Kiss Me Like A Stranger: My Search for Love and Art

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Kiss Me Like A Stranger: My Search for Love and Art Page 21

by Gene Wilder

  Four and a half years have passed and I’m now in complete remission. I’m one of the lucky ones.

  I paint watercolors again—I’m having a show at the New Britain Museum of American Artists—but I can’t seem to paint when I’m acting or act when I’m writing or write when I’m painting. I don’t know why. I’m sure it’s the same energy, but that energy gets so possessive sometimes.

  Karen and I also take tap dancing lessons once a week. It started out because I had written a musical for Whoopi Goldberg and me and I needed to dance in the film. Karen found a wonderful teacher named Gail Smith and even though the movie project fell apart Karen thought it would be good if we both kept on dancing.

  There is one strange irony that I haven’t told you. One April afternoon, three weeks before she died, Gilda walked up to me in our living room and said, “I have a title for you, ‘Kiss Me Like a Stranger’ . . . maybe you can use it some day.” I had no idea why she said it or what the title meant; I just thanked her.

  Fourteen years later I started writing this book. I had a completely different title in mind when I began; I was going to call it, “I Lean Towards Women.” A terrible title, I think now: sounds like the story of a man whose right leg is shorter than his left. What I meant by it was only that I’m immediately comfortable with most women I meet, but with men it takes a little time.

  As I was nearing the end of this book, recalling the tortures that Gilda had gone through and how she screamed and pounded on the bed, scaring the daylights out of Sparkle and me, I remembered how I had begged her to treat me at least with the kindness that she showed to every stranger she met. With Karen, because of some accidental beneficence, which I still don’t understand, loving her each day feels almost the way it did when she and I first met. So the title Gilda gave me that April afternoon fourteen years ago took on a significance that I never would have imagined.


  To my sister, Corinne Pearlman, who always led the way.

  To my editor, Elizabeth Beier, whose great power was in her gentle hints and suggestions.

  To my friend, William Sarnoff, who steered me through uncharted waters.


  The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

  Actor Prepares, An (Stanislavsky)

  Actors Studio

  Actors Studio Theater

  Adler, Renata

  Adventure of Sherlock Holmes’ Smarter Brother, The. See Sherlock Holmes’ Smarter Brother)

  “After a While” (Shoffstall)

  Aimée, Anouk

  Aldrich, Alida

  Aldrich, Robert

  Allen, Woody

  Anderson, Judith

  Anderson, Maxwell

  Arkin, Alan

  Baldwin, James

  Bancroft, Anne

  Barrymore, Ethel

  Basic Instinct (film)

  Bast, Robert

  Baum, Marty

  Beatty, Warren

  Berghof, Herbert

  Bergman, Ingmar

  Bernard, Miss

  Black Bart. See Blazing Saddles

  Black/Foxe Military Institute

  Blazing Saddles (film)

  Bolcom, William

  Bonnie and Clyde (film)

  Boyd, Dr.

  Boyle, Peter

  Braille Institute (Los Angeles)

  Brecht, Bertolt

  Breton, Denise

  Brillstein, Bernie

  Brooks, James

  Brooks, Mel

  and Blazing Saddles

  on directing

  and The Producers

  and Gene Wilder

  and Young Frankenstein

  Bruce, Nigel

  Buddy (cousin)

  Bull, Joanna

  Burstyn, Ellen


  Gene Wilder’s promotion of

  Caesar, Sid

  Cambridge Drama Festival

  Casablanca (film)

  Cat and the Canary, The (Bob Hope film)

  Cat and the Canary, The (Willard play)

  Catch-22 (film)

  Channing, Carol

  Chaplin, Charlie

  Charles, Prince

  Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Dahl)

  Chicago Arts Institute

  Circle in the Square Theater

  Circus, The (Chaplin film)

  City Lights (Chaplin film)

  Clarence Derwent Award

  Clark, Jim

  Clark, Seema

  Clear and Present Danger (film)

  Cobb, Lee J.

  Columbia Pictures


  Complaisant Lover, The (Greene)

  Connaught Hotel (London)

  Cooper, Gary

  Cornell, Katharine

  Crawford, Cheryl

  Crisp, Quentin

  Crucible, The (Miller)

  Cunningham, John

  Dahl, Roald

  Dailey, Dan

  David (Irish boy)

  Davis, Bette

  Dear Theo (van Gogh letters)

  Death of a Salesman (Miller)

  DeLuise, Dom

  Dennis, Sandy

  Dexter, John

  Dibby (Gilda’s nanny)

  Dick (Valley Forge patient)

  Dickinson, Emily

  Doctor Zhivago (film)

  Don the Beachcomber (Los Angeles)

  Donen, Stanley

  Douglas, Kirk

  Duane (Gilda’s cousin)

  Dunnock, Mildred

  Dynamite Tonight (Weinstein/Bolcom)

  Epstein, Jerry

  Evans, Evan

  Evening with Quentin Crisp, An

  Everything You Always Wanted to Know

  About Sex (film)

  Feldman, Edward

  Feldman, Marty

  Fell, Norman

  Fellini, Federico

  Finney, Albert

  Fonda, Jane

  “For Esmé, with Love and Squalor” (Salinger)

  Ford, Harrison

  Fox, Gerald

  Friedman, Bruce J.

  Frisco Kid, The (film)

  Garr, Eddy

  Garr, Teri

  Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (Broadway)

  Georgina (baby-sitter)

  Ghost Breakers (film)

  Gielgud, John

  Gilda’s Clubs

  Glazier, Sydney

  Goddard, Paulette

  Goldberg, Whoopi

  Goode, Reginald

  Goode, Rita

  Goodman, David Zelag

  Gottlieb, Herman

  Grant, Cary

  Great Expectations (film)

  Greene, Graham

  Greenspan, Ezra

  Greystones (Irish village)

  Grodin, Charles

  Gruskoff, Michael


  Hackman, Gene

  Hagen, Uta

  Hamlet (Shakespeare)

  Hanky Panky (film)

  Harper, Valerie

  Harris, Barbara

  Harrison, George

  Harvey, Mary

  Haunted Honeymoon (film)

  Hayes, Helen

  HB Studio

  Henreid, Paul

  Hesitation Waltz (Wilder screenplay)

  Higgins, Collin

  Hiken, Gerald

  Hiller, Arthur

  Hitchcock, Alfred

  Hope, Bob

  Horace (Carlyle doorman)

  Howard, John

  Howard, Sidney

  Hull, Howard

  Hunt, John

  Hunt for Red October (film)

  Hurst, David

  Hussein, Waris

  Importance of Being Earnest, The (Wilde)


  It’s Always Something (Radner)

  Jonesy (B
lack/Foxe student)

  Jordan (Gene’s nephew)

  Julie (dog)

  Kahn, Madeline

  Kanzell, Betty


  Kaye, Danny

  Kazan, Elia

  Kitt, Eartha

  Knapp, Robert

  Ladd, Alan, Jr.

  Lamb, Wally

  Lampert, Zohra

  Late Christopher Bean, The (Howard)

  Lawrence of Arabia (film)

  Leachman, Cloris

  Lear, Norman

  Lerner, Alan Jay

  Levine, Joe

  Lewis, Jerry

  Little Prince (film)

  Little Prince (Saint-Exupéry)

  Look Homeward Angel (Wolfe)

  Lovers, The (film)

  Luv (Schisgal)

  Macbeth (Shakespeare)

  McCarthy, Eugene

  Macintosh (Black/Foxe student)

  McKenna, Siobhan

  McMartin, John

  Mars, Kenny

  Marsh, Sandra

  Marsh, Terry

  Marty Feldman Comedy Machine, The (TV show)

  Marty, Bob

  Mary (Gilda’s assistant)

  May, Elaine

  Mayer, Louis B.

  Mazursky, Paul

  Medavoy, Mike

  Medea (Euripides)

  Memorial Sloan-Kettering

  Menotti, Gian Carlo

  “Metamorphosis” (Kafka)

  method acting

  Miller, Arthur

  Millionairess, The (Shaw)

  Milwaukee Players

  Montand, Yves

  Montecito Hotel (Los Angeles)

  Moreau, Jeanne

  Mostel, Zero

  Mother Courage (Brecht)

  Much Ado About Nothing (Shakespeare)

  Murder in a Small Town (TV show)

  Naked Civil Servant, The (Crisp)

  “Necklace, The” (de Maupassant)

  Neufeld, Mace

  New York League for the Hard of Hearing

  New York Times

  New Yorker magazine

  Newhart, Bob

  Newman, Randy

  Nichols, Mike

  Nimer, Stephen D.

  North by Northwest (film)

  Now Voyager (film)

  O’Brian, Hugh

  Old Vic Theater School

  Oliver (film)

  On Golden Pond (film)

  One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (Wasserman play)

  Our Town (Wilder)

  Parsons, Estelle

  Pearlman, Corinne Wilder

  acting career

  Pearlman, Gil

  Penn, Arthur

  Play of the Week, The (TV program)

  Poitier, Sidney

  Portlock, Carol

  Preminger, Otto

  Producers, The (film)



  public relations


  Peter Sellers and

  title change

  Pryor, Richard

  Quackser Fortune Has a Cousin in the Bronx (film)

  box office

  Quinn, Anthony

  Quintero, José

  Radner, Gilda


  Gene Wilder, leaving 1734 house to

  Gene Wilder, marriage to

  Gene Wilder, meeting and courtship

  Radner, Gilda (health)

  bowel obstruction


  death of

  ovarian cancer

  pregnancy and miscarriage

  Redgrave, Michael

  Reginald Goode Summer Theater

  Reiner, Rob

  Renoir, Jean

  Rhinoceros (film)

  Robards, Jason, Jr.

  Robbins, Jerome

  Roche, Eugene

  Roger (Valley Forge patient)

  Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare)


  Ronnie (Black/Foxe student)

  Rooney, Mickey

  Roots (Wesker)

  Rosenthal, Dr.

  Ross, Duncan

  Roth, Richard

  Rydell, Mark

  Saks, Gene

  Salinger, J. D.

  Saturday Night Live

  Schisgal, Murray

  See No Evil, Hear No Evil (film)

  Segal, Alex

  Sellers, Peter

  Selznick, Irene Mayer

  Shapiro, Bob

  Shargai, Victor

  Shaw, George Bernard

  Shaw, Glen Byam

  Shawn, Dick

  Shawshank Redemption (film)

  She’s Come Undone (Lamb)

  Sherlock Holmes’ Smarter Brother (film)

  as director

  success of

  Siberman, Corinne (sister). See Pearlman, Corinne Wilder

  Siberman, Jerry. See Wilder, Gene

  Silver Streak (film)

  and improvisation

  “shoe polish” scene

  success of

  Signoret, Simone

  Sills, Paul

  Silvers, Phil

  Smith, Gail

  Sonny and Cher show

  Sordi, Alberto

  Sparkle (Gilda’s Yorkshire terrier)

  and Gene and Gilda’s wedding

  and Gilda’s grave

  Spoleto Festival

  Springtime for Hitler. See Producers, The

  Stanislavsky, Constantin

  See also method acting

  Stir Crazy (film)

  the watermelon incident

  Strasberg, Lee

  Start the Revolution Without Me (film)

  box office

  Steiner, Ingrid

  Streetcar Named Desire, A (Williams)

  Stuart, Mel

  Suspicion (film)

  Susskind, David

  Sutherland, Donald

  Suzie (Sloan-Kettering night nurse)

  Taylor, Renee


  Thank You All Very Much (film)

  Thursday’s Game (film for televison)

  Tough Guy (Wilder screenplay)

  Tracy, Spencer

  Tri Star

  Twelfth Night (Shakespeare)

  Twelve Chairs (film)

  20th Century Fox

  University of Iowa

  Up in Arms

  “Upon Our Marriage” (Wilder)

  Valentino, Rudolph

  van Gogh, Vincent

  Veidt, Conrad

  Veidt, Lily

  Veitch, John

  Walker, Nancy

  Wallach, Eli

  Wallis, Marjorie (“Margie”)

  Walsh, Gabriel

  Warner Bros.

  Waterston, Sam

  Wayne, John

  Webb, Karen. See Wilder, Karen Webb

  Weinstein, Arnold

  Weinstein, Hannah

  Weinstein, Sidney

  Welles, Orson

  Wellness Community

  Wesker, Arnold

  Westport Country Playhouse

  White House, The (Hoiby/Hotchner)

  White Sheik, The (film)

  Wilder, Gene


  anti-Semitism and


  David (Irish boy), attempt to adopt

  the “Demon” (compulsion to pray)


  and father

  “Gene’s Dream,”

  military career

  and mother

  and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

  as a painter

  political involvement


  Wilder, Gene (romantic attachments)


  Seema Clark

  Teri Garr

  Rita Goode





  sexual education

  Wilder, Gene (1st wife: Mary)

  Wilder, Gene (2nd wife: Mary Jo

  daughter Kati

  Katie, estrangement from


  Wilder, Gene (3rd wife: Gilda Radner)

  CA-125, promotion of

  and Gilda’s bulimia

  and Gilda’s cancer

  and Gilda’s death

  Gilda’s pregnancy and miscarriage

  Gilda’s 1734 house, inheritance of


  meeting and courtship

  Wilder, Gene (4th wife: Karen Webb)



  “Upon Our Marriage,”

  Wilder, Gene (career)

  acting, influences on

  acting lessons

  The Actors Studio

  awards and honors

  as a fencer

  HB Studio

  method acting

  name change

  Old Vic Theater School

  and the press

  Reginald Goode Summer Theater

  Jerome Robbins, thank you note to

  Stanislavsky and

  Strasberg’s class

  University of Iowa

  Wilder, Gene (acting career: film)

  Blazing Saddles

  Bonnie and Clyde


  Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex

  The Frisco Kid

  Hanky Panky

  Haunted Honeymoon

  Little Prince

  The Producers

  Quackser Fortune Has a Cousin in the Bronx


  See No Evil, Hear No Evil

  Sherlock Holmes’ Smarter Brother

  Silver Streak

  Start the Revolution Without Me

  Stir Crazy

  Thursday’s Game

  Young Frankenstein

  Willy Wonka

  The Woman in Red

  Wilder, Gene (acting career: televison)

  Death of a Salesman (Miller)

  Murder in a Small Town

  Wingless Victory (Anderson)

  Wilder, Gene (acting career: theater)

  The Cat and the Canary (Willard), The Complaisant Lover (Greene)

  The Crucible (Miller)

  Dynamite Tonight (Weinstein/Bolcom)

  The Late Christopher Bean (Howard)

  Luv (Schisgal)

  Macbeth (Shakespeare)

  The Millionairess (Shaw)

  Mother Courage (Brecht)

  Much Ado About Nothing (Shakespeare)

  One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (Wasserman)

  Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare)

  Twelfth Night (Shakespeare)

  The White House (Hoiby/Hotchner)

  Wilder, Gene (directing career: film)

  Haunted Honeymoon

  Sherlock Holmes’ Smarter Brother, The World’s Greatest Lover

  Wilder, Gene (writing career)

  as a poet

  “Upon Our Marriage,”

  Wilder, Gene (writing career: film)

  Haunted Honeymoon

  Hesitation Waltz (screenplay)

  See No Evil, Hear No Evil

  Sherlock Holmes’ Smarter Brother


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