when “You are wrong,” came from the back of the room.


  “I beg your pardon?”

  “I said, with all due respect Doctor Radcliff, you are wrong,” Brian said standing up.

  “Young man, I can assure you that I am very seldom wrong about math. Other things yes, math, no.”

  A few people that knew him chuckled.

  “All I can say is this is one time you are wrong,” Brian said starting up to where they stood.

  People were looking at each other and talking quietly. Doctor Radcliff had worked on many of NASA’s programs and he was considered the ultimate mathematician. Now this young college kid had the impudence to challenge him? Abby looked over at the President and she thought she detected a slightly amused look on his face.

  “Please, young man, by all means, show me the error of my ways,” Radcliff said in a contemptuous tone.

  “Certainly,” Brian said and walked to the whiteboard.

  He erased two numbers and wrote in two new ones.

  “You have the gravitational value for Jupiter wrong first of all. You have it at 23.6n/k when the number should be 22.8n/k. Of course that means that the calculation from this point on is pretty much worthless. Second, the number for Mars should be zero. Again the number you have is wrong. When you change those two, you get 215,000,” Brian said.

  “Well that is certainly a good old college try but your value for Jupiter is inaccurate I can assure you.”

  “Actually it’s yours that is wrong. 23.6n/k is if you were standing on the surface of Jupiter. I can assure you that KA5 will not be standing on Jupiter,” Brian replied.

  A small chuckle went through the room. Abby saw the smallest of smiles on the President. Radcliff was looking at the formula, working through what Brian had just said. He immediately saw that the young man was correct. In both cases he had used the wrong numbers. He was wrong but how to save face was the question at this point in time.

  “Why is Mars given a value of zero, can you explain that,” Radcliff finally said.

  “Absolutely. Mars will be at its apogee from Earth and the moon during the projected date of interception,” Brian said.

  Radcliff took a deep breath and said, “Well, I will have to check your facts a little more. I don’t have that information right off the top of my head.”

o problem. I have the data with me if you would like to look it over,” Brian replied.

  “At a later time. I’m sure the President would like us to move along,” he said and walked back his seat.

  Abby gave a little nod to Brian as he handed her the marker.

  The rest of the briefing and presentation went pretty much without a hitch. Questions were asked but in a polite and thoughtful way. It was apparent that this group was totally prepared.

  * * *

  “Excellent briefing Doctor Montgomery,” President Stone said coming up to her immediately when she had finished.

  “Thank you sir. It is an honor to meet you,” Abby replied shaking his hand.

  She made sure her handshake was firm. Dan had mentioned how much he hated wimpy handshakes.

  “I know this might be a great imposition but is there any way possible for you to meet with me and a few others later tonight? We will put you up here in Washington and I promise we will get you back tomorrow.”

  “Well golly…”

  The President started laughing.

  “Sorry. Did I say golly to the President?” Abby asked.

  “No, no. Honest. It’s just the golly that cracked me up. My mother used to say that at least a dozen times a day. It became kind of a family joke. I just had a flash back of her saying that. I’m sorry, go on,” he replied, still obviously amused.

  “I was just going to say some of my people may need to get back. I didn’t consider them having to spend the night,” Abby said.

  “I’ll tell you what, we will get the ones who want to go back tonight on the plane immediately. The others can stay and fly back with you tomorrow. Fair enough?”

  “Absolutely,” Abby said.

  “Good. I’ll have the Secretary of Navy, whom you have met, make the arrangements. I do appreciate your accommodating me,” he said and shook her hand again; “I need to run. Mr. Weldon will furnish you the details.”

  “I look forward to it,” Abby replied.

  When he left she actually felt weak in the knees. It was surreal. Just a few months ago she was teaching a classroom full of kids and now she was going to attend a special briefing with the President. This was movie stuff, not real life, and yet here she was.

  She went back and told her team and as she could have predicted they all wanted to stay over. Everyone seemed excited except Brian.

  “Hey guy, what’s the problem? You were brilliant,” Abby said.

  “Yeah. I saw what he had done wrong immediately but I am such a jerk sometimes.”

  “What are you talking about? You are dead on with your calculations.”

  “It’s how I did it that bothers me.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Well Doctor Radcliff is a well-respected man. I’ve read his book and he is brilliant. Then I jump in and tell him he is wrong in front of not only the room but the President of the United States. I feel really bad for the man. I kind of bushwhacked the guy and he is going to suffer for it. I let my ego get in the way of his ego,” Brian said.

  Abby put her arm around him and hugged him.

  “Brian, we all do things that we later think we should have handled differently. I’ve done it more times than I would like to admit. He will recover and if anything, he will think things through a little more before trying to impress people. I’m sure he is saying the same thing right now. I should have handled that better. All he had to do was ask how you arrived at the numbers instead of pointing out what he considered to be your errors,” Abby told him.

  “But he has a reputation to maintain. I don’t.”

  “Oh yes you do. Brian, don’t sell yourself short. You helped establish your credentials in that room and in front of the President no less. Now look, we are here on an expense paid vacation, at least for you guys, go have fun and put all of this out of your mind,”

  “Thanks Abby. You are absolutely the smartest person I know,” he told her.

  * * *

  “Doctor Montgomery.”

  “Mr. Secretary.”



  “You are something else. The President talked about you all the way to the West Wing. He was blown away by not only your bearing but your entire team. Very impressive,” he said.

  “Thank you kind sir. Always glad to please. Listen what did he say about tonight? I mean, I didn’t bring any clothes or anything. I figured we would be flying back as soon as our briefing was over.”

  “One thing at a time. First, the meeting is totally informal. Because you are going to be there, he will probably have on slacks and a sweat shirt or polo shirt. Normally he would be in jeans or sweats.”

  “You’re kidding.”

  “Honest. So you don’t have to have a dress or anything fancy. Second, don’t eat before you get there. He always has food brought in. If you want anything special, tell me and I’ll make sure it’s there.”

  “This is unreal,” she said.

  “I would bring your materials. You probably won’t need them but I’ve found it’s better to be over prepared than caught flat footed.”

  “Got it.”

  “You are going to like talking one-on-one with him. He was reserved today because of his official capacity but tonight he will be much more lose. You will find he isn’t all that different from anyone else you know.”

  “I’m looking forward to it.”

  “Now I have your team booked into the Amari Watergate Hotel. I thought it would give them a kick to stay someplace infamous.”

  “The team? Am I included with the team?” Abby asked.

  “Of course. Just not on the same floor. You have a special suite in the penthouse area. The White House has arrangements with several different hotels for official visits and such.”

  “A suite?”

  “Absolutely. Nothing but the best for a lady who can impress the President,” Dan replied.

  “What if I hadn’t impressed him?” Abby asked.

  “Motel 6,” Dan replied.


  After they were all settled into the Watergate Hotel, Dan took Abby shopping for some necessities. He pushed the cart and carried her bags as she bought various items. Slacks, a nice silk blouse, and a light weight jacket were her first purchases.

  Dan was not a good shopper. No matter what she picked out he would tell her it looked great. Like men everywhere, their idea of shopping and women’s are not even remotely the same.

  Lingerie was somewhat of a problem for both of them. She wanted a change of underwear and something to sleep in. This was the first time Dan had taken any real interest. She felt self-conscious as she looked at the panties and bras.

  “Now you’re interested,” she said.

  “Well duh. This is the good part.”

  “You know, you could go wait in the car.”

  “Like that’s going to happen. No sir. I need to guard this cart. It’s a very valuable cart you know,” Dan insisted.


  She finally decided she couldn’t stall any longer so she picked out some conservative hip-hugger panties. Dan looked at her then at the items in the cart.


  “Nothing I guess.”

  “No, what?”

  “Well, I thought you had a little younger attitude. I mean, these are probably what my mom wears,” he said.

  “That’s it buster. Out. Go stroll around or wait in the car. I can pick out my own nightgown without any comments from you,” she said, nudging him.

  “I was just trying to help.”

  She didn’t reply, just pointed.

  “Well, I was,” he said slinking off.

  When she was sure he was gone she hung up the items and picked out the ones she really wanted. Oh yeah Abby, this would have made him a lot happier she thought as she placed them in the cart.

  When she had checked out she found Dan waiting by the car.

  “Get everything?”

nbsp; “Just a quick stop for toothpaste and a toothbrush. Maybe a little makeup.”

  “Abby you do not need makeup. You are beautiful just the way you are.”

  “Ooooh nice recovery.”

  After a quick stop at the drugstore he dropped her off at the hotel telling her that he would pick her up at 6:30 p.m.

  “I need to get some money. I’m sure the kids don’t have much. I need to give them some.”

  “Taken care of. We gave them a stipend and a special card to show to get into most things that cost, such as the Smithsonian, National Gallery, and such.”

  “Wow, talk about being impressive.”

  “You don’t know the half of it Abby,” he said grinning as he drove off.

  * * *

  She was surprised when her cell phone rang. She looked at the number and saw it was an international one.

  “Abby, it’s Amiée. I have some important new information for you.”

  “Bad news or good.”

  “Not so good I am afraid.”

  “Okay, you might as well give it to me. I have a meeting with the President in a couple of hours.”

  “The President? What President?”

  “Of the United States.”

  “You are kidding, right?”

  “No. Honest. He had my team flown here to Washington to brief him. We are meeting at 7:00P.M. in the White House.

  “Oh my God. I am talking to a celebrity.”

  “No you’re not. Just give me the bad news.”

  “Well the wobble is more pronounced. Your calculations are going to be very, very close except that now it looks more and more like it might hit the moon a little harder than projected. A good deal of rock and debris is going to be ejected. The Earth will definitely get a good portion of it. We are still working on the long term effects but it does not look good.”

  “Oh Amiée, this is terrible. What are we talking about as a percentage?”

  “I’m not exactly sure but maybe as much as 5 percent of the total mass of the moon may be ripped off.”

  “Five percent? That… that’s, oh dear. Massive,” Abby said sitting down on the bed.


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