Scandalous (A Scandalous Novella) #1 (The Scandalous Serial)

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Scandalous (A Scandalous Novella) #1 (The Scandalous Serial) Page 3

by Jamie, Danielle

  “Wow. Chris Pratt huh? You know I’m not looking for anything serious right now…”

  Cutting me off, she yells at me through the phone, “It’s only a football game, Haylee! Please! Tell me you’ll go with us. I need you there so I have someone to talk to while they go all alpha male chugging beers, burping, and chest bumping.”

  I pray the guy is a douche so I can find a good excuse to not see him again after Saturday night. Sure, it’ll be fun having a carefree weekend enjoying a home football game with my best friend…but with my line of work, having a boyfriend isn’t an option.

  It gets lonely, but when your backs against the wall there’s not much you can do about it.

  I pull out my planner and check my schedule to see how my Saturday is looking. Running my fingers over the small boxes I find this Saturday and see I have brunch with Mr. Brunello at noon, followed by dessert at his apartment. He’s one of my regulars and one of my favorites. He’s in his mid-forties, fit, and very generous in the bedroom.

  “You better not make me regret this, Lauren.”

  “So is that a yes?”

  I let out a sigh of defeat, “Yes. I’ll go to the football game. But I’m warning you, this guy better not be anything like the last one you hooked me up with. The dude smelled like day old pickles. I still can’t even look at a pickle without wanting to gag thanks to him and that catastrophe of a goodnight kiss.”

  “I promise you he is delicious. You’re going to be thanking me after you meet this guy.”

  “If he’s so amazing, tell me again why he’s single…and willing to go on a blind date?”

  Lauren grows quiet and immediately red flags begin waving before my eyes. This girl has a way of setting me up with the most train wreck of dates possible.

  Every. Single. Time.

  It never fails. I’m praying since Garret is such a great guy there’s hope for his friend.

  “He’s recently separated and trying to dip his feet back into the dating pool,” she finally admits.

  This could be beneficial. Normally newly single men, especially ones who’ve been married for a long period of time have zero interest in getting serious with someone so soon after separating. So if all goes well, we’ll have a fun time at the game, possibly some great sex, and then we can both go on our merry ways. No strings attached fun. Because ‘complicated’ men are one thing I do not have time for right now.

  “Alright. I’m trusting you and Garret that this won’t be another toad. Text me his name and his picture so I can see for myself if he, in fact, is as hot as you’re claiming he is. Have a nice dinner, girly. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Will do! Laters, chick!”

  Setting my phone back down, I drop my face into my hands and let out a low growl.

  Nate clears his throat, “So blind date, huh? At the big game no less?”

  Lifting my face from my hands, I narrow my eyes at him. “I’m sorry you had to listen to that conversation. It was unprofessional of me to take that call with you here helping me.”

  Shrugging his shoulders, a lazy grin spreads across his perfect lips.

  God, I really need to stop having inappropriate thoughts about my TA and his lips.

  “Don’t worry about it. Your conversation is PG compared to the stuff that you hear when living in a frat house…believe me.”

  I relax slightly, “I can only imagine.” I laugh. “Well, we better get back to these papers if we want to get out of here before the sun comes up.” I joke, turning my attention back to the papers on my desk. I need a distraction because my eyes seem to have a mind of their own, and I find myself wanting to constantly steal glances at him.

  Of course I agree to go on a double date with my best friend when my head is all over the place. I already know immediately I’m going to find a million reason’s not to like this guy. The first being, I don’t have time to date. My weekends are constantly booked with Johns. I can’t afford to take a weekend off to date a guy. Not to mention, I have a short list of regulars I see at least one weekend a month for the sole purpose of fucking.

  I won’t have the energy to see them and then turn around and be wined and dined by a guy I’m dating. Let alone going spread eagle for them after having sex all weekend long with my Johns.

  I’m going to have to just suck it up and go on the date to make Lauren happy. Then I’ll let the guy down gently afterwards.

  I can only pray that I don’t look back and regret agreeing to this dumb double date in the first place.

  Stuffing the essays I’ve spent the last two hours going over back into my laptop bag, I smile up at Nate. “Thanks for offering to stay and help grade these papers. If you didn’t, who knows how long I would’ve been here tonight.” Climbing to my feet, I push my chair back to my desk and prop my bag along with my oversized purse onto my shoulder.

  He slides his hands lazily down his large, powerful thighs threatening to bust through his khaki slacks, and I can’t help but take in his big strong hands and find my body flushing as his eyes lock with mine. The corners of his lips curl up into a knowing grin as he unfolds himself from the chair and comes to stand only a few inches away from me.

  “It’s no problem, really. If you ever find yourself feeling overwhelmed and need help, don’t hesitate to ask.”

  Nodding, I pick up my phone from my desk and drop it into my purse and shift nervously in my stilettoes. “Great. Thank you, I will take you up on that offer a lot I think throughout the year from the look of things. Every single class is at full capacity. It’ll be a busy year, that’s for sure.”

  Slipping his blazer off of the back of the chair, he shrugs it on before slipping his laptop bag over his head. “I’m honored to be working alongside you, Miss Rose. You have a good evening and I’ll see you tomorrow.” He says, before reaching out his hand to shake mine. I stare down at it for a beat before sliding my hand into his. His hand swallows mine as he wraps his large hands around mine. I stare down at his fingers as they wrap gently around mine. I notice a tiny, shiny scar on his knuckle as he lifts our hands towards his mouth. It only makes his hands appear that much sexier and masculine.

  I have a weakness for bad boys and heartbreakers. I have a feeling Nathan is probably both of those things underneath the boy next door facade he puts on here in the classroom for me.

  A warm tingle passes through his hand into mine making my cheeks blush. I gently drag my top teeth across my bottom lip as I try to bite back the smile fighting to spread across my lips as he gently squeezes my hand bringing it up to his lips. The feeling of his lips on me feels like a livewire pressing against my skin, awakening every nerve ending in my body.

  I’ve been with a lot of men—more men than I’m proud to admit…but never has a simple kiss to the back of my hand made my heart race this fast and my body tingle from scalp to toes before.

  His honey colored eyes stare down at me with a twinkle of—desire? Causing my stomach to knot with nervousness and my throat to suddenly become dry.

  I swallow hard as the realization sinks in—I’m crushing on my freaking TA!

  Releasing my hand, he softly says, “Goodnight,” before climbing the lecture hall stairs two at a time and disappearing into the hallway outside the classroom doors.

  I’m relieved to finally be home as I slowly pull into my designated parking spot. I’m in desperate need of a long, hot, bubble bath to help me unwind. I’m under so much pressure to make a good impression for the Dean of Ole Miss. I need this job, so everything’s riding on my shoulders to make a good impression and keep this job. To top it off, I’m now having inappropriate thoughts about Nathan…which is freaking me the hell out. I know it’s wrong and nothing can come of it, but for some reason my damn body didn’t get that memo. Then I have a date with a new John, Sebastian on Friday. I really like him already. He’s sweet, funny, and extremely attractive. We’ve clicked instantly. I’m really hoping he’ll become one of my regulars because he’s definitely someone I’d like
to enjoy on a weekly basis.

  It’s crazy but there’s something about Sebastian that feels familiar to me. But I can’t quite put my finger on what it is about him that makes me feel as if we’ve met before. Which is only making me more nervous about our date Friday. I’ve studied his profile picture on the Candy Hearts site and feel in my gut I know him—but I just can’t place where I know him from.

  To make matters worse, I have a jam packed weekend. I have a date Saturday with one of my regulars, followed by a freaking football game with my best friend which just so happens to be a double date set up by my ever persistent bestie.

  I wish I could confide in her about what I do to keep my life afloat after the rug was pulled out from under my feet. But I’m too afraid of the repercussions of telling her. How do you tell your best friend you don’t date because you are secretly a high priced call girl?

  Unlocking the door to my apartment I push the door open, walk inside with my arms full of my purse, keys, laptop bag and my plastic bag of take-out I picked up on my way home. I need to hit the gym every afternoon now to make sure I keep myself in shape. I’ve been having to eat out almost every night thanks to my new crazy schedule.

  I drop my purse, keys, and laptop bag onto my coffee table and kick off my high heels, before padding across the hardwood floor into the small kitchen. I begin taking out my grinder and bag of chips from the small deli down the street when I hear my phone going off in my bedroom.

  My ‘work’ phone which I keep on my nightstand in my bedroom because I don’t dare bring it to work with me for the off chance I leave my purse somewhere accidently and someone discovers it. That’s all I need is for someone to get their hands on my phone which is filled with the numbers of some of the most powerful people in New York and now Mississippi who’ve I’ve worked with.

  Leaving my food on the counter, I walk into my bedroom to retrieve my phone. Stopping in front of my night stand I let out a shaky breath and pick it up. Unlocking it I scroll through the flood of notifications. There’s a flood of emails from Candy Hearts notifying me of more men interested in seeing me. I’m booked every weekend for the next two months. Now that I only do this on the weekends since moving here it’s getting harder to juggle it all. I’m finding myself growing more overwhelmed with living this double life.

  It’s getting harder and harder to be Haylee…and be Phoebe. But the bills stacked on my kitchen counter remind me why I do this along with the photo of my parents that sits on the mantel of my tiny fireplace.

  Deciding to reply to everyone later after I de-stress I go to set my phone down and go back to enjoying my turkey sandwich when it goes off in my hands with a text message popping up. Immediately I see Sebastian’s name appear at the top of my screen along with the text:

  Hey, beautiful. I know we’re only two days away from meeting…but I can’t stop thinking about you. I hope you’re looking forward to Friday as much as I am…

  My stomach flip flops as I read the text not once but three times and contemplate do I answer immediately or make him wait? We’ve texted on and off casually the last few days and we’ve clicked immediately. They’ve been innocent texts that come randomly at night usually when I’m settling in to bed. When I’m texting him all I see is his smiling, bearded face floating behind my eyes in my subconscious. Every time I think about him I can’t help but feel I’ve seen him before but can’t place him. It’s really starting to drive me crazy.

  I set my phone back down and decide to eat first then write him back. Make him wait for me to respond. One thing I live by is never let the guy know how into him you are. If I play hard to get with my Johns, the more they want me and in turn the more I make.

  After getting my regular phone out of my purse and plugged into my iPod dock, I get seated on my tiny sofa and eat my dinner. Feeling relaxed, full, and ready for my bath, I turn out the lights throughout my apartment and get to work filling the tub with way too many bubbles and the hottest water my body can tolerate.

  Walking softly across the cool tile, I re-enter my bedroom and finally pick up ‘Phoebe’s’ phone and decide Sebastian’s waited long enough for my reply. Halsey’s, Young God, is playing softly in my bathroom as I step into the large bathtub and sink down into it.

  I let out a sigh of pleasure as I feel my muscles immediately relax as the warm water sooths every inch of me. Resting my head against the rolled up towel behind my head I stare up at my phone and finally type a response back to Sebastian.

  Hey! Sorry for not replying right away. It’s been a crazy day. I’m finally home and soaking in a much needed bubble bath trying to unwind…to answer your question, I may have thought about our date once or twice today. ;)

  Excitement buzzes in the pit of my stomach as I watch the grey bubble appear on the screen as Sebastian types a reply back.

  Mmm…a bubble bath, huh? Sorry in advance for the overly naughty images filling my head at the moment. That’s okay. I was finishing up my run anyways. I texted you when I still had a mile to go, but I couldn’t stop thinking about you…

  I stare down at my screen and bite my lip as I contemplate how I should respond to that. I’m suddenly bombarded with naughty thoughts of his body glistening with sweat and flushed from his run.

  Not one to be shy, I decide to snap a picture of myself soaking in the tub. I only show my neck down, which my neck and my face are flushed bright red from the heat and the dirty thoughts dancing around inside of my head.

  This man is hands down one of the sexiest to ever contact me on Candy Hearts—and that’s saying a lot seeing as I’ve slept with some of the most sought after actors and athletes while I lived in the Big Apple.

  There’s just something about that smile and those eyes along with the rugged look of masculinity that has my thighs clamping tightly together in anticipation of finally meeting him in person Friday.

  I hit send and then type a quick response,

  What kind of naughty thoughts are filling that too-handsome-for-your-own-good-head of yours?

  I let out a slight gasp of surprise as a photo pops up on my screen along with a response.

  Since we seem to be on a ‘show not tell’ theme tonight, I’ll show you what my thoughts about you and that bath are doing to me. BTW glad to know you think I’m handsome ;) because I think you’re sexy as hell, Phoebe.

  A picture of his bare chest, still damp with sweat, speckled with a light patch of hair across his chest and then trailing a path down leading to the holy grail of all penises pressing angrily against the restraint of the red Nike basketball shorts that are keeping it trapped inside. I can make out the shape of a wide tip making desire pool between my thighs as I think about how it’d feel deep inside of me as I rotate my hips on top of it.

  I’m normally turned off by crude photos in text messages from Johns, but there’s something erotic about seeing Sebastian’s hand squeezing his length through his shorts. As I take in his hands I notice a familiar scar across his index finger’s knuckle.

  Immediately I pull up Sebastian’s profile picture which I made into his contact picture in my phone and spread my fingers across the screen zooming in on his face. He looks slightly different with the overly tanned skin from time on the ocean, and the beard. But as I look really close and into the honey colored eyes staring back at me it hits me like a tsunami wave crashing into the shore during a storm, instantly knocking the air straight from my lungs.

  Sebastian is Nate Preston!

  Oh. My. God.

  I know I should stop texting him and immediately call off our date Friday. This is wrong. So, so wrong on so many levels. I pray to God, Buddha, and any other holy freaking figure that he does not know I am Phoebe. Curiosity is winning over logic as I fight with my head and my heart on what I should do.

  With my wig, make up, and dark lighting I can easily transform into Phoebe and pray that he doesn’t put two and two together.

  My phone vibrating in my hand pulls me from the thoughts buzzing around i
nside of my head. Looking down at the new message I feel my fingers begin to shake as I read his new text and try to type back a response.

  Are you there? Hope I didn’t scare you off with that text…

  I inhale a shaky breath and hit send.

  I’m still here. Just got slightly distracted by the…ummm…quite impressive erection in the photograph. How do I know you didn’t google that pic and send it to impress me?

  I’m feeling bold and wanting proof that my suspicions are justified. He responds immediately with a video popping up this time.

  I hit play and immediately feel a warmth cascade throughout my body and intensify when it hits my core.

  “This is all me, darlin’,” he says with a deep baritone that vibrates through my body and makes my core tighten with need. He’s made his voice lower and deeper, but there’s no mistaking it now that I’m closely paying attention. It’s Nathan. He has the camera still focused on his manhood as he strokes it slowly up and down. I notice pre-cum soaking through the silky fabric of his shorts making my need to come intensify. I love that a simple picture of me in the bubble bath showing absolutely nothing has him this worked up.

  I slide my fingers over my breasts before slowly moving them over my stomach and then in between my legs. I bring up my camera in the message box and press the volume button snapping another picture. This time it’s of my arm resting against my stomach as my hand disappears between my thighs under the bubbles.

  You have no idea how turned on I am right now.

  I hit send and begin slowly rubbing my clit as I hit play on his video again. I close my eyes and imagine Nate’s fingers instead of my own—teasing my clit and pushing my body towards the edge of bliss that it craves fiercely at the moment. I’m so wound up between the stress of my life and the sexual frustration from working beside him all day that I find myself needing this orgasm. I need to release this built up energy humming inside of me.

  My phone rings, alerting me that I have a FaceTime call coming in from ‘Sebastian’.


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