Bailey Bradford - Southwestern Shifters 07 - Revolution

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Bailey Bradford - Southwestern Shifters 07 - Revolution Page 13

by Bailey Bradford

  “His mother’s a total bitch, too,” Adam said, sniffling and wiping at his cheeks. “His father died in prison, and his mother…just, ugh. She’s horrible.”

  “Is Todd happy?” Jameson asked.

  Adam looked at him for a moment, as if surprised by the question, then he beamed. “You always did pare it down to the essential truth. Yes, he’s happy. He didn’t let what was done to him warp him, and he’s the best man. I’m very lucky.”

  “I bet he says the same.” Jameson nodded towards the door. “Is he coming in here soon?”

  “In a few minutes. I want time to make sure I don’t look like I was crying.” Adam dabbed at his eyes with the hem of his shirt. “Not like he won’t know, but still.”

  “Do you regret being turned?” Jameson asked then held up a hand to forestall Adam’s answer. “Wait. Let me rephrase that since I imagine you do as you weren’t turned willingly. Now that you’re a shifter, you and Todd both, would you go back to being just a human being if you could?”

  Adam raised one eyebrow. “Just a human?”

  “You know what I mean,” Jameson grumbled, cheeks going hot with embarrassment.

  “Oh, I don’t know. I think those three words sum up a lot of it, don’t you? I mean, I didn’t want to be a shifter in the first place, or maybe I never thought about it because how was it ever going to happen?” Adam shrugged. “But now, being able to shift and run with Todd, to experience things as a shifter does, with the enhanced senses… To share a mental bond with Todd, like I’d never imagine possible? No, I wouldn’t go back to being just a human.” He leant forward and drilled Jameson with an intense look. “Would you, if you could? I don’t just mean yourself, but if you could make it so that you and Luuk were human, and didn’t have to deal with any of this…this betrayal and death and shit? Would you rather be just a human?”

  Well, there was a question Jameson wished he’d never asked, and he wouldn’t have if he’d known it’d be turned back on him.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Jameson shook his head. “No, because Luuk would need me to be stronger for him, he’d need me to be a shifter even if this coup hadn’t occurred. What might his packs say if he’d had a mate who refused to be turned? That’d be an insult to them.” He picked at a thread on the seam of his pants leg. “And if he wasn’t the Alpha Anax? If we were just two men who had met and fallen in love?” Jameson sighed and looked up at Adam. “I can’t even imagine it, you know? Part of what makes Luuk the man he is, is his wolf. I don’t think he’d be the same person without it. It’s not like us”—he gestured between them—“people who were turned later in life. Luuk grew up in the pack, and it shaped him in every way. To try to picture him without that is just impossible.” Then Jameson snorted. “So I guess the short answer is no, I wouldn’t have us both be humans, even despite the threats to our lives.”

  Adam canted his head just as the door opened. Jameson was surprised he hadn’t heard Luuk approaching, but he’d been pretty involved in their conversation, and he’d not felt a flare of alarm from Luuk so he knew his meeting was going okay. Adam’s entire face lit up and Jameson saw Todd hovering in the doorway.

  “Come in,” Luuk said, stopping a couple of feet in and turning to Todd. “I’m not sure they’re all talked out yet. They’ve got years to make up for.”

  Todd came in and blushed as he glanced around the room. “S’a lot bigger than ours, but we appreciate being put up. I don’t mean to sound ungrateful.”

  Luuk frowned as he looked around. “I’m sure Mem will be happy to put you two in a larger room, if there’s one available—”

  “No, no,” Todd said as he waved his hands in front of him. “No. I don’t want to be a diva or whatever. We’re fine where we’re at. And anyway”—he shot a quick grin at Adam— “I was thinking maybe we shouldn’t push the twin beds together after all. We can get real close on just one.”

  “Yeah, we can,” Adam agreed. “So, Luuk, I imagine Marcus told you he’s had several dozens of his guard here not only looking for you, but fighting against Luther’s regime.”

  Jameson looked at Luuk, who came over and put a hand on his shoulder. Todd struck up much the same pose with Adam. “Yes,” Luuk rumbled, “he did, and I am humbled by his assistance. There was no reason for Marcus to have to get involved. That he did astounds me.”

  Adam leant forward and whispered, “Well, Marcus is a pretty amazing guy, and a leader that anyone would be lucky to follow—but don’t tell him I said so. He’d keel over if he thought I paid him a compliment or two.”

  “I need to meet this guy for more than a minute,” Jameson muttered. The North American Alpha Anax was impressive-looking, and obviously strong—in numbers as well as other ways. To be able to spare guards like he was doing, to have the courage to step into a war that wasn’t his own, all for…for what? “Why’d he do it? Marcus, I mean,” he added when everyone looked at him with confusion.

  “Because he didn’t like what was going on, and he thought it was wrong.” Adam shrugged. “Or because he wanted to keep our mutual friends, Gabe and Mika, happy. Gabe and Todd are totally BFFs for life,” Adam said with a flutter of lashes that brought that blush to Todd’s skin again. Adam winked at him. “Well, it’s true.”

  Todd coughed and turned redder before he managed to speak. “Ah, yeah, he’s right behind you on that best friend thing, Adam. As for Marcus, he’s just…” Todd turned his eyes up at the ceiling like he’d find the answers there. “Well, he’s just trying to do the right thing. There’s that saying about how all it takes for evil to win is for good people to do nothing, or something like that. I think that’s Marcus’ philosophy, especially since he’s been held captive and tortured and could have lost his position as Alpha Anax if his brother hadn’t held it for him.”

  Jameson opened his mouth to ask about that when another knock sounded at the door and they turned to see Marcus himself standing there, along with his mate.

  “Sorry to interrupt,” Marcus said, looking right at Todd, who was surely going to erupt in flames if he blushed any hotter. “And Todd is right. I couldn’t let step back and not help, not once I found out that Luuk is a good man, and Luther…not so much. Unfortunately, Luuk’s brother isn’t quite as, er—”

  “Capable,” Luuk supplied. “He has good intentions.”

  Marcus nodded. “That he does, but he lacks the strength and leadership to take on Luther. And, from what my guards have learned, there’d be many unwilling to follow Maarten.” Marcus grunted and looked at his mate. “What? I was being tactful.”

  “Not really,” Nathan told him, glaring at Marcus.

  “He’s right, Nathan,” Luuk said, chuckling a little. “Maarten is a good guy, but he’s not up to leading our continent’s packs. He wouldn’t want to, either.”

  “See? Luuk understands and isn’t all—ouch!” Marcus yelped and narrowed his eyes at Nathan. “Oh really?”

  “Yeah. Really.” Nathan stood straighter and turned his attention to Jameson. “I’d like the chance to talk with you about the whole being the mate of an AA thing. The stories we can swap…” He ruined his stern look by snickering. “But seriously, we came because Mem wants us to eat, and she is insisting that the AAs and us—that includes you, Adam and Todd, as well as Gabe and Mika—eat first, and at the large table she has decked out to the nines. The longer we stand here chatting, the hungrier everyone else is gonna get.”

  “You could have said so sooner,” Jameson said, practically jumping up from his seat. Adam moved as an almost mirror image of him.

  Nathan flapped a hand and turned for the door. “Dinner wasn’t ready yet,” he said over his shoulder. “Mem said ten minutes, and that’s about now, isn’t it?”

  How the hell would he know when Mem had talked to Nathan? Luuk huffed, sounding entirely too amused for Jameson’s liking. Then Luuk had to go and leer at him in just the way that made Jameson’s dick go from soft to hard in about two heartbeats as he stepped into the h

  “Someone’s horny.”

  “Someone’s tactful,” Adam snarked, laughing right after as he turned. “Hey, Gabe— Mika having trouble keeping you under control?”

  Mika grunted and grabbed Gabe’s arm as he glared at Adam. “Are you trying to make sure he breaks my damn ribs?”

  Jameson looked from Adam to Mika to Gabe then back again, and realised none of them were truly upset. This seemed to be some familiar joke between them, and it made Jameson’s arousal dwindle as he tried not to feel jealous of the other close friends Adam now had. It wasn’t like he was in junior high or whatever. He wasn’t a kid or unable to reason out that duh, of course a great guy like Adam would have new or more friends. Jesus, he was a dick.

  “No, you aren’t, you’ve just missed him and that’s understandable. I’m sure you’ll like Gabe and Mika if you give them a chance, love.”

  “Of course I’m going to give them a chance,” Jameson scolded Luuk, trying not to outright scowl at him as they all headed towards the dining room. “And I’m going to have Nathan and Gabe both teach me whatever it is they do that makes their mate snap in line.” Jameson gave Luuk his best wide-eyed look then sauntered in front of him, adding enough swing to his hips to make Luuk draw a sharp breath.

  “Dude, didn’t mean to scare you with the whole horny bit,” Gabe said, bounding to his side. “I tend to just blurt stuff out, not ’cause I have no filters, but because it’s fun.” He grinned so endearingly Jameson couldn’t help but laugh. Some of that jealous feeling began to fade, and as Gabe babbled at his side, Jameson realised he had a new friend, too.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  It had been a long time since Luuk had been around so many people, and at first, relaxing was impossible. Slowly, his muscles gave up their tenseness, possibly in response to each cackling laugh or teasing joke, or perhaps the loving glances being exchanged between mates. By the time the meal was done, he felt the first bonds of trust tethering him and Jameson to the other three couples.

  Marcus slid down in his chair a little and slouched as he rubbed his stomach. “Damn, I don’t think I can get up.” He flinched as soon as he finished the last word. “Shit.”

  Gabe arched a brow. “They make medicine for that kind of problem. You’d probably have to take a lot of it—”

  “He has no problems getting up,” Nathan interrupted, looking rather sultry as he turned towards Marcus. “Or keeping it up, or making me come so hard I pass out.”

  Well. Marcus looked smug, and Luuk knew he wasn’t the only guy at the table with a semi or full-on erection.

  Gabe opened his mouth, a devilish glint in his eyes, but Mika grabbed him at the nape and pulled him over for a rough kiss. Todd blushed and Adam watched Gabe and Mika unabashedly as he scooted closer to Todd. Jamie sighed and leaned closer to Luuk, the scent of Jamie’s arousal saturating Luuk as he drew a breath.

  “I think that’s enough,” Marcus said, pushing his chair back. He stood and groaned slightly as he held a hand out to Nathan. “I’d like to discuss possible means of returning Luuk to his position, if everyone could get their hormones under control rather than going at each other like over-sexed teens.”

  “Under-sexed teens,” Gabe snarked. “They’re worse ’cause they don’t get any and are desperately horny. And don’t even think that means I don’t get any, ’cause I do. Often. Jerk.”

  “You’re just desperately horny regardless, and I love you for it,” Mika murmured so quietly Luuk almost didn’t hear him. But Gabe beamed at Mika, and Mika stood, keeping his hand on Gabe’s nape. “I’m sure y’all don’t need us for the planning. Not like I’ll be able to concentrate on anything else right now.” And with that, he bent and hefted Gabe over one shoulder. Gabe squealed and Mika landed a loud slap to his ass. Gabe’s delighted purr was just as loud.

  Luuk dragged his gaze away from the pair and a part of him wished he could do the same with Jamie, but he knew the wait would only make their coming together more intense. “Shall we?” he asked, standing as well and gesturing towards the study.

  “I was afraid we were going to be given another show,” Adam said behind them as they made their way to the room. “Although I didn’t see it, you did.”

  Luuk knew he was talking to Todd, but Adam wasn’t being particularly quiet or using his mate-link with Todd, so he must not have cared who heard. Nathan, however, proved he was done with the sex talking.

  “Guys, please,” Nathan groused, “can we get off that topic? I’m going to need every functioning brain cell I’ve got, and so will everyone else.”

  “Part of being a shifter is the ramped up sex-drive,” Marcus said as he opened the door. “It’s definitely a bonus, but it can distract us sometimes when we need to deal with other things.”

  Nathan nodded. “Yeah, I’ve known mates who have fucked even when one of them was seriously injured. Just had to be with each other.”

  Luuk realised the explanation was more for Todd and Adam than anything else. He’d forgotten they were new shifters. It had to be a big shock, being turned. It had been a huge change for Jamie, of course, but Jamie had adapted quickly, probably more from necessity than not. No, that wasn’t fair—Jamie was incredibly strong even though he didn’t seem to realise it. He’d done what needed to be done and never once questioned it.

  Inside the study, everyone took a seat, Jamie sitting on the arm of Luuk’s chair. Luuk looked at Marcus. “What is your suggestion?” He didn’t know Marcus really, but he’d bet the man had come up with something before he’d ever set foot on the plane.

  Marcus’ wry smile was acknowledgement of Luuk’s perceptiveness. “Well, I’ve had a few talks with Nathan, Adam and Todd, and yes, Gabe and Mika. For all that Gabe might act like a”—Marcus snorted—“under-sexed teenager, he’s very smart and wickedly mean if he wants to be. He suggested some torture techniques that will give me nightmares…” He shuddered and so did Nathan, who mumbled, “Gabe and his damned spatulas…”

  “I don’t think I want to know,” Jamie said.

  Todd grinned shyly and looked at Adam. “Well, Gabe has an imagination that’s out of this world. He used to scare the tar out of me when I’d sleep over when we were kids, telling spooky stories.”

  “Jameson could spin a good tale too.” Adam tipped his chin towards Luuk and Jamie. “Camping with him was an adventure. I don’t know if he ever told you about some of those trips.”

  “Some.” But not many, because Jamie had been afraid to talk too much about Adam at first, worried Luuk would get the wrong idea. Then later, because it hurt Jamie to think back on those times.

  “Yes, well, I don’t have a creative bone in my body.” Marcus glanced around. “There a map in here somewhere?”

  “I can get the laptop.” Jamie hopped up and hurried from the room.

  “We’ve encountered Luther’s men in Amsterdam, of course, as well as Germany, Poland, Lithuania… Well, in just about every country my guards have been to. However”— Marcus leant forward, elbows on his legs right above his knees—“his troops aren’t exactly loyal. Many are scared of dying, and that’s the only reason they serve him. We’ve brought more than a few of his men to our side.”

  Jamie came back in and shut the door. He was walking and looking at the laptop screen, his expression so serious and focused, Luuk longed to muss him up. Jamie sucked in a sharp breath and turned hose big eyes on him, and the promise there caused a growl to rumble from Luuk’s lips. Jamie’s mouth curved in a smile that made Luuk’s cock so hard it ached, then Jamie turned to Marcus. “Was it your men who killed the shifters in the forest outside of Wroclaw?”

  “It was,” Nathan answered, clearly not the type of mate to sit back and let the other lead, even if his ‘other’ was an Alpha Anax. “If they had just waited a couple days longer, they’d have been there when y’all came through. But things worked out.”

  “So far,” Marcus amended. “They will continue to do so, if we work together. Can I see th
at map?”

  Jamie handed the laptop over and Marcus stood, backing up so that when he turned the laptop around everyone else could see it. “We still have guards here, here and here,” he said, tapping at the screen. “But I’ve sent the majority to Haarlem, Leiden, Utrecht and a few of the other nearest towns. Plus, there are the guards with us. I really think the direct approach is the best method here. We go in and force a battle for the Alpha Anax position. Luther can’t refuse, and there will be enough of us to discourage any bullshit. I hope.”

  Adam frowned at the laptop, then at Marcus. “Luther is in Amsterdam. You don’t think several hundred of us, in human or wolf form, marching down the streets will be noticeable?” Adam asked, voicing the very question on Luuk’s tongue. “I asked that before, I know, and you don’t seem to think it would be problematic.”

  “I would have the other guards in the surrounding towns begin approaching now, in smaller groups, with us coming in last. We’ve rented buses that have tourist insignia on them, so I would hope no one would catch on. No humans, at least. I suppose we might not stay hidden from shifters.” Marcus twisted around and set the laptop down before facing them again and continuing. “However, Nathan suggested something else.”

  Nathan stood and joined Marcus. “Yes, I think Marcus and I should request a meeting with Luther, a kind of ‘we’re visiting royalty’-type crap, even though we aren’t. Or more likely, stoke his ego with a request to meet with the big, bad asshole since we are on his territory.” Nathan rolled his eyes. “And you and Jameson would, of course, come with us.” Nathan studied him intently. Luuk studied him right back, knowing what Nathan must be seeing.

  Despite the rest, Luuk had three years of struggling to survive showing on him. He was thin and not as impressive as he used to be.

  “But I’m angry, and determined, and I won’t let my people down,” he said, his voice low and raw. “I may not look like much anymore, but there’s more power in this body of mine than ever.” Maybe not actual strength, but Luuk’s wolf was surging under the surface, ready to show Nathan and Marcus just how up to the challenge he was. Luuk barely kept the beast restrained.


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