Horny Holidays (The Complete Collection)

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Horny Holidays (The Complete Collection) Page 1

by Layla Bangs

  Horny Holidays

  The Complete Collection

  Layla Bangs

  Copyright Layla Bangs 2013

  Published at Smashwords


  Cougar Craving a Kitten

  Swinging on Thanksgiving

  Defiling Mrs Claus

  Cougar Craving a Kitten

  Horny Holidays Part One

  I was a dead girl walking; there would be no trial, no jury of my peers, just the executioner standing over me with an axe at the ready to doll out my punishment.

  Caitlin’s mother would want my blood after breaking our promise to not drink and be home before eleven.

  As I glanced at the time before looking upon the snoozing, gin soaked and scantily clad body lying against the passenger window of my car I knew that I’d failed to make good on both points.

  It wasn’t like we were up to mischief…relatively speaking anyways. Most Friday nights were usually spent at the old Haverbrook movie theater, soaking up terrible black and white B-movie horror films from the 50s.

  It was an unconventional thing for a couple of freshly turned 18 year olds to do for fun, but Caitlin and I were anything but conventional.

  We both met in College. We were both freshmen, Caitlin and I were in the same film class together. From there I discovered that she shared the same passion for really cheesy, really badly made cinema as I did.

  It was Caitlin who made the first move, I was a shy girl, from a small town that looked down on people coming out, and I thought a big city University would be liberating, but with me being such an introvert that soon put paid to that.

  Things started slowly between us, I guess she was testing the waters. She began by holding my hand during the ‘scary’ parts of the terrible films we would go to.

  I would always squeeze her hand back, giving her a smile to let her know I appreciated her comforting me.

  Things snowballed from there, with neither of us talking about our feelings for each other. I guess it’s what you call an ‘organic’ relationship, it came out of nowhere and who really knows where it will end up.

  “What in the hell time do you call this Grace? You girls were ‘sposed to be back three hours ago!”

  Well I still was the proud owner of a pulse at this point so things were going better than expected. I could see a vein protruding in Mr Johnson’s neck as he berated as I stood shivering in the driveway of his suburban haven.

  “…and… and… where the hell is Caitlin? Did you just leave her at some party?” I felt my face turn red, I felt like giving him a piece of my mind.

  It wasn’t my fault Caitlin insisted in sneaking vodka into the theater, getting so shit-faced drunk I had to lug her to the car. Why wasn’t she getting strips torn off her instead of me?

  I was the one who brought her home; I was the one who kept her safe.

  My defiance stayed safely inside my head as I signalled to the passenger side of the car where Caitlin lay dozing. Mr Johnson’s eyes nearly popped out of his head when he caught sight of the state Caitlin was in.

  “Oh! Just fucking brilliant! You got her drunk! It’s not bad enough you corrupted my little girl by turning her into a queer, you have to go an’ liquor her up as well!”

  I’d heard enough, as much as I loved Caitlin, she was the master of her own destiny at this point. She was a college student for fucks sake, an adult. Why she was still subject to a curfew I had no idea.

  I shrugged off the torrent of abuse that was being directed my way as Caitlin’s Dad dragged her from the car. As I backed down the driveway and onto the street I watched him lug her up onto the porch.

  The fun evening I’d spent with her was now tainted; I slammed my fist against the steering wheel as I thought about next weekend. There was no way Caitlin would be allowed out on New Year’s Eve…

  I awoke to the sound of my phone vibrating on my night stand. It was Caitlin, I could barely make out her smoky sounding voice, and she was obviously being candid.

  “I’m really sorry about last night babe… You know how overbearing Dad can be…” Yeah I had an inkling that was the case but that didn’t change how pissed off I was.

  “I told you not to drink! You know you can’t handle your booze. Didn’t I tell you that your Dad would find out and I’d be labelled as the instigator yet again?”

  “You weren’t complaining last night when I fingered you in the back row of the theater!” Caitlin interjected. She was right, I wasn’t complaining about that.

  My mind drifted back to the night before. Caitlin insisted that I go to the bathroom to take off my panties before we took our seats.

  I knew what she wanted, and I knew that it was wrong, but I got lost in the moment when I stared into her deep green eyes.

  I remember sitting down next to Caitlin as she covertly took a swig from a brown paper bag that she kept in her purse.

  I could feel myself just growing moist as she appeared disinterested in my pantie-less cunt resting next to her.

  We both knew she was going to make a move, but when and what she was going to do to me added to the thrill.

  “Can you hold this for me?” she said softly into my ear, making sure to breath out at the conclusion of her sentence, her hot breath crashing against my skin causing my heart to skip a beat.

  I took hold of the bucket of popcorn she had been nursing, holding it on my lap as I waited for Caitlin to make her move.

  She kept me waiting for what seemed like an eternity before I finally felt her delicate hand brushing against my inner thigh.

  I moaned loudly as I looked longingly into her eyes. “Eyes to the front!” she said smiling, not wanting to draw attention to what she was doing.

  As I felt her fingers tease the throbbing lips of my sex it took every ounce of self-control not scream loudly with delight, and if not for the occasional scream or scene setting blast of music, the surrounding rows would have known what Caitlin was up to.

  “Do you like this Grace? Do you like having my fingers explore your little wet hole?”

  Caitlin’s face was covered with an evil grin, she knew she had me at her mercy and she loved every second of it.

  “Do you like how we could get caught at any moment? Maybe the projectionist is watching us right now… yeah maybe he is… stroking his thick cock as I slide my fingers into your needy little cunt…”

  It was a side of Caitlin I had never even known existed, but I fucking loved it. I remember the coarse fabric of the seat against my bare ass as I writhed under her touch.

  She slid her fingers deeper inside my as my pussy stretched to accommodate them. I could feel her curious digits swirl inside me as my back arched, I was totally lost in the moment.

  “Caitlin… can… can you please rub my clit?” I said breathlessly in her ear.

  “You’d love that wouldn’t you…? You’re a dirty little slut Caitlin… You disgust me!”

  Although her words were scornful, I knew that under the cute short skirt she was wearing her pussy was just as wet as mine. I fantasized about having her sweet juices all over my face.

  My entire body shuddered as I felt her thumb first make contact with my sensitive button. As she continued to work her thumb against my clit I could feel shards of electricity building in my lower back with an intense warm numbness flowing through my sex.

  I reached out for her wrist, I felt too good, and I needed her to stop if I was to maintain some semblance of self-control but I desperately wanted her to continue.

  “What’s the matter Grace? You want me to stop touching your throbbing slit? You don’t like me fingering you?”

  I released my grip on her wrist,
pulling it in deeper instead. “I thought so…” Caitlin said, leaning in until I could again feel her hot breath against my skin. I nearly melted onto the seat right there and then as I felt her lips lock around my ear lobe, drawing it into her mouth as she began suckling on my flesh.

  I thought the back of my seat was about to break as my body rolled hard against it as I fought to contain myself, but Caitlin was unrelenting, her fingers kept probing me deeper and deeper and the slow, gentle brushes of her thumb against my clit had now been replaced with fast, calculated strokes designed to make me cum all over her hand.

  “Caitlin… stop… I…” I couldn’t even finish my sentence as I bit down on my lip in a futile attempt to stifle my loudening gasps of pleasure.

  “What do you think you are doing Grace? You had better not cum all over this seat you dirty little whore!”

  I remember looking around the theater at that moment expecting to see a lot of disgusted turned heads, hell I even thought the projectionist would be looking down from his little booth, stroking his cock furiously at the show we were putting on.

  Luckily for me my moans of desire were playing second fiddle to the ambient din of the movie.

  “Cum on my hand Grace. Cover my fingers in your pussy juices!” Caitlin commanded, grabbing my face between her fingers and squeezing hard until my lips were pursed. I followed her instructions. I had no choice not to, my body was ready to cum.

  “Oh Caitlin! Ohhhh Ohhhh Ahhhhhhh!” I howled before burying my face into my shoulder as the orgasm took hold of my body.

  It was intense; I don’t remember much about it other than completely whiting out as it washed through my body.

  I remember looking down at Caitlin’s fingers still buried, still sliding in and out of my cunt as it sprayed clear beads of my arousal over her hand.

  As the whiteout faded away, my shoulders slumped as I fought to control my breathing. “That’s my girl!” she said with an evil smile as she admired her glistening hand under the shimmering lights of the theater.

  I watched as she hungrily cleaned her hand of my juices with her tongue. With each pass her tongue would retract as she savored the taste of my arousal.

  “Are you still there? I can hear you breathing you know?” Shit! I must have been daydreaming, I wonder if she noticed? “You’re thinking about last night aren’t you?”

  So much for that idea.

  “Ahh… no… I” lying was never my strongest suit.

  “See, it was worth getting in trouble for!” Caitlin proudly announced, but I could tell by her tone that there was something she was failing to tell me.

  “Is everything OK?” I asked rolling onto my side, looking at the light of the day stab through the thin gap in the curtains.

  “Kind of… Not really. I have some bad news.” I knew it, she was grounded. She was the only eighteen year old I knew that still got routinely grounded.

  “About New Year’s Eve… I can’t…” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “Caitlin… please tell me you’re still coming to the New Year’s ball? Caitlin?”

  I knew what her answer was already; she didn’t need to answer me. Somehow not vocalizing at that moment delayed the harsh sting of reality.

  “Dad was so pissed at us last night. All this morning I listened to him rant and rave about my behavior. I don’t know what to do Caitlin… Tell me what I should do…”

  There was nothing I could say to make things any better. We’d both been looking forward to attending the ball all year, if there was one social event to attend, this was the one. Just getting tickets was hard enough and we owed a lot of people a lot of favors.

  “I still think you should go… I want you to tell me everything about it!” Caitlin’s voice perked up, but I could tell it was just her way of making the best of a bad situation.

  “You want me to go to a lesbian couples New Year’s party… by myself?” I was so close to tears I felt like hanging up the phone. It was supposed to be out night together.

  “Please don’t be mad at me… ok?” I could tell from her voice she was genuinely upset. “I’ll think about it. Don’t pressure me into this…”

  I hung up, falling back onto the bed as my head was flooded with thoughts about tonight. As I stared into nothing my mind humored the possibility of attending the ball alone.

  It would be weird. I was relatively new on the scene and I wasn’t sure I’d be comfortable going it alone.

  I dragged myself through the shower and I found that the more I thought about it, the more excited, the more turned on I became. Maybe I could pull this off? Simply going to see what the fuss was about wouldn’t hurt anyone?

  Caitlin had given me a green card to have a good time, and as I ran the soft, soap covered scrub over my smooth skin leaving a frothy trail in its wake I could feel my pussy throb at the idea of attending a sexually charged party alone and uninhibited.

  Night time couldn’t come soon enough, and as I pulled the tight black, one-piece dress over the smooth curves of my frame I could feel my heart pound in my chest.

  I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror as I collected my purse off of the hall table. “Mmmm I’d fuck you!” I said with a wicked smile as I made my way to the front door.

  I watched the buildings blur into each other as the taxi whisked me across town, I gazed upon the revellers gathering outside the various night clubs, bars and restaurants as I clutched my purse in my hands.

  “Much planned for tonight eh?” The driver asked, taking in as much of my body as the rear-view mirror would allow.

  “Yeah… I have a little party to attend…” I answered politely, crossing my legs and avoiding eye contact.

  I thanked my lucky stars as I felt my phone vibrate in my bag. I needed anything to break from the awkward attention the driver was sending my way.

  “Tell me everything that happens OK?” the message read, before I could reply another one came through.

  “Come and see me after the party… we can have a little party of our own… I’ll leave my window unlocked for you…”

  I felt the familiar warmth between my legs radiate as I thought about waking Caitlin, nibbling her inner thighs as she awoke from her slumber only to find my face buried deep in her sex.

  Fuck! Part of me was tempted to have the taxi turn around and drive me closer to her. That would be a hell of a way to ring in the New Year.

  Before I could change my mind, the taxi came to an abrupt stop. “Here you go, 67th and Grand.”

  I gazed out into the crowded streets. The majority of the crowd had amassed around an old church come night club bathed in bright purple flood lights.

  I stuffed a handful of notes in the driver’s hand as I climbed from the relative safety of his car. Was this the place?

  It was some distance away from what I was expecting, that was for sure. No this must be it. I soon found a number of clues that I was on the right trail, the female punters, some draped in exotic costumes.

  I tried to decipher where the end of the line was as I considered the fact that I may not even get through the doors before midnight.

  “This way Ma’am…” A bouncer signalled me to enter the club when he saw the distinctive dark purple ticket in my hand. As I approached the front doors I felt a thousand jealous eyes staring at me.

  “Wha… what about these other people? Shouldn’t they go in before me?” I did my best to feign concern for their plight.

  “They all shoulda bought a ticket then…” he said smugly as his arm signalled me to enter.

  Inside the club I immediately felt like a fish out of water.

  I watched the throngs of women move about the club and I quickly felt self-conscious as I stood at the side of the dance floor, watching the bodies grinding against each other to the thumping music booming from the house speakers.

  I wished I could just get in amongst it, join in and become one with the other dancers but I felt frozen in place, incapable of making a move.

saw an empty spot open up near the bar so I made a beeline, hoping to claim it and gather my thoughts.

  “Can I get you something little lady? You look like you need a hard shot of something!” the bartender said jovially as I fumbled in my bag looking for my phone.

  “No thank you… Not right now…” I replied as I began typing in a message to Caitlin. She replied almost immediately, I imagined her nursing her phone, waiting for any contact from me.

  “Sorry you’re not having a fun time babe… Why don’t you come see me? Maybe I can keep you entertained…”

  I stared at the text on the screen, her offer was infinitely better than the awkward mess I was fast becoming. I was foolish to think that this was a good idea.

  “Do you mind if I keep you company for a while?” I nearly jumped up off of my seat at the smooth velvety voice coming from over my shoulder.

  I turned around to see a tall, blonde haired woman in a stunning red dress. She was much older than me, I figured around mid to late forties.

  “Pardon me, but I couldn’t help but notice that you’re alone. When I saw you cling to your phone like some kind of lifeline to the civilised world I thought you could use a friendly ear…”

  She was not the type I would have expected to be a patron of such a party but I wasn’t about to turn her away.

  “Sure…” I said as I tried to make out the details of her face through the flashing lights and musky air of the night club. She was beautiful with her deep blue eyes, a luscious set of fire engine red lips and a smile to die for.

  She had short, curly blonde hair that fell upon her smooth, exposed shoulders and a full pair of breasts that I couldn’t keep my eyes off.

  “Come over here… join me in my booth…” She didn’t wait for my answer, simply disappearing into the swaying crowd, cutting a perfect line like she was some prophet parting the seas. I stood in awe of her figure, every curve of her body accentuated by a skin tight red dress.

  My eyes were glued to her ass as it gently bobbed as her stilettos connected with the hard concrete floor.

  “Sit here, next to me” she instructed as she watched me approach nervously. I felt like I was back at grade school, I had the same nervous excitement of having a one on one discussion with one of my teachers.


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