The Emerald Ring

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The Emerald Ring Page 15

by Dara Girard

  He mentioned he had a wife? Years ago? And Joanna had been with him?

  Delana waved her hands. “But don’t say anything. He refuses to talk about her or his marriage. It seems very painful. I once asked him about the necklace and he told me he never gave it to her. I think she passed on.”

  Michelle opened her mouth unable to believe what she was hearing. “She died?”

  Delana nodded solemnly.

  “He said that?”

  “No, but he didn’t have to.” She leaned forward and lowered her voice. “I don’t know everything, but I think he lost her the same time he lost his sight. I believe it happened after the attack.”

  “The attack?”

  Delana frowned, suddenly looking anxious. “I thought you said his grandmother sent you.”

  “She did, but she only told me about the property.”

  “Strange she wouldn’t tell you about the home invasion.”

  Michelle gripped her hand into a fist. Martha was full of secrets. She took a deep breath then reached over and touched Delana’s hand. “You can tell me about it. The Winfields trust me.”

  Delana looked relieved. “You mustn’t mention it to him.”

  “I won’t.”

  “It happened in London about three years ago I think. Two men surprised him when he was alone in his flat. Beat him so bad…He was briefly in a coma. When he was well enough his family transferred him to an exclusive retreat out here on the island. I guess to get him as faraway from the memory of it all as they could.

  “At that time I used to work at the retreat’s registry office. Rich people from all over the world come with their flashy clothes and noses in the air, but I remembered him from the market and he was different than the rest. Always very kind, but even though he had plenty of visitors he seemed lonely and sad. He left when he was strong enough. When I needed a place to stay, he let me come here.”

  Michelle knew Delana was leaving out part of her story. This place was too far out of town for her to have stumbled upon it. The island wasn’t that small. There was more to the story than she let on, but she’d wait until later to find out more.

  But at least she knew they weren’t together. He was married. He still said he was married. Don’t make too much of it, a little voice said. He still didn’t come back to you. He preferred to be with her than with you.

  Two days. That was the deadline she’d give herself. Michelle sat on her bed and took out her laptop, prepared to play the role Martha had given her. She opened up her calendar. This evening she’d do a cursory review of the rooms and main level. She wouldn’t work too diligently since she knew her effort wouldn’t amount to much. Tomorrow, when the ground was dry, she’d take pictures of the exterior. The following day she’d put together her report and then send it.

  The next hour, Michelle walked around and made notes, her mind bursting with ideas and possibilities. The property could be many things. A retreat, a hotel, a gallery. She walked out onto the veranda. She paused when she saw James sitting on the steps, then decided to ignore him and continue her assessment.

  “Come and tell me something,” he said.

  She walked over to him. “What?”

  He stood up and made a sweeping motion with his hands. “How’s the view?”

  There wasn’t much to say, but she didn’t want to mention the fountain and the iron gate. “In the distance, to my right, through the trees, I can see a bit of blue of the sea and the sun is slowly descending in an orange haze.”

  He nodded and waited. “That’s it?”


  A soft, amused smile spread over his lips.“You won’t be able to sell the place with a description like that.”

  “My job isn’t to sell anything only to come up with suggestions on how to improve or restore the property to make it profitable.”

  “I see.” He shoved his hands in his pockets. “I’m sorry my grandmother brought you into this ridiculous family issue. Make sure you’re properly compensated.”

  “Hmm,” Michelle said touched by the kindness in his tone. He sounded like the considerate James she remembered.

  “You’re very…quiet. I’m not used to it. Most people like to talk my ear off. Delana can’t seem to stop at times.”

  “Yes, she does like to talk a lot,” Michelle said, studying his face. “Especially about your wife.”

  Surprise then pain crossed his features before it was covered by a neutral expression. “She likes to talk about a lot of things she doesn’t fully know.”

  “I’m sorry about your loss. She told me about your wife’s passing.”

  He didn’t move, keeping his profile to her. He didn’t reply. Was that really pain she’d seen or guilt or something else entirely?

  “Your grandmother—”

  James spun to her, fastened his hand around her neck and shoved her against a column.

  ”Should not have sent you here,” he ground out between his teeth. “Do you pity me? Do you see a pathetic, blind, broken man?”

  “No,” Michelle managed in a hoarse whisper, surprised by the strength of his grip.

  “You are going to leave early tomorrow morning and never return. Understood? Blame me. Tell her I scared you.” He put his face closer to hers, his breath warm against her face. “And don’t be fooled, I can be scary.” You don’t want to stay here. You want to go home as fast as you can. The words entered her mind and it took her a moment to realize that they hadn’t come from her, but from him. She had to be careful not to answer back although she was tempted to. She had to resist the urge to touch him and try a little persuasion of her own. She was stronger now. Would it work when it hadn’t in the past? But she kept her arms by her side. He would not convince her to leave. She would never mistake the sound of his voice as her thoughts no matter how clever he was. He could not frighten her. But she licked her lips and trembled as if she were.

  Satisfied, James abruptly released her and stormed inside, slamming the door.

  Michelle grabbed her throat and sunk to the ground. She had to be careful not to push him too far. He hadn’t hurt her, but the power of his rage had stunned her. Rage. Against what? Against whom? Why James? Why?

  She stared out at the mango trees, wiping away a tear. She would not fall in love with him again. That would be foolish and the years had taught her the consequences of that. But why did her heart have to betray her? Why him? Why did it not beat like this for any other man? He wasn’t even as he had been before and yet…and yet he hadn’t changed at all. That shy smile, the way he cocked his head while listening. Why did he pretend to care? That had been his biggest deception. She truly thought he’d cared about her. She wouldn’t have fallen for him so completely if she hadn’t believed that. And she also thought, stupidly, arrogantly, that she could help him. That she was what he needed. Her father’s foolish stories had set her up for disappointment, but her father was gone and so was any lasting hope that she could be with James. Two more days and she’d give Martha what she wanted and prove that she wasn’t what the older woman wanted her to be. Because the darkness wasn’t here. She didn’t feel it in the house, sense it in his face. He was angry by her presence there and had only tried to scare her. But he was free. He’d be freed without her. In two days she’d leave this place, get off this island and bury her past forever.

  Delana rushed out the door. “What happened? James is in such a state.”

  Michelle stood and shook her head in regret. “It’s my fault. I upset him.”


  “I suggested some changes he didn’t want.” She gathered up her notebook and pen, which she’d dropped. “I won’t make that mistake again.”

  Chapter 36

  Delana watched Margaret go back inside. She was a strange woman. Delana started to follow wondering what she should fix for dinner when her cell phone rang. Her heart tightened. It was him and he’d want a report.

  “How are things?” he asked in a low voice.

sp; She looked around to make sure she was alone then crept around the corner. “Fine.”

  “What happened?”

  She sighed. He always seemed to know when something was wrong. “Some woman came today.”


  He didn’t sound angry, only curious. That was a good sign. “Some woman to look over the property I think. James isn’t happy about it.”

  He sounded amused. “No, he wouldn’t be. How long is she staying?”

  “Not long by the looks of things. James said his grandmother sent her.”

  He suddenly swore. “What’s her name?”

  “Margaret. I didn’t get a surname.”

  “What does she look like?”

  “Professional. I guess.”


  Not really. “Uh…she’s okay.”

  He swore again.

  Delana became more alert. She didn’t want him angry. He was awful when he was angry.

  “What do you want me to do?”

  “Just wait.”

  Chapter 37

  Michelle entered the house and saw James sitting alone in one of the worn, sagging chairs. He held his head down and looked nothing like the man who had just threatened her. He looked sad and dejected.

  She headed for the stairs. She’d dealt with him enough for one day.

  I need you.

  She stopped halfway up the stairs as his words entered her mind. The same cruel words he’d sent her weeks ago. She’d fallen for Martha’s trap, she wouldn’t fall for his. She was cutting ties with the Winfields forever. She continued up the stairs. No, you don’t, you selfish bastard.


  She stiffened then spun around. Oh no! She hadn’t meant to say that to him. They were close now, she should have been more guarded. Michelle looked at him, her heart pounding. Would he suspect anything?

  His head remained lowered, but his posture had changed. It had become more focused and alert. Michelle?

  She bit her lip. Where are you?

  When he covered his face in misery and said England her eyes filled with tears feeling the weight of his lie. I’m traveling to Thailand soon.

  You sound busy.

  I am.

  She sat down on the stairs. Come back.


  Why not?

  He shook his head. I just can’t.

  She stood. Then you don’t need me.

  Michelle? Michelle?

  She bit her lip fighting the urge to respond.

  Michelle? Michelle? Please. Don’t go yet. He lifted his head as if that would help him hear her reply. I’m sorry. When he was met with silence she watched his shoulders sag. The beaten posture returning. What did he want from her? His lie about being in England didn’t matter, she wanted to comfort him. To be with him again. She began to race down the stairs, but stopped when Delana walked through the door and saw him. She quickly went to his side and hugged him.

  He let her, resting his head on her chest. She saw the bond there. She was not someone he would push away. He wouldn’t leave her. And in the dying light she saw what she’d truly feared—beauty had tamed the beast. Despite the damp, derelict surroundings this beautiful woman had brought James peace. No dark energy swirled around him, he had strength. Their silent connection didn’t matter. Their love was an illusion. Her father had lied to her. She should never have followed her heart. Michelle angrily wiped away her tears and went to her bedroom.

  She’d never seen him like this and it worried her. Delana stroked James’s cheeks feeling the wetness of his tears. She’d never seen him cry before. “What happened? What did she say to you?”

  He shook his head. “It wasn’t her. I felt her. I heard her.”


  “My wife.” Instead of sounding sad, he sounded relieved, amazed.

  She would leave the poor man to his delusions. She shouldn’t have trusted that Margaret woman. She did talk too much sometimes. Mentioning his wife hadn’t been smart. That woman…she did have a scheming glint in her eyes. Perhaps when she’d been on the phone she should have told him as well. But she would keep James safe. She wouldn’t let someone like Margaret hurt him.

  “I didn’t think it was possible,” James said. “And I don’t know how I did it. But she heard me and responded.”

  She took his hand. “Let me get you something to eat.”

  “And you think I’m crazy,” he said with a rueful grin.


  He drew away. “I’m okay now.” He rubbed his chin. “I probably should shave.”

  “You do look fierce.”

  “I think I’ll change too.” He stood.

  She was glad to see him looking brighter, even if it was for the wrong reasons.

  “Are you sure it wasn’t Margaret who upset you? I could have a word.”

  “I’m sure.” He paused, then said in a pointed voice. “What does Margaret look like?”

  Delana opened her mouth to describe Margaret’s dark skin and rather plain looks then remembered how her lover had responded to her description on the phone. Perhaps she was trouble. James had been upset enough. She didn’t want to cause him anymore pain. “Honey skin. Very attractive with wide eyes.”

  He appeared disappointed. “Oh. Well, I’ll change anyway.”

  “And shave. By the time you come down I’ll have prepared something delicious.”

  Chapter 38

  She heard them laughing together. Michelle had crept down to the kitchen, lured by the scent of spicy chicken and rice. Her stomach growled but she wouldn’t join them, she knew her presence would end their private joy and she didn’t want to disturb them. She’d sneak into the kitchen later.

  She remembered when she and James used to laugh together. How he’d teased her about covering up Cory’s inadequacies and she’d told him about the jar of sweets. She remembered the way the setting sun painted her London flat in pale pink and purple as she read her business ideas to him. She’d thought it strange the way he would listen, never realizing how lonely she’d feel without him. Without his support and unwavering belief in her. The slight smile on his face he’d have anytime she started to doubt herself. When had he stopped believing in her? How had Delana broken the curse?

  Or perhaps she was the danger. The prophesy had said his wife would kill him. Perhaps this was Martha’s way to tell her to move on. To let go. To make him let go. He was still clinging to her and that was making him suffer. Michelle stuck her head around the corner. Delana’s back was to her; James facing her, looking happy. He looked much better than before—clean shaven, dressed in a tailored green shirt. More like the James of the past. Did Delana’s embrace encourage that change?

  Although he’d reached out to her in his thoughts, he had to see that there was no chance for them to be together. He was to build his life with Delana now. Although Delana had said there was nothing between them perhaps she’d lied and secretly wanted more. As Michelle turned away a bitter jealousy stirred inside her. She rested against the wall and looked down at her ring. I get it now. I get it. She would conquer this pain. In this tale, she was the witch—the outsider—it was her duty to triumph over her own dark feelings. The ring was a healing stone. A love stone. She would help him to be with his true love and free them both.

  That night, Michelle knew what she needed to do. She would connect with James one last time and convince him of what he must do. She waited for him to settle into bed then crept to his room, relieved that he and Delana slept apart. Fortunately, he left his door partially open allowing her to slip inside without a sound.

  I’m here. She took hold of his hand, capturing his thoughts. You’re dreaming. It’s all a dream. A final dream of me and you.

  He didn’t move. Final?


  James’s hand tightened around hers. His palm hot, his grip strong. Then don’t leave.

  She pressed her lips to his hand. I can’t stay long.

  You can stay the night.

  “Let me hear your voice,” he said out loud.

  Michelle closed her eyes. He was asking too much. She wasn’t ready to talk to him as herself yet.

  Please darling. Say my name.

  Darling. How she’d missed him calling her that, making her feel precious to him. She was once precious to him and soon she wouldn’t be any longer. Her throat tightened, but she managed to say his name. “James.”

  He shook his head, his brows furrowed. “You feel so close. Why do you feel so close?” He sat up and his hand slid up her arm. “It’s like you’re right here. You’re here with me.” He pressed his hand against her cheek. “Darling, it’s you.”

  She took a deep breath, trying to steady her heart. “For a while. This dream only lasts for a while.”

  James pulled her into his arms, embracing her. She could feel his heart racing. “I don’t want to wake up.”

  “Why did you leave me?”

  “You know why.” His hand fumbled to her mouth. “Shh…no questions. You’re here. That’s all that matters.” He bent his head and kissed her—slowly, deeply, tenderly. Like a man in love. It was too much to bear.

  She drew away from him, but kept her hand on his arm and said in a soft, steady voice, “You’re where you’re meant to be. The darkness is gone. You’re not a beast and you…you don’t love me anymore. You loved what we had. The memory of our time together that’s all. But don’t let that shut her out. You want Delana. You need Delana and she needs you.”

  His warm lips descended to her neck and he left a trail of kisses there. “I need you,” he said, his voice low.

  She felt her body respond to him. She licked her lips as she felt his hand slide under her nightshirt. “Yo-you need Delana so much. You’re starting to forget all about me.”

  “Never,” he said in a low growl and in one motion she was in his arms, his mouth covering hers with a kiss that left her breathless. She closed her eyes, letting her sensations swirl. Her body craved his touch. She deepened the kiss, arching her body into his, growing damp with longing.


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